The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 168 Are you okay?

The whole morning, Zhang Chen felt in a daze, and he didn't know if it was because of the drinking last night. He suddenly thought about having dinner with Gu Shufang in the evening, and then thought about going to Sanya tomorrow. Zhang Chen even felt disgusted with himself. When he came, he felt like he was such a fucking mother-in-law, why did he become like this?

At noon, Jianqiang came. Like Xiaowu, Jianqiang saw Zhang Chen and asked him, Brother Chen, are you okay?

Zhang Chen said it was okay, why do you think there is something wrong with me?

After saying this, Zhang Chen himself felt awkward. Then what the hell, didn't you act like you were in trouble last night? You have been crying all night while hugging my wife.

Jianqiang rarely talks much, and Zhang Chen also feels that his brain is almost rusty today and is of no use anymore. The two of them sat and smoked two cigarettes. Zhang Chen asked, looking for words:

"You guys came out so early now?"

"No, it will be after three o'clock. It's Jiajia, let me come and see you." Jianqiang said. Zhang Chen felt a little moved and quickly said: "Thank you! Thank you! I'm fine, really."

"It's okay." Jianqiang chuckled.

"How is business now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's still the same, but now Jiajia has a lot of old customers, and the old customers give more money, which is much better than before."

Zhang Chen said yes, this is not bad.

Jianqiang nodded and said, "Jiajia said that if we work until the end of this year, we will go back and not come out."

"What are you going to do when you go back?"

"Go to the town to open a small shop and prepare to have a baby."

"Huo Huo, then I will definitely look for opportunities to go to your place to play in the future."

"Okay, that's very welcome!"

"What are you going to sell when you open a store?"

"Open a small restaurant. I am the chef and Jia Jia is the waiter."

"Haha, then you must have hooked up with Jiajia at that time."

Jianqiang smiled sheepishly.

"By the way, why didn't you continue to be a chef when you arrived in Haicheng?"

"It's useless. People from small restaurants like us are all wild. How can a big hotel want us? We can only wash vegetables. In small restaurants, the boss usually takes care of the dishes. When I go there, I can only do the dishes." If you can get started immediately, the salary is very low.”

"Then you can open a food stall. I think the food stalls in Haicheng are doing very well."

Jianqiang looked at Zhang Chen and shook his head with a wry smile: "Brother Chen, you don't know? Do you think you can open food stalls whenever you want? There are people in charge of every place. When we first came here, we opened them. Less than a month later, the stall was smashed by someone. If Jiajia hadn’t stopped me, I would have fought with them with a kitchen knife. So now, I’m either in jail or underground.”

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was shocked. He didn't expect it to be so difficult to open a food stall. Zhang Chen asked, "Who did it?"

"Who cares about that place."

"What are they going to do?"

"I want money, more money, more money...then that bastard just wants to see Jiajia look good."

Zhang Chen understood that he was eating for free and sleeping for free. Since he had to sleep with others, at least he could still make money.

"Does anyone care about you like this?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"There are also ways to do it secretly so that they don't know about it," Jianqiang said. "There is also the way to buy relationships."

"Buy the relationship? Do you still want to buy the relationship?"

"Of course, hotel security and front desk, if you don't take care of yourself, they will call those people as soon as you enter the hotel, and those people will come and block you."

"These people you are talking about are bad guys?"


Zhang Chen didn't expect that even in this industry, there are so many ways to do it.

Jianqiang sat with Zhang Chen for a while, and then Liu Ligan came. As soon as Liu Ligan came, Jianqiang stood up and said he was leaving.

Zhang Chen looked at Jianqiang's leaving figure and asked Liu Ligan, do you have a conflict with Jianqiang now? Why does he have to leave as soon as you come?

"What a contradiction. He's been sitting here with you all day. He doesn't want to do business anymore?"

"No, he made a special trip to see me now. It's only what time it is. He said they won't go out to do business until three o'clock." Zhang Chen said.

"Then I don't know." Liu Ligan said with a smile, "Maybe he has a crush on Wenwen and Qianqian. Seeing me sleeping with them every day, he would be angry with me. By the way, you didn't..."

Zhang Chen quickly waved his hand: "Don't ask, I'm fine. He keeps asking me if I'm fine all day long."

"Go away, it's okay. Why are you hugging Jia Jia and crying so sadly? By the way, does Jia Jia smell good?"

