The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1515 Brainwashing

The next morning, Xiaofang and Zhang Chen went to Zhang Chen’s mother’s place to have breakfast. Four old people were there. They had already had breakfast, but they were all sitting there, as if waiting for them. When they saw them coming, They didn't say anything. Zhang Chen's mother just told them to eat quickly. The fried dough sticks and porridge were almost cold.

Xiaofang knew in her heart that they were waiting to hear her and Zhang Xiangbei's next arrangements.

Xiaofang pretended that it was a last-minute idea. She said to Zhang Chen: "Brother-in-law, starting from today, I will go to the company to work every day. There is something busy in the financial center. Zhao Jingjing just called me."

Xiaofang had already said this to Zhang Chen last night. Zhang Chen knew that she wanted to tell the four old people. Zhang Chen agreed, until when?

Xiaofang said: "I'll leave on the 4th, let's go up to the 3rd."

"You have nothing else to do? No need to go elsewhere?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang looked at him and almost laughed. This brother-in-law would be great as a partner. Xiaofang said, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just staying at home."

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes. He saw that his mother and Xiao Zhao's mother were relieved. Zhang Chen felt funny in his heart and felt that Xiao Fang was too sensible. She understood their psychology clearly.

Xiaofang then said to Zhang Chen's mother: "Auntie, we have to come back for dinner every night."

Zhang Chen's mother nodded quickly and said, "Okay, just tell me what you want to eat and I'll cook it for you and Beibei."

Xiaofang smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie."

"Just ignore Xiaofang and Zhang Xiangbei, and don't care what I want to eat?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You want to come back or not." Zhang Chen's mother scolded.

The two land reclamation warriors also got the answer they wanted. Their tense faces relaxed. Lao Zhang patted his thigh and said to Xiao Zhao's father, "Shall we start work?"

Xiao Zhao’s father said yes, let’s start work.

Xiang Nan and Sun Xiangyang were both still in school. Zhang Xiangbei had nothing to do, so he followed Zhang Chen and Xiaofang to the dynamic zone. If Xiao Wu had time, he would take him to train during the day. When Xiao Wu went out for business, Zhang Xiangbei As before, I would stroll to the badminton club in front of me, look for Liu Jun, and sometimes play with Liu Jun for a while.

Although Liu Jun would scold him every time he saw him, you are a piece of rubbish and you still want me to be your sparring partner. It was a beautiful idea, but he would still pick up the racket while scolding him.

Xiaofang went to the financial center. After a while, Tan Shuzhen came. Zhang Chen asked, "Why are you here? You don't have to go to work?"

"Zhao Jingjing told me that I also came to let Xiaofang clean my brain." Tan Shuzhen said, and Zhang Chen laughed.

Tan Shuzhen walked to the financial center next door, but she stopped coming.

Zhang Chen called and called Xu Qiaoxin down and told her what Xiaofang told him yesterday about Target. Xu Qiaoxin said, "My dear, now my pounding heart can calm down."

Zhang Chen scolded: "Another choice of words was inappropriate, An Anjing died."

"That's better than being scared to death." Xu Qiaoxin said.

Zhang Chen stood up and wanted to visit Yan'an Road. The Tuxiangyuan Hotel on Yan'an Road was being renovated. Zhang Chen wanted to go there and see how it was progressing.

Xiao Wu was training with Zhang Xiangbei next door. Zhang Chen didn't call him. He walked downstairs alone and prepared to drive there. When he got downstairs, he didn't want to drive. It was such a short distance, so he simply walked over.

Zhang Chen passed through the dynamic zone and reached the Stadium Road in front. Before he reached the center of Hangzhou, a car stopped behind Zhang Chen and someone called: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chen turned around and saw Mr. Huang's head coming out of the car window to call him. Zhang Chen stopped. Mr. Huang got out of the car and the two of them walked to the side of the road. Mr. Huang and Zhang Chen said:

"Someone saw Mr. Liu in Jinhua."

"Jinhua, why did he go to Jinhua?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I don't know either. People from Shaoxing called me and told me." Mr. Huang said.

"Isn't the matter settled? Why are the Shaoxing people looking for him?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Isn't Lao Ni dead? They also went to Nanjing, but the result was not ideal. The guarantee stamp stamped by Meng was found to be fake. I couldn't find the signature. There was no way to compare it. Anyway, this matter Some are pulled.

"The only person these Shaoxing people can find is Mr. Liu. They want to find someone named Meng through Mr. Liu. Of course, if they can squeeze out Mr. Liu, they still hope to squeeze out more." Mr. Huang said.

"How can there be such truth?" Zhang Chen scolded.

"Hey, there are some things in society that just don't make sense." Mr. Huang said, "If you can contact Mr. Liu, tell him to run away if you want to. Don't go to Zhejiang with his face. , he always appears on TV and newspapers, no one knows him."

Of course, Mr. Huang hopes that Liu Ligan will run as far away as possible. Meng Ping and he are not on the same page anyway. What he is worried about is that Liu Ligan will be caught by the Shaoxing people. People nowadays are ruthless and will use any tricks. Mr. Huang He was worried that his conspiracy with Zhang Chen and the others would be known by the people of Shaoxing. After Lao Ni's death, the factory was completely taken over by the local government, and the people of Shaoxing were a little anxious.

