The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1540 The sky outside·Zhang Guangtian

"Dr. Tan, I think there is another problem." Sister Guihua said.

"What's the problem?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Sister Guihua said: "When I go to every project, I also go to the sales department. I find that the people in our sales department now have a very bad attitude. Those salespeople are just like the state-owned stores in the past. At that time, How to say something..."

"The door is difficult to enter, the face is ugly, and the words are ugly." Lao Tan said.

"Yes, that's it. I thought, no matter what, those who sell houses are also service workers. If service workers do this, it will definitely not work." Sister Guihua said.

Tan Shuzhen looked around at the general managers of each branch at the dinner table. She said, I have heard about this too. Do any of you have this situation?

The general managers of several branches laughed sheepishly. Fan Jianguo said that houses are easy to sell now, but the opposite is true. House buyers are trying to flatter the sales ladies. They are really arrogant.

"Ying Ying, you are from a sales background, do you think this is right?"

Tan Shuzhen asked Ying Ying, and Ying Ying giggled. She said it was definitely wrong, but there was no way we could follow them.

"Moreover, there are indeed a lot of people coming to see them every day, and time is really not allowed for them to receive them all." Xu Wenhui said.

"No, being busy is not a reason, nor is the fact that the house sells easily." Tan Shuzhen said, "I used to work at Mr. Zhang's... it's here, it's this place, the original Ban Mu Tian store, and every salesperson was very busy. , a maximum of fifty or sixty pieces of clothes are sold in a day. Selling clothes is not easier than selling a house. You have to introduce it, and people have to try it on, and trying it on is not just one piece.

"But even though I am so busy, I have never heard of any door that is difficult to enter, faces that are ugly, or words that are difficult to hear. Everyone is greeted with a smile and farewell with a smile. Moreover, how much does a piece of clothing cost, and how much does a house cost? Is it true that people who sell houses should have a better service attitude than those who sell clothes?

"I think the key here is the issue of service awareness. Sister Guihua is right. No matter what she sells, this salesperson is doing service work. Doing service work without basic service awareness is not a trivial matter.

"Ying Ying, I'll leave this matter to you. You go back in a few days and think about how we did the sales work in Taohuayuan. You and Xiao Lu will work together to make a service manual for our group's sales staff. This After the manual is distributed to each branch, the general manager will personally implement this matter. At that time, I will go to each place for unannounced visits to see the results of your implementation."

Ying Ying said yes.

In the afternoon, we returned to the company's conference room and continued the meeting. We continued to sort out the details one by one. Both Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan were surprised. Lao Tan said, "It's really dark under the lamp. If we didn't hold this meeting, we probably wouldn't be able to do it ourselves." You know, it turns out that there are still so many problems, but usually everyone turns a blind eye.

Tan Shuzhen was also very emotional. She said that the company is developing so fast that we don’t have time to stop and think about it. Looking back, in fact, our company has mold spots here and there and is beginning to rot, but we ourselves I don’t know, over time, this company will be like a house that has been eaten away by termites. If there is a slight disturbance, it will collapse.

In this world, good companies each have their own good methods, but bad companies and failed companies, without exception, will definitely be destroyed in the hands of the operators themselves. If we are not careful and fearful, we are not far from closing down.

Tan Shuzhen told everyone that so far, our sales target for this year has been doubled. Everyone should no longer have the pressure of tasks. In the remaining time, we just have to focus on service and quality, which other companies have no time to do. When doing these things, we need to lay a solid foundation and train our company's own physique.

After the afternoon meeting, Tan Shuzhen asked Lao Tan and Yao Fen to take the attendees to dinner, but everyone said they didn’t want to eat and wanted to go home. Yes, everyone’s home is in Hangzhou. Who doesn’t want to go back to accompany them? Family, why are you staying for dinner? Is there anything wrong?

Tan Shuzhen was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that among all these people, she was the only one.

Tan Shuzhen clapped her hands and said, OK, you all can go back.

Everyone left, and Tan Shuzhen sat blankly in her office alone.

After the meeting, the problems that needed to be discovered were discovered, and the solutions were implemented on the spot. Even if there was a storm in the future, they were all mentally prepared and planned to deal with it seriously.

But Tan Shuzhen did not feel relaxed at all. Instead, she felt even more empty in her heart. Deep in her heart, the feeling of fear did not decrease at all, but increased.

She didn't know if she was doing the right thing, and she didn't know if a storm would come next, let alone whether everything she did would really work when the storm came.

