They had lunch in the private room of Tuxiangyuan Hotel on Yan'an Road. They said they were eating, but in fact they took the interrupted meeting in the conference room and continued it in the private room. Everyone's topic returned to the company's business.

Tan Shuzhen asked everyone to talk more about the current problems in the company. She said that only by finding out the problems first and then solving them can our company return to normal.

"I'm a rough guy and don't know how to speak. If my words offend everyone, please forgive me." Sister Guihua looked at everyone and spoke first.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "It's all for work. There's nothing I can't say, and there's no problem of offending anyone. Just say it, Sister Guihua."

"Okay, I think Director Tan is right. It is indeed very chaotic now, not only outside, but inside our company, I feel it is also chaotic." Sister Guihua was indeed quick to talk, and she got to the point as soon as she spoke: "I am in charge Regarding property, I feel that our current level of property management is declining."

Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan were both surprised. Property management, but their Jinxiu Group's golden brand, has made a name in the industry. Many other companies' high-end properties are now negotiating cooperation with Tan Shuzhen and the others. Tan Shuzhen originally They plan to expand this business next, that is, they will not only build houses, but also export their property management.

Property management can also bring huge profits, especially the management of high-end properties.

"Sister Guihua, please give me more details." Tan Shuzhen said.

"In our property management this year, the number of complaints from owners is increasing every month. This is still recorded. I randomly checked and found that for some projects, owners' complaints are not even recorded at all. Although I am here to supervise They improved, but the effect was not obvious, and I had a feeling of inadequacy.”

"What's the reason?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"There are two main reasons." Sister Guihua said, "First, in almost every project we are now accelerating the launch and handover of houses. After the house is handed over, the property management company is also established, but in fact our property management Whether it’s personnel or security, we haven’t even finished the training before we let them take up the job, so the service level will definitely drop.”

Tan Shuzhen nodded, and Sister Guihua continued:

"The most important thing is that there is a problem with the leadership's consciousness. The general managers here all feel that their main job now is to sell houses, and they don't pay enough attention to the later property management. Many of the unpleasant things have been said. If you let it go, you probably think that selling the house is the most important thing, and let’s talk about the follow-up property services.”

Tan Shuzhen asked everyone, do you have this problem?

Ying Ying raised her hand and said, I admit that I have this problem. From an ideological point of view, I do have the idea of ​​how to get the project out as soon as possible and sell it as soon as possible. I really don’t pay attention to the property, and I don’t even take care of it myself. , everything is left to the vice president.

Lao Wan said, I also have this idea. I feel that building and selling a house is the most important thing. Property services are all things after the house has been sold, so I don’t pay attention to it.

Tan Shuzhen looked around, and several other people nodded, admitting that they had the same problem.

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment. She leaned over and whispered a few words to Lao Tan. Lao Tan nodded. Tan Shuzhen said, "Well, let's adjust this area immediately. Starting from tomorrow, the property management of each place will be handed over to The property management company of the group company, namely Sister Guihua, has changed the current practice of branch offices also managing local property management companies.

Tan Shuzhen turned to Sister Guihua and said to her: "All personnel deployment, recruitment and appointments will be handled by you. The property services will be completely independent from the branch and managed by you. You see May I?"

Sister Guihua looked at everyone and said, I wonder if they have any opinions.

Others said they had no objections. Ying Ying said, I don't understand property management to begin with. It should have been handled by professionals long ago. Sister Guihua, you have reduced my burden.

Sister Guihua said yes, then I will take it.

Tan Shuzhen said, this is one thing, and it will be handed over in an orderly manner starting on Monday. What else is there?

Lao Wan said, I think the quality of our projects is declining now. I don’t know about other places. At least this is the case in Shanghai. All five projects are being completed in a hurry. Those project managers feel that the houses have been sold and the money has been collected anyway. Now that we are back, the quality control of subsequent projects is no longer as strict as before.

Every time I go to a project, I can find a lot of problems. The second time I go, some have been changed, and some have not been touched at all. Even the construction company is not very willing to rework now. They also feel that the house is not broken. Everyone wants it, but it has been sold, so why are you so fussy about it?

"I also have this problem in Xiamen." Fan Jianguo said.

"The situation is better where I am." Zhang Musheng said, "Those are also the bosses of those construction companies. They know that I am from a construction background and are not easy to fool, so they will be more careful when doing things. However, they always complain to me, saying Our job is difficult.”

"I actually communicated with the construction company more than once or twice about this matter. They also told me the truth. They said that there are too many projects now. It turns out that one person has to work on three projects, so there is not enough manpower. Of course, half of the new recruits are top-up workers, and now they are the original workers who have been used as masters on the construction site. Of course, there will be problems with the quality." Xu Wenhui said.

