The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1421 said a lot

Ren Rongrong came out of the conference room and walked quickly towards Liu Yun's office. She walked to the door of Liu Yun's office and tapped the door twice.

"Please come in." Liu Yun said.

Ren Rongrong pushed the door open.

Liu Yun looked up and saw Ren Rongrong, and asked, how is it?

Ren Rongrong shook his head slightly and said to Liu Yun: "It seems that their willingness to cooperate is not very high."

"Where are they?" Liu Yun asked.

"Still in the conference room."

Liu Yun stood up and said to Ren Rongrong, "Let's go, I'll go with you."

Ren Rongrong said yes.

Ren Rongrong was in front and Liu Yun was behind. The two of them walked towards the conference room. The two people in the conference room were standing in front of the window smoking and whispering. The door of the conference room opened and Ren Rongrong walked in. The two of them looked at When Ren Rongrong arrived, behind her was a woman who looked to be in her early thirties, with a beautiful face and an elegant temperament. She had shawl hair with neatly trimmed hair tips.

The two of them secretly thought that this was probably Miss Liu, a well-known person in the financial circle, but they were not sure. Based on her age and beauty, she should be Miss Liu's assistant.

The two people quickly walked back to the conference table and put out their cigarettes in the ashtray.

Ren Rongrong first introduced Liu Yun to the two men and said, "This is our Mr. Liu. Only then did the two of them conclude that this was Ms. Liu herself."

Then introduce the two men to Liu Yun and tell her that they are Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi from the Financial Business Department of Yangzi Petrochemical.

Liu Yun stretched out her hand, shook hands with them one by one, and said hello, hello!

Both of them noticed that Liu Yun's fingers were long and her nails were carefully trimmed. When her hands touched lightly, they felt that her hands were soft. When she came closer, there was a faint fragrance on her body. Faintly visible.

"Please take a seat."

Liu Yun smiled and signaled to them, and both of them sat down.

Liu Yun is very famous in the financial circle, but she is also a bit mysterious, so mysterious that it seems like a legend. Everyone knows that there is a Miss Liu in the Jin Mao Tower. She controls tens of billions of dollars in funds, and many domestic financial institutions Organizations want to cooperate with them.

Wanting to cooperate with them was one thing because of the huge amount of money they controlled. More importantly, domestic financial institutions at that time wanted to go out and test the waters on Wall Street. If they wanted to go to Wall Street, going through Liu Yun's company was the only way to go. shortcut.

She almost never attends any public events, but her company itself is an American-owned company, with direct access to several major Jewish plutocrats on Wall Street. At the same time, her relationship with relevant domestic departments is also very good. Her Chinese identity , allowing her to play a very good role as a bridge in Sino-US financial exchanges, so relevant departments also rely on her.

Especially in financial practice, people who have dealt with her say that her style is contrary to her appearance. Her vision is unique and sharp, and her moves are fast, accurate and ruthless. People who have worked with her admire her most, It's her credibility. As long as she promises you, in actual operation, even if it brings losses to her, she will not retreat even if she has an excuse to retreat.

This has earned her a good reputation in this industry.

Those who work in finance really make a promise, and what the two parties negotiate are all invisible and intangible things, but this is invisible and intangible, but in the end, what is actually implemented is real money, which is a huge benefit.

No matter how perfect the regulatory regulations are, no matter how perfect the contracts and agreements seem to be, in fact they are all lagging behind and there will be many loopholes. The financial market is changing rapidly, and there are many decisions and decisions that cannot wait for you to implement them into the text before continuing. The operation relies on a word from both parties on the spot, and hundreds of millions of funds may be released.

If you want to exploit loopholes that are beneficial to you, you can certainly exploit them, but when you gain your benefits, what you lose may be your credibility. As a person without credibility, no matter how much money you have, you will not be able to do anything in this industry. , will also become a street rat.

This circle is very big. There are tens of millions of people working in the financial industry around the world, but it is very small. Once you become a "savage", it will be difficult to clean up your image.

Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi looked at Liu Yun. They thought that a company like this would extend an olive branch to them and seek cooperation with them. This made them murmur in their hearts.

Ren Rongrong reiterated the intention of cooperation between the two parties to the other party. While Ren Rongrong was talking, Liu Yun looked at the two people opposite him quietly. She saw the doubts and hesitation in the other party's eyes.

After Ren Rongrong finished speaking, he also looked at the two people opposite him. Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi looked at each other. Mr. Mao said:

"Mr. Liu, manager, of course we hope to cooperate with you, but to be honest, we don't know much about this industry. The reason for the existence of our department is also very simple, and the business is also very simple, that is, hedging , Reduce the business risk of the enterprise."

"Hedging is not without risks, Mr. Mao." Ren Rongrong said, "In the financial market, if you only know how to defend, you will eventually find that you can't even defend your own private territory."

Mr. Shi smiled and said: "What Manager Ren said is correct, but if we rashly enter an area that we are not familiar with, the risk will probably only be greater."

"What we want to cooperate with you is the PTA that Zhengzhou Commercial Institute will launch. How could you not be familiar with PTA? Yangzi Petrochemical itself is one of the largest suppliers in China. Otherwise, we would not cooperate with you." Ren Rongrong explain.

