The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 174 Peonies don’t smell fragrant

After finishing the meal, Gu Shufang almost forced herself to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen and dining room. Then she walked out of the dining room. She stood at the stairs for a while and looked down. It was still quiet down there.

Now, even the sunlight on the third floor has been exhausted. Standing here, Gu Shufang can only see the Neijiang Building not far away and the rooftops of several high-rise buildings on Haixiu Road. There is still a trace of sunset. .

In the past, you could see Wanghai Tower from here. When you could see Wanghai Tower, Gu Shufang no longer let the man named Fu touch her, but he could still go to the third floor every now and then. What Gu Shufang hated the most was He stood here, looking at Wanghai Tower with a proud expression.

Gu Shufang knew what that expression meant. He just felt like he was stamping his feet and Wanghai Tower was shaking. Gu Shufang thought disdainfully, that's not because I let you go.

Gu Shufang moved a deck chair out of the living room and placed it in front of the peonies. In the past, whenever she felt restless, she would lie here. She felt that she could smell the smell of her hometown. Thinking about her daughter again, She will slowly calm down.

Gu Shufang lay there and sniffed. Why did she smell not the fragrance of peonies today, but the fumes from cooking next door? She tried hard to think about her daughter, but a thought popped up, which frightened her. She jumped up quickly and stood there, trembling slightly as if she wanted to be struck by lightning.

Just now, when she was lying down, a voice suddenly asked her, if you had to choose between him and your daughter, who would you choose?

Gu Shufang was frightened. How could she have such an idea? She didn't dare to think about it anymore. But the more she didn't dare to think about it, the more she thought about it. Didn't the voice asking herself come from herself?

Gu Shufang walked away. She couldn't control herself and walked down step by step. When she saw that there was no one upstairs or downstairs, she walked to the door of Zhang Chen's room and leaned against his closed door. After a while, I felt a little calmer, then I walked to the office opposite, opened the door, turned on the light, and walked in.

The sky is getting darker little by little.

Gu Shufang wiped the tabletop and stools with her hands and looked at them. Her fingers were clean. It seemed that these people had been taught by her on this point.

Gu Shufang did not sit down in her seat. Instead, she walked to Zhang Chen's desk opposite, touched and looked at it, and then sat down. Her seat was facing away from the door, and Zhang Chen's seat was facing Door.

After sitting down, Gu Shufang slowly calmed down. She thought about the question again, and she also found it funny. Is it the cheater? Gu Shufang was very reluctant to admit that she was cheating, but after thinking about it for a long time, she had to admit that it was cheating. Cheating, at least spiritual cheating, whether you package it with love or for various other reasons, this is cheating.

What's more, this is not the first time for you, Gu Shufang.

Gu Shufang sighed.

After thinking about it calmly, Gu Shufang felt that she would still choose her daughter. She was not the kind of person who could abandon her daughter. After all, it was the flesh of her body. Besides, she had not been forced to the wall yet. She had to choose between these two. forced to make a choice between them.

Gu Shufang smiled and said to herself, you really like not being calm. She thought it was good not to be calm. It made her feel full of emotions, so full that she had the desire to fly.

What kind of story is there in the Sahara? It’s not just the story of men and women.

If you let yourself be with him, there would be no place like Sahara.

When she was thinking about it, Gu Shufang blushed and touched it with her hand. Damn it, it was still hot.

Gu Shufang sat in the office until almost nine o'clock. Zhang Chen hadn't come back yet, and Gu Shufang became a little anxious again.

Gu Shufang stood up and closed the door of the office. She felt that as a woman in her forties, it was a bit embarrassing to be like this. Anyone who came in and saw her knew that she was waiting for someone. When he came in, it was even more embarrassing. You will be proud, knowing that you have been waiting for him.

Even if she is waiting for him, she shouldn't let him see that she is waiting.

By the way, there was also yesterday, when he walked away so mysteriously, I didn’t settle the account with him.

Gu Shufang stood at the door of the office, looked at Zhang Chen's darkly lit room opposite, sighed, and then walked upstairs.

