The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 170 Novice on the Road

At half past two o'clock, Mr. Tan and the second class arrived. Before Liu Ligan and the others arrived, Zhang Chen took Mr. Tan upstairs and downstairs to look around the construction site. Mr. Tan sighed, "I have done this." After many years of renovation, I have never been involved in such a large project.

The words were full of regret. Zhang Chen knew that this was a knot in Mr. Tan's mind, so he remained silent.

Mr. Tan realized something. He looked at Zhang Chen and smiled, but now, the project of Bayview Hotel is not small and it is worth doing well.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Mr. Tan turned around and scolded the idiot again, "You should learn from the instructor and see how long he has spent on decoration, and now he can manage such a big project. How about you?"

The idiot chuckled: "I study every day. Ask the instructor if I come here to learn from the instructor whenever I have time."

As the second-rate guy said this, he winked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen also smiled and said, "Commander can do a good job."

Mr. Tan asked strangely: "Why did you become the commander again?"

The second-rate guy shouted: "Uncle Tan, I can't make progress every day. What's wrong with being a commander?"

Mr. Tan scolded: "Don't be so harsh. If you come to Sanya and don't care about shit, you will only care about shit. You see, I won't treat you..."

"I know, I know, my dick is broken, Uncle Tan, you underestimate me, don't you think I'd like those products from Sanya? Otherwise, Mr. Xia will ask us to send them urgently..."

Mr. Tan stretched out his hand and the idiot lowered his head and avoided it. If he was hit in the back of the head this time, it would definitely be serious.

The three of them returned to the office. Liu Ligan and the others had already arrived. Zhang Chen quickly introduced Li Yong, Chen Qihang, Liu Yun and Lin Yiyan to Mr. Tan. Mr. Tan looked at them and said with emotion:

"They are all young and promising!"

As he said this, he looked at the second-rate guy, who quickly shouted: "I don't count, I don't count. If I don't, it's all in there. I'm a bad boy."

The group of people laughed, and Mr. Tan was also amused by him.

Everyone set off, the second-rate driver drove, Xiao Wu sat in the passenger seat, Zhang Chen and Mr. Tan sat in the back, Li Yong and Chen Qihang, both of whom had just obtained their driver's licenses, were very enthusiastic and rushed to drive. Finally, it was hammer and scissors. Bu, Chen Qihang won, he drove first, and their car followed the second cargo.

Mr. Tan told the second-guessers, drive slower and don’t throw them away.

The second-rate guy explains it clearly.

After getting on the road, the idiot realized how powerful these two novices were. He accelerated slightly and the car behind him disappeared immediately. He quickly slowed down, but in the rearview mirror, he saw their car rushing forward suddenly. Seeing that there were still more than ten meters away, he showed no intention of slowing down. He was so frightened that he ran away and cursed:

"Forced to raise, this Peking University guy has a grudge against me!"

Fortunately, there are very few cars along this road, so there is a lot of room for the second-rate car to maneuver. It's just a headache to worry about this tail. It's not that it doesn't follow closely or slowly, but that you have to swing it just right.

After driving for more than an hour, Chen Qihang finally felt the temper of the car, and gradually drove steadily. The people in the car were already pale. Lin Yiyan kept shouting, "Dad, Dad, I will take my future baby Please, stay safe.

The people in the car realized that Lin Yiyan was pregnant.

Liu Ligan scolded: "Okay, let's set sail. We don't have the certificate yet. You are committing a foul and rushing away."

Chen Qihang said nonchalantly: "What kind of certificate do I need? All the people who live illegally in the country have gone to Hainan Island, and we don't have some geographical advantages."

Lin Yiyan also said: "We have already agreed that when the baby is one month old, we will go back to hold the wedding banquet."

"I don't think so. It's better to wait until your babies grow up and then we can have dinner together. We can get rid of all four newcomers in one drink." Liu Yun said, and everyone laughed.

Li Yong kept urging Chen Qihang: "Okay, it's my turn to do it."

Liu Ligan and the other three quickly shouted: "No, this one has just adapted. Don't change the torture device."

Chen Qihang said proudly: "Did you hear that? This is the voice of the masses."

Li Yong shouted in frustration, and Chen Qihang said slowly: "Even if I want to change, there is no way to change. That commander won't stop, how can I stop? How can I catch up with them if he stops?"

The second guy was in the front and had no intention of stopping. After driving for more than two hours, Mr. Tan asked him if he wanted to take a rest instead. The second guy said no, I have a strong fighting ability.

Mr. Tan just let him go. Mr. Tan asked Zhang Chen: "How are you and Mr. Fu getting along?"

"It's pretty good." Zhang Chen said, "Mr. Fu basically doesn't care about anything and trusts me very much."

Mr. Tan nodded and said, "That's good. Mr. Fu is still very generous and dares to employ people."

"Instructor, be careful. People with the surname Fu are called Smiling Tigers." The second-rate guy shouted.

