The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1484 Three Gamblers

6770, which dropped 1.40% at the opening. Liu Ligan stood up and shouted, "Fight, fight, fight back."

Lao Ni looked at him, and Liu Ligan continued to shout, "Fight, there is no need to hesitate, Lao Ni, get your momentum out first."

Lao Ni and Ma Li said, ten thousand, three orders in a row.

Ma Li looked at Chen Yaqin. Chen Yaqin wanted to say something but didn't.

Ma Li successively made three single moves, and the board immediately turned red. Seeing the effect, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping became excited. The two of them couldn't sit still on the sofa. They walked behind Lao Ni and Liu Li Rod shouted, don't stop, keep going.

"Ma Li, Ma Li!" Meng Ping also shouted.

Ma Li looked at Lao Ni, and Lao Ni said, five thousand, three more orders in a row, Ma Li then placed three orders of five thousand, the short side was probably suppressed by this momentum, and the long side was encouraged, and everyone He started to add positions, and the price kept rising. When the market closed at noon, Meng Ping asked Ma Li to buy another 10,000 lots. The price exceeded 7,000 points in the session, and the office burst into cheers.

When the market opened in the afternoon, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping kept calling for attack, and Lao Ni kept giving orders. Chen Yaqin reminded that the position had reached 40. What she said was equivalent to not saying that the three bosses were here. , of course Ma Li could only listen to them.

Their positions quickly passed 50 and reached 57%. On the market, the price was rising like crazy. On the 15-minute and 30-minute K-line charts, the There are big red positive pillars. At two o'clock, the price once reached 7284 points, an increase of 6.09%, and will soon touch their profit-taking line.

Chen Yaqin bit her lip and thought for a while, then she said, close the position, that's it.

"No matter what, we will never withdraw our troops until we achieve our goal!" Liu Ligan glanced at her and shouted, and Lao Ni laughed.

Next, the short side began to launch an attack. On the long side, many people obviously took profits and left the market. The price began to fall during the day. Liu Lipole shouted to Ma Li, hold on, hold on, Meng. Ping said, continue to add positions.

Chen Yaqin saw that the position had reached 63%, and Chen Yaqin suddenly shouted: "Are you crazy!?"

She yelled so loudly that everyone in the room was startled, and there was a moment of deathly silence. Ma Li finally stopped adding to her position, and Liu Ligan and Meng Ping Lao Ni stopped urging her.

On this day, it finally closed above 7000 points, 7016, an increase of 150 points, or 2.18%. They also said that it was a big victory, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

Chen Yaqin was the only one who buried her face in her hands. She felt indescribable sadness in her heart. At the same time, she also began to feel a little disappointed with Meng Ping. According to her original intention, she originally wanted Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, the one who held Lao Ni back, did not expect that these two people would be even crazier than Lao Ni.

The uneasy cloud enveloped Chen Yaqin completely. She had a very bad feeling. She felt that the price had risen so much today. Could it be that the short side was not retreating, but that the short side was deliberately luring her deeper? , if you are on the short side and face these three guys, this is really the best tactic.

Liu Ligan clapped his hands and asked Lao Ni: "We have won a great victory today. Is it time to celebrate and boost morale?"

Lao Ni nodded repeatedly and said yes.

Liu Ligan said: "We will have dinner at Tianxiang Tower later."

Ma Li and Baozhen became excited.

After reviewing the market, Chen Yaqin stared at the market. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that his guess was correct. If so, today's rise would be a day's market. Starting tomorrow, it will be a difficult start.

Before six o'clock, Liu Ligan urged everyone to get off work and go to Tianxiang Tower.

Chen Yaqin said: "You go ahead, I won't go, I'm a little uncomfortable."

Meng Ping walked up to her, looked at her, and said sincerely: "Let's go together, it's a rare event, don't let the fun be ruined."

Chen Yaqin looked at him and stopped talking.

Ren Rongrong concluded that Lao Ni is still in the game, and the most powerful force in Duofang should be Lao Ni. Ren Rongrong now regrets it. She feels that she was careless, and she did not expect Lao Ni to be so durable. Now she regrets herself His true identity was revealed so early that he had no idea about Lao Ni's current tactics.

Ren Rongrong stood up and walked to Liu Yun's office. Liu Yun was also looking at today's PTA board. Seeing Ren Rongrong come in, Liu Yun asked:

"Did Niuzi get involved?"

Ren Rongrong smiled and said, "Bring me in."

"In the next few days, we will control the rhythm. Again, clear out Xiao San first." Liu Yun said.

Ren Rongrong said yes.

Liu Yun moved her hands rhythmically on the desk, as if she were playing the piano. After a while, she folded her hands on her chest, looked at Ren Rongrong and said:

"How about I give you a dragon-slaying knife?"

"What do you mean, Mr. Liu?" Ren Rongrong asked, confused.

Liu Yun smiled and said, "They say you can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife. This time, we're going to make a fuss about it. To kill a cow, we're going to use a dragon-slaying knife."

Ren Rongrong smiled and said, "I still don't understand."

"I'll prepare 15 billion for you. Is this knife fast enough?" Liu Yun asked.

Ren Rongrong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Now I understand everything."

Liu Yun looked at the calendar on the table and said to Ren Rongrong: "It will be on the 16th. In the past few days..."

"I understand, Mr. Liu, please clear Xiaosan first."

"No." Liu Yun said, "The most important thing is to hold the cow's nose tightly and don't let it run away."

In the next few days, there was a slight decline every day. No matter how hard Lao Ni and the others attacked, the downward trend did not change. Lao Ni said, "It's impossible. It's impossible for the price to fall again. If it continues to fall, PTA What happened?

