The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1409 Unspeakable words

The shares of Miss Cai and the other three companies were transferred to Zhejiang Jinxiu Real Estate Co., Ltd. In this way, Kunpeng Construction became a wholly-owned company of Zhejiang Jinxiu.

The land in Mishihe Park was surveyed and evaluated by an appraisal company, and the price was assessed at 23.82 billion. After the consolidated statements, Zhejiang Jinxiu's assets increased by more than 20 billion, in line with the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. A bigger request.

After Mr. Qiao left, he left a team to continue working in Hangzhou. It turned out that Tan Shuzhen had sent Yao Fen and the manager of their company's financial department to assist them. This adjustment of the company's assets had a great impact on Tan Shuzhen. She felt It turns out that they are too honest in doing things, they just know how to do it down to earth. I don’t know that many big companies really do it, and they don’t rely on hard work——

It's made with numbers.

In Mr. Qiao's words, this is an accounting game.

The same number, placed in different columns of the report, has different meanings. The same piece of assets, by turning from one's left hand to the right, can continuously double and increase in value on the account, allowing the number to continue to expand. What Mr. Qiao said is indeed true. It is really too easy to use accounting games to create assets worth 10 billion.

Seeing the way they operate is really dazzling and eye-opening.

Tan Shuzhen realized that she was shallow and knew too little. She was unwilling to accept it and signed up to study in the EMBA class of Zhejiang University. On the one hand, she needed to supplement her knowledge. On the other hand, she felt that she needed to see those My classmates, how do their companies do it, I can't just immerse myself in working hard.

Next to Liu Ligan, the fake Zhejiang University, now there is a real Zhejiang University. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen joked that when you go to class, the teachers from Zhejiang University should call you grandma.

"Your grandma!" Tan Shuzhen scolded.

Liu Ligan smiled and said, "I'm right. The roots of Zhejiang University are here. Your office was the office of the former professor of Qiushi Academy. Shouldn't they call you grandma?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and shook her head: "You are really boring. You use this kind of thing to comfort yourself all day long. Are you too idle? Seriously, do you support me in studying?"

"Of course I support it," Liu Ligan said.

"It's no use talking nonsense, let's be practical. If you really support me, I will have classes tomorrow and Saturday. Can you help me go to Zhang Chen's house, pick up Xiang Nan, and send her to the teacher's house for tutoring?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Liu Ligan said: "Can't you let the children have fun on Saturday?"

"What you said is so easy. The high school entrance examination is about to take place. Now I can't wait to use one day as two days. Do I still want to play? Play now, okay, then I will play for the rest of my life." Tan Shuzhen sneered.

"Isn't it as scary as you said?"

"Why not? You know that classmate of Xiangnan, Zheng Xinxin, her parents are both from Zhejiang University. Their daughter, who could go to Hangzhou Foreign Language School, refused to go. She must take the Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School." Tan Shuzhen said, " I don’t have such high demands. As long as Nannan can enter one of the top eight key middle schools, I will be grateful.”

"Okay, just hope that the girl will become a phoenix." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"How about it, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Fang are not here, so I can only ask you." Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan said okay, but he was a little hesitant. Tan Shuzhen knew that since the last time he came back from Sanya, Xiangnan's attitude towards Liu Ligan was very different from before. When he saw Liu Ligan, he was always neither hot nor cold. Tan Shuzhen smiled and said:

"You're not even afraid of a little girl, are you?"

"Who? Xiang Nan? Nonsense, how could I be afraid of her? I hugged her so many times when I was a child, okay, leave it to me." Liu Li said very hard.

"It's not this day. From now on, I will have classes every week, Saturday and Sunday, and Nan Nan will have to send teachers to their homes to make up lessons. It will still be four different places..."

"Okay, leave it all to me. I have nothing to do anyway." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen breathed a sigh of relief. This important matter was finally settled.

Xiangnan and Xiangbei have stopped practicing violin and badminton in order to cope with exams. Zhang Xiangbei is still relatively simple. Zhang Chen’s home is not far from Lin Shuwan’s LinkedIn Foreign Language School. Every Saturday and Sunday, in the morning, Lao Zhang He Xiaozhao's father took Zhang Xiangbei with him when he went out, sent him to the Lingying Foreign Language School, and handed him over to Lin Shuwan. They then went to Peach Blossom Spring.

Lin Shuwan would take Zhang Xiangbei to dinner at noon. After lunch, she would arrange for him to take a nap in her office and continue classes in the afternoon. Lin Shuwan really treated Zhang Xiangbei like her own nephew.

Zhang Xiangbei called Lin Shuwan. I don’t know when he started calling her aunt instead of aunt.

After class in the afternoon, Zhang Xiangbei would be in Lin Shuwan's office, or go to Lao Sun's General Affairs Office, and do homework with Sun Xiangyang, who also tutored in English here.

In the evening, when Zhang Chen is in Hangzhou, he will come to take him, and then meet Liu Ligan and Xiangnan to have dinner together. When Zhang Chen is not in Hangzhou, Liu Ligan and Xiangnan will come to pick him up. .

Several adults gathered around the two children on Saturdays and Sundays. Liu Ligan sent Xiang Nan to the homes of four different teachers to make up lessons. Three of these four teachers lived in Hangzhou. The location, the distance is quite far, and there is no one to pick up and drop off, it's really not possible.

Liu Ligan sent Xiang Nan to the downstairs of the teacher's house, and Xiang Nan went upstairs. Liu Ligan was in the car, taking a nap or reading a book. At noon, he took Xiang Nan with him to find a different restaurant to eat. After eating, Xiang Nan She took a nap in the car for a while and then sent her to another teacher's home in the afternoon.