"Fuck you!" Zhang Chen cursed.

Liu Ligan laughed loudly. He thought of something while laughing and shouted: "That's not right. Jianqiang should be angry with you. It's you who is holding his wife!"

"Get out!" Zhang Chen scolded, but his face turned crimson. It seemed that the scene of him holding Jiajia and crying bitterly last night was indeed deeply remembered by everyone.

Fortunately, Jianqiang knew that he was not a gangster and didn't mind. Otherwise, Jiajia wouldn't have let him come to see if she was okay.

Liu Ligan came to make an agreement with Zhang Chen that everyone would gather here tomorrow afternoon. He also agreed with Erhuo that at three o'clock, the two cars would set off together. Neither Qihang nor Li Yong understood. On the way to Sanya, you have to follow the second-hand car.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will arrange everything on the construction site before three o'clock.

After Liu Ligan left, Zhang Chen felt that his mind was a little clearer, but he started thinking about Sanya and today's dinner again, and also thought about whether to tell Gu Shufang about his trip to Sanya tomorrow.

Zhang Chen scolded himself, "Oh my god, don't think about it. You promised me to go to dinner, so you went to eat, and left here at half past six. Not one minute too early, not one minute too late. If you think about it again, you fucking Damn you are a bastard.

After Zhang Chen scolded himself, he simply stood up and walked out of the office. He walked around and chatted with several team leaders about construction matters. As expected, he didn't think about anything else. My head seems to be slowly getting less painful.

At 6:20, Zhang Chen hurriedly walked back to the office from the front lobby as if he was woken up by an alarm clock. He sat for a while and left at 6:30. As expected, it was not a minute too early or a minute too late. .

His head was still aching, so Zhang Chen hurriedly walked all the way to get rid of the smelly sweat. After returning home and taking a shower, he felt that the pain in his head was gone, but his chest was still a little tight.

He deliberately made a loud noise and walked upstairs. Gu Shufang was standing in front of the gas stove, cooking. When she heard Zhang Chen come in, she turned her head and smiled at Zhang Chen, telling him that she was the last one, and soon, Sit by yourself.

After Zhang Chen sat down, he looked at Gu Shufang's back. He felt that he had been carrying a heavy burden all day long. Only then did he put down the burden. He felt relaxed, his chest was no longer tight, and he felt at ease again. Yes, I feel refreshed.

Gu Shufang still cooked five dishes today, but none of them was the same as last time. She pointed at a dish and said to Zhang Chen, I used Dongshan goat for this book mutton, and it was as good as Suzhou. eat.

"What is this?" Zhang Chen asked, pointing to a dish in a casserole that looked very similar to Dongpo Pork.

"We Suzhou people call it Jiangfang, which is made with pork belly." Gu Shufang said, "This is watermelon chicken. I used Wenchang chicken from Hainan. Wenchang chicken is still very good."

There are two other dishes that Zhang Chen knows well and can be eaten in Yongcheng, one is steamed pork with lotus leaves and rice flour, and the other is spicy and sour potato shreds.

Gu Shufang pointed to the last hot and sour potato shreds that came up, and said to Zhang Chen, you said last time that you like spicy food, so I made this, please try it quickly.

Zhang Chen picked up a piece of shredded potatoes with chopsticks. The shredded potatoes were cut very finely, which showed that Gu Shufang's knife skills were also very good. Zhang Chen took a bite and found that it was indeed crisp, sour and spicy, just in line with his taste. He told Gu Shufang, delicious.

No need to ask anymore, Gu Shufang still took out the wine and cup.

Zhang Chen frowned when he saw the wine. He said, "I went out for a late-night snack last night. I was so drunk that I couldn't come back. I slept at a friend's place. I don't dare to drink more today."

"Is it that journalist friend?"

"Yes." Zhang Chen nodded.

I don't know why, Gu Shufang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then she became happy, cursing in her heart, do you know that you didn't come back all night, and I didn't sleep well. It turns out that you went to drink, not to do other things. thing.

Gu Shufang suddenly felt that being drunk was very forgivable. She also felt strange. In the past, didn't she hate Fu Xunxun being drunk every day?

"It doesn't matter. I was drunk last night. I'll drink a little more today to sober up."

Gu Shufang smiled sweetly and said to Zhang Chen.

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