Song Chunming nodded and said that this is a common phenomenon and it is not a problem of our company. Almost every real estate company will encounter this problem.

"There is another reason." Ying Ying said, "The construction companies that did relatively well in the past few years have now become real estate companies. They have all started working on their own projects. These construction companies now are all the original ones." Doing odd jobs."

Zhang Musheng shouted: "It's really like this. Not to mention other things, it's Hangzhou. The brothers and sisters who used to do construction together with us are now real estate bosses. Don't tell me, the work these workers are doing now, I really I don’t like it, there is no technical content, but thanks to the rapid renewal of building materials and construction machinery, there is less and less reliance on labor.”

"Yes, there are no masters who can make wooden doors and windows nowadays, and those who can do mortise and tenon joints are even rarer. They all rely on nails, glue, and nail guns." Lao Wan also said.

Lao Tan saw that they were going further and further away from the project manager. They were talking about the construction company. Can they change the construction company? The environment is like this, and it is useless for anyone to complain. Lao Tan said, it is better to talk more. Talk about ourselves.

Tan Shuzhen waved her hand and said, "This matter is very important. My idea is, Brother Tan, you should take the lead and conduct a thorough investigation of all our projects to see how serious and how extensive this problem is."

Lao Tan nodded and said yes.

"After we feel confident, on the one hand, we strengthen communication with the construction companies to see how they can improve. There are also some low-cost projects, and we take the initiative to make adjustments to them, or as rewards for high-quality projects. In a word, Regardless of whether it is a sold or unsold project, the quality of the project must be properly controlled, otherwise we will be damaging our own brand.”

As Tan Shuzhen spoke, everyone was silent. Tan Shuzhen looked at everyone and said sincerely:

"It is not easy for our Jinxiu Group's houses to have a good reputation in the industry. This is all earned through everyone's hard work. We cannot destroy our own reputation anymore. Therefore, I beg the general manager of each branch to Consider this your most important job.

“If the house can’t be built well, what’s the point of selling it well? The faster we sell, the more we sell, the faster we will destroy our own brand.

“On the other hand, our own construction company needs to continue to expand its scale and strive to increase the proportion of our self-built projects.

"Based on what I said this morning, my idea is that in principle we will not acquire new land in the second half of the year. This is to firstly prepare for cash reserves and prepare to deal with the most difficult situations, and secondly, we have to put our own When the speed slows down, we must launch projects based on our own staffing. Without a good project team, we should not blindly launch new projects or rush them to the shelves.

"Slowing down the speed is what I said this morning and returning to normal. When the speed is slowed down and the number of projects under construction is reduced, it will be possible for you, the general manager, to turn every project into a high-quality project. When others are going crazy, we Don’t follow the madness. When others are making shoddy products, we should strive for excellence.

"We don't pursue industry rankings, nor do we pursue inflated sales performance. I think our entire company, from top to bottom, must establish a concept, which is the original rule set by Mr. Liu. We want to create China's best For good houses, we do not set the industry benchmark for enterprise size, but we set the industry benchmark for quality.

"I remember when Vanke entered Hangzhou, Mr. Liu and I went to see their house. What Mr. Liu said at that time still impressed me deeply. He said, if I were Wang Shi, I would have built such a bad house. I could commit suicide in my house and still have the nerve to brag about it.

"Mr. Liu was very serious when he said it, and he was not joking at all. To be honest, I also think that in terms of the quality of the houses, Vanke is indeed on a different level than our Jinxiu. I hope that in five or ten years, we will , twenty years later, I still have the confidence to say that.”

"Do you all have such confidence?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Yes, no matter where Mr. Liu is now, we cannot fail the brand he created." Zhang Musheng said.

Lao Wan said, I was brought out by Mr. Liu hand in hand, and I will not let him down.

"Me too." Ying Ying said, "Otherwise my dad wouldn't do it."

Fan Jianguo smiled and said, "What does it have to do with your father?"

"Of course it does matter. You little kid doesn't know that back then, my dad told me in front of Mr. Liu that I would work hard in Jinxiu for the rest of my life." Ying Ying said.

Fan Jianguo is five or six years older than Ying Ying. Everyone laughed when they heard Ying Ying calling Fan Jianguo a little kid.

Fan Jianguo was not convinced and cursed, "Little sister, let's be clear. Even in terms of seniority in the company, I am older than you. I worked at Yiming Food Factory with Mr. Liu."

"Okay, okay, can I call you old man?" Ying Ying shouted.

Thank you for your monthly votes. Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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