The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 161 Suzhou Cuisine

Gu Shufang wanted to ask what was going on with the hotel's design plan, but she thought about it but didn't ask. Zhang Chen seemed to have guessed her thoughts and told her that there was no news about that plan yet.

Gu Shufang smiled and said to herself: "Don't be anxious, you will pass."

She seemed to be comforting Zhang Chen, and also seemed to be comforting herself. Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw her expression.

Seeing Zhang Chenxiao, Gu Shufang seemed to be relieved. She asked softly: "What's wrong with you? You don't seem to be well. Did you encounter something?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said no, he was just a little tired.

"Then let's drink some wine, shall we? Wine can relieve fatigue."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Gu Shufang stood up, went to the cupboard, and took a bottle of red wine and two glasses. The wine was unopened. She also brought a corkscrew with her. Zhang Chen wanted to help open the wine. Gu Shufang said:

"I can."

She opened the wine bottle skillfully and poured wine for Zhang Chen and herself. Her gestures were light and graceful. Seeing Zhang Chen looking at her, Gu Shufang knew what he was thinking and smiled softly:

"I'm alone and don't drink. You see, I'm very skilled at opening wine bottles, right? You forgot that I'm a waiter."

Zhang Chen laughed: "I really forgot."

Gu Shufang sighed softly: "It's a pity that there are no ice cubes."

Zhang Chen said, "It's not that particular. I usually don't drink red wine."

"Then what are you drinking?"

Zhang Chen said beer.

Gu Shufang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, you didn't drink that. It is said that men in Haicheng like to drink whatever they want, big..., small...haha, it's really vulgar!"

When Gu Shufang talked about big and small, she frowned with disdain on her face. Zhang Chen knew that she was talking about big and small aphrodisiac wine.

Gu Shufang took off the lids of the casseroles and the plates that were fastened to the plates. Every time she took away one, she said the name of the dish in Suzhou dialect, and then in Mandarin. Zhang Chen didn't know if she was also raised as a waiter. become a habit.

Gu Shufang speaks Suzhou dialect very nicely, very soft and waxy, with a little slur.

The dishes made by Gu Shufang are bright in color and look very tempting. There are two casseroles, one is duck with mother oil and the other is eel paste with oil. There are three plates, one is cherry meat and the other is bisnail shrimp. The shrimp is bought. I ordered fresh prawns, which I peeled myself, and one was water spinach.

Gu Shufang said: "It's a pity that mandarin fish is not available here, otherwise I could make squirrel mandarin fish."

Zhang Chen knew that the mandarin fish Gu Shufang was talking about was mandarin fish, "egrets fly in front of Xisai Mountain, and mandarin fish is fat in peach blossoms flowing through the water." This kind of fish is also abundant in Yongcheng. There are many in the market. The meat is delicate and delicious. Zhang Chen Chen didn't know that he couldn't buy mandarin fish in Haicheng.

"However, there will be a chance." Gu Shufang added, "When the big boss comes to Hainan, Wanghailou will fly mandarin fish over. We Jiangnan people are still used to eating freshwater fish, aren't we?"

"I can do it. I think the fish in the sea is also delicious." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "So I'm probably destined not to be a big leader."

Gu Shufang also laughed.

She took a little of each dish, put it in the small bowl in front of Zhang Chen, and urged: "Try it quickly."

When Zhang Chen was tasting, Gu Shufang clenched her hands into fists and put them on her chest. She stared at Zhang Chen, like a student waiting for the teacher to judge the question. She looked very nervous, and there was a hint of nervousness on her face. flush.

Zhang Chen tasted everything and exclaimed, "It's delicious. Sister Shufang, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have thought you were a waiter. I would have thought you were a chef."

Gu Shufang breathed a sigh of relief. She said, that person was not very good, but he was still very good as a chef. Over the years, I have learned to listen.

Zhang Chen knew that she was talking about Mr. Fu. Zhang Chen had seen Mr. Fu's prowess in this aspect with his own eyes. However, Zhang Chen was surprised that you had not lived together for so many years. How could you listen? Listen, that was also the first few years you got married, right?

"If you like to eat, come back early every day. I will cook it for you every day. You don't know what to do when you are eating alone." Gu Shufang said, paused, and then added: "It's also very boring."

Zhang Chen quickly said no, no, it would be too hard for Sister Shufang. Besides, I can't come back early every day. Now that the mall is being renovated, I have to stare and draw there at night, so I can only use my spare time.

Zhang Chen's words are of course an excuse. There is nothing on the construction site that he needs to keep an eye on every night, but once it becomes a daily routine to come back for dinner, it will not only be bad, but it will also soon become a burden for the two of them. .

