The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1660: Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

On the day of shipment, the container trucks all drove to Zhao Zhigang's factory. Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli also arrived at the factory early that day and hid in the finance room.

Xu Qiaoxin called Zhao Zhigang and Caidi over and told them not to ship the goods. If they did not receive payment for the first seven containers and today's three containers, they would not ship the goods.

Zhao Zhigang and Caidi were both shocked. They said, what if they really stop posting? There are so many clothes left, what should we do with them?

Xu Qiaoxin said no. I checked their company and found that 80% of their business depends on this order from Wal-Mart. They dare not not ship the goods or breach the contract, otherwise Wal-Mart will cancel all their orders. of.

"Have you been paid this month's salary?" Xiaoli asked.

Zhao Zhigang said with some embarrassment: "Aren't you strapped for funds? It has been delayed for more than a week, but we have agreed with the workers that these three containers will be sent out, and we will send them out immediately after receiving the payment for the first three containers." hair."

Xu Qiaoxin knew what Xiaoli meant when she asked, and she said to Caidi:

"Ask the old man to bring a few of his fellow villagers to stop the warehouse and tell them that the truck will not be loaded unless they get paid today. By the way, do you have any suppliers you have good relations with? Let them come to help with the acting and ask for help. Want payment.

"Then, you, Zhao Zhigang, acted tragically and said that you had nothing to do and asked the foreign trade company to pay immediately. If you didn't pay, you had nothing to do. You really have no money."

Zhao Zhigang was still a little hesitant, but when Caidi heard about it, she immediately went to make arrangements.

Xu Qiaoxin looked at Zhao Zhigang and cursed: "Zhao Zhigang, at this critical moment, grandma, don't let your guard down."

Zhao Zhigang murmured: "Isn't it bad to do this? They are our customers after all?"

Xiaoli scolded: "Zhao Zhigang, is there a hole in your mind? They are your customers, so you are not their customers? When they deducted your money, did you think that this is not a good thing? They owe you When I paid for the goods, I thought about whether this is not a good thing? Damn it, are you just bullying our company?"

Zhao Zhigang's face turned red after being scolded by Xiaoli. Xu Qiaoxin smiled and said, "Okay, okay, Zhao Zhigang, just pretend to be dead in the office. Can you pretend to be dead?" Don't say anything else, just ask for money.

Zhao Zhigang was determined and said okay.

Xu Qiaoxin looked at Zhao Zhigang and still felt a little uneasy. She called Zhao Zhilong over and told him that your brother's heart is still too soft. At the critical moment, you are the one who needs to take action. If they can't pay for ten containers today, , we won’t allow delivery, is that okay? Not even one cabinet is missing.

Zhao Zhilong said yes.

Xiaoli said from the side: "Zhao Zhilong, if you do what you did today, you will atone for your sins, and I will be nice to you."

Everyone laughed, and Xu Qiaoxin said: "I promise you, if you press like this, they will definitely pay today."

Xu Qiaoxin said to Zhao Zhigang again: "Then you can blame it on Zhao Zhilong and let him make the decision. Is that okay?"

Zhao Zhigang nodded, and Xu Qiaoxin remembered it and said:

"By the way, they may still ask you to sign the next order today. Just say, I'm tired of it. Let's deal with the things here. When they get the money, you can turn off your phone and hide away, and run to Jiangshan. In the city, go to the Internet cafe to play games."

Brothers Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong both agreed and walked away.

Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli then started to watch the show. They saw downstairs, Lao Fu and his people stopped the people loading the truck and refused to allow them to load the truck. The salesman from the foreign trade company ran upstairs to find Zhao Zhigang. Zhao Zhigang pushed it to Zhao Zhilong. Zhao Zhilong told them that there was no way. If there was no money today, the goods would not be shipped.

The salesman of the foreign trade company roared anxiously, then walked up and down the corridor outside, called the boss of the company, got through, took the phone, and walked into Zhao Zhigang's office and asked him to answer the phone. Zhao Zhigang didn't answer, so he left again. Go to Zhao Zhilong's office and ask Zhao Zhilong to pick him up. Zhao Zhilong said that there is no way. If there is no money, the goods cannot be shipped today.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the three bosses of the foreign trade company arrived here from Hangzhou. But at about this time, four or five suppliers also arrived, asking for payment from Zhao Zhigang. The boss of the foreign trade company even talked to Zhao Zhigang. There was no chance to speak, so he had to go to Zhao Zhilong.

At this time, those suppliers also came to Zhao Zhilong and asked Zhao Zhilong for money. Zhao Zhilong simply transferred all the conflicts to the foreign trade company. He pointed to the boss of the foreign trade company and said, their foreign trade company does not pay, what can we do? You also know that when we make this order, we are doing it at a loss. How can we still have money?

The suppliers surrounded the boss of the foreign trade company, causing his face to turn blue and blue.

At about two o'clock, the boss of the foreign trade company told Zhao Zhilong that as long as today's goods are shipped out, we will definitely pay you tomorrow.

