The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1483 Nine-day holiday (Thank you Mu Zibian!)

During this National Day holiday, Meng Ping and Chen Yaqin didn't go anywhere. Apart from going to the supermarket to buy vegetables and food, they would go out for a while and stay at home the rest of the time.

Every day, Chen Yaqin was responsible for cooking and cooking, while Meng Ping was responsible for washing the dishes. After dinner, they either surfed the Internet or watched TV, or sat and chatted, then leaned over and fell asleep on the sofa.

Sometimes it feels too deserted, so Chen Yaqin stands up and walks over to open the door to the balcony. During the festival, the rice market riverside is bustling with people, and the noisy sound quickly fills the room, making people feel uncomfortable after a while. No, Chen Yaqin went to close the door again.

At night, it was the same. The two of them sat on the sofa at one end, watching TV and chatting, until they fell asleep. Chen Yaqin woke up hazy, and put a blanket on Meng Ping's body. She herself Go to the bedroom to sleep.

Meng Ping, who was sitting there crookedly, woke up and saw that he was alone on the sofa. He put his feet up on the sofa, lay down flat and continued to sleep.

Several times, Chen Yaqin heard Meng Ping answering the phone. She felt that it was the woman calling. The woman asked where Meng Ping was, but Meng Ping just told her that she was in another place, vaguely, but did not tell her that she was there. Hangzhou.

This gave Chen Yaqin a very strange feeling in her heart. She felt that she was probably the only one in the world who knew where Meng Ping was. She was the only one who knew that Meng Ping was by her side. When she thought about it, she felt She seemed to dominate Meng Ping, which made her feel good.

The two of them are here, in the bustling city, living alone among the noisy crowds. This room contains the secrets of the two of them, and they also own this room secretly.

Chen Yaqin liked what she had in common with Meng Ping. She even liked the way others looked at them when they were walking in the supermarket. They looked at the two of them as if they were a natural couple.

When they pushed the shopping cart to the checkout counter, the cashier even told Chen Yaqin, "You are here, let your husband pick it up there. They bought a lot of things, so she was asked to take the things out of the shopping cart one by one." After coming out, the cashier scanned it and put it into the supermarket's vest bag. One vest bag was full, and the cashier asked Meng Ping to pick it up at the other end of the counter.

Chen Yaqin's face blushed slightly, but Meng Ping was expressionless and quickly ran to the counter. Chen Yaqin liked the people behind her and was equally indifferent. Everyone seemed to agree that Meng Ping and she were the same family.

These days, there is one thing that makes Chen Yaqin very confused. What lingers in her mind is the woman who called Meng Ping. From the tone of their conversation, she seems to be very close, but they don't seem to be. So close, if she were Meng Ping's girlfriend or wife, when Meng Ping answered the phone, he would at least be carrying Chen Yaqin behind her back, right?

The same goes for the other party. If it is a girlfriend or wife who wants to know where Meng Ping is, she will definitely not just say "out of town". She will definitely ask what woman will not do this. Chen Yaqin feels that if she herself would, But the woman didn't seem to continue to ask.

This puzzled Chen Yaqin. She was very curious, and Meng Ping didn't explain it. If there was any special relationship, if Meng Ping didn't hide it, he would at least explain it, right? Meng Ping did nothing, as if he had answered an ordinary phone call, but the tone and attitude of both of them were clearly unusual.

Chen Yaqin was thinking a lot, but she couldn't think of a reason. She was too embarrassed to ask, so how could she ask?

There was another thing that Chen Yaqin felt she wanted to say but found it difficult to say. That was that she wanted to remind Meng Ping that she felt that Lao Ni's current mentality was wrong. Such a mentality could easily lead to problems.

But Chen Yaqin felt that no matter what she said, it was suspected of sowing discord and stirring up trouble.

Chen Yaqin hesitated again and again, and finally chose one. The two of them leaned on the railing of the balcony, looking at the Mishi River below. Chen Yaqin said similar words, speaking as lightly as possible.

Chen Yaqin said: "Lao Meng, it's good to have you here. Oh, I mean, it's good to have you in the office when I'm at work."

"What's wrong?" Meng Ping asked.

"Lao Ni is a little impatient now..." Chen Yaqin said hesitantly.

Meng Ping smiled: "He must be eager to make a comeback. This is understandable. Anyone in his situation would be like this."

When Meng Ping said this, he remembered the time he and Liu Ligan were at Chen Qihang's casino, and the time Li Yang took them to the house in Purple Mountain.

Chen Yaqin is right. He is indeed eager to recover his losses, but in the financial market, impetuousness and lack of determination are the most taboo. You are by the side and can sometimes help a little bit.

Meng Ping said okay, I understand.

When the point was made, Chen Yaqin felt that she could not say any more.

Meng Ping looked at Chen Yaqin and laughed. Chen Yaqin asked, why are you laughing?

Meng Ping said: "You just said that I am fine in the office, does that mean that I am not fine here?"

"Go away, little chicken Duchang, you know you know I didn't mean that." Chen Yaqin scolded.

