The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1522 Parents said

More than a week later, as soon as the results of Xiangnan's professional courses came out, Wenwen immediately called Tan Shuzhen and asked Tan Shuzhen to go online to check it out. In fact, Tan Shuzhen did not know how many times a day she browsed the Beijing Film Academy's website and had already seen the announced list. I was worried that they might have the same name, but I felt relieved after receiving a call from Wenwen.

"Wenwen, that Feng Xiangnan is our Nannan, right?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Of course, that's right. Nannan is now a celebrity. Many teachers are waiting to see her do somersaults." Wenwen said with a smile.

"Okay, turn it over when you get there, turn it over when you get there." Tan Shuzhen also smiled.

Putting down the phone, Tan Shuzhen breathed a sigh of relief and felt that a stone in her heart had fallen to the ground. However, her relaxation only lasted for one day. Starting from the next day, Tan Shuzhen started to have new thoughts. Although she knew Xiangnan's culture The grades in the class and the score required to pass the art exam are almost certain, but when I see Xiang Nan every day, I still keep saying:

"Nannan, mother told you to stop being impatient and not to relax."

Xiang Nan studied with Lin Shuwan and even passed the IELTS test. Tan Shuzhen still asked:

"Nannan, did you memorize today's English words?"

Tan Shuzhen knew that Xiang Nan was disgusted with these behaviors of hers. When she calmed down and thought about it, she herself felt a little funny about her behaviors, but there was nothing she could do about it. As long as it was Xiang Nan's affairs, she couldn't calm down most of the time. , seems to be a different person.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said, "Well, after having a child, Zhang Chen, I feel that my courage has become smaller. What were we afraid of before?" But now, whenever I encounter Nannan affairs, I am still not confident and worry about gains and losses.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Do you understand Lao Tan now? Parents don't think their children are not good enough, but hope that they can be better. In the eyes of others, you Tan Shuzhen, even if you are already very good, in the eyes of Lao Tan, I still feel it’s not good enough and I still have to keep nagging.”

Tan Shuzhen was startled for a moment, and she said yes, Zhang Chen, you are right. Thinking about it now, it is not easy for any parent, but it is a pity that children cannot understand it.

"Do you still want them to be grateful?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Shouldn't it?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I don't think it should be." Zhang Chen said, "As a parent, you must get rid of this concept."

"What are you talking about, Zhang Chen?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. What I said is true. I never thought that one day Zhang Xiangbei would have the idea of ​​repaying his kindness." Zhang Chen said, "Don't think it's not easy for me to raise you. It's natural for you to be filial to me." , you know, even animals know how to raise their children, this is instinct and what parents should do."

"Fresh." Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen with wide eyes and said.

"Think about it, when you gave birth to a child, did you ask him if he agreed? It's not because adults want their own happiness or some concept of passing on the family line that they gave birth to children. Anyway, I admit it. , Zhang Xiangbei was not what Xiao Zhao and I planned. We were just doing it for our own happiness, but we didn’t expect that there would be an accident, and Zhang Xiangbei was an accident.”

Zhang Chen said, Tan Shuzhen laughed, Zhang Chen looked at her seriously and said to her:

"Don't laugh, I'm talking to you about a very serious issue."

Tan Shuzhen had a serious face, and she said okay, I am also very serious, you continue, Zhang Chen.

"You probably don't deny that when the child is born and you hold him, the huge joy is incomparable. This kind of joy has already made you two clear. The next step is responsibility.

"We gave birth to the child without consulting the child's wishes. We are not kings and queens. We did not give birth to them so that they can enjoy happiness. Instead, we came to endure hardship. What do you want the child to thank you for? ?What do you have to be grateful for? Thank you for bringing him to endure hardships?

"But now that the child has been born, this is a fait accompli. Next comes the responsibility I mentioned. Parents should fulfill their parental responsibilities and try their best to create good conditions for their children's growth. During this process, parents are in their children's minds. The image in the movie is created by the parents themselves, so parents who are fucked up are parents who have failed to fulfill their parental responsibilities.

"This does not mean that parents must give their children how much money or wealth, but how hard you work to fulfill this responsibility and let your children see your efforts. It is at this time that family affection is born, because The child knows that no one in this world will work so hard for him except you. Only then will your image in the child's mind become perfect.

"Those kind of fucked-up parents don't think so. They think everything is natural. I gave birth to you and it's right to beat and scold you. It's also right to ignore you. You should listen to me in everything. Yes, he treats children as dolls and objects of vent.

"But when you are older and he is older, he feels that you should be filial to me. He doesn't know that it is because he has not fulfilled his responsibility as a parent. What is between him and his children is not family affection, but estrangement. .

"If a child hates you so much, even if he takes care of you, he is being hypocritical and fulfilling his responsibility as a child."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "Zhang Chen, I think what you said makes sense, but it's still a bit nonsense."