In the evening, they went to meet Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei to find a place to have dinner. Tan Shuzhen would find it herself. Liu Ligan had social activities, and when Zhang Chen was not in Hangzhou, Liu Ligan would pick up Zhang Xiangbei. , send them back to their "Splendid Homeland".

In the first two days, when Xiangnan saw Liu Ligan, he was still a little resistant, with a drooped face, and he was indifferent to her when he talked to her. But after two days, when Xiangnan saw Liu Ligan again, he started to grow up. Uncle Zhi shouted shortly.

When eating out, people often mistake them for father and daughter. The two just smile and don't explain.

What makes Zhang Chen most gratified is that before the end of the year, they followed Xiaoli's instructions and made a major price adjustment for this season's winter clothing. Almost 70 to 80% of the goods were to be returned to the factory. They chose to buy out, which greatly reduced their inventory.

For the goods returned to the factory, Xiaoli and Zhang Chen suggested that they conduct an internal sale within the company at a 20% discount. Many workers bought them and took them back to their relatives and friends, which reduced their inventory. , and went to a large part.

Xiaoli also asked Yao Fen to help and gave internal coupons to each of the sales ladies in their sales department to encourage them to come and buy. In this way, part of the inventory was gone, and there was not much inventory left. Zhang Chen Seeing that he was relieved, he thought, why didn't he think of doing this a few years ago? It seemed that this person was really forced out.

They now have no place to sell clothes in Hangzhou. If they don't do this, it will be really difficult to handle the inventory.

During the Spring Festival this year, they didn't go anywhere because they had to go to school from south to north. He Hongmei also flew directly from Beijing back to Chongqing to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, when He Hongmei flew back to Hangzhou from Chongqing, she was wilted. Zhang Chen asked her, but she didn't answer. After staying in Hangzhou for three days, she said she had something to do and flew to Beijing.

He Hongmei didn't say anything because she had no way to tell Zhang Chen that she was forced to get married when she returned to Chongqing this time. He Hongmei was already quite old, and besides her parents and He Dongmei, there were so many elderly people in her family. , the old man was particularly concerned about her marriage.

Her parents and He Dongmei both knew that He Hongmei was now on good terms with Zhang Chen. They did not object and accepted Zhang Chen as a person, but they felt that they could not drag it out like this without any results. He Hongmei's mother asked He Hongmei, is Zhang Chen unwilling to get married?

He Hongmei said no, it's because I don't want to get married.

Don't you like him, or do you think he has a child? He Hongmei's mother asked again.

He Hongmei said, you are overthinking, it's nothing, I just don't want to get married.

They couldn't find anything out from He Hongmei. He Hongmei's parents and He Dongmei were chattering. They felt that this was unreasonable. How could a woman like this Yaomei and not want to marry her? They concluded that Zhang Chen must be unwilling. Marry He Hongmei.

He Dongmei made insinuations and tried to trick He Hongmei, which made her very annoyed. In the end, she was confused and couldn't tell whether it was she who didn't want to marry or Zhang Chen who didn't want to marry.

He Hongmei decided to test it. When she got on the plane from Chongqing, she told herself that if Zhang Chen revealed the idea of ​​getting married during this trip to Hangzhou and he brought it up, she would agree.

As a result, when they arrived in Hangzhou, the two of them stayed together for three days. Zhang Chen was stunned and didn't mention a word. If Zhang Chen didn't mention it, she didn't say anything either. She was just depressed. In the end, she went to Beijing with disappointment.

How did He Hongmei know that every time Zhang Chen had such thoughts and wanted to say something, He Hongmei had stopped him. After stopping and avoiding him many times, it became a habit between them, and they no longer touched each other easily. this problem.

Zhang Chen saw He Hongmei's whole body wilting, as if she couldn't even cover herself up. He didn't know why, let alone mentioned things that might make He Hongmei unhappy.

Two people who seem to have nothing to say, but they both keep the things they should say in their hearts, which leads to a strange combination of circumstances.

After arriving in Beijing, she returned to her villa. Wenwen and Qianqian had not come back yet. He Hongmei stayed alone in the villa. She felt gloomy. During the Chinese New Year, the entire community was not more lively than before, but more deserted. , every villa was dark, and everyone seemed to have gone out and not come back.

He Hongmei felt as if she was the only one who had nowhere to go, so she returned to such a ghost place on such a day.

He Hongmei sat blankly, feeling lonely and tired.

Feeling hungry, she opened the refrigerator and took a look. The three of them had to go back to celebrate the New Year, so they didn't stock up on food. In the empty refrigerator, except for a pack of biscuits and two cartons of milk, there was nothing else.

He Hongmei picked up the milk and looked at it. It was expired. She threw the milk into the trash can, sat on the sofa with the biscuit, and took a bite of the biscuit. An inexplicable sadness suddenly came over her, and tears couldn't stop rolling down. It got on the biscuits and even the biscuits turned salty.

There is grievance, resentment, loneliness, and loss...

He Hongmei picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Chen's number. As soon as the call came through, she would cry, dear, I miss you so much, I feel so lonely, please come quickly...

The call went through, but Zhang Chen never answered. He Hongmei kept pressing the redial button while counting silently in her mind, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred... The phone rang for more than three hundred times. Zhang Chen Still not answering, He Hongmei picked up the phone and threw it out. The phone hit the opposite wall and fell to the ground, shattering.

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, and Tan Shuzhen, after finishing dinner and taking Xiang Nan to the north, were sitting at Qingchun Movie World watching the movie "Fearless Fearless". His mobile phone had been muted.

On the screen, the scene was reaching its climax.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for running with the cow, Humor Tribe, Hurricane 0669, Book Friends 20190804084624948, Book Friends 20191216212944508 Why can’t I change my name, Brother Bing, Book Friends 20190909075929245, Daosheng 123, Lu’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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