She walked to the recliner and wanted to sit down. After being stunned for a while, she walked over. She walked into the living room and sat down on the chair. She decided to call her parents before he came back. , ask about her daughter.

Her parents never called her, saying that long-distance calls were too expensive. Every time, she called. The person named Fu was not here, but the phone was still in his name. The monthly phone bills are deducted from Wanghailou's collection account, so she doesn't have to worry about long-distance phone charges.

The call was answered by my mother. As soon as she heard her voice, she shouted: "Qingqing, your mother's phone number."

This is a rush to transfer the job of answering the phone.

They have not lived together for a long time, and neither of them understands each other's life. Gu Shufang actually has nothing to say whether it is with her parents or her daughter. Every time she talks on the phone, she talks about her parents. How is her health? Will Qingqing listen? Is the money enough? With my daughter, how about studying? Do you listen to your grandparents? Do you still have pocket money?

After asking these three questions, both parties were eager to hang up the phone. In Gu Shufang, although there was no need to worry about the phone bill, apart from these three, what else could be said? So what if I just told you? Sometimes she talks too much and her daughter comes over with a boring sentence. The parent-teacher meeting is held by grandma. You ask grandma.

Gu Shufang was stifled. How could she ask her mother? Her parents cared more about the three issues she cared about than she did. She didn't need to worry at all. They were more meticulous than she was. If she asks too many questions, mother says, "Don't worry, you can come back and take it by yourself."

Gu Shufang will be suffocated again.

She can't tell her parents that I can't come back yet, and I still haven't got the money. When I get it, I will go back to Suzhou. If her parents know what she is doing, they will be frightened. She doesn't even have the money every month. She didn't dare to send more to her parents. If she sent more, her parents would think it was beyond her salary range and they would definitely investigate.

The content of today's call was a little different. As soon as her daughter called her mother, Gu Shufang asked strangely: "Qingqing, why did you come back so early today and didn't study at night? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Mom, are you dizzy? What kind of evening self-study will you have this weekend?"

Gu Shufang was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that today is Saturday. No wonder he hasn't come back yet. He must have spent the weekend with that Jin Lili. Thinking of this, Gu Shufang couldn't help but feel irritable.

"I studied very well and was praised by the teacher. I listened to my grandparents very much. I still have enough pocket money. If it's not enough, my grandparents will give it to me. I'm done, Mom, is there anything else? It's okay. I'll give it up."

Gu Shufang responded casually, and her daughter hung up the phone. When a beeping sound came from the phone, Gu Shufang remembered that she didn't even have time to say the second sentence.

Putting down the receiver, Gu Shufang felt a little disappointed. She walked out of the living room and lay down slumped on the recliner. She felt extremely sad. She thought that she had been waiting for him here, and he, at this time, was with that Jin Lili, They were talking and laughing, and maybe they even hugged...

Men are really not good things, Gu Shufang cursed in her heart. After cursing, she was stunned. What man? Is he your man? What expressions or promises has he made to you? Jin Lili is his girlfriend. It is normal for him to be with Jin Lili, but it is abnormal for him to be with you. Besides, you two are nothing.

Gu Shufang kept asking herself questions, and she almost cried from being questioned by herself.

Jin Lili's figure kept flashing in front of her eyes. Although they only met once, she remembered her just that once. She was his girlfriend and they could live together openly.

She thought of Jin Lili's face and couldn't help but sigh. She was still young after all. She felt that she was losing ground in the face of age and had almost no ability to resist.

The door downstairs opened with a bang. Gu Shufang knew that it couldn't be Zhang Chen, but that rough Cantonese boy. Sure enough, she heard him and the two Hainanese girls singing:

"Should I walk away quietly, or should I stay bravely? I don't know if I can do it all over again with so much helplessness. Should I walk away quietly..."

"What's the fuss about?!"

Gu Shufang stood at the top of the stairs and shouted so loudly that Xiao Lin didn't even dare to go upstairs. After a while, the three of them fled into Caizhen's room.

They were frightened. It was the first time they saw Gu Shufang lose such a temper. It was no longer her original cold and violent style.

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