The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 162 I want to go back and tell her

When he got closer and took a closer look, Zhang Chen couldn't help but sigh that Gu Shufang's skin was really good. She was in her forties, and she didn't even have any crow's feet.

Zhang Chen used the tail of the oil paint brush to lift Gu Shufang's hair and looked at the base of her ears. Many people think that the aging of a woman's skin begins with crow's feet. In fact, it is not the case. It is the small area at the base of the ear close to the earlobe. There are also earlobes, the color here begins to darken, indicating that the skin has begun to show signs of aging.

This part of Gu Shufang is still pink and tender, similar to a baby's skin. Her earlobes are translucent under the light, and are pinker and tender than a girl in her twenties.

The neck part immediately connected to this part is white to transparent, and the blood vessels inside are faintly visible. It is really rare to see such skin. For a painter, this skin is attractive enough to lead the way. Zhang Chen couldn't help but want to look inside the collar.

Gu Shufang moved, and Zhang Chen woke up. He took a deep breath, and Gu Shufang scolded: "It's a little itchy."

Zhang Chen took a step back and said, "Sister Shufang, your skin is so good. This is a rare opportunity for portrait painters."

"It's okay, I'm already old." Gu Shufang was happy in her heart when she heard this, but she said this on her lips.

"No, Sister Shufang, your skin is better than the average girl in her twenties, especially the girl here in Haicheng."


"Really." Zhang Chen's words were indeed not a compliment to her.

Zhang Chen retreated behind the easel. He was already 70-80% sure. While he was painting, he would come closer to Gu Shufang to take a look. Gu Shufang was used to it. When he came closer to take a closer look, she was still After a while, he moved towards Zhang Chen intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you drawing now?" Gu Shufang asked curiously.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You can come over and take a look, it's okay."

Gu Shufang stood up, walked over and stood next to Zhang Chen and watched. She saw that Zhang Chen was already painting his face today. She saw that the skin of the person in the painting was indeed very good. This is me. Gu Shufang watched as she watched , while thinking a little proudly.

"Can I ask you a question?" Gu Shufang asked.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"When you draw people, why do you start with the eyes? Yesterday you only drew a pair of eyes." Gu Shufang asked, "Are all painters like this?"

"Not necessarily, everyone has their own habits." Zhang Chen shook his head, "I am used to drawing from the eyes, and then I draw the eyes. I feel that when I look at it every day, I am communicating with it, and I am communicating while painting. I feel that it is alive, and it will remind me if I draw something wrong.”

Gu Shufang nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Then if you look at the people in the painting every day for a long time, I mean, after painting for a long time, will you be reluctant to let go?"

"Yes, especially when I draw a work that I am very satisfied with." Zhang Chen nodded and said, "After I finished the painting, I was particularly reluctant to hand it over. I just wanted to keep it for myself, hang it there, and look at it every day."

Gu Shufang asked about people, and Zhang Chen answered her about paintings. Neither of them felt there was anything wrong with their words, but Gu Shufang's heart was pounding after hearing it.

"No this time, you are not allowed to take it away. If you want, you can come up and see me...this painting." Gu Shufang shouted.

Zhang Chen smiled: "Of course, I promised this a long time ago. How could I go back on it? Otherwise, if Sister Shufang wants me to eat the cherry meat, I still won't come out."

"Fuck you, I'm not that stingy." Gu Shufang cursed.

"However, I can feel that this will be a successful work." Zhang Chen said confidently.

It was past twelve o'clock when Zhang Chen stood up and said goodbye. Gu Shufang said wait a minute and walked out. After a while, she brought back a glassware as big as a cup and gave it to Zhang Chen and told him to take it with her. Drink.

Zhang Chen looked at the translucent, thick paste-like object inside and asked, what is this?

"Bird's nest."

Zhang Chen quickly declined. He said I don’t want it. Isn’t this for women to drink?

"Who are you listening to nonsense? Do you know or do I know?" Gu Shufang cursed lightly, "I run on the construction site every day. The construction site is full of dust. This one is to nourish the lungs, do you understand?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "How can I understand this?"

"If you don't understand, just be obedient."

Zhang Chen had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll listen to Sister Shufang."

