The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1798 Wan in the middle of the water (Thank you for the two fishes, boating in the mist and r

Wu Rengui called everyone in the dormitory. He left three people to search under the embankment, inside and outside. The others followed him and Wenwen Qianqian to the top of the embankment.

A group of people rushed to Big Head's office and opened the door. Big Head and the others were shocked to see so many people coming in. Wu Rengui told them that Mr. Liu was missing and might be in danger.

When several people heard this, they immediately pushed their mahjong and stood up.

With everyone coaxing together, Wenwen and Qianqian had already panicked and had no idea. When they heard that Liu Li's pole might have fallen into the water, they shouted to everyone to look for bamboo poles and nail rakes. , looking for a flashlight, and they didn’t specify who should be asked to find it or where to look. Everyone was running around, making it a mess.

The most sober person was Wu Rengui. He shouted to everyone not to worry and to follow his instructions. Everyone became quiet and listened to him.

The fishing team was fully equipped with flashlights and tools. Wu Rengui divided them into two groups. One group searched along the embankment, and the other group, rowing the fishing team's fishing boat, also searched along the embankment. Pay special attention to the protective net of the water diversion culvert. Nearby, if Mr. Liu falls into the water, he will eventually float to the dam due to the current.

Because they are also generating electricity at night. When generating electricity, the water in the reservoir flows from a very thick culvert to the power generation workshop under the dam, drives the hydroelectric generator, and then flows into the river. This culvert , is the only water outlet of the entire reservoir. Any debris in the reservoir will drift here.

In order to protect the turbine generator, they used steel pipes to enclose an area of ​​five or six square meters at the water inlet of the culvert. These steel pipes extended from the water surface to the bottom of the water. Barbed wire was installed on the steel pipes to prevent branches from rolling down the mountain. , and debris discarded by tourists flow into the culvert.

Even dead fish and crabs in the reservoir will be stopped by the fence, let alone a person.

Wu Rengui asked the fishing team to fish carefully near the fence, use pennies to slide along the barbed wire a few more times, and the salvage team members followed the order and went out.

There are flashlights in every room in the hotel. Wu Rengui asked the hotel manager to collect the flashlights in each room. He told everyone:

"Our entire reservoir area is either a mountain or a river. As long as Mr. Liu does not leave the reservoir area, he will be in these two places. We will search in these two places separately."

He arranged for the men to go up the mountain in groups of three to look for them. He divided the entire mountain in the reservoir area into several pieces, and each group contracted one piece. He asked all the women to also be divided into two groups, and one group would take the fish. For the greenway on the side of the restaurant, you can find it all the way along the reservoir, and then go around in a circle until you come back to the vegetable garden.

There was another group who first went to the vegetable garden to look for it but didn't come out. The same thing happened. They searched all the way along the reservoir and came out from the fish restaurant. The two groups met halfway and didn't care. They just did their own thing. In this way, we have searched the entire reservoir twice, and we will definitely not miss anything.

Everyone set off after receiving the order. Wenwen and Qianqian also wanted to follow everyone to find it, but they found that they were already weak. Wu Rengui told them that you will sit here and take command. If anyone has news, they will Come back and report, we also need people here.

Wu Rengui winked at Guan Kai, and the two of them went out to look for someone.

Wenwen and Qianqian looked at each other and were about to cry. Wenwen was thinking, why the hell are you just sitting here and giving orders? My brain is already in a mess, and I am still giving orders.

Even though the air conditioner was on in the office, their shirts were already wet. Where could they sit in the office? Wu Rengui and Big Brain had just gone out, and they followed them out. The two of them reached the embankment, but they didn't know where to go. , they saw below the embankment, the people of the fishing team were patrolling between the slope of the embankment and the water surface with flashlights.

There are also two strings of flashlights on both sides of the reservoir, like a procession of fireflies moving. On the mountains surrounding the reservoir, there are also flashlight lights, swaying faintly on the top of the masson pine.

If it were not for fear of disturbing the guests, Wu Rengui told everyone to just look for him and not shout. Otherwise, the whole reservoir area would definitely be echoing with the shouts of "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu" at this time.

Although there was a slight cool breeze blowing from the water and the mountain col, Wenwen and Qianqian still felt very hot. The sweat on their faces and bodies was constantly flowing, but no matter how hot it was, they did not want to go back to the office. , right here, looking at the light of these flashlights is also a kind of comfort.

With their legs weak, the two of them sat down on the embankment. Wenwen seemed to suddenly remember. She quickly dialed Liu Ligan's phone number. What came on the phone was still "The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..." "

When Qianqian called again, the same message came back: "The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

The two of them cried softly.

The team that started from the fish restaurant was the first to come back. They found nothing. The team that started from the vegetable garden also came back. They also found nothing. Everyone sat around Wenwen and Qianqian. Come down and look at the lights on the surrounding mountains.

Then, the captain of the fishing team came back with his people. They told Wenwen Qianqian, no, they didn't see Mr. Liu.

Someone cursed softly: "You will be finished if you see Mr. Liu."

Wenwen and Qianqian were shocked when they heard this. Yes, it would be a good thing if they didn't find out. If they found out, then Liu Ligan would really have cramps in his hands and feet as he said to Wu Rengui.

Thinking of this, Wenwen was shocked and became happy.

Wenwen looked at the lights on the surrounding mountains and thought, we can all see it here. If Liu Ligan was on the mountain, how could he not see it? As long as he saw it, he would definitely know that everyone was looking for him.

Someone thought of it and called, "Wenwen, are we still looking here? Mr. Liu has already gone home?"

When Wenwen heard this, she suddenly got the strength and ran home, with Qianqian following behind.