Before Zhao Zhilong said anything, the supplier stopped working. One supplier cursed:

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, how many times have you told us tomorrow? I think you are a liar company. No, I will also call and ask my workers to come over. If you can't get the money today, don't tell me. If the goods cannot be delivered, none of you should leave."

The boss of the foreign trade company knew that things would only get worse and worse, so he quickly reassured them and said, wait, wait, I will think of a solution.

He and Zhao Zhilong said, "Can we open three cabinets today first?"

Zhao Zhilong said: "It's useless, but it's not enough at all."

Several people discussed it for a long time, and the boss finally said to Zhao Zhilong: "We have agreed to buy six containers. We will pay for six containers today, and then we will ship the rest."

Zhao Zhilong finally got angry and cursed: "What the hell did you come to us to do? We were fine and had a good life, but it was all your fucking words that made me lose the order for half an acre of land." I pushed them all away, and I offended people. I came to take your orders, but in the end I didn’t make any fucking money, and I ended up like this.”

Zhao Zhilong cursed out all the resentment in his heart and said:

"Get it clear, it's the money you owe me, not the money I owe you. You guys are still giving away money like a fucking charity. Three cabinets and six cabinets. I said, all the payment for ten cabinets will be paid today. Give me a penny less, and I won’t have to sell a single piece of clothing, so I keep my word.”

Zhao Zhilong's words completely blocked the escape route.

Zhao Zhilong was roaring next door, and Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli heard clearly. The two looked at each other, and Xu Qiaoxin gave a thumbs up.

The boss of the foreign trade company was livid, but he had no choice. He walked to the corridor outside and called the company. Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli were lying on the door and listening. They heard the company's reply to the boss, as if there was not so much in the account. The boss asked them to think of ways to collect the money, and then they called a friend to borrow money.

Xu Qiaoxin whispered to Xiaoli: "Grandma, this company is completely hollow. It's lucky, otherwise Zhao Zhigang would really die in their hands."

At about three o'clock, the company's financial officer called the boss and told him that the money had been withdrawn, but the bank said that it would not arrive today and would not arrive until tomorrow morning.

The boss yelled: "You can't fucking hurry up?!"

Finance said aggrievedly: "It's already been expedited."

"Fax over the voucher." the boss said.

After a while, the transfer voucher was faxed to Zhao Zhigang's office. The boss told Zhao Zhigang that the money had already been transferred to me, but the bank said that it would not arrive until tomorrow morning at the earliest, and there was nothing I could do.

Zhao Zhigang still didn't speak, and the boss became anxious. He said, I have tried my best. Boss Zhao, if you don't deliver the goods, I have no choice but to wait here until the money arrives and watch you deliver the goods. , I just left, but the ship probably left by then.

Caidi came over with the fax and showed it to Xu Qiaoxin and the others. The finance official took the fax and looked at it horizontally and vertically, saying that it seemed like it had really been remitted, but she wasn't sure.

Xu Qiaoxin faxed the remittance receipt to Zhao Jingjing. After a while, Zhao Jingjing called Xu Qiaoxin and told her that a friend at the bank had helped find the money and it had indeed been transferred. You can ship it.

Xu Qiaoxin talked to the finance officer, who stood up and walked out, telling Zhao Zhilong that the money had been transferred and could be loaded into the car.

Zhao Zhilong got up and went down to arrange the loading of the truck. When the people from the foreign trade company heard that the truck was about to be loaded, they hurried downstairs to have a look. Xu Qiaoxin and Caidi said, go ahead and let Zhao Zhigang escape.

Zhao Zhigang took a car from one of the suppliers and left.

When two of the three containers below were loaded and the third one started to be loaded, it started to get dark. The boss of the foreign trade company asked the two container trucks that had already been loaded to go first. Only then did he think of something. , returned to Zhao Zhigang’s office upstairs and looked for Zhao Zhigang, but did not see him.

The finance manager walked over and the boss of the foreign trade company asked her, where is your boss Zhao?

The finance officer said, "I don't know either. Those who came to ask for money heard that the money would not arrive until tomorrow, so they took Mr. Zhao away."

The boss's face suddenly changed. The first thought that came to his mind was that Zhao had been taken away by his creditor. He hurried downstairs and saw his salesman, driver and QC standing there, watching the workers loading the trucks. The boss He quickly shouted:

"Hurry up, come and help load the car together, hurry up."

As he said that, he took off his coat and started to move the cardboard boxes. The salesman, driver and QC came closer without knowing what was going on. The boss told them about Zhao Zhigang being taken away. The three of them were also shocked. They quickly helped load the truck. They were also worried that if someone showed up again, the truck would not be able to be shipped.

That's when the matter became serious.

Upstairs, Xu Qiaoxin's phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Zhao Zhigang. Xu Qiaoxin asked, where are you hiding?

Zhao Zhigang said: "I'm in private room No. 5 of Jianglangshan Hotel. The dishes have been ordered. You and Xiaoli come over for dinner."

Xu Qiaoxin said okay, we will come right away.

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