The people of Shaoxing would not come looking for Zhang Chen, Tan Shuzhen and the others, and they would not dare to come if they had no reason. Liu Ligan was the only breach in this matter.

Zhang Chen didn't know if Mr. Huang was teasing him when he said this to him. Zhang Chen said, "I can't contact them. Their phone numbers have been thrown away. How can I contact them."

Mr. Huang said yes, he would just remind him if there was any contact.

Zhang Chen agreed that if he calls me, I will tell him, but I guess he won’t be brave enough to do so.

"I understand, I understand, I owe you such a big favor." Mr. Huang said.

Mr. Huang got in the car and left, and Zhang Chen continued to walk forward. He was wondering, Meng Ping's official seal was fake, so what was going on? Logically speaking, Meng Ping is not the kind of person who would use a fake official seal to fool people.

Qian Fang didn't call him to tell him, and Zhang Chen couldn't ask. Mr. Huang said that the Shaoxing people's affairs were nonsense in Nanjing. Zhang Chen understood that it was because of Li Yang. Could this fake seal be Li Yang again? What are you doing?

Zhang Chen didn't know, and it was hard to ask. There were some things that the fewer people should know, the better.

If he needs to know, Qian Fang will call him.

Zhang Chen shook his head. He couldn't figure out what Liu Ligan was doing in Jinhua. He didn't seem to know anyone in Jinhua.

Xiaofang and Zhao Jingjing did not even take a break on New Year's Day, but continued to come to the company. Zhao Jingjing said, this is a rare opportunity, how could I let Xiaofang go.

Tan Shuzhen also comes every day. When she comes, she will sit here with Zhang Chen first, and then go to the financial center next door.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said, don’t tell me, Zhang Chen, listening to Xiaofang’s lectures is more valuable than the EMBA classes I took. In those classes, the invited teachers spent half the time bragging, so why are they so famous? Professor, I think Xiaofang can become a professor among professors.

"So powerful?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen said, of course. Xiaofang will also spend a certain amount of time every day to tell us about her own work and how they build various financial models on Wall Street, so that we can improve our ability to identify the pitfalls. It is really Eye-opener.

Sigh, I was just thinking that if those two tough guys, Gangzi and Meng Ping, had asked Xiaofang to clean their brains earlier, they might not have fallen into such a big fight. Zhang Chen, why don’t you go over and learn from them? Lessons from the past.

Zhang Chen said no, my head hurts when I see those numbers.

"Well, it's really unreasonable that a person like you can still make money." Tan Shuzhen scolded.

Zhang Chen said proudly: "I don't care about small things, but I don't care about big things."

Tan Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him, ignored him, and went to the next door.

As expected, they went home for dinner every night, and Tan Shuzhen also went back with them. Xiaoshu and Yao Fen didn't know if Xiaofang and Xiaoshu had told them specifically, but they also came back for dinner every night.

This makes it convenient for Tan Shuzhen. During mealtime, it becomes the time for her and Yao Fen to explain and report work. She can go directly from home to the dynamic zone every day.

The happiest ones were the two old ladies. Every morning, they discussed a list at home and planned routes to various markets, and then solemnly went out shopping with a small foldable trailer.

This kept them busy.

Zhang Chen's mother said to Lao Zhang in a lively manner, if we can't come back in time at noon, you two will eat cold dishes or hot meals by yourself.

Lao Zhang was angry with her and told her, "No, we will go to the restaurant at the door, order a few dishes and have a couple of drinks."

"It's up to you." Zhang Chen's mother was not angry at all, but said, "We can't take care of you now."

Yes, with so many people eating every night, this is the highlight. How could they care about these two land reclamation warriors?

After dinner that day, Xiaoshu and Yao Fen took Xiaoshu's parents, Tan Shuzhen, and Xiaofang to see the house that Xiaoshu had just renovated. They also went south and north. The decoration design of the house was by Zhang Chen made it for Xiaoshu. Zhang Chen had gone to see it many times but did not go with him.

He was about to go back to his house when his mother stopped him.

"Sit down." His mother said to him seriously.

Zhang Chen sat down on the sofa and looked at his mother.

His mother asked: "Chenchen, what do you think of Xiaofang?"

"Very good, what's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Is it possible for you two to be together?" Zhang Chen's mother said.

Zhang Chen asked: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, is it possible for you two to become a family?" Zhang Chen's mother asked.

Zhang Chen asked knowingly: "Haven't we been a family for a long time?"

"Oh, I mean, is it possible for you two to become a family?" Zhang Chen's mother was anxious, "Look at Xiaofang, how similar she is to Xiao Zhao. I can't bear to marry such a good girl to someone else." I can't bear to part with you, you two get along well, and she is very good to Beibei, just like Xiao Zhao, and I think my mother-in-law also has this intention. If you agree, we will make it clear."

"Don't mess around." Zhang Chen said quickly, "If you talk nonsense, Xiaofang and I won't dare to live in the same house. I will move to the company today."

"Okay, I won't let you fart. You guys can take your time." Zhang Chen's mother said quickly.

Thank you for your monthly votes from Ren Qiong Zhi Duan Ma Shao Mao Chang, Qianqian Dad, robingranite, georgeshao, Lao Shen Xisang, and Zhenwu Yilong! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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