The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1521 What happened in the afternoon (Thank you for the chair in this world!)

When Xiang Nan walked to the gate, a large group of people immediately gathered around. Tan Shuzhen asked anxiously: "How are you, Nan Nan?"

Xiang Nan said, "I don't know either. The teacher didn't say anything and just asked me to come back in the afternoon."

"Oh, this kid, you don't know how to ask the teacher." Tan Shuzhen shouted.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch. It was already ten o'clock. There was a lot of noise and traffic coming and going at the gate. Zhang Chen said, let's take a walk and go to the private room in Tuxiangyuan. We will have lunch there.

Everyone got in the car and drove to Yan'an Road.

A large group of people sat down in the box, and Xiangnan told them everything about the morning exam. Lao Zhang stopped after hearing this and cursed:

"What kind of bastard teacher is this? Nannan plays the violin very well, but he refuses to let her play the violin. He also makes her act and sing, and even do somersaults. Isn't this a joke?"

Lao Tan laughed and said: "Not necessarily, this might be a good thing. It gives us an opportunity to show off our talents that others don't have. Think about it, how many people can do this somersault, especially Is it a girl?”

After hearing what Lao Tan said, everyone relaxed and felt that it made sense.

Mrs. Tan said: "If that's better, why don't they just tell Nan Nan and ask her to go in the afternoon? What does it mean to go in the afternoon?"

Zhang Chen's mother said: "Yes, there are two sections of the exam, isn't it all done in one sitting?"

Mrs. Tan asked tentatively: "You said that if you go this afternoon, do you mean to take the make-up exam? The make-up exam only requires two exams."

As soon as the two old ladies said that, everyone's worries that had just been relieved increased again. If this was a make-up exam, it would have to be a make-up exam, which means...

Zhang Chen stood up and said, I'll call and ask.

Zhang Chen walked out. After a while, he came back with a smile and told them, "Don't worry, there will be a rematch in the afternoon. Out of the hundreds of people in the morning, only about 20 people were selected to enter the afternoon rematch. The competition is for several people to perform a skit together. It depends on their acting skills and their ability to cooperate with each other.

When everyone heard this, they all laughed. Out of hundreds of people, only a few dozen were chosen. Tsk, Zhang Chen’s mother said, “I knew our Nannan could do it.”

Tan Shuzhen felt strange. She asked the Education Committee. The Education Committee didn't know about the art exam. Who could Zhang Chen ask?

Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen: "Who did you call?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, it's absolutely true anyway, that's what it is."

Wenwen has been operating secretly until now. Of course, Zhang Chen cannot tell Tan Shuzhen.

After lunch, tea in the private room, and a short rest, a large group of people got up and rushed to the provincial art school. The scene at the entrance of the art school in the afternoon was different from that in the morning. The gate was deserted.

Xiang Nan still carried the violin case and walked inside. The other people were waiting in the car outside.

When I arrived in the classroom, I sat for a while and saw that all the other students had arrived. I took a look at Xiang Nan and found that, as Uncle Zhang Chen had told me, there were only about twenty classmates. Xiang Nan was relieved.

After a while, one of the three examiners in the morning came in with a handout and began to call the names. Those who were called were called.

After the roll call, the teacher walked around the classroom, pointed at this and that, and said, "You should sit together in groups of four."

The people in the classroom were immediately divided into six groups. The teacher gave them numbers and told them that the skit was very simple. An old man got on the bus. The old man was not feeling well and wanted a young man to give up his seat. , this young man just won’t let it go, and you will decide the final result yourself.

There are four roles in total, the old man, the young man who refuses to give up his seat, the bus driver and the conductor. You all assign the roles yourself. Do you understand?

Everyone has made it clear.

"Okay, I'll give you twenty minutes to rehearse, and the exam will start in twenty minutes."

After the examiner finished speaking, he went to the next classroom. The six groups here immediately gathered together and began to discuss. The quick ones took the seats and started rehearsing. Between each other, they had to be careful of other groups stealing theirs. For creativity, two groups went to the corridor outside, and the four groups inside occupied the four corners of the classroom.

Xiang Nan's group was the third to start the performance, and Xiang Nan played the role of the conductor.

At the beginning of the performance, the bus driver pulled over and said that stop XX has arrived. Passengers who are getting off, please get off. Get off first and then get on.

The passenger, who plays the role of a young man, is sitting on a chair with his legs crossed and headphones on his ears, listening to music.

The classmate who played the role of an elderly passenger got on the bus and shouted to Xiang Nan, "Can someone please give up your seat to the old man?"

The elderly passenger stood behind the young man. The young man looked at him and continued to sit and listen to his own music.

Xiang Nan looked at him and raised his voice: "Come on, please give up your seat to the old man."

The young man continued to sit and hummed a song. The elderly passenger patted his shoulder and said to him: "Young man, sir, I don't feel well."

The young man glanced at him, flicked the shoulder that had just been patted by the old man with his hand, and continued to sit. Xiang Nan became angry. She stood up and walked over, taking off the young man's headphones. The young man glared at her. With one glance, Xiang Nan cursed:

"Why are you staring? You don't know how to take off your earphones when the old man is talking to you? Are you polite?"

The young man said impatiently: "Tell me, tell me, what's the matter?"

The old man said: "Young man, I don't feel well."

Young man: "If you don't feel well, go to the hospital. Why are you looking for me?"

Originally, there was a long dialogue next, and the classmate who played the role of the old man suddenly forgot the words, suppressed her blush, and was about to get stuck. Xiang Nan had an idea, she picked up the ticket folder, He patted the young man and cursed:

"I don't think anyone knows. Don't you have any elderly people in your family? Don't you yourself grow old?"