But he was beating a drum in his heart. While Meng Ping went to the bathroom, Chen Yaqin and Lao Ni said that the downward trend had already come out, so just let it go, it was still too late.

Lao Ni was also a little scared. He looked at his position and knew what would be waiting for him if there was another plunge now.

But another question came to his mind. If the position was closed now, there would be only a little more than one billion left in their account. It was too ugly. He didn't know what Meng Ping would think when he saw this number.

Lao Ni hesitated because of this.

Chen Yaqin reminds you not to lose big for small things.

Lao Ni thought about it for a while, and he said yes, he would accept it if he could, depending on the situation tomorrow.

As a result, on the 13th, 6596 opened. After the opening, it rose all the way, once rising to 6872, an increase of 4.12%. This gave Lao Ni hope again, and Meng Ping kept shouting, just do it, do it, just do it. Instead of reducing their positions, they increased their positions.

It closed at 6750 points that day, an increase of 146 points or 2.21%. It was another good harvest day for them.

The next two days were another two falling days, with a total drop of 286 points in the two days, a total drop of 4.28%. Chen Yaqin was almost begging Lao Ni not to be stubborn. Lao Ni said that he would definitely reduce his position tomorrow.

But there was no time left for Lao Ni, and the dark muzzle was already aimed at him.

On October 16, PTA was pulled directly to the limit by Ren Rongrong and Yangzi Petrochemical during the collective bidding stage. It opened at 5826, a drop of 9.87%. The price did not move at all the next day.

After the 6th, Lao Ni repeated his old tricks and canceled the stop loss line. Their position was covered again, and the margin account showed -51.32 million yuan.

Seeing this number, Meng Ping was also dumbfounded. He asked, how could this be?

Everyone in the office was silent, and no one could answer his words.

Liu Ligan received the call and rushed over immediately. When he looked at the number, his first sentence was: "How could this happen?"

Lao Ni's face was ashen, and Chen Yaqin and Ma Li's eyes were already red.

Meng Ping looked at Liu Ligan and sighed: "It's over."

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the exchange called and informed them that the margin must be topped up before 8:30 tomorrow morning, otherwise the position would be forced to be liquidated.

Chen Yaqin told them the contents of the phone call, and Liu Ligan asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yaqin said: "The meaning is that if we can make up the owed margin before 8:30 tomorrow, these orders will still be there. If the rebound starts tomorrow, we will still have a chance. If we fail to make up the amount, we will be forcibly liquidated." Cang, this matter is over."

"In other words, we don't have any money left?" Meng Ping asked, and Chen Yaqin nodded.

Both Liu Ligan and Meng Ping understood. Meng Ping shouted: "How can that be done? Of course we have to make up for it. Even if it is a bet, we have to make this bet. Wait, I will transfer the money right away."

After Meng Ping finished speaking, he immediately felt worried. When Lao Ni called him this time in Hangzhou, he didn't explain clearly to him what was going on. He didn't bring the U-shield for online banking. If he transferred money through mobile banking, , you can only transfer 50,000 at a time, let alone 8:30 tomorrow morning, even if you transfer it to noon tomorrow, you can't transfer 51 million.

The only way is to call Ye Yilan and ask her to go to the counter.

Meng Ping bit the bullet, picked up the phone and called Ye Yilan, asking her to go to the bank counter and transfer 100 million to him.

Ye Yilan's phone was taken away by Qian Fang, who asked: "Lao Meng, where are you?"

Now, there is no way to hide the matter. Meng Ping said: "I am in Hangzhou."

"In Hangzhou?" Qian Fang asked, "Always there? Then when I saw Zhang Chen in Shanghai, why did he still ask about you?"

Meng Ping hesitated and was speechless.

"Lao Meng, tell me, what do you want so much money for?" Qian Fang asked.

"I am collaborating on a project with someone," Meng Ping said.

"Who should I cooperate with, Zhang Chen or Guangzi?" Qian Fang continued to ask.

Meng Ping quickly said, no, not them. If he wanted to say yes, Meng Ping knew that Qian Fang would definitely call Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen immediately.

"If it's not them, then who is it and what project?" Qian Fang asked.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this. Just ask Ye Yilan to transfer the money." Meng Ping said.

"No, if we don't know what project you are working on and the purpose of the money, Lao Meng, I tell you, we won't remit a penny." Qian Fang said firmly.

Meng Ping became anxious and shouted: "Even if I am kidnapped, can I redeem myself?"

"Okay, if we want to ransom you, let alone 100 million, even one billion, we will take it even if you sell it." Qian Fang said, "You let the kidnapper answer the phone."

"What kind of kidnapper? What a kidnapper. Qian Fang, I beg you, can you ask Ye Yilan to turn around?"

"No, I said it won't work. We won't transfer money to people without knowing it." Qian Fang still insisted.

"You..." Meng Ping was so angry that he could no longer speak.

Qian Fang softened her tone and said: "There is another way. Wherever you are in Hangzhou, I will ask Zhang Chen to come find you right away. As long as you are safe and the money is used in good ways, no matter what you do, we will transfer it immediately. If you are afraid that it will be too late, I will ask Zhang Chen to give it to you first, Lao Meng, do you agree?"

Meng Ping was speechless and could only hang up the phone.

After a while, his phone rang again. He looked and saw that it was Zhang Chen. He had no way to answer the call. He could only turn off his iPhone.

Immediately, Liu Ligan's phone rang, Liu Ligan answered it, and Zhang Chen asked: "Gangzi, Meng Ping is in Hangzhou, did you know?"

Liu Ligan looked at Meng Ping and said, "I don't know. When did this guy come?"

Thank you Yuanxi, Humo Tribe, Tiezhongshang 1, and Wooden Man for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good night everyone!

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