The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1408 Accounting Game

A few years ago, a rumor began to circulate in the real estate industry in Hangzhou, saying that the Hangzhou City Government was planning to implement the "buy-to-home" policy in Qianjiang New Town, Binjiang and Xiasha. In other words, as long as people in these three districts For just $1, foreigners who buy a house can settle down and become Hangzhou residents.

This news was not spread by Liu Ligan. The Mayor's Office Meeting of the Hangzhou City Government and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee did meet to study this issue many times. Every time they held a meeting, new news spread like wildfire.

Everyone knows what this means. The spread of this news has made real estate developers in Hangzhou feel that this winter is finally not so cold. Especially companies with projects in these three places feel that they are finally going to survive. Get ahead.

Many people began to get ready to make a move. It turned out to be a piece of wasteland. They borrowed money and started to dig earthwork. It turned out that it was not ready for development, and they also started to step up the application procedures for construction.

Although the transactions of the projects that have been launched in these three places have not improved and are still miserable, the housing prices have been quietly rising.

After the Chinese New Year, this rumor spreads more and more, and the more it spreads, the more noses and eyes it spreads. The media and experts who can't hold back have begun to openly discuss the possibility of "buying a home" and its importance to the Hangzhou property market.

No official came out to stop it.

These media and experts share a destiny with the real estate industry. When the real estate industry prospers, they thrive. When advertising interviews and lectures decline, they also follow suit. Their inability to hold back is actually encouraging themselves. call.

But objectively, it created an atmosphere in which the masses' voice was strong and everyone expected it.

On March 2, 2006, another shoe finally fell. The Hangzhou City Government introduced the country's first "home purchase" policy, which was considered to stimulate the local property market.

The policy stipulates that within the scope of Qianjiang New Town, Binjiang District and Xiasha Economic and Technological Development Zone, all foreign buyers who purchase a house with a construction area of ​​more than 100 square meters or a total house price of more than 1 million yuan are allowed to purchase a house. The registered permanent residence of the applicant, his spouse and minor children can be transferred to the purchased house.

Sure enough, as Liu Ligan expected, real estate transactions in these three places quickly became popular, and led to the recovery of real estate transactions in other places in Hangzhou. The stimulus effect of this policy on the real estate industry is too obvious, and the signal sent is strong enough. .

Soon, other cities across the country came to Hangzhou to learn from the experience. The relevant departments in Hangzhou received Li Yong's verbal greeting of making a fortune, and politely declined all colleagues from the brother cities who wanted to come to Hangzhou to learn from the experience. But many still come uninvited.

Subsequently, many cities across the country began to follow Hangzhou's example and implement the policy of "buying a house into a household".

This made Li Yong feel vaguely uneasy. Fortunately, there was no voice from above, neither affirmation nor denial. Li Yong knew that he was waiting and watching.

What surprised Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen was that buyers of their two projects in Qianjiang New City who launched zero down payment a few months ago asked to make up the down payment and switched to the bank's normal mortgage procedures. This was so convenient. Go through the procedures for "buying a house and registering a household" by yourself. Everyone knows that such policies often come and go, so you must seize this opportunity.

Although macro-control at the national level continues, since local governments are quietly releasing funds, local banks are also quietly releasing funds.

They also lowered the threshold for mortgage loans. The situation of sending ten copies of materials and having to get several copies back has never happened again. The branch where Liu Ligan opened their account even sent staff directly to their sales office. On-site review and processing of mortgage loan business.

This made Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen feel unexpectedly happy. This time, more than 800 million yuan could be added to their accounts.

Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan asked Liu Ligan whether our "Dragon Family" should take advantage of this opportunity to push it out?

Liu Ligan said no, no matter how the general climate changes, he should not change the established plan of the "Dragon Family".

"But the 'Dragon Family' is in Qianjiang New City. What if we miss this wave and can no longer buy a house and settle in?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Those who buy the 'Dragon Family' don't care about the household registration at all. Ask Zhang Chen, does he care whether he still has a Yongcheng household registration?" Liu Ligan said, "Do you care?"

Tan Shuzhen thought about it, and it was true that she had never thought about changing her household registration, because the biggest problem involved in household registration was that her children went to school. Xiangnan was already studying at Baochuta Experimental School, so this problem did not exist. The high school entrance examination only looks at your junior high school status and does not look at your household registration. Apart from this, I can't think of any other big uses for your household registration.

Therefore, Tan Shuzhen has never thought about spending that time to move her and Xiangnan's household registration from Yongcheng to Hangzhou. Tan Shuzhen has this connection and the ability, but she has never thought about it.

When Xiangnan was admitted to college, her household registration followed her to school, and she didn't need to care.

Liu Ligan is right. The children of those who can afford the "Dragon Family" do not have the connections and ability to go to a good primary school. For them, hukou is really not that important.

In addition, the trend of going abroad is gradually becoming popular in society. Many people even want to give up their nationality, let alone their household registration.