"Shut up!" Mr. Tan scolded, "Forgot how I taught you?"

The second-rate guy muttered, "Okay, I understand. It doesn't matter if you have a bad mouth, but you don't want to be a dirty person."

"Zang is not a good person! You are a dirty person, but your mouth is a dirty thing!" Mr. Tan scolded, "Just don't talk about people behind other people's back. Do you understand? Trouble comes from the mouth. Those who offend others unintentionally are often A mouth."

"I understand, I understand, I am dirty, not others." The second-rate guy said quickly, and both Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu laughed.

When we arrived in Wanning, Mr. Tan asked the second guy to pull over. The second guy said I wasn't tired.

"If you don't get tired and the people behind you get tired, they will need to replace you."

Mr. Tan cursed, and the idiot finally woke up, quickly slowed down and pulled over, and stopped the car slowly. After the car stopped, he still put his right foot on the accelerator and stared at the rearview mirror, always worried about Chen Qihang. It will hit you when parking.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qihang saw them stop on the side of the road. He thought about pulling over, but he didn't pull over. He just moved a little to the right side of the road. He was still more than ten meters away from the second truck's car, so he slammed on the brakes. , the car turned sideways on the road, and the people in the car screamed, and the three people in the back hit their heads on the seats in front.

Lin Yiyan swung the car door, got out of the car, ran to the side of the road, and vomited wildly.

The four people in the car in front ran over quickly. When they saw the car behind them, they bumped on the road and stopped suddenly. They thought something had happened, so they ran over to see that everyone was fine, and then they relaxed. Take a breath.

Liu Ligan scolded: "You are awesome, Qihang. Even those who don't know how to drive know that the brake should be an ellipsis. Damn it, there is an exclamation point. You even give it a period!"

Liu Yun scolded: "Okay, now your baby will remember you."

Chen Qihang knew that he was reckless and smiled sheepishly.

Next, Li Yong drove. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu to switch to their car. Lin Yiyan and Liu Yun went to take Mr. Tan's car. The second guy asked Li Yong to go first and told him that there is only one road anyway. Take the main road and don't turn. When you enter the alley, we will follow you. If anything happens, we can see it.

Everyone thinks that the second-hand suggestion is a good one.

We kept going all the way, and it was already dark outside. We finally reached the Yulin base, and beyond that was the construction site of the Bayview Hotel. The second-rate guy yelled, "You're forced to raise me, I can't hold it in any longer," and he turned to the left. I hit a direction and passed over.

There is no branch road from here to the construction site. They can go to the construction site first and wait for them at the gate of the construction site. Mr. Tan did not stop the second-guessing.

The construction site was still working overtime at night and the lights were brightly lit. The second guy parked his car at the entrance of the construction site. Mr. Tan and the second guy said, "Wait for them here. Xiao Zhang and I went in to take a look."

Lin Yiyan and Liu Yun also said they wanted to take a look, so they left the idiot outside alone.

Mr. Tan took Zhang Chen and the three of them into the construction site and walked around. When he came out, he saw his car parked at the door. The second-hand man was standing next to the car, staring at the people passing by on the road. vehicle.

"Why haven't they arrived yet?" Mr. Tan was surprised and asked Erhuo: "Is it possible that they have passed by and you didn't see it?"

The second-rate guy shouted: "It's such a big car, and it's not a mosquito. I can't see it if it goes by?"

Mr. Tan thought about it and it made sense. He looked at his watch and saw that more than half an hour had passed. From the time they passed the car to here, it was only ten minutes' drive at most. How could they not be there now?

Mr. Tan can't tell if something will happen. Everyone, get in the car and we'll go back and take a look.

The five people were about to get on the bus. Liu Yun had sharp eyes. She saw a person running towards this direction on the highway. Liu Yun shouted: "Xiao Wu, do you think that person is Xiao Wu?"

Everyone took a closer look and found that it was Xiao Wu who was running over. Xiao Wu also saw them and ran to them, panting and saying that the car couldn't start. I don't know why, but it just couldn't start.

"Where?" Mr. Tan asked urgently.

"Right at the gate of the People's Liberation Army."

Mr. Tan knew that he was talking about the Yulin base. It was at least five or six kilometers from the Yulin base to here. It seemed that Xiao Wu ran from there to ask for help.

Six people couldn't fit in one car, so Mr. Tan and Zhang Chen said, the four of you wait here while the second guy and I go over.

Zhang Chen said yes.

Mr. Tan got in the car and remembered something. He asked Liu Yun, when did you fill up your car with gas?

Liu Yun said that the driver seemed to have refueled three or four days ago.

"Didn't you join before you came here?"

Liu Yun and Lin Yiyan shook their heads together, and Mr. Tan and the second-hand man laughed. Mr. Tan and the second-hand man said, "Go to the construction site quickly and find a bucket."

Zhang Chen asked in confusion: "What's going on?"

"Forced, they drove the car until it ran out of gas!"

The second-rate scolded, and the others understood and laughed.

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