The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1797 Looking for

Mr. Qiao returned to the box. He ate this meal absently, always feeling that something was weighing on his heart.

After dinner, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. Everyone made an appointment for the next stop and dispersed. Mr. Qiao walked to the parking lot, got into the car, started the engine, and turned on the air conditioner, but did not leave immediately. , he sat and thought for a while, and decided to take out his mobile phone, found Zhang Chen's number, and dialed it.

Zhang Chen, Xiaofang and Liu Yun had just finished dinner together in the restaurant in the industrial park and returned to their offices separately. As soon as he sat down at his desk, he received a call from Lao Qiao. Zhang Chen Surprised, he stood up immediately.

Lao Qiao told Zhang Chen about his previous phone call with Liu Ligan, and told Zhang Chen Liu Ligan's phone number.

Earlier, Liu Ligan told Lao Qiao that he was in a ravine. Lao Qiao felt that Liu Ligan must be having a very unsatisfactory life. What he was worried about was that this guy would not become Meng Ping again. Although Liu Ligan explained He, please don't tell anyone else about their phone call. After hesitating for a long time, Lao Qiao still felt that he should tell Zhang Chen.

Among all the people, only Zhang Chen had the ability to persuade Liu Ligan to come back.

Zhang Chen hung up Lao Qiao's phone and immediately dialed Liu Ligan's number. The phone rang a few times before being pressed down.

"Fuck you!" Zhang Chen cursed and dialed again, but what came on the phone was "The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

Zhang Chen dialed five or six times, but still didn't get through. He called Lao Qiao, who said:

"No way, or this guy won't answer your call? I'll try to hit him."

Lao Qiao called Zhang Chen twice but couldn't get through. Lao Qiao called Zhang Chen and told him that maybe the guy's cell phone was out of battery and he would contact him later.

Zhang Chen said yes.

After hanging up Lao Qiao's call, Zhang Chen felt very depressed. He knew that the matter was not that simple. After the call was passed once, he could not get through again. This bastard must have deliberately not answered his call. Otherwise, even if he was on the phone, If there is no power, he will find other calls to call back. In fact, his first call should not be to Lao Qiao at all, but to himself.

Zhang Chen stood up and walked out. A designer happened to walk by in the corridor and called him "boss". Zhang Chen stopped him and asked him to lend him his mobile phone.

The designer took his mobile phone to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen used his mobile phone to dial Liu Ligan's number twice, but still did not get through.

Zhang Chen strengthened his judgment. This bastard seemed to show his face and then slipped away.

Wenwen and Qianqian were also looking for Liu Ligan. When they woke up, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon. They were not surprised when they didn't see Liu Ligan. This guy just couldn't rest. He didn't go there every day. Take a look here, just go and take a look there.

When it was time to have dinner, they hadn't seen him yet, and Wenwen and Qianqian didn't think it was strange. This guy was still a bad ass. He sat down wherever he went. He drank when people asked him to drink, and he especially liked drinking. The kind of rice wine the locals bring from home.

Everyone in the farmhouse, including Lao Wei and the construction team, knew that he was good at drinking. They would always call him if they brought wine. At this moment, Liu Ligan might be talking to Big Brain, Lao Wei, or Wu Rengui, or... There were so many captains down there, and he might be hiding with them in a cool corner of the reservoir, drinking.

Wenwen and Qianqian didn't care. They ate and took a shower. It was getting dark outside. The two of them went to the fish restaurant, the hotel, and then took a walk on the embankment outside. When I got home, I saw that the house was still dark, and I became suspicious. I pushed the door in, went upstairs, and looked on the terrace, but I didn't see Liu Ligan.

Going to the third floor to take a look, Liu Ligan was not seen on the beds in several rooms, and the two of them became a little nervous.

Liu Ligan likes to wander around during the day, but the opposite is true at night. He doesn't like playing mahjong or playing cards, so he rarely goes out at night. Even if he eats out, he will come back very early after eating. Everyone else is ready at this time. Mahjong and card games started, and he had nothing to do with them.

Moreover, not only did he not play mahjong himself, but he also did not allow Wenwen Qianqian to play mahjong or cards with the people below. Liu Ligan told them that once you become mahjong or card friends with them, you will not distinguish right from wrong, and soon , your prestige in front of them will also be gone.

In addition to walking in the evening, the three of them would watch TV or surf the Internet and sing when they came back.

So Liu Ligan hadn't come back yet, which surprised Wenwen and Qianqian. They immediately thought of the issue that had always worried them, that is, would this guy suddenly appear in front of them just like he did before? The land just disappeared?

They had imagined Liu Ligan's departure and designed many scenarios. After analyzing it, the two of them felt that the most likely scenario when Liu Ligan left was to leave suddenly without saying goodbye like today.

This is in line with his style.

Although this guy seems to be carefree every day and talks well with everyone, Wenwen and Qianqian know that in fact there is a very hard part in his heart. There are some things in his heart that he will never tell them, even in In bed, when he was most relaxed, even if they tried to trick him, it would be impossible.