"Of course we know about PTA, but as for this cooperation model, as Manager Ren told us before, we advance and retreat together in the futures market. We are not very clear on how to advance and retreat together. Is it buying together and selling together? "Mr. Shi asked.

Ren Rongrong wanted to say something else. Liu Yun waved her hand. Ren Rongrong stopped talking. Liu Yun asked:

"President Mao, President Shi, I want to know something. If it is convenient, I hope you can tell us."

"Mr. Liu, please tell me." Mr. Mao said.

"How much funds can you mobilize?" Liu Yun asked straight to the point.

"About one billion," said Mr. Mao.

Liu Yun nodded and said: "President Shi asked how the two parties can cooperate and whether they buy and sell together. Of course not, our cooperation model is very simple, that is, step-by-step operation and segmented cooperation. We guarantee that you will make profits. You are responsible for building momentum for us.”

"What do you mean?" asked Mr. Mao.

Liu Yun stood up, walked to the whiteboard in the conference room, picked up the whiteboard pen, and drew a horizontal line on the whiteboard. Liu Yun pointed at the horizontal line with the pen in her hand and said, Mr. Mao, Mr. Shi, everyone We are all peers, and I think you all know that the financial market will never be in such a situation.

Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi nodded.

Liu Yun drew a curve that fluctuated up and down along this horizontal line. Liu Yun said that the more realistic situation should be like this. Some people say that it is like an electrocardiogram. This statement is very vivid, and it is indeed like an electrocardiogram. Moreover, it is indeed Just like the electrocardiogram, the curve of the financial market is never cold. Behind every fluctuation it represents the human heart.

However, every time it fluctuates, it gathers too many people's hearts, enough to drown a single person in it, making people unable to feel that it is the beating of people's hearts, thinking that it is just a cold curve.

Therefore, some people have invented various methods and indicators to try to analyze this curve, thinking that this curve has rules to follow. The market school and the technical school are actually trying to eliminate the root and seek the wood. In the financial market, Every fluctuation is irrational. How can you use rational means to analyze it coldly?

"Mr. Liu, how can you say that every fluctuation in the financial market is irrational? If so, does that mean that every textbook we learn is wrong and waste paper?" asked Mr. Shi.

Liu Yun looked at him, smiled and nodded, she said:

"If Mr. Shi graduated with a major in finance, then my answer may disappoint you. My answer is yes. All financial textbooks are waste paper and history books. They are summaries of existing financial phenomena. People follow what they say, and the financial market is changing with each passing day. New phenomena appear every minute of every day.

"Wall Street has brought together so many of the smartest brains. The reason why it is awe-inspiring and why they can control the lifeline of the world's finance is precisely because they never study the past, but only focus on the future. The past is every financial The professors in the department can see it clearly, but in the future, even if there are ten dozen professors from the finance department together, they will not be able to understand it.

"I can guarantee that if those professors from the finance department are allowed to do practical operations, they will lose all their money. Do you know that in this world, who is the person who causes the highest proportion of losses and loses the most money? Fund managers, especially those who have Fund managers with professor and doctorate titles.

"What they are good at is not trading. In fact, they use these titles and a bunch of theories that are actually useless paper to deceive investors into handing them money. If you look at their actual performance, it is appalling."

"That's a bit absolute, right?" Mr. Shi said.

Liu Yun smiled and said: "No, I have my basis for saying this. I dare say that if you ask any fund manager to take out their transcripts and compare them with ours, they will not dare. If we compare, they will be disappointed." I am ashamed to say that if we put these two report cards in front of their customers, their customers will immediately become our customers.

"Take our company as an example. When we recruit people, we only restrict one type of people. That is, we don't recruit people with Ph.D. or master's degrees in finance. I recruit people from other majors and with any academic qualifications. I once joked with them. , if we go by academic qualifications, our company may have the lowest academic qualifications in the entire Jin Mao Tower. I even have high school students here.

"Why don't we recruit doctors and masters in finance? It's because they are too deeply poisoned and it is difficult to change. What I need here are warriors who can fight, not brokers who recruit funds. Our goal is how to provide our Clients create profits, not losses for them. I rely on commissions to enrich my pockets, kill this company, and then go on to kill the next one.”

When Liu Yun was talking, she saw that Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi looked a little shy. Liu Yun smiled and said:

"Sorry, if I say this, I won't offend both of you, right?"

Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi both blushed, but Ren Rongrong was secretly laughing.

Before this, how could they not have done a background check on the other party they were planning to cooperate with? Mr. Mao and Mr. Shi, both of them have serious Ph.D.s in finance.

He has a doctorate in finance and is the department boss of a large state-owned enterprise. He holds billions of funds in his hands. Liu Yun said so much to kill their arrogance first. This is also to lay the foundation for future cooperation. A person who thinks highly of himself will often People who make their own decisions have difficulty cooperating.

On the battlefield, if he leaves his friendly troops behind, he may be the first one to escape.

Thank you shih-chun, two fishes one up and one down, for the reward at three o'clock in the middle of the night, I am a fat man with potential stocks! Thank you Hu Hu, Humorous Tribe, Gradually Enlarging Pupils, He Shi Yitan, Qingdao Laosun, Why is it the real name, Book Friends 20190118025224314, ysy2002, and the monthly ticket of Doraemon! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Stay healthy everyone!

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