The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1404 The world is so small

Except for her parents, Liu Yun had no contact with anyone else, not even those college classmates, whether they were Chen Qihang, Lin Yiyan, or Li Yong.

This kind of non-contact persisted for a long time, and it became a hard habit that supported Liu Yun. Even in the most difficult times, she had to persevere helplessly alone. You knew there was no one behind you, so you just With the courage and helplessness to break the boat.

And when silence becomes a habit, breaking this silence not only requires courage, but the moment it is broken, it will also make Liu Yun vulnerable. She does not need it and does not want it.

The love affair with Liu Ligan not only made Liu Yun feel shameless, but also completely lost her dignity. Liu Yun has been a proud person since she was a child. For the first time, she likes someone with all her heart and likes herself. They all feel that their posture is too low and they are too compromised.

It was also the first time that she felt such complete frustration.

When she was with Liu Ligan, Liu Yun actually felt his aloofness and even indifference very early on, which made her feel that she was always unable to do anything. Pride made Liu Yun unable to say a soft word, let alone go. Explore if there are other women. If a man feels that you cannot fill his world, it is the same whether there are other women.

You are not complete in his eyes.

Since you can't be his everything, you can't be his only one. This kind of love is not pure, not the kind of love that a Chinese girl has longed for since she was a child.

Liu Yun silently endured this impurity, just like she endured her mother. Many people study hard and prepare for the college entrance examination because of their parents. Liu Yun did the same. She did it in order to be able to leave them, far away from them, and leave If she leaves, there will be no possibility of looking back, just like when she left Liu Ligan, her entire past came to an end.

When Liu Yun took the college entrance examination, she had only one choice, and that was Peking University. She knew that Peking University could satisfy all the vanities of her mother, a junior high school Chinese teacher. If it were not Peking University, her mother would be disappointed and dissatisfied, and she would always maintain her anger. Liu Yun knew that this kind of anger would make her mother go to her school again and again, scolding her and even the university she was studying at.

Only at Peking University can her mother feel blameless, and Liu Yun can win freedom and tranquility for herself, and win a world of her own.

Sure enough, during the years when Liu Yun was in college, her mother had never been to Beijing to see Liu Yun. For her, as long as others said that her daughter was studying at Peking University, these few words could satisfy her. If she really wants to go to Peking University, she will be at a loss and it will bring back her own painful memories.

Liu Yun knew that Peking University had been her mother's dream when she was a girl, but she ultimately fell short and ended up studying at Southwest Normal University. This made her feel it was a great shame and humiliation. In their era, it was already rare to be able to go to university, but her mother felt , only Peking University is truly rare, Southwest Normal University, hum, she has never even changed her school badge.

Peking University severely shattered her girlhood dream and made it unattainable. A mother who graduated from Southwest Normal University went to the unattainable Peking University to see a daughter who was studying at Peking University. Liu Yun’s mother felt that this was her daughter. The cynicism and contempt towards her will be aggravated by Peking University. She will not give them the opportunity to despise her.

In front of outsiders, Peking University is her glory. At home, Liu Yun's mother remembers it deeply. She knows that it is only her daughter's glory and a ridicule to her.

Liu Yun endured her mother's control over her. When she couldn't bear it anymore, she chose a victorious escape and left completely. Later, when she was about to graduate, because of that incident, almost all their students were When returning to her hometown, the country did not guarantee distribution. Liu Yun did not even think about returning to Chongqing. She chose to go to Hainan.

Liu Yun endured Liu Ligan's carelessness, which was like a dull knife cutting into Liu Yun's pride.

When she felt that she was about to become a worthless little pitiful person, her reason told her that she could not continue like this, and that she should leave. After she decided to leave, she became unhesitating and determined, so determined that even if she and Liu The same sky where the pole might be, she must also cut.

Not to mention his own past, which is inextricably linked to him.