After being together for so many years, the experience between Liu Ligan's departure from Haicheng and his sudden appearance in front of them was always a blank for them. They could not touch them. This was also the reason why they felt uneasy. The pole always seems to have more serious thoughts than the person in their eyes.

This was because he usually lay on the terrace with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep, but as soon as the phone rang, he would immediately pick it up and answer it. This let them know that this guy, with his eyes closed most of the time, was actually They are all thinking about things, and they don’t know what they are thinking about.

He especially likes to stand in front of the window and smoke while looking at the reservoir outside. When he does this, his expression and posture are that of "do not disturb." They still don't know what he is thinking.

If this guy is ten meters deep in the water, Wenwen and Qianqian know that they can only see him two or three meters deep at most. They don't know what else is below, and he won't tell them.

Wenwen and Qianqian thought of the front-page advertisement "Looking for Liu Ligan". Although Liu Ligan tried his best to deny that Liu Ligan was him, Wenwen and Qianqian still felt in their hearts that they were looking for There is no doubt that Liu Ligan must be him. They also believe that the mysterious "Tan" must be a woman.

Only when a woman is looking for her man will she become so hysterical and crazy. Men can only perform, but when it comes to asking them to pay something, they are really shrewd. Liu Ligan is the person who is the least able to scheme against women. That's why they like him.

Wenwen picked up her mobile phone and dialed Liu Ligan's number. What came on the phone was "The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

Qianqian picked up her mobile phone and dialed Liu Ligan's number. What came on the phone was still "The user you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

The two of them looked at each other, feeling panicked. They hurried downstairs and ran to the hotel first. They saw that the light in Guanbei's office was on. They pushed the door in without knocking and saw five or six people rubbing their hands inside. Mahjong.

Playing mahjong is a normal spare time activity after get off work hours. When the people inside saw the boss coming, they didn’t panic. Their big brains still shouted:

"Wenwen, come quickly and help me change my luck."

"No time." Wenwen said, "Have you seen Mr. Liu?"

Five or six people shook their heads together. Qianqian had already picked up the intercom on the big head's desk and called:

"Departments, is Mr. Liu with you? Let Mr. Liu speak."

Immediately, the intercom kept saying, "No, Mr. Liu is not here." Only a woman shouted, "Qianqian, what's the matter, Mr. Liu can't be found?" You go to my room and look to see if he is on my bed.

Everyone inside and outside the walkie-talkie laughed, and Qianqian cursed: "Go away, get your fucking balls out of here!"

Big Brain asked them, what, what do you want to do with Mr. Liu?

Wenwen quickly said: "It's okay. There seems to be a discrepancy in the payment to the construction team. Check with him. No one was seen. By the way, when did you see him?"

Some said in the morning, some said at noon. The captain of the planting team said: "Mr. Liu visited our vegetable garden in the afternoon."

Wenwen quickly asked: "What did he do?"

"I didn't do much, just hang out, and then brag with us in the loofah shed until I ran out of cigarettes. He felt my cigarette was too choked in his throat, so he left."

The planting captain said, and Wenwen nodded, feeling a little relieved. From what the captain said, she could tell that at least in the afternoon, Liu Ligan was still a normal Liu Ligan, nothing unusual.

The two people left the Big Brain's office and walked to the lobby of the nearby hotel. They asked the front desk if they had seen Mr. Liu, and the front desk said no.

They went to the fish restaurant again. Dinner at the fish restaurant was over, but the people playing mahjong in the box were still there. Qianqian asked the security guard at the door if she had seen Mr. Liu? The security guard shook his head.

The two people walked out of the woods, stood on the head of the embankment, and looked to both sides. Inside the embankment, all entertainment activities at this point had ended, and even the lights had been extinguished. Only the top of the embankment was still sparsely populated. several people are walking.

Wenwen and Qianqian said, "You wait here, I'll go over and see if this bastard is sitting there thinking about life."

Qianqian said yes.

Wenwen hurriedly walked towards the other end of the embankment until she reached the entrance of the vegetable garden, but she did not see Liu Ligan. She stood at the entrance of the vegetable garden and looked inside. It was completely dark inside, and there was not a single ghost.

Wenwen turned around and walked back and saw Qianqian still standing there alone.

The escalator going down to the embankment has stopped. The two people went down the stone steps and walked to the parking lot below. Summer nights are the peak period of electricity consumption. According to the arrangement of the power supply bureau, the hydroelectric generator of their power plant has to work all the time. The machine was shut down at twelve o'clock in the evening. The lights in the workshop were brightly lit and the machine was rumbling. This gave them hope, thinking that Liu Ligan should be here.

The two people walked into the power generation workshop. The two workers on duty greeted them when they saw them. Wenwen asked them if Mr. Liu had been here before?

Both men shook their heads.

