The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 167 You came so late

After turning off the lights and lying on the bed, Zhang Chen fell into insomnia. He didn't know what his relationship was with Gu Shufang now. If you didn't have any evil intentions and were just painting for others normally, why did you do what you did just now? Why did you do that? Afraid of others knowing?

Is there anything to be afraid of?

Lying down and thinking quietly, Zhang Chen felt ashamed that he had just gone downstairs and pretended to have just come back. What the hell are you doing?

All that flashed in Zhang Chen's mind was Gu Shufang's shadow. In the darkness, he stared at the ceiling above his head. Gu Shufang was only separated from him by a wall. He didn't know what Gu Shufang was doing now or whether she would sit like that again. Admiring yourself in front of the mirror?

Thinking of that back figure, Zhang Chen's heart was beating wildly. Isn't this what he wanted to see and draw?

But Zhang Chen felt that if Gu Shufang was sitting in front of him like this now, he felt that he might not be able to face it calmly. It would be impossible for him to use the eyes of a painter to objectively look at this back like an apple. .

Zhang Chen thought again that he actually wanted to refuse but didn't refuse Gu Shufang's invitation. He had to go to dinner tomorrow. Do you really want to eat this meal, or are you missing this meal?

Zhang Chen wanted to tell himself that he didn't want to, but in the end he sighed. He felt that he was hypocritical even when facing himself, escaping and not daring to face the true self.

Zhang Chen listened quietly, trying to hear Gu Shufang's voice above him in the getting deeper and deeper night, but Gu Shufang was silent, disappearing into the dark night, melting into one with the night.

Is she asleep? What will happen to her eyes that squint when she smiles when the eyelids and eyelashes droop together?

Immediately there was a voice scolding, shameless, what does it have to do with you whether she slept or not?

Zhang Chen heard himself sighing for a long time in the dark night. This sigh even surprised him.

When Zhang Chen thought about Gu Shufang, he felt that Jin Lili was becoming more and more distant. He felt that he was not even looking forward to meeting Jin Lili the day after tomorrow, even though they had been separated for a long time, and even though the night before they separated, They had a nice night in their room at Wanghai International Hotel.

Zhang Chen could imagine that when Jin Lili saw him in Sanya, she would definitely accuse him of this or that. When there was no one around, she would say to him, "Are you stupid? Why are you so enthusiastic about other people's affairs?" It's not your own project. Did they promise to give you fifty cents or one yuan? You should just focus on your own project.

If Zhang Chen wants to speak, Jin Lili will stop him immediately. Yes, yes, I know. You also want to say that this is your eldest brother, right? He took you in when you first came to the island, right? Okay, I don’t want to argue with you about this. Haibatian has taken you in, so why can’t you just focus on the Wanghai Tower project?

What would Hai Batian think if he knew you were still working for others? By the way, and that old witch?

Jin Lili would definitely say this, even if she didn't say these words, she would still mean these, Zhang Chen could imagine it.

Zhang Chen couldn't tell her that Gu Shufang knew that she was helping others design this hotel, and he couldn't say that she was more enthusiastic than him.

Wanghai Tower is also Gu Shufang's project. She cares more about her daughter's project than anyone else. But Zhang Chen thought to himself, if he told her that he would not be there the day after tomorrow and went to see the hotel, Zhang Chen was sure that Gu Shufang would not feel that way. It was wrong for him to leave Haicheng for a day. On the contrary, she would care about every detail of her trip to Sanya.

But does it have anything to do with you?

What is your relationship with her?

Although there was a voice that kept him leaning towards Gu Shufang, there was another voice that kept warning himself that Gu Shufang has nothing to do with you. There cannot and should not be any relationship between you. Zhang Chen, don't you? Maybe it has something to do with a woman a dozen years older than you.

Even if her muscles are like snow, her body is as soft as water, even if her movements are light and her smile is moving.

Zhang Chen tried his best to control himself and forced himself not to think about Gu Shufang. He tried to think about Jin Lili, but he felt that he and Jin Lili were becoming more and more strange to each other. He remembered when Jin Lili heard that he was going to Sanya. , blurted out "What are you doing here?", Zhang Chen felt a little disappointed.

He thought about Xiao Zhao, but he felt that he knew nothing about Xiao Zhao now and had nothing to think about. Xiao Zhao was as insignificant as a cloud in the space of his imagination, with nowhere to place him.