The young man woke up and quickly said, "Oh, I'm sorry," and stood up. The old man who was suppressing his blush sat down.

The examiner on the left leaned over and said to the other two, "I still know how to save the situation."

The other two laughed.

After shouting stop, the examiner in the middle remembered something and asked Xiang Nan, "Have you had any performance experience before?"

Xiang Nan is right, he has acted in one movie and two TV series.

When asked about the name, Xiang Nan told them. The examiner on the right said, No wonder, I said it looked so familiar.

The examiner in the middle told them that all your exams are over today, and you will wait for the notification.

When Xiang Nan walked out of the gate of the Provincial Art School, a large group of people came around and asked what happened. Xiang Nan said, I don't know, so I'll just wait for notification.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of a few days later." Zhang Chen's mother shouted, "Nannan, our family, will be fine."

Tan Shuzhen felt uneasy. She asked Xiang Nan, "When is the exam for professional theater courses?"

Hearing Tan Shuzhen's question, Xiang Nan became less confident and felt that she might have failed the exam. She raised her head and said with a sad face, "Next week, I'm going to Shanghai."

When Zhang Chen saw it, he quickly said, let's go home first, and we will know the result later.

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and said suspiciously, Zhang Chen, what on earth are you doing?

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "What the hell? You're not going to go home. Do you want to stand here all the time?"

Everyone got in the car and went to Mishi River. In the evening, they had dinner at Tan Shuzhen's house. When they arrived at Tan Shuzhen's house, the three old ladies started busy, and the two land reclamation warriors followed Old Tan to the yard. Like Old Tan Xianbao, one by one He showed them the flowers he raised, including four pots, and the seeds he asked for from the Tropical Botanical Garden when he was in Sanya. Now they have sprouted.

"I don't know what it will be when it grows out. Anyway, it's not even in Mishihe Park." Lao Tan said with two reclamation warriors.

Xiangnan went back to his room. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Zhang Chen laughed when he saw Tan Shuzhen's worried look:

"Tan Shuzhen, what are you doing? I haven't seen you with such a grimace even if the sky falls."

Tan Shuzhen said with a bitter face: "I just feel like the sky is about to fall, and I don't have any confidence in my heart. Zhang Chen, if Nannan doesn't pass the exam this time, it's all your fault."

"Okay, it's all my fault." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "I didn't expect you, Tan Shuzhen, to be so worried about gains and losses."

"Why not? I almost don't recognize myself!" Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen's phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was Wenwen. Zhang Chen took the phone and walked out. He pressed the answer button when he reached the door. As soon as the call came through, Wenwen kept smiling on the phone. Zhang Chen was puzzled by her smile.

"Mr. Zhang, I was scolded." Wenwen said and laughed again.

"Aren't you cheap for being so happy after being scolded?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"No, no, Mr. Zhang, do you think there's something wrong with me?" Wenwen still smiled.

Zhang Chen said that's right, and the illness is not serious. Come on, tell me, what's the matter?

"Those three people, those three people were all scolding me. They were scolding me for saying there was something wrong with me." Wenwen continued to laugh, and she said: "They thought I was going to give them some crooked melons and cracked jujubes, but they didn't expect it. Nannan, they said, if Nannan wants me to say hello, even a blind person can see that she is a good young talent."

"Really?" Zhang Chen also laughed and said, "Isn't that very promising?"

"There is no hope." Wenwen said.

Zhang Chen was startled and cursed: "Didn't you just say that about her..."

"That's right, don't hope, it's already decided."

Wenwen interrupted Zhang Chen: "They told me that they didn't dare to say anything about other people, but Nan Nan, the three of them agreed that it was settled, and asked me to tell Nan Nan not to attend other schools. They are also worried that Nannan will be snatched away by other schools. They said that there will definitely be no problem with Nannan’s professional courses.”

"Great!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"I'm sure of it. I said there will be no problem with Nannan's cultural exam. She is a child who can take a book. Mr. Zhang, am I right?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "That's right."

"They said that if this is the case, then there will definitely be no problem in moving from Nannan to Beijing Film Academy." Wenwen said.

"That's great, Wenwen!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"Hurry up, then give me a sweet kiss." Wenwen said.

"Go away, I haven't settled the score with you yet." Zhang Chen said, "Did you deliberately keep talking to me in the car yesterday without reminding me? You made me arrive at the office like that, and were beaten by Xiaoli and the others. Laughing to death.”

Wenwen laughed and said, you can kiss me, I'm not afraid of others laughing.

Zhang Chen cursed again, and Wenwen said: "I won't go, I want a private room in Tuxiangyuan. They said the food there is delicious, and they want to go there again. Give me a private room, and the order is unlimited." "

Zhang Chen said yes, I will send you the box number later.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen immediately called Tuxiangyuan, asked for a box, sent the box number to Wenwen, and then walked back.

Tan Shuzhen seemed to know that this call should be related to Xiang Nan. Seeing Zhang Chen come in, she looked at him eagerly.

Only then did Zhang Chen tell Tan Shuzhen that Wenwen was in Hangzhou. She was with the three examiners last night and would still be there today. He also told Tan Shuzhen about her phone call just now.

Tan Shuzhen screamed "Ah!" and then shouted: "Nannan, Nannan, come quickly!"

Her shout not only called Xiang Nan out of the room, but also called Mrs. Tan, Zhang Chen's mother, Xiao Zhao's mother, two land reclamation warriors and Lao Tan into the living room.

Thank you for the tip of the chair in the world! Thank you for the chair in the world, Tianying 1978, why can’t I change my name, robingranite, and Ermao’s monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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