When the plane left Haicheng, Liu Yun looked at the smaller and smaller land below and the increasingly majestic sea. What she was saying in her heart was not goodbye, but farewell. She waved her hand and there was no need to say goodbye.

Liu Yun arrived in Shanghai from Haicheng, and the Taiwanese boss picked her up at Hongqiao Airport. Originally, their plan was to stay in Shanghai for two days, meet with several other shareholders, and then go to Nanjing.

That night, they had dinner together. The Taiwanese boss sitting next to Liu Yun put her hand on Liu Yun's thigh. Liu Yun felt sick for a while. She restrained herself and gave him a slap in the face without reaching out. Liu Yun stood He got up, excused himself to go to the bathroom, and left the restaurant. He also took his luggage and left the Jing'an Hilton Hotel where they were staying.

Liu Yun dragged her luggage and found a guest house and stayed there. She decided not to leave. She would not go to Nanjing, Haicheng, or Chongqing. She would not leave in Shanghai.

Liu Yun has no relatives in Shanghai. Like Zhang Chen who just returned to Hangzhou, she buys a copy of "Xinmin Evening News" every day and then looks for a job based on the recruitment information on it.

That day, she saw a recruitment information in "Xinmin Evening News" that was all in English. It was in English to prevent applicants who didn't understand English from approaching it. Of course, for Liu Yun, who likes to read Woolf's original novels, Not a problem.

Following the address provided in the job posting, she found a room at the Portman Hotel, where an American woman in her sixties lived.

The old lady is Jewish, petite, with silver hair. Although she is over sixty years old, her movements show that she is capable and agile befitting her age. She has eagle-like eyes. It can be seen at a glance that Liu Yun Unlike other girls who applied for jobs, she had experience.

The two people talked, and Liu Yun confirmed her judgment.

At that time, Sino-US relations had just begun to recover from the freezing point that had dropped due to that incident a few years ago. Although Americans still had doubts about Red China, they could not resist the temptation of such a large emerging market. , they began to return to China, back to Shanghai.

The old lady is the chairman of a financial company on Wall Street. They covet the vast unexplored financial territory in the East. They came to Shanghai very cautiously and tentatively. They planned to set up in Shanghai, including the company. Not yet, but the office. What they are recruiting this time is the office's translator and China affairs assistant.

The old lady and Liu Yun talked for more than an hour and decided that this person was Liu Yun.

Their office is located in the Portman Hotel, and they rented a suite in the hotel. Liu Yun lives inside, and the living room outside is the office of the office.

Normally, there is only Liu Yun in the office. When people from the United States come, Liu Yun will accompany them as a translator. When no one comes, Liu Yun is responsible for collecting all aspects of Chinese information they need and translating them into English. When they are sent back to the United States, they have to represent their Wall Street financial company and be responsible for contacting various departments of the Shanghai Municipal Government.

Sometimes I have to fly to Beijing to contact relevant central ministries and commissions.

Liu Yun also has an important task, which is to go to the United States from time to time to make reports about China to their investors and persuade them to invest in China.

After more than a year, the office turned into a company, and Liu Yun naturally became the general manager of the company. At the beginning, the company was small, with only nine people including her, but the company's business was very complicated and there were no As it was later broken down, they do both Chinese business and American business, and they do almost all businesses that have something to do with finance.

They are responsible for identifying and assisting Chinese companies to list in the United States. They will also represent their American investors to make investments and mergers and acquisitions in China. They carry a large amount of funds, including even the New York Police Department’s retirement fund, to participate in the Chinese stock market and futures. Market transactions.

There are also some customers who are Chinese whose people have gone out, but their money has not gone out. Their money that is still in the country is not safe to hand over to Chinese companies, so they hand it over to American companies like them and entrust them to invest and increase the value.

Liu Yun did an outstanding job. Their company developed rapidly. In just five or six years, it became one of the largest American businessmen in Shanghai and served as the vice president of the American Chamber of Commerