The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1514 A different crisis

After taking a bath, neither Zhang Chen nor Xiaofang felt sleepy. They sat on the sofa in the living room. Xiaofang asked, how is Target doing now?

Zhang Chen told Xiaofang what they did and what Xu Qiaoxin accompanied Jessica to do. Xiaofang nodded and said, I have been paying attention to you since you called me last time. Fortunately, Target, their situation didn't get any worse.

"If, as my brother-in-law said, the supply of goods can be guaranteed, Target will still be saved." Xiaofang said, "And I have observed that although the scope of this crisis is wide enough and the impact is large enough, I don't think it is as big as The media said that it has evolved into an economic crisis, but it is still at the level of a financial crisis and has not reached the level of an economic crisis. Various data show that it has not yet happened."

"Is there any difference?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There is a big difference." Xiaofang said, "Fundamentally speaking, the two origins are different. Although they look similar on the surface, economic crises generally start from the bottom up. That is to say, the roots are rotten and the overall There are problems with the economic foundation, inflation, currency devaluation, massive unemployment, money in the hands of ordinary people is like paper, and everyone's confidence has completely collapsed.

"At this time, the government feels helpless. Whatever it does, it seems to be trying to treat a headache and a sore foot. The whole country is riddled with holes and there is basically no hope of saving it."

"Just like in the movie, before liberation, people holding bundles of gold yuan coupons to grab rice?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, this was also the case during the Great Depression in the United States." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen asked: "What about the financial crisis?"

"The financial crisis is caused by problems with the country's economic and monetary policies, or excessive speculation by financial institutions, or, like the Southeast Asian financial crisis, it is attacked by international hot money and speculators. When problems arise, they are caused from above. Generally, financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies begin to have problems, which are then transmitted to the entire society.

“When a financial crisis occurs, the entire country’s economic structure has not collapsed, and the government’s governance capabilities have not suffered a devastating blow, so it still has ways to respond. And since the financial crisis is a policy problem, it can still be Adjustments to policies and measures in all aspects will continue to be effective.

“The biggest difference between the financial crisis and the economic crisis is that the financial crisis is fierce, but as long as the government responds properly, the boosting effect is fast and the time is short. Like the Southeast Asian financial crisis, it only took less than a year for it to subside. Well, this is also very similar to when the stock market is about to collapse. The national team of every country will enter the market, and entering the market will always have immediate results.

"This time our country's four trillion policy, I have observed, has already started to work, and its effect will become more and more expanding. The overall economic situation will recover very quickly next year.

"The same goes for the United States. This time, the unemployment rate in the United States is the most serious, and the most severely damaged is Wall Street. For example, Ford has applied for emergency bailout, but once the government's relief funds come in, its crisis will be greatly alleviated, including several major banks. Likewise, arguably the most difficult period is over.

"As for the economic crisis, as I said before, it is difficult for the government to respond. It requires more self-healing by the whole people and slowly regaining confidence. Therefore, the recovery time from the economic crisis will be very long. The economic crisis in Japan in the late 1980s and early 1990s has not yet passed, and recovery is not in sight.

"The recovery from the financial crisis will be rapid. Through cooperation between governments and governments, as well as cooperation with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the recovery will be faster than imagined."

"I understand, Xiaofang." Zhang Chen said, "You mean that the U.S. economy may recover faster than expected, and Target will also get better soon."

"Yes, at least the public's purchasing power will come back soon." Xiaofang said, "This crisis may in turn stimulate consumption, and there will be a retaliatory growth in consumption."

Zhang Chen didn't understand, so he asked: "What's the reason for this?"

"If you think about it, the housing and housing crisis has robbed many American families, but it is impossible for people to survive without everything. They must still buy the necessities that they don't have. In this way, the purchasing power will be the first to return. Definitely companies like Walmart and Target, they are so connected to people’s lives.”

Zhang Chen understood, he laughed, and said: "Xiaofang, how come I have never seen these things you mentioned in the news or newspapers?"

Xiaofang also smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, haven't I told you before that this world is actually very simple, either physical or chemical. Any crisis is like a chemical reaction. As long as you carefully Observe and you will quickly see the patterns.”

"By the way, brother-in-law, from you, I know the core of Target and what others are least likely to know. When I go back this time, I will immediately discuss it with my colleagues in the company. We will pay close attention to it and increase our holdings of Target." Jite's stock will push up its stock price, so the risk here will be reduced," Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen said yes, he thought about it and asked: "Xiaofang, is this considered insider trading?"

Xiaofang smiled and didn't say yes or no.

Zhang Chen asked: "By the way, Xiaofang, do you want to go to Sanya to see our tropical botanical garden this time? Our tropical botanical garden has been basically built and it is very beautiful."

Xiaofang shook her head and said next time, she would take a few elderly people with her when the vacation is longer.