Gu Shufang said: "Okay, then I'll wait for you. I went to bed very late."

Zhang Chen raised his glass and said to Gu Shufang, "Okay, I'll try to finish the painting as soon as possible. Thank you Sister Shufang for the dinner."

"Thank you. I can cook a few dishes. It's easy and not strenuous." Gu Shufang also raised her cup and clinked it with Zhang Chen.

After the two of them finished eating, Gu Shufang and Zhang Chen said, "You go sit in the living room first and rest for a while. I will clean up here quickly."

Zhang Chen wanted to help, but Gu Shufang said no, no, it's just a little work, the two of them are still confused, go and sit down, if you want to drink tea, pour it yourself.

Zhang Chen said yes, he walked out of the dining room, passed through the peonies, and went to the living room. He looked at the part of yesterday's painting and found that there was nothing that needed to be modified. He opened the three legs of the oil painting box, stood it up, and then opened the box. Cover and clean the palette with a spatula.

Zhang Chen has a habit. He always likes to clean up the palette from the previous day the next day. This makes cleaning a lot more difficult. The painter scolded Zhang Chen several times for this, but Zhang Chen couldn't change it, so he had no choice but to Let him.

Zhang Chen felt that while clearing his palette and looking at his previous day's work, his brain was particularly excited, much like a track and field athlete warming up before starting.

Zhang Chen enjoyed this process very much.

After completing these preparations, Zhang Chen returned to the door of the living room, leaning against the door, looking at the busy shadow of Gu Shufang in the dining room and kitchen diagonally opposite, and the busy figure of the woman in the kitchen, especially when she was moving lightly, It gives people a warm feeling. Whatever Gu Shufang does, her movements seem to be elegant and light. Watching her do it is a kind of enjoyment.

The warm yellow light in the restaurant rippled on her fair face and hands, emitting an intoxicating halo. This light effect is very similar to when Manet painted a barmaid or Degas painted a ballerina. Feeling this, Zhang Chen considered whether the next painting should be a painting of Gu Shufang in the restaurant. The painting has a strong sense of movement and complex changes in light and shade.

In just ten minutes, Gu Shufang had tidied up the restaurant. All the cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks had been cleaned and returned to their original places. She walked out and walked to the door. When she saw Zhang Chen looking over, Gu Shufang couldn't bear it. She couldn't help but smile. Her smile was in the half-darkness inside and outside the door. Zhang Chen's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

He wanted to ask Gu Shufang to stop, but Gu Shufang had already turned off the lights in the restaurant, and Zhang Chen sighed softly.

Gu Shufang approached and asked Zhang Chen: "Do you want to continue to rest for a while, or should you start?"

Zhang Chen asked back: "Are you tired? If not, we'll start."

Gu Shufang smiled softly. When she laughed, her heart skipped a beat. She cursed secretly, "Why do you like to laugh so much?"

She felt that from yesterday to today, she had laughed more times than in the past ten years combined.

Gu Shufang walked over and sat down on the chair. Without Zhang Chen's instructions, she assumed the same posture as yesterday, with her hands folded in front of her chest, with a look of indifference and disdain in her eyes. Zhang Chen saw her The look suddenly reminded me of the scene of her standing on the steps this morning.

Both of them seemed to have forgotten about this matter. They never even thought about mentioning it. If this familiar action hadn't brought back Zhang Chen's memories, this scene might have disappeared with time.

Maybe because she drank some wine, Gu Shufang's face was a little red. This touch of red was very beautiful, just like when painting Chinese paintings, a touch of carmine spreads on the raw rice paper. This kind of red , seeping out from deep inside Gu Shufang's skin.

But this red color did not match the expression on Gu Shufang's face, and it was not what Zhang Chen wanted to paint. Zhang Chen approached Gu Shufang and looked carefully at the part of her cheek that was not flushed. This part of the color was what Zhang Chen needed. of.

Gu Shufang saw Zhang Chen approaching and stared at her face carefully. After all, Gu Shufang was a little nervous when she was a model for the first time. She wanted to say that everything she looked at was already old and wrinkled.

She looked at Zhang Chen without saying anything. She saw that Zhang Chen's eyes were calm and focused. She knew that he was looking into the painting, or looking into it. At this time, what he was looking at was not a woman. Even if a pair of leather shoes and an apple were placed here, he would look at me the same way.

But this kind of focused and serious gaze and gesture was attractive. It quickly turned back time and brought Gu Shufang back to her girlhood. She heard a sigh of resentment and satisfaction from the bottom of her heart.

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