Meng Ping laughed.

The internal market is closed, but the external market is not idle. It opens and closes every day, and it is very lively. Chen Yaqin looks at the London market and Chicago market every day, and her heart becomes heavy. The entire global financial market shows no signs of improvement. Chen Yaqin even suspects that PTA is It’s not that there is no bottom at all, their judgments are all wrong.

Chen Yaqin told Meng Ping about her worries, and Meng Ping comforted her and said, "Don't think so much. I know that there is no end to any decline. Just like downhill, no matter how long you go downhill, you will also fall." Drive to the bottom of the slope.

Chen Yaqin almost blurted out, the problem is that the car may be destroyed before you reach the bottom of the slope.

The words had already reached her lips, and Chen Yaqin swallowed them hard.

It was so unlucky to have a car crash and kill people. Chen Yaqin secretly shook her head.

The daily fear and worry made the two of them less sentimental when they were together, a little stiff and dry for no reason, at least from Chen Yaqin's side, otherwise, a man and a woman alone would How could it be possible not to create some sparks after being in the same room for such a long time?

Only once, in the middle of the night, Chen Yaqin got up to go to the bathroom. In the corridor, she almost bumped into Meng Ping who had just come out of the bathroom. Both of them were stunned. At that moment, Chen Yaqin wanted to hug Meng Ping. She felt that Meng Ping seemed to have the same idea, but in the end, Chen Yaqin slipped sideways.

The nine-day holiday has passed. On October 6, Meng Ping followed Chen Yaqin to the office. After a while, Lao Ni also came. He and Meng Ping nodded, and did not ask Meng Ping how he had been in Hangzhou these days. Where have they gone? He took his own plane and went to Hong Kong with Jiaojiao.

The opening time was coming, and Lao Ni and Chen Yaqin sat there without saying a word. The two seemed to be a little angry, betting on whose judgment was correct.

Meng Ping sat on the sofa and stared at the big screen.

Finally opened at 6866, PTA fell 4.19%, hitting their stop loss line of 6900. Their position was automatically closed by the system, resulting in a loss of more than 60 million. If it weren't for Chen Yaqin's insistence, it would have been reduced by half before the holiday. position, on this day, they will lose more than 100 million.

But Lao Ni does not think that this is the fault of not reducing the position. Instead, he thinks that this is the fault of setting a stop loss. The difference is only a few points from 6866 to 6900. If there is no stop loss, this loss will not occur.

Chen Yaqin felt that she was too lazy to argue with him. She looked at Meng Ping. Meng Ping didn't say anything. He sat there smoking silently, as if it had nothing to do with him. For a moment, Chen Yaqin felt a little resentful of Meng Ping. I really wanted to walk over and kick him.

Throughout the whole day, the number 6866 seemed to be cast by magic, nailed there motionless. The opening price was 6866, the lowest price was 6866, and the closing price was also 6866. It only shook a little in the middle and reached 6886, but It immediately returned to 6866, and the amplitude throughout the day was only 20 points.

Whether it was Lao Ni, Chen Yaqin, Ma Li or the others, they all said this was too strange.

Chen Yaqin had a bad feeling in her heart. She felt that the power of the short side was too strong, including their determination and determination. Such an opponent was too terrifying, making Chen Yaqin fearful.

The next day, when Chen Yaqin and Meng Ping arrived at the office, they didn't expect Liu Ligan to come too. He said he had nothing to do today and came over to take a look.

After a while, Lao Ni arrived. When he saw Liu Ligan, he shouted, "Oh, you are here, it's rare."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Old Ni, today we three swordsmen are gathered together, do you want to have a good time and have fun?"

Lao Ni said yes, let's see the opportunity.

He walked to Ren Rongrong's seat, sat down, and turned on the computer.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were sitting on the sofa. He still took out his pipe, then took apart the Chinese cigarettes one by one and put the cut tobacco into the pipe. Meng Ping looked on and laughed and cursed:

"It doesn't bother you either!"

"Don't bother me. The process of dismantling and installing shredded tobacco is an enjoyment in itself, and it will make you feel impatient. Lao Meng, let me tell you, the feeling of this first sip, I wouldn't change it for a god. ." Liu Ligan said.

Meng Ping laughed and said, "I won't change either. I'm worried that it will fall from the clouds when I fall asleep. It's better to sleep on this sofa."

When Meng Ping said this, Chen Yaqin turned to look at him. What that meant was, are you addicted to sleeping on the sofa?

Meng Ping smiled at her.

Liu Ligan asked Meng Ping quietly, "Lao Meng, how much is left?"

"Twelve." Meng Ping said. Liu Ligan knew that he still had more than 1.2 billion in his account after losing money in the past few days.

"Then grab it back. What are you afraid of?"

Liu Ligan shouted. He shouted so loudly that Lao Ni and Chen Yaqin heard it. They turned to look at him. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. Just pretend I don't exist."

Thank you Muzibian for the tip! Thank you to Mu Zi Bian, Haha 99223, and Cao Ni Ma’s unique skills for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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