They ran home full of hope and looked upstairs and downstairs, but there was still no sign of anyone. The two of them returned to the dam disappointedly. When they saw the two of them coming back, everyone knew that Liu Ligan was not found. The captain of the fishing team sighed. After taking a breath, he said:

"The only thing we haven't found is the water surface in the reservoir area. Wenwen, shall we go to the reservoir area to look for it?"

Wenwen said yes.

One of the fishing team members said: "How can we search in such a large water surface with just one boat? We won't be able to finish the search until dawn."

Immediately someone said: "We can row one hand at a time."

"The door is locked!" someone said.

Their bumper boats, rowing boats, and motorboats are all moored next to a long row of cement docks. The docks will rise and fall as the water level in the reservoir rises and falls. There is an iron bridge leading from the docks to the pier. There is an iron gate in the middle. In order to prevent tourists from entering the dock and boating privately, causing safety accidents, this gate is locked when workers are off work.

It's a pity that the worker who manages this gate is from the nearby village. She goes home after get off work, and she does not live in the dormitory.

"There's still a key in the braincase," someone said.

Someone immediately retorted: "The brain case is on the mountain. You go to the mountain to get the key?"

"Smash the lock." Wenwen said.

"No, no, no," said the fishing captain, "our boat will row over and we can open the door when we get to the dock."

Everyone laughed. Yes, it was such a simple thing. The pin lock of the door could not be opened from the outside without a key, but from the inside, it could be opened with a turn of the knob. Why didn't everyone think of it?

Everyone walked down the slope. The fishing captain had already run to the bottom of the slope, jumped on the boat, and rowed towards the dock. By the time Wenwen and the others reached the iron bridge, the door had already opened.

The fishing captain told everyone: "There should be only two people on each boat. One is rowing and the other is responsible for observing the water. For safety reasons, those who cannot swim should not get on the boat. There are no life jackets now."

Soon they formed a team of two and everyone started to get on the boat. The fishing captain suddenly yelled: "Wait!"

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he was going to do?

The fishing captain asked Wenwen: "Do we have twelve rowing boats?"

Wenwen is right.

"One is missing." The fishing captain said. Everyone counted and it turned out that there were only eleven rowing boats here.

The fishing captain snatched the four-battery long flashlight from his team members, turned the flashlight head to high beam, and then swept it towards the center of the reservoir.

"There, there!" Everyone shouted in unison. In the light beam of the flashlight, they could vaguely see a boat in the middle of the reservoir.

Wenwen and Qianqian jumped on the fishing team's fishing boat, and the captain also jumped on.

"Go quickly, go quickly!" Wenwen shouted, and the captain immediately started rowing the oars. The boat sailed away quickly, and the other rowers followed behind them.

The point in the center of the reservoir was getting closer and closer under the light beam of Wenwen's flashlight, and the shadow of the boat became clearer. When it was still more than 20 meters away from the boat, something floated on the water. The captain slowed down the boat. Quickly, she approached the thing. Qianqian picked it up and saw that it was a paddle, a paddle used for rowing by hand.

Wenwen shined a flashlight on the boat, and the three people's hearts tightened. They saw that the boat was an empty boat, and there was no one on board. So, Liu Ligan was still killed, Wenwen and Qianqian couldn't help crying.

"There's someone, there's someone, there's someone on the boat, Wenwen, look at the stern of the boat."

The captain shouted, and at the same time he rowed harder. Wenwen and Qianqian looked at it and burst into laughter. They saw a foot hanging out of the boat at the stern of the rowing boat.

They rowed to the boat and saw Liu Ligan lying on his back in the cabin, already asleep.

Qianqian was so angry that she picked up the oar in her hand and struck hard at the side of the boat. The boat shook suddenly. Liu Ligan was shaken sideways inside, and then he woke up. Just as he was about to open his eyes, more than a dozen flashlights were beamed at him. Liu Ligan quickly covered his eyes with his arms, sat up and cursed:

"Turn off, turn off your fucking flashlights."

The flashlight was not turned off, but the light moved away from his face. Liu Ligan saw a dozen boats surrounding him and wondered:

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Wenwen asked.

"Let's enjoy the cool air and sleep. It's so cool here and there are no mosquitoes." Liu Ligan said.

"What about your mobile phone? Why can't you get through?" Qianqian asked.

"Mobile phone? My mobile phone fell into the reservoir." Liu Ligan said.

"What the hell, did you drop your cell phone in the reservoir? You caused so many of us to come out to look for it. Look at the surrounding mountains. Do you see that they are all looking for you?" Wenwen scolded.

Liu Ligan retorted: "Why are you making such a fuss with me? Where else would I go to such a big place? When I wake up, I will go back naturally."

The captain said: "Wenwen and the others are worried that you fell into the water."

"I can fucking swim if I fall into the water. There's a boat next to me. How can I drown?"

Wenwen pursed her lips: "Wu Rengui said that swimming champions have drowned."

"Idiot Wu is stupid because of his reading. Who knows which crappy book he read about the drowning of a swimming champion? Are you stupid too?"

Liu Ligan cursed, and everyone laughed, including Wenwen and Qianqian.

Thank you for the reward for catching two fishes, boating in the misty rain, and ranking third from top to bottom! Thank you for Two Fishes at One Step, Boat Traveling in the Misty Rain, dedicated to Cao Xiaomin, Xiaosheng is only forty-eight, you know whether a book is good or not, Daosheng 123, hgxhgxhgx, Zi Zeng said, how can you not have the same name, Book Friends 20170913143558912, Book Friends 20170517172515577, wangdq119, Book Friends 20200911160109750, Lu, Forgot Password from Xinlai, Xu Yuenian, abc19791205, Zhongkai 727’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you a nice weekend!

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