The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1496 The ending is good (Thank you for being forty-eight years old!)

Bad news spread like wildfire. Reporters didn’t know where they got the news. Newspapers in mainland China and the Mainland, especially on the Internet, began to spread the news that Liu Ligan, chairman of Splendid China Holdings Group, was involved. 1.63 billion, which is a loan shark, and Liu Ligan is now missing and absconding in fear of crime.

Splendid China's stock price began to plummet, from more than seven yuan to more than three yuan.

The reporters blocked Tan Shuzhen in the company, and Tan Shuzhen had to come out to face them and held a press conference.

At the press conference, she honestly told everyone that Chairman Liu is indeed unreachable now, but he has not been involved in any criminal cases, and there is no problem of absconding in fear of crime. The company is currently operating normally, and we at the Hangzhou City Government With the support of Chairman Liu, we are actively handling matters related to Chairman Liu.

After Tan Shuzhen's press conference, the stock price temporarily stabilized, but it only stabilized for one day. The next day, news began to appear on the Internet that Splendid China's capital chain was about to break.

Immediately afterwards, even more unfavorable news came out. It was said that Splendid China's largest indirect holder of corporate bonds, relevant people from Taiwan's Fubon Financial Holdings, confirmed that they were considering asking Splendid China to redeem their bonds in advance according to the agreement. Corporate bonds held.

Shockingly, Splendid China's stock price completely collapsed, falling to more than HK$60, and even fell to HK$0.43 during the session.

"Good night, Splendid China!" This is the title of the Hong Kong financial media. "Good night, go to bed early" in Cantonese means "good night, early rest" in Cantonese. This means that Splendid China can see you again and go to sleep.

It is true that the share price of Splendid China Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is on the verge of being delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Zhang Chen remembered that Xiaofang was a professional. He called Xiaofang and asked her what to do. Xiaofang asked, brother-in-law, don't you want to see Splendid China fall?

"Of course I don't want to. That's your brother's company, and Tan Shuzhen, Old Tan, and Yao Fen are all our family members. If the company collapses, what will they do?

"If your sister were here, she would definitely not want to see her. If it weren't for Brother Tan, Gangzi, and Meng Ping, who helped us in our most difficult time, what would have happened later would have happened. Maybe your sister and I would have been together long ago. He has been hacked to death in Haicheng by the underworld." Zhang Chen and Xiaofang said.

"I understand, brother-in-law."

Xiaofang thought for a while and said to Zhang Chen:

"Now there are two ways to support the stock price. First, raise a sum of funds and let Sister Shuzhen and Brother Lao Tan announce that the company's management will increase their holdings of the company's shares. The market is all about reality, not virtual reality. Yes, it’s useless to just say that the company is operating normally. The management’s increase in holdings is a clear signal to the market that they have confidence in their company.”

Zhang Chen said yes, I will talk to Tan Shuzhen and the others, and they will definitely agree. What about the second method?

"The second way is to find funds and persuade them to buy a large amount of Splendid China's stocks. This will prop up the stocks."

Zhang Chen said yes, let's do it.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen immediately went to Tan Shuzhen's company and told them Xiaofang's opinions. The company secretary immediately drafted a company announcement. At the same time, Tan Shuzhen and the others also contacted the managers of each branch by phone to finalize the management Overweight.

Zhang Chen lent Tan Shuzhen 70 million. In addition to her own money, Tan Shuzhen increased her holdings by 100 million shares, Lao Tan increased his holdings by 40 million shares, and the general managers of each branch and the middle management of the company increased their holdings by 6 million to 10 million shares respectively. Ranging from 15 million shares.

Zhang Chen told Xiaofang about this, and Xiaofang said, I have implemented it here, and we will start working together from the day after tomorrow, Monday the day after tomorrow.

After calling Xiaofang, Mr. Huang arrived at Zhang Chen's place. Zhang Chen told him about Tan Shuzhen's decision to increase their stake in the company. Upon hearing this, Mr. Huang quickly said, stop, stop, stop quickly.

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Huang in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The current situation is beneficial to the meeting next Thursday. The worse the company is, the more those Shaoxing people will agree to accept the 20% condition. If you do this now, the Shaoxing people will look at it and you will all If you have money to buy stocks, why don’t you give us a little more? Isn’t this troublesome?”

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard what Mr. Huang said. It was really like this. Fortunately, Mr. Huang came at this time.

"The Shaoxing people and I have basically reached an agreement. We must resolve this matter next Thursday. If you want to do this, wait until Friday. If you don't care about waiting for these few days, just let it continue to fall." Yes, the lower it falls, the better it is for you. At the same time, when you enter the market, isn’t the cost still low?” Mr. Huang said.

When Zhang Chen heard this, he realized that Mr. Huang's words made sense. He quickly picked up the phone and called Xiaofang and told her about the matter. Xiaofang said, okay, we will postpone the action for a week.

Zhang Chen agreed, and then he called Tan Shuzhen and asked her to postpone it for a week.

Splendid China's stock has continued to fall since Monday, falling to more than 40 cents, and has become a junk stock.

On Wednesday, Mr. Huang called the people in Shaoxing and asked them how things were going there. The people in Shaoxing said that they basically agreed, but there were two people who couldn't explain it. They thought 20% was too low.

"Is there something wrong with them?" Mr. Huang scolded, "You asked them to take a look at Splendid China's stock. Now it has dropped to more than 40 cents Hong Kong dollars. What does more than 40 cents Hong Kong dollars mean? It means that this company is about to be finished. Tomorrow If we can't get it done, we may not get a dime by next week, and everyone is waiting for Splendid to go bankrupt and liquidate.