Tan Shuzhen sat there, feeling like a ship in the ocean. She seemed to know the direction of the shore, but she couldn't see the shore.

Outside the window, the sky was getting darker little by little, and Tan Shuzhen felt lonely.

Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone and called Xiangnan. After the phone rang twice, Xiangnan put the phone down. After a while, a text message came back: "Still rehearsing."

What kind of training are you planning to do at this time? Besides, haven't you just reported in? School hasn't officially started yet, so why are you rehearsing again?

Tan Shuzhen felt that Xiang Nan was prevaricating her, so she dialed another number, but Xiang Nan had already turned off the phone.

Tan Shuzhen became anxious and wondered, would something happen to Nan Nan? She hurriedly called Wenwen and asked her, I couldn't get through to Nannan. She sent me a text message saying that she was rehearsing. Won't the official class start tomorrow? What kind of practice is she rehearsing now?

Wenwen said, yes, Nannan should still be rehearsing now. Sister Zhenzhen, do you know Zhang Guangtian?

Tan Shuzhen said she didn’t know, who was it?

"There is a very awesome person in Beijing. By the way, there is a play called "Che Guevara." Sister Zhenzhen, do you know about it?" Wenwen asked.

Tan Shuzhen still said she didn’t know.

"What about 'The Accidental Death of an Anarchist'?" Wenwen continued to ask.

Tan Shuzhen said: "I don't know."

""Rhinoceros in Love"?"

"have no idea."

"What about "Sage Confucius" and "Mr. Lu Xun"?"

"I know Mr. Lu Xun. Not only is he the one who wrote "Blessing", I also played the role of Mrs. Xianglin." Tan Shuzhen said.

Wenwen giggled and said, I'm not asking about this person, but the play "Mr. Lu Xun". Forget it, asking is in vain. You must not know Zhang Guangtian. Anyway, he is a very awesome person in Beijing. The director of Pioneer Drama, on the day we went to Beijing Film Academy to report, they were recruiting volunteers for a certain play. They said it was going to be performed in Seoul. Nan Nan applied for it and was selected.

Tan Shuzhen breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was what happened. It seemed that Nan Nan was not prevaricating her, but was really rehearsing. At this moment, Tan Shuzhen felt that her nerves, which had been tense all day, suddenly became relaxed.

"Sister Zhenzhen, is there anything else?" Wenwen asked.

"No, Wenwen, thank you." Tan Shuzhen said quickly.

Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone and called Zhang Chen again, asking where he was.

"Office." Zhang Chen said.

"What are you doing?" Tan Shuzhen asked.


Tan Shuzhen burst out laughing. Zhang Chen got curious and asked, is it so funny that I was in a daze?

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "Isn't it funny that you were in a daze? But I just finished dazed too. Do you think it's funny or not?"

"It's not funny either." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I think it's quite funny anyway. By the way, why are you alone, Xiao Wu and Qiao Xin?"

"On Sunday, we went out to play, eat, and then watch a movie."

"Why didn't you go together?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"What am I going to do?" Zhang Chen asked curiously, "Being a light bulb? I'm not that boring."

"By the way, Zhang Chen, do you know Zhang Guangtian?"

"I know, a director, the one who directed "Che Guevara." Zhang Chen said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Nannan said she was going to make a cameo in one of his plays." Tan Shuzhen said.

"That's good. At least it can open your eyes. Those who engage in avant-garde theater have very strange minds. By the way, Tan Shuzhen, didn't you have a meeting today? Is the meeting over?" Zhang Chen remembered and asked.

"It's over, everyone has gone home now, and I'm the only one left." Tan Shuzhen said, "Okay, Zhang Chen, you're lonely and I'm lonely, how about you accompany me to the Friendly Hotel upstairs to eat Japanese food and have an affair? That's it. Let’s go to the movies too.”

Zhang Chen cursed: "Get out!"

Tan Shuzhen laughed and hung up the phone.

Tan Shuzhen got up and walked out of the office, walked to the parking lot outside, got in the car, started the car, and when she got to Daxue Road outside, she thought about it and turned right to go to the dynamic zone. She thought to herself, if you tell me to get out, I will not refuse. Go away, I'm relying on you today, I'm going to annoy you to death.

Tan Shuzhen thought and laughed again. She had already expected that as long as she invaded Zhang Chen's office, Zhang Chen would definitely have no choice in the end. He cursed and accompanied her to eat Japanese food upstairs at the Youhao Hotel. Finally, I will also accompany her to the cinema.

I don’t know what movie is being played tonight.

who cares.

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