The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 171 I want to get a room

Mr. Tan hit Mr. Xia’s eldest brother and told him that he had arrived in Sanya and had just visited the construction site. Mr. Xia told him that he was socializing outside and we should meet again tomorrow morning to have morning tea together.

Mr. Tan said yes, I will have a few comrades coming over later.

"Do you live in Jia or Jinling now?" Mr. Tan asked.

"Jinling, why don't you stay over there?" Mr. Xia said, "How many people are there? Do you want me to call the front desk and make arrangements for you?"

"No, I'll do it by myself. There's not a lot of people around now. There are plenty of rooms."

"Okay, tell the front desk that you are our guest and we have a negotiated price."

Mr. Tan took the mobile phone and asked Zhang Chen softly, do you have anything to say?

Zhang Chen knew that Mr. Tan was asking him if he wanted to talk to Jin Lili. Zhang Chen quickly shook his head. They were about to meet, so what could he say?

When they arrived at the Jinling Resort, Mr. Tan arranged rooms for Liu Ligan and the others. Liu Yun and Chen Qihang wanted to make the arrangements themselves. Of course Mr. Tan refused. Everyone got the keys, except Zhang Chen. He had Jin Lili and didn't need them. Room, no key required.

The hotel's restaurant has been closed, and the row of open-air stalls near the seaside has stopped operating because there are no customers.

Mr. Tan took them to the city and found a hotel on Hexi Road to eat seafood. The boss was an acquaintance of Mr. Tan. Seeing that Mr. Tan was very enthusiastic, he let them into the private room without ordering. Mr. Tan asked him, If you have any good stuff, bring it over. The boss chuckled:

"I know, I know, you, Lao Tan, are here and you still want to give me these instructions."

We were already hungry, and the seafood in this restaurant was very delicious. Everyone ate a lot at once. Liu Ligan said, "Do you feel that the seafood in Sanya is better than that in Haicheng?" eat?"

"It's because the people eating together are different, right?" Li Yong said, looking at Liu Yun who was sitting next to Liu Ligan. They all knew that Liu Ligan was chasing Liu Yun now.

Liu Yun glared at Li Yong, and the others smiled knowingly. The idiot wanted to take the opportunity to say something nice to Liu Ligan, but looked at Mr. Tan and shut up again.

Mr. Tan watched happily and sighed in his heart. It is good to be young. He can be ambiguous, shy, and flirty. He is not like a middle-aged and elderly man who uses all his tricks against the opposite sex directly on his lower body.

When they returned to the hotel, two of Mr. Tan's comrades were already waiting for them in the lobby. They said they were going to an event. Mr. Tan politely told Zhang Chen and others that they should go together.

Chen Qihang and Liu Yun knew that their comrades must have their own activities, and it would be inconvenient for a large group of them to follow them, so they said, "We won't go. You have a deep love for each other as comrades, and you can rest after getting drunk." We went camping with a bonfire on the front beach.

Mr. Tan said yes, you young people can't play with us anyway. On the beach, pay attention to the high tide.

Ai Ai, he wanted to follow Chen Qihang and the others to the beach in front, but the two comrades said that the little cannon was still with us, how similar he looked, and when he saw him, he felt that the cannon was still with us.

It seems that the idiot's father was nicknamed "Cannon" in the army. He doesn't know what "Cannon" means. The idiot's appearance is inherited from his father. I wonder if his hobby of shooting random cannons is also inherited.

Mr. Tan and the second guy got into the car of the two men and left. Liu Ligan, Chen Qihang and the others were going to the beach.

Li Yong had already asked at the front desk whether the hotel also provided wood-fired barbecue grills and the like. He also asked the kitchen attendant and found that there were even barbecue ingredients in the freezer. The group was overjoyed and ran back and forth several times to move these. Go to the beach in front of Dadonghai with items and beer. It looks like it’s going to be a big deal today.

Liu Ligan and the others had all left, and only Zhang Chen remained in the hotel lobby. Xiao Wu wanted to accompany him, but Liu Ligan cursed, "They are waiting for Jin Lili, why are you joining in the fun?" Xiao Wu laughed.

Liu Yun and Zhang Chen said, let's go first. When Lily comes back, you can come over immediately.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The hotel lobby, which had been very busy just now, became empty and silent in an instant after Liu Ligan and the others left. Zhang Chen sat on the sofa in the lobby. He thought that Jin Lili knew that they had arrived and should be back soon. .