Wenwen and Qianqian came out of the power generation workshop. After thinking about it, they walked towards the gate. When they arrived at the gate, there was a security guard on duty in the duty room at the door. Wenwen asked him, what shift are you on?

"Mid shift."

The middle shift is from 3pm to 11pm. Wenwen asked: "Did you see Mr. Liu going out when you were on duty?"

The security guard said no.

"Who's on the morning shift?"

"Flat head."

"Hurry up and ask if you saw Mr. Liu going out when he was on duty."

Wenwen said that the security guard said yes and ran out quickly.

At the construction site with flat barren hills outside the gate, workers were using the cool night time to carry out construction work. Although the security guard told them that Liu Ligan had not gone out, Wenwen still said to Qianqian:

"You are here, I will go over and take a look."

Qianqian said yes.

Wenwen walked out, stepping on the mud on the ground, and walked to the brightly lit place. Old Wei was also here. Wenwen asked Old Wei, had she seen Mr. Liu?

"No, I had two drinks with him when we were in the cafeteria at noon, and we haven't seen him since. Why can't Wenwen's husband be found?" Old Wei said.

"Fuck you!" Wenwen cursed and walked back through the mud on the ground, covered in stinky sweat.

Wenwen stopped in the darkness, looked up at the sky, and felt a little sad. She felt that tears were about to flow down, and she quickly shook her head to throw away the tears.

Wenwen returned to the duty room, and the security guard also came back. Qianqian told her that no one on the morning shift saw him go out.

Wenwen nodded and looked at each other with Qianqian. The only thing left was the staff dormitory. Wenwen and Qianqian walked towards the dormitory building.

They arrived at Wu Rengui's room first and knocked on the door. Wu Rengui saw that both of them looked a little ugly and asked quickly:

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Wu Rengui did not have Liu Ligan here, Wenwen felt that her last hope was shattered. She almost burst into tears and said:

"Mr. Liu can't be found, and the phone can't be reached. Check to see if he's playing cards in a certain room here."

Wu Rengui was shocked. Although he knew that Liu Ligan would not come here to play cards, he still walked out of the room and accompanied Wenwen and Qianqian to search from room to room. Liu Ligan was still not found. Only a little girl said that she was there in the afternoon. I saw Mr. Liu when I was working at the canteen.

"Does Mr. Liu look any different?" Wenwen asked.

"No, he bought a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of water, and ice cream from me, and then left."

The little girl said that she did not tell Wenwen Qianqian that Liu Ligan also treated her to ice cream.

"About what time?" Wu Rengui asked.

The little girl thought for a moment and said, "It should be almost four o'clock."

Wu Rengui turned around and asked Wenwen Qianqian: "Is this the latest time for Mr. Liu to appear?"

Wenwen thought for a while and said yes, Liu Ligan should be in the vegetable garden. After finishing smoking, he walked inside to buy cigarettes.

"The security guard at the door didn't see him, and the security guard in the parking lot didn't see him either. There were so many people below us, but they didn't see him come down. Mr. Liu must still be in the reservoir area above."

Wu Rengui analyzed, Wenwen and Qianqian both nodded. In their hearts, of course, they also hoped that Liu Ligan had not gone out. As long as he was still in the reservoir area, he would come back.

"Oh, no!" Wu Rengui shouted.

"What's wrong?" Wenwen asked.

"Mr. Liu, did he fall into the reservoir? His last movements were on the edge of the reservoir." Wu Rengui said.

"What the hell, he can swim even if he falls into the water." Qianqian scolded.

Wu Rengui shook his head and insisted: "There are swimming champions who have drowned. Is it any wonder that those who can swim will not have hand cramps or foot cramps? This is the season when foot cramps occur frequently."

When Wenwen and Qianqian heard this, they also panicked. They didn't care which swimming champion was drowned. Wenwen said anxiously:

"What should we do?"

"Look, mobilize all the people, search throughout the reservoir area." Wu Rengui said, "We are now racing against time!"

Thank you Hu Hu, Quadratic VC, and the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Hu Hu, Mu Ziqing, CYTYP, w Destiny Comes to Youw, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, Love Waits for No One, Void Broken Dreams, Damasker, Book Friends 20202416214645353, Captain Jim, Know Your Mind, You Know Whether a Book is Good or Not, Zhongkai 727, Quiet Bookworm, Book Friends 091026153155820, Yifan, Xixi Zi, Tianying 1978, Book Friends 20190109214257174, Book Friends 20210301106577871196, Xu Yuenian, Kong Ru Ye Kong, xiaoyong2005, Sanran Daxia, I’m really bored, Yuanxi, Monthly votes for Bengba, Major, Fantasy in the Wind, z_h_c, zpengyong1, Book Friends Scooter, Leisure List, Ruye Zhiqiu 0107, Jian Leng Can Bridge, Tiangu ♂ Can 々sei, Book Friends 20190721201809488, Book Friends 20170818213517919! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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