"In bankruptcy and liquidation, the construction company's project funds, company employees' wages, etc. will all have priority. When they get us, there will be no scum left."

The more Mr. Huang talked, the angrier he became. He cursed: "What time has it been and you still can't figure it out? I won't care about you tomorrow. I don't care whether we can negotiate or not. Even if it's 10%, I'll take it tomorrow." The money has left, you just wait to find the liquidation team."

When the Shaoxing people heard this, they panicked. They quickly told Mr. Huang, "Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, don't be angry. We don't even know that their broken company's stock has fallen like this?"

"Let those two bastards go and see for themselves," Mr. Huang said.

Okay, Mr. Huang, we will tell them immediately, please wait for our call.

Ten minutes later, someone from Shaoxing called and told Mr. Huang that he agreed. Everyone here agreed. As Mr. Huang said, 20% was the minimum limit.

"Let all of them come tomorrow." Mr. Huang said, "If we can negotiate well at the meeting, I will ask them to pay all the money tomorrow. You must support me. Tomorrow will be Thursday, and the day after tomorrow will be Friday. If Put it off until next week, then maybe the agreement will be invalidated tomorrow, and they won't be able to pay even if they want to."

"Okay, if you have money, no one will go. They will definitely arrive tomorrow. Also, we will definitely support you. When the time comes, we will all ask for it. Twenty percent is fine, but the money must be paid immediately." Shaoxing native explain.

After hanging up the phone from Shaoxing, Mr. Huang dialed Zhang Chen's phone and said to him: "I've got it done here. Tomorrow, we will propose 25%. You insisted on refusing and the two sides were in a stalemate. In the end, I will He said, twenty is fine, but you must pay immediately and go through the formalities immediately.”

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Mr. Zhang, we will end this matter tomorrow." Mr. Huang and Zhang Chen said.

In the afternoon of the next day, Director Miao presided over the continuation of the meeting. Seven or eight cars from Shaoxing arrived, and other people were waiting in the car. Five representatives went to the conference room.

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Miao asked the creditor representatives, have you come up with the agreed ratio?

The people of Shaoxing have spoken out and our requirement is 25%.

Lawyer Yu immediately objected. He said, "It's impossible. Twenty-five percent is beyond our capabilities."

"Everyone should show sincerity." Director Miao said, "Mr. Tan, tell me, what is the maximum limit you can bear?"

Tan Shuzhen stood up and said, "Then we need to discuss it?"

Director Miao nodded.

Tan Shuzhen walked out with Lao Tan, Lawyer Yu, and Zhang Chen. When they came back ten minutes later, Lawyer Yu and Director Miao said that the limit we could bear was 15%.

The Shaoxing people immediately started to explode, saying that this ratio was unacceptable, and we would definitely not agree to it, no, no, no, this would not work.

Director Miao sat there, waiting until they were all noisy. Director Miao raised his hands, pressed them downwards, and said:

"You all listen to me."

Everyone shut up and looked at him.

"This is a good thing." Director Miao smiled, "You two are one step closer, right?"

Director Miao's position is at the head of the conference table. On both sides of the conference table, Mr. Huang and five people from Shaoxing are sitting on one side, and on the other side, Tan Shuzhen, Zhang Chen and four others are sitting.

Director Miao looked to his left and said, "Your creditors' current request is 25%."

He then looked to the right and said: "Mr. Tan, what you proposed is 15%. There is a 10% gap in the middle. What to do with the 10% gap? I think it is both easy and difficult to handle. The difficulty is that you both can continue to hold your own opinions and quarrel endlessly, and we will come back to meetings again and again, wasting time in meaningless quarrels.

"What can be done easily? That is for both of you to show sincerity in solving the problem. In my opinion, both of you will give in to this matter, just 20%. What do you think?"

After Director Miao finished speaking, the two sides came together and started whispering. When he raised his head, Mr. Huang looked at Director Miao and said:

"Leader, we just discussed it, 20% is fine, but we have a condition."

"What conditions?" Director Miao asked.

"That means we have to pay it today and go through the formalities today. We don't want the money to be exchanged for chicken feathers for sugar again. We have to beg for it once and get a piece of it."

Director Miao turned to Tan Shuzhen and asked: "Mr. Tan, what do you think? In my opinion, the other party's request is very reasonable. Why don't we settle this matter today?"

Tan Shuzhen said yes, we will listen to the leader.

Zhao Jingjing was already at Yao Fen's place next door with her laptop and USB shield. Zhang Chen called her over. The Shaoxing people also called in the creditors who were waiting in the car outside. After Zhao Jingjing made a payment, the creditors came He signed the commitment letter prepared by Lawyer Yu in advance.

The Shaoxing people took the money and said to Mr. Huang with a smile, "Okay, things are now clear here. Let's go back to find Ni Zhigeng and dig three feet into the ground to find him."

After all the people from Shaoxing left, Zhao Jingjing gave the last 40 million to Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang took out a piece of paper, signed it, stamped it with the official seal and Mr. Qin's legal person seal, and handed it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen handed it to Zhang Chen. I gave it to Lawyer Yu. After reading it, Lawyer Yu said, OK.

"Oh, things here are finally done. Mr. Zhang, I need to go to your Lakeside Oil Painting Studio to clear my mind. Let's have dinner together if we have a chance."

Mr. Huang held Zhang Chen's hand and talked to him with a smile.

Thank you to the forty-eight-year-old Xiaosheng and book friend 150517195207941 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, End丶Hao, Book Friends 20170113091218553, Xiaoyu Baba, Huangpu Issue 20, and Book Friends 20200911160109750! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

(My mistake, the serial numbers of the previous chapters were all messed up. I only discovered it after someone pointed it out. I changed it today.)

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