Zhang Chen sat up on the bed and wanted to smoke a cigarette. He found the cigarette from the table, took it in his hand, and threw it back. His chest felt tight even if he didn't smoke.

He simply stood up, got dressed and walked out. It was pitch dark outside, and even the lights in Gu Shufang's room upstairs were dark. Zhang Chen didn't turn on the lights. He was familiar with the streets and didn't need to turn on the lights. He walked upstairs in the dark. Go down.

What Zhang Chen didn't know was that Gu Shufang had been standing there at the stairs on the third floor. In the darkness, she saw Zhang Chen walking out of her room and screamed in her heart. She thought he was going upstairs. , quickly turned around and prepared to walk away from the stairs, but found that Zhang Chen turned around and walked downstairs after going out.

She heard the door downstairs creaking open and then closing again.

Gu Shufang let out a long sigh.

When Liu Ligan and Xiao Wu were woken up by Zhang Chen and looked at Zhang Chen, they were both surprised. They were not surprised that Zhang Chen would come at this time, but they were surprised... Liu Ligan later said that Zhang Chen He was a man who had just crawled out of the water and was about to drown. He was completely lost and had a look of despair on his face.

Xiao Wu felt like an unlucky guy who had been beaten to endocrine disorders.

The two of them got up quickly, thinking that something had happened, but after sitting at the night stall and asking for a long time, they couldn't find out the reason. Zhang Chen just said that he was hungry.

If you're hungry, drink. Come on, have a fucking drink, Liu Ligan shouted.

They drank until Wenwen and Qianqian came back from get off work. When they saw that Liu Ligan's room was empty, they knew they were here. They drank until Jianqiang and Jiajia returned home, and Liu Ligan was heard at home. and Zhang Chen's voice also came over. As soon as Jiajia saw Zhang Chen, she made sure to sit next to Zhang Chen's brother.

The ghost kept singing: "Falling in love with someone who doesn't come home, waiting for a door that doesn't open."

Throughout the second half of the night, he sang these two lines over and over again. He only sang these two lines when playing billiards. Zhang Chen wanted to stand up and say to him, friend, come over for a drink. After drinking, you can continue singing "Why bother to force and ask again." Okay?

Zhang Chen wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't.

When Zhang Chen was woken up by Xiao Wu, it was already bright outside and the sun had been climbing for a long time. Zhang Chen found himself lying on Liu Li's bed. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu, where is the pole?

"Next door." Xiao Wu said.

"Go to hell." Zhang Chen muttered.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Xiao Wu asked.

Zhang Chen felt that he had a splitting headache. He shook his head and felt that water or beer had entered his brain. There seemed to be a banging sound.

"I lost my drink." Zhang Chen said with a bitter smile, "How did I come back?"

"I carried you back."

"By the way, I drank too much last night, so I didn't say anything, right?"

Xiao Wu looked at him and wanted to say, but held back. Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu said, "It doesn't matter. You said, I know I am not a human being after drinking too much."

Xiao Wu smiled and said: "You didn't say anything, you just kept crying. Sister Jiajia hugged you and comforted you. You also hugged Sister Jiajia and cried. Everyone was confused and didn't know why you were crying."

"I'm also confused. I don't even know why I came here yesterday. It seems to be past one o'clock, right?"

Xiao Wu nodded. He looked at Zhang Chen and said seriously: "Brother Chen, is there really nothing wrong? If there is anything, just tell me and I will help you sort it out."

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that even if something happened to him, it couldn't be settled with his fists. What's more, he didn't even know what happened to him.

Zhang Chen shook his head and told Xiao Wu that it was okay. Maybe it was just that we hadn't had a drink together for a long time, and suddenly he remembered coming to drink with you. When he was happy, he drank too much.

Xiao Wu looked at him suspiciously, thinking, you fucking think we are idiots, you didn't look happy like you did last night.

"Is everything okay with Sister Lili?" Xiao Wu asked.

"It's okay, something will happen to her."

Zhang Chen said that he saw Xiao Wu looking at him with a look of disbelief, and added: "You can see her tomorrow. If you don't believe me, ask her yourself."

Zhang Chen looked at the time. It was after eight o'clock. He said let's go, let's go to work.

"Okay, I'll take you on my bike." Xiao Wu said.

The two people walked out of the room. Whether it was Wenwen and Qianqian on the left, or Jianqiang and Jiajia on the right, their rooms were quiet.

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