At around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Mr. Tan called Zhang Chen and told him that the design plan for the Bayview Hotel has been finalized. Please arrange the time and see when you can accompany your elder brother to Sanya. , I still need your help for many of the plans that follow.

"Great!" Zhang Chen shouted, "I'll make arrangements, brother. If there are no special circumstances, it will be this weekend. We will go on Saturday evening and come back on Sunday."

Mr. Tan said yes, and then joked, "By the way, I don't need to arrange the room for Saturday, right?"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen's first thought was to tell Gu Shufang the news quickly. Why did he think of telling her? Zhang Chen himself found it funny, but if he thought about it carefully, it was not surprising that Liu Ligan and Xiao Wu didn't care about this matter. Jin Lili should have known the news earlier than him, and there was no need for him to tell her.

Zhang Chen was surprised that Mr. Tan told him the news first, instead of Jin Lili telling him the news immediately.

After thinking about it, Gu Shufang is really the only one who still cares about this matter. It can even be said that she cares about this matter the most.

Zhang Chen originally wanted to tell Gu Shufang when he went back in the evening. He sat for a while, but couldn't help it. He told himself, you just ate the rice cooked by others and the bird's nest stewed by others. This little bit Road, is it difficult to go back and forth?

With this thought in mind, Zhang Chen walked out of the office and went to the parking lot in front. He rode his motorcycle to Wenmingdong.

The door on the first floor is always ajar when no one is in front of the hall, or when Caizhen and the others are not at home. Zhang Chen enters the door, closes the door again, then walks in, goes up to the second floor, and passes by the door of his room. , Zhang Chen did not go in, but went directly to the third floor. Halfway up the stairs, Zhang Chen looked both ways. The doors of the three rooms were all open, and Gu Shufang was at home.

Zhang Chen passed the kitchen and dining room, but there was no one inside. He passed through the peonies and arrived at the living room. The door of the living room was open, but there was no one. Zhang Chen stood at the door of the living room and looked towards the bedroom. The door was also wide open. With that, Zhang Chen happily walked over without thinking too much.

Zhang Chen walked to the door of the bedroom, glanced at it, and was stunned. His face turned red, and he quickly stopped. He tiptoed away, tiptoed back to the second floor, and continued tiptoeing to the first floor. , exited the door, hurriedly got on the motorcycle, and arrived at Wenming East Road outside the alley, Zhang Chen let out a long breath.

He felt his face was burning, and when he touched it with his hand, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Damn you!

Zhang Chen cursed.

Just now, he walked to the door of Gu Shufang's bedroom and saw Gu Shufang sitting on the bed inside the door, topless, with her back to the door. Next to her was a quilt, supporting the painting Zhang Chen painted.

Gu Shufang was facing the full-length mirror beside the bed, comparing and admiring herself. She gently touched herself with her hands, thinking about Zhang Chen's praise of her skin last night, and felt quite proud in her heart.

She felt that her body was so fair and beautiful that she was almost blinded.

I am forty-two years old this year, but I have sealed my body in the dust at the age of twenty-eight. At the age of twenty-eight, Sanmao met the painter Deng Guochuan in Taipei. This year, I, Gu Shufang, gave birth to After giving birth to my daughter, my body has been waiting for her to grow slowly and catch up with me.

Gu Shufang smiled slightly at the mirror. She saw Zhang Chen's shadow flash in the mirror and then disappeared. She heard him tiptoeing downstairs. Gu Shufang sat there, keeping calm. She was worried that even if she made a sound The slightest sound would frighten him.

In fact, when Zhang Chen came, he opened the door below, and Gu Shufang heard it. In this house, only Zhang Chen knew that even during the day, after people came in, they had to turn around and close the door. Xiao Lin never knew how to close the door. Yes, it would take a long time for Caizhen and the others to realize that when they were about to go to bed, they didn't even close the door when they came in.

These are some rude people.

When Zhang Chen reached the second floor, Gu Shufang did not expect that he would continue to the third floor. Come up as soon as you come up. When Zhang Chen reached the third floor, Gu Shufang did not panic. She sat silently and looked at herself in the mirror. , she saw Zhang Chen break into the mirror and escape, she thought he must be blushing and flustered.

Gu Shufang couldn't help but smile slightly.

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