Xiaofang laughed as she spoke, and said: "I can guarantee that starting from tonight, several old people will start to worry."

"What are they worried about?" Zhang Chen asked curiously, "What can they worry about?"

"I'm worried about what you said. I'm worried about Beibei and me, telling them where we are going tomorrow." Xiaofang said, "They really hope that we don't go anywhere and stay at home every day. Anyway, there are not many God, let’s just stay at home with them.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You are so attentive. Is this a chemical reaction?"

"Yes, the relationship between people is basically a chemical reaction." Xiaofang said, "Aren't all parents like this? When they were young, they saw children surrounding them, which was annoying. When the children grow up, they start to worry. Uneasy, they began to feel disappointed one after another. This child got married, and they felt lost for a while. That child was going to study and work in a distant place, and they felt lost again.

"In the end, when they lost more and more, they began to feel lonely and isolated. I think my parents are even more like this now. My sister is gone and I went to the United States again. They probably feel lonely every day now. Just like looking forward to the stars and the moon, I look forward to Xiaoshu coming back for dinner, but I also know that Xiaoshu is destined to get married and have his own home, and the only ones left behind in the end are the two of them."

"What you said made me feel sad." Zhang Chen said.

"Brother-in-law, aren't you?" Xiaofang looked at him and asked, "Beibei is gone, are you not disappointed?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "No, you are right, but maybe I am too busy every day, and secondly, there is probably an element of worry in the loss you mentioned. If Zhang Xiangbei was alone in the United States, I will definitely be worried and will call him every day, but if he is with you, I won’t worry at all and I won’t think of making a phone call for three or four days.”

"That's because you know that if anything happens to Beibei, I will definitely call you first." Xiaofang said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, yes, that's it.

"By the way, brother-in-law, starting from tomorrow, I will go to work with you every day." Xiaofang said, "Zhao Jingjing asked me to help her take care of herself."

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Clear your thoughts." Xiaofang laughed, "She said she wanted me to help her clear her mind."

"What ideas does the Financial Center have that are easy to understand?" Zhang Chen was puzzled.

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and smiled: "It seems that the one who needs brainwashing the most is not her, but you. Do you think that the financial center is just the job of accountants and cashiers, right?"

Zhang Chen said: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not." Xiaofang said, "Yes, that's right. The Finance Center doesn't make clothes or rent out a stall. Do you think it is not a profitable department at all? You don't care about them. There’s no such requirement, right?”

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes.

"Then let me ask you, brother-in-law, how can a bank make so much money if it doesn't produce a piece of clothing or sell a bowl of noodles? Isn't the money in your financial center the same as the money in the bank?"

Zhang Chen was stunned by the question. He thought for a moment and said, can't banks make money from loans?

"Yes, banks can make money from loans, but all they lend out are everyone's deposits. The money they lend has to pay interest on deposits, which still costs money. The money in your financial center has no cost. Isn't it more profitable? ?

"It is difficult for a cow to lay an egg, but it is easier to give birth to a calf. In the same way, in this world, the easiest way to make money is money, and money is not the only way to make money, and lending is not the only way."

Xiaofang took the bottled water on the coffee table, unscrewed the cap and took a sip. Zhang Chen looked at her. When she finished drinking, Zhang Chen said:

"My mind seems to have opened up a bit. Please give me a few simple examples."

Xiaofang smiled and said: "The simplest thing is, for example, the exchange rate is so volatile now. If you settle foreign exchange one week earlier or one week later, there will be a big difference. Is it possible to make this money? Also, what do you actually need now? The working capital is less than 10% of the book capital, and the 90% is dead money lying in the account.

"Not to mention anything else, the simplest way is to buy them into one-year certificate-style treasury bonds. Is there no risk at all, but what is the difference in interest? If the financial management is proper and the cash flow rate is accelerated, it is still 10%. There are ways to save 30 to 40% of it. This is your principal and can be used to make money.

"Financial center, brother-in-law, you can't think of it as an accounting settlement center, let alone a financial management center. You have to think of it as the most profitable department of your company.

“Whether you are making clothes or doing anything else, the ultimate goal of all these activities is to convert it into money, and the financial center is to use money to make money, which is much more direct.

"By the way, there is a person, brother-in-law, do you still remember? He had a great influence on me. I am interested in finance. One time when we had dinner together, I listened to some words he said. At that time, I felt that finance It’s like this, almost like chemistry.”

Zhang Chen vaguely remembered this incident and said, "You mean Lao Qiao? We were together a few days ago."

"That's right, it's him, Mr. Qiao. Although Mr. Qiao's company is also a financial institution, they don't have direct lending authority. They are the same as you. Why can they make so much money?" Xiaofang asked.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Hua'er and Young Boy, Pi Wusun, Zhe, Book Friends 20200416214645353, and Book Friends 20200903172759311 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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