"No, if you think about it carefully, you will know that it is not." Zhang Chen said, "No matter what, children are passive. They have no way to choose their parents, and they have no way to decide whether their parents will fuck up or not, so here Among them, being a parent has a greater responsibility, that is, you have to work hard to not be so fucked up.

"If I hadn't been a father myself, I would have felt a little frivolous when I said this, and it would have been a little uncomfortable to stand up and talk. But after I became a father, I felt that it is important for parents to position themselves correctly, otherwise the children will become farther and farther away from you. , even if I am with you, my heart is already far away."

"Okay, I'll work hard to keep Nannan from leaving me," Tan Shuzhen said.

"Let's encourage each other." Zhang Chen said, "At least let's not be so fucked up. So far, it seems to be okay. We need to keep working hard."

In March, the transaction volume of first-hand housing in Hangzhou suddenly increased, reaching 4,767 units, which was more than the transaction volume in the same period in 2007 and 2082 combined.

Tan Shuzhen knew that this was caused by the stimulus of price cuts, but at least the market was as she expected, and popularity had returned.

Tan Shuzhen sent people from her company's sales department to pretend to be home buyers and asked them to go to various sales departments to inquire about information. Every day, they would write down the information and give it to her.

Tan Shuzhen carefully compared the changes in house prices for the same property. Half a month later, she found that each sales department was quietly increasing the discount range. The 30% discount was first adjusted to 7.2%, 70% off, It was 50% off and finally became 20% off. The original 20% off was also adjusted to 8.30% off and 8.50% off. Everything went as she expected, which made her relieved.

More than one salesperson brought back shocking news. They told Tan Shuzhen that Wenzhou people were back, and there seemed to be a lot of Wenzhou people in every sales department.

Tan Shuzhen asked them if they were Wenzhou people doing business in Hangzhou.

They said no, it was not one or two people who came, but several people, driving together from Wenzhou.

"A real estate speculator group?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

The other party nodded and told her that sometimes you can see several groups of Wenzhou real estate speculators in the same building at the same time.

This news made Tan Shuzhen feel extremely excited. Wenzhou people are the Jews in China. Their sense of the market always seems to be more sensitive than others. If the Wenzhou real estate speculators come back, then the market may have really begun to pick up. , so you can say that a big wave of market conditions has arrived quietly?

Thinking about it, it’s almost the same. The effect of four trillion yuan should also be transmitted to real estate, Tan Shuzhen thought to herself.

Although every real estate project in Hangzhou has been quietly increasing in price, the transaction volume continues to increase at an incredible speed. In April, the transaction volume of houses in the main urban area of ​​Hangzhou has reached as high as 6,267 units. , close to the high point in recent years, the monthly transaction volume record set in June 2007 - 6,532 units.

Except for Hangzhou, where Tan Shuzhen and the others have no houses to sell, the transaction volume of branches in other cities is also rising.

Tan Shuzhen revised her letter to all shareholders. In the second half of the letter, she added new data, predicting that the real estate industry in China has begun to improve, and the company will launch it at the Hangzhou Real Estate Fair in May. The Jiangcun project will definitely bring good sales results to the company.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said, since you have already started to be a profiteer, you should simply be more of a profiteer, so that you will be attractive.

"How to do it?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Didn't you fail to achieve your goal of 20 billion last year? This year, you might as well make a big move and set the sales target to 23 billion." Zhang Chen said, "In this way, it will be more beneficial to shareholders. Exciting.”

Tan Shuzhen thinks Zhang Chen's suggestion is very good. After calculating several of their projects with Lao Tan and Yao Fen, she feels that if the situation improves further, it is still possible to complete the sales task of 23 billion this year. Not really bragging.

Tan Shuzhen also wrote this goal in her letter.

Tan Shuzhen's open letter, together with the appalling 2008 annual report, revealed that their company's stock price did not plummet as Tan Shuzhen expected, but only dropped slightly by more than one Hong Kong dollar. It seems that investors accepted the statement in Tan Shuzhen's open letter. , they also believe that the mainland’s real estate market is picking up.

By the end of April, no one doubts that the entire real estate and housing prices have entered a fast lane. The Hangzhou Real Estate Fair in May will be the most anticipated real estate fair for Hangzhou real estate developers.

Thank you Tiezhongshang 1. At about three o’clock in the middle of the night, I rewarded two fishes! Thank you Hu Hu, reader 1196318977632641024, book friend 20170517225439985, Lao Shen Xisang, Zhen Lao Liu, Kulv Wei Xing, book friend 20200226135023200, hydrogen oxide disinfection knowledge bureau, rainman, Beicheng scholar, the distance is neither far nor near, Soft and melodious 123, book friend 110305221715671 monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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