The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1828 Afternoon meeting

After lunch, everyone did not go back to take a nap as Tan Shuzhen said. Instead, they went to the hotel's activity room to play table tennis. Han Emperor Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan called table tennis billiards, and everyone else laughed when they heard it. Get up, Lin Shuwan said, in Taiwan, this is called billiards.

There are two tables, everyone is divided into two groups, one group has one table. Everyone takes turns playing, six points per game, three games are best, the winner continues to occupy the table and accepts the challenge, the loser surrenders, and it is the next one's turn. Soon, Lao Tan and Liu Yun occupied two tables for a long time and became the winning generals of each group.

When the teams were divided, Qu Tianlin consciously did not go to the group with Lao Tan, but went to the group of Liu Yun, Zhang Chen and Wei Wenfang.

"It's not fair, it's not fair." Wei Wenfang shouted, "Sister Tianlin, you need to go to that table to see if Old Tan will lose."

Everyone laughed and said it was a good idea. They rushed Qu Tianlin to Lao Tan's table. Lao Tan quickly shouted:

"Then I will definitely lose. Still like this, let Liu Yun come over and Liu Yun and I will fight."

Everyone thought that Lao Tan's alternative plan was good, so they coaxed Liu Yun to come over. Liu Yun was not polite and went over to compete with Lao Tan. Unexpectedly, the first two games between the two were one to one.

Everyone stopped playing and gathered around to watch the two of them play. Zhang Chen said:

"Let's start over again. Twenty-one points. It's still best of three. I'll be the referee."

Lao Tan glared at him and cursed: "Do you want to tire us to death?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You don't have to fight and just admit defeat right away."

The other people followed suit, and Lao Tan and Liu Yun became serious. They took off their coats and started to compete.

Both of them were very good at playing. The ball was pinging back and forth on the table, which dazzled everyone. Only then did everyone realize that when Lao Tan and Liu Yun played with them earlier, they had already given it to them and did not use it at all. His true abilities were revealed at this moment when he met his opponent in chess.

In the first game, Lao Tan won the game 21-16. In the second game, Liu Yun regained the game 21-15. In the third game, the two started a fierce battle. It was also a hard battle and they scored 11. A draw, a draw of fifteen, a draw of eighteen, and finally a draw of twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three. Then Liu Yun scored two points in a row. Lao Tan fell short and won twenty-five to twenty-three. Defeated.

Lao Tan stood there panting and kept saying: "I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore. I haven't played for a long time and I can't do it anymore."

Qu Tianlin said: "It's not that you can't do it, it's that Liu Yun is too good."

Lao Tan looked at Liu Yun, still a little unconvinced, and said, "Liu Yun, why are you so good at playing? When I was young, I was the runner-up every year at our base."

"Who was the champion that year?" Lao Qiao asked.

"Our commander, I don't dare to defeat him. If we do, he will lose his temper." Lao Tan said, and everyone laughed.

Liu Yun said: "When I was young, I was on the Peking University team."

"No wonder!" Not only others were convinced, but also Lao Tan.

By the time the ball was played, it was almost two o'clock. Lao Tan and Liu Yun were already soaked to the skin. They wanted to go back and take a shower first. The others would go directly to the conference room from here.

Everyone entered the conference room and sat down in their morning seats. The waiter had already tidied the coffee table, added new fruits and snacks, and changed the cups. As soon as they took their seats, the waiter immediately served them tea and drinks. coffee, then exit out the door.

Zhang Chen asked Lao Qiao to continue what he had said in the morning. Lao Qiao said yes, but he kind of forgot what he had said in the morning. He picked up the cup, held the lid with two fingers of his right hand, and used the lid to scrape the water floating on the water. Tea leaves, he was thinking while scraping. After a while, he took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and said to Zhang Chen:

"In your company's joint-stock reform, you don't want to follow others' footsteps, but you should base it on your own reality. Don't engage in full-shareholding like many companies. Others have full-shareholding, and some are from state-owned enterprises. Those who have been restructured have to do this, and some are high-tech enterprises. Even the workers in the workshops are very important and need stability.

“Holding shares by all employees can of course motivate employees, but if it’s not done well, everyone will be the boss.

"All your industries are traditional industries. The characteristic of lower-level employees is high mobility of personnel. You can't let all your waiters, workers on sewing machines, and loaders in logistics bases hold shares individually." To be honest, you can't give them much. When they really want to leave, they don't care and just go ahead.

"But if they start fighting with you over this, it will annoy you. It's really unnecessary. To put it bluntly, they don't deserve it. They don't deserve what you do."

"This is true, I know it very well." Wei Wenfang said, "Many times, they are unreasonable, no, they are trying to be unreasonable with you. For example, our company stipulates that if you resign voluntarily, when you resign, If it is less than a month, the salary will be calculated on a daily basis, but the bonus for these days will be lost.

“Everyone knows this rule, but everyone who leaves doesn’t come to you and make a fuss about it.

"You tell him that it's in the company regulations and the employment contract, but it's useless. He doesn't care about you. He just thinks that this is my money. If you want to give it to me, you must give it to me. If you don't give it to me, I will break up with you. No, anyway, I no longer work here, and later on, I became more and more skilled. When he resigned, he agreed to everything you said to him and asked you to pay him your salary as soon as possible.