"Do we need to speed up the progress?" Lao Tan asked.

Liu Ligan said no, just stick to the original progress. Qianjiang New City will be speculated in this wave. If we open it by the end of the year, it will be a good time to raise the level of the entire Qianjiang New City. By next year, the Projects are not the projects we see now.

"I think this year we should take advantage of everyone's hesitation to get as much land as possible, especially the land in Qianjiang New City." Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Lao Tan said.

During the Spring Festival, Mr. Qiao and his team also went back. After the Spring Festival, when Mr. Qiao came over again, he told Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen that he went to Hong Kong and communicated with the Stock Exchange, and the Stock Exchange read their information. I think there is no problem with their listing qualifications, but I hope the company can be bigger.

"How big does it need to be?" Liu Ligan asked.

Mr. Qiao smiled and said: "How big can you be? It's best to be the largest in the universe. The capital market has never been afraid of being big. It's just afraid that you are too small.

“Think about it, if a company wants to go public, you may have a scale of 100 million or a scale of 1 billion to 10 billion. Securities companies, investment banks, law firms, accounting firms, audit firms, valuation companies, etc. , everyone pays the same manpower, time and labor, but the fees are charged according to the scale. Do you think, for them, is a large scale or a small scale better?"

"Of course, the bigness is the bigness on the books. The so-called size is an accounting game." Mr. Qiao added.

Seeing that Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen still didn't understand, Mr. Qiao reminded that the simplest thing is, for example, whether you have a piece of land or a project, isn't there a real estate company under you, and you sell the land to it? , if it is sold to you at a premium of 300 million, will your asset scale be 300 million more?

Of course, I am just giving an example. This is too direct. Will you still shoot land this year? Use this company to shoot the land. After the land is sold, don't get the land certificate yet. After it pays a premium, it will be resold to you through an agreement and the name will be changed directly to confirm the title. The tax on the transaction will be zero, but your company's assets will increase in value.

"I'll go, you can still play like this!" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Of course, I told you, this is an accounting game. Isn't it simple to play an accounting game and increase your assets tenfold? If it doesn't work, just acquire it." Mr. Qiao said.

"Then we still need to prepare a large amount of acquisition funds?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"What funds are needed? We don't need a penny." Mr. Qiao said.

"You don't need money, why don't you go out and pick it up?" Liu Ligan asked, "Old Qiao, how many companies are you going to throw out?"

Mr. Qiao smiled, stood up, walked to the whiteboard, drew a big circle with a pen, then pointed at the whiteboard and said to them, assuming this is a listed company, we assume that its scale is 30 billion. If you only have Eight billion, what to do?

Cut the cake, piece by piece. You have 8 billion, accounting for 27% of the listed companies. The rest, each company will put it in, and give it as many shares as its assets are worth. In this way, each company A 30 billion company emerged.

With the strength of any of them, it is impossible for any of them to go public, but after pretending to be in, they got the shares of the listed company and the seats of shareholders. You think, why would they not do it?

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were stunned for a moment. It was really possible to say so, but to operate it, it turned out to be so simple. This was really an accounting game.

Mr. Qiao looked at Liu Ligan and asked, Do you understand?

"I understand." Liu Lizhan nodded.

"Isn't it simple?" Mr. Qiao asked again.

"Simple." Liu Ligan said.

"There is something even simpler. You still have a large asset that you can use right away." Mr. Qiao said.

"What other assets do we have and are they huge?" Liu Ligan asked, puzzled.

Mr. Qiao smiled and said, "Yes, have you forgotten Kunpeng Construction?"

"Kunpeng Construction? Aren't all the houses sold out?" Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, Kunpeng Construction has completed construction on all available land and sold out the built houses. The profits have also been distributed to you shareholders. For Miss Cai and others, this company has no value and exists in name only. , but to you now, it is of great value. Although Kunpeng Construction has no land for development, its book assets are still very large.

"The entire land in Mishihe Park is under the name of Kunpeng Construction. The actual use value of this part of the land is gone, but its book value has not been reduced. Through the evaluation by the appraisal company, I estimate it should be 20 to 30 billion.

"You only need to pay a small amount of money, obtain the consent of Ms. Cai and others, change the company's shareholders to your names, and then merge Kunpeng Construction into Zhejiang Jinxiu, and you will have an additional 20 to 30 billion in assets."

"I'll go! Lao Qiao, what you said is true. I'll contact Miss Cai right away." Liu Ligan said.

"No need to contact you. I have contacted you and negotiated for you. I have already obtained the authorization from Miss Cai and the others. I will just go through the equity change procedures with you. Don't forget, Miss Cai and the others' shares, but It’s held on behalf of our company.”

As Mr. Qiao said, Liu Ligan's mind turned around and he cursed: "Old Qiao, you can sell it for what you are!"

"How's it going? Are you surprised?"

Mr. Qiao looked at Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen and asked, both of them laughed.

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