In such a large hotel, there were no other guests except them. The waiters at the front desk were Lai Yangyang. They couldn't sit on the stools as there were no stools, so they just lay on the table inside the counter and read. Looking over from where Zhang Chen was sitting, there was only You can see half of their heads lying down.

The bellman and bellman had left work early, and now a security guard was acting as both bellman and bellman. He stood at the gate and had nothing to do. From time to time he would go to the front desk and chat with the waiter, but they all Indifferent.

The security guard soon felt bored and stopped going there. He felt bored standing at the door again. He opened and closed the glass door in the lobby. When he opened it, Zhang Chen could hear the sound of the waves. He could also hear it in the distance. The sound of Liu Ligan and others shouting on the beach could be heard.

Finally, from a distance, car lights pierced the dark night. The security guard thought it was a guest, so he cheered up and stood upright, with his hands in white gloves behind his back. The car did not stop when it reached the door, and drove away in a flash. The back door of the hotel’s kitchen turned out to be used to collect swill from the kitchen.

The security guard was discouraged. He looked at Zhang Chen on the sofa. Zhang Chen also slumped on the sofa like a deflated ball.

Zhang Chen sat on the sofa for almost an hour, but Jin Lili hadn't come back yet. Zhang Chen walked to the front desk and asked the two girls which room Jin Lili lived in. One of them looked up at him and replied, Miss Jin. She lives in 308. Who are you?

Zhang Chen said that he was her boyfriend, and the two girls smiled warmly at Zhang Chen. It seemed that they both knew Jin Lili and had a good relationship.

Zhang Chen asked them if they could open the door of room 308 for him so that he could go in and take a shower first.

One of the two girls said yes, and the other said no. The one who said no said that the hotel regulations prohibit us from opening the guest room door to others. This means that although you said you are Miss Jin’s boyfriend, We don't know.

The person who said yes was a little embarrassed and her face turned slightly red. She changed her words and said, if Miss Jin calls us and tells us to open the door for you, that's okay.

Another one said enthusiastically, either you can button up Miss Jin. Before Zhang Chen had time to answer, she said again: "Shall I button it up for you?"

Zhang Chen said yes. He was about to tell her Jin Lili's decryption number. She had already dialed the paging station and told the other party Jin Lili's paging number. It seemed that they often deducted Jin Lili's phone number.

Zhang Chen said thank you and returned to the sofa.

Zhang Chen stared at the dark night outside the lobby glass, his ears perked up, listening carefully to see if the two phones on the counter were ringing.

The two phones were like two still objects, silent and motionless. Zhang Chen felt that he could finish them with a pen and they would stop ringing.

Ten minutes later, without Zhang Chen's instructions, Zhang Chen heard the waiter at the front desk call the paging desk again and told the other party to call three times in a row.

Another ten minutes passed, but there was still no call back. The two girls got together and whispered, looking towards Zhang Chen while talking. The security guard looked at Zhang Chen and then turned to the front desk. He didn't talk to the two girls, but just smiled. When he turned back, Zhang Chen saw him looking at him again, with some contempt in his eyes.

Zhang Chen felt like an idiot. He was placed in the center of the stage, with the spotlight illuminating him. Every audience member below was whispering to see the idiot, but when all the whispers came together, , is the great wave of sound:

"Hahahaha, look at that idiot..."

Even Zhang Chen himself felt that he was an idiot.

He couldn't stand up and walk out the door, although the security guard was now more interested in him than the door. He no longer opened and closed the door and left it open. On the beach not far away, Liu Ligan's voices could be clearly heard. , Liu Ligan seemed to be singing Hey Hey Hey again, and a bunch of people laughed wildly.

Zhang Chen couldn't go to their place. If he went, they would definitely ask questions about this and that, and every question would be related to Jin Lili.

Zhang Chen doesn't want to mention anything related to Jin Lili now.

Zhang Chen sat on the sofa for another half hour. He heard the waiter dial the paging station again, and finally they gave up. No one would receive so many paging calls and not return the call, if he was willing to reply.

Zhang Chen stood up, walked to the front desk, took out his ID card, and told them to get a room for me.

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