"After the salary is paid, it's annoying to come back and argue with you about the bonus. If you agree, there will be nothing you can do later. If you don't agree, he would rather not find a new job and spend every day If you come here to make trouble, it's useless if you make trouble with the manager. If you don't find it with the general manager, go to me or Wu Zhaohui.

"This guy Wu Zhaohui found it troublesome, so he secretly took out the money from his wallet and gave it to him, telling him not to tell anyone else. He took the money, promised to leave, and told the others when he went out. Now it's okay Everyone who has resigned knows that Wu Zhaohui is easy to talk to. If you go to him to ask for this money, it is just a bonus. If it is shares, Mr. Zhang, I am afraid it will be more troublesome."

Wei Wenfang chattered, and everyone shook their heads with a wry smile. They were all business people, and no one had ever encountered similar things.

Mr. Qiao was right: "My suggestion is that you should go to the supervisor level at most, and it should be combined with the number of years. For example, only supervisors with more than three years of service can have them. A supervisor who has been with you for three years is relatively stable. Now, we can allow him to become a shareholder of the company, and those who have not reached this age can also be encouraged to continue working in the company."

Before Zhang Chen said anything, Xiaofang said yes, I will consider this when drafting the document.

"Also, your entire restructuring can be divided into three steps and completed in three years. I said this this morning, don't be anxious, just go slower. If you go slower, you can make up for it. If you go faster, you can retreat if you want to. Coming back will be even more difficult.”

As Mr. Qiao spoke, everyone in the conference room nodded, and Zhang Chen followed suit. He felt that Lao Qiao had made this very clear in the morning.

Mr. Qiao continued: "How to proceed with these three steps? First, ask a third-party evaluation agency to evaluate your company, and publish the evaluation results within the company to let everyone know that the company is now so valuable. The total assets are tens of billions, and the net worth is eight to nine billion, making everyone very clear about the company's financial background.

"At this time, if you announce the decision to carry out joint-stock reform of the company, you will set the big goal and whet everyone's appetite. Then in the first year, you will first implement the joint-stock reform of the company's core management layer. Take out 10% of the group’s shares and let the management subscribe in the proportion allocated to them.”

"Subscribe?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course I subscribe." Mr. Qiao said, "Why, you still want to give it away? Let me tell you, if you give it away, it will do the most harm to people. Even the cleaning staff who cleans your office will not accept it. She will I thought, why do I work so hard here, and those people and the company gave them so much money as a gift, but I didn’t get any of it.”

Mr. Qiao laughed as he spoke, and said, "Be careful, maybe she will get angry and put rat poison in your cup."

Everyone laughed.

Mr. Qiao said: "Purchasing has two concepts. They bought it with their own money, not for nothing. They are different from me. It is because of their different positions that they have the right to buy. If you are not convinced, , you can also strive to be a supervisor. Once you become a supervisor, you will also be qualified.

“This is the impact of gifts and subscriptions on other people. This difference is very subtle, but it has a great impact on people’s psychology.

"It's the same for the management who participated in the share reform. If you give it to them as a gift, they think it's something that fell from the sky and won't cherish it. If you let them spend their own money to buy it, the feeling will be different. They feel that they have real money. Only by investing in this company will he feel that this company is his own, and he and the company will feel that he and the company share the same fate.

"Of course, you can let them buy shares based on the company's net worth. This is a big bargain for them. The stocks we buy in the stock market, but with a price-to-earnings ratio of dozens of times, are original stocks, that is, If you don’t buy them at net value, if you sell them at net value, isn’t it still a good deal for them?”

"Yes, based on the net worth, it is indeed very reasonable." Liu Yun just came in from the door and said after hearing Mr. Qiao's words.

"But there is a problem here." Zhang Chen said, "Old Qiao, you said earlier that if you give us 10%, our company's net worth, even if it is 10%, would cost 89 billion. They just want to buy it. Where can I get so much money?”

Mr. Qiao did not answer immediately, but looked at Xiaofang with a smile and asked: "Xiaofang, what do you think?"

"This can be arranged financially." Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said, "Let them pay 10% in cash first, so the total is 89 million. Based on their income in the past two years, this is something they can afford. Within the scope, there are still 90% of the purchase price, which is recorded in the account, which is regarded as what they owe the company, and can be repaid with half of their shareholder dividends every year."

"This is a good idea!" Tan Shuzhen shouted.

Mr. Qiao said: "In this way, they actually paid out 10% of the cash and obtained equity worth ten times. Moreover, your equity actually corresponds to the company's net assets. Even with such conditions, None of them are enthusiastic about subscribing, Mr. Zhang, do you think they still have confidence in the company?"

"If it were me, I would buy it even if I borrowed money from everywhere." Lin Shuwan said.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, also said: "This method is indeed good. They have become shareholders of the company without any burden. The company has also increased in value, and they have also benefited. Moreover, in order to make more dividends every year, they will work harder. The earth works, don’t you think?”

Everyone sitting there nodded.

Thank you Hu Hu, Doudou Weng, Traveler Ye Buzhan, Book Friends 20210116121915804, Book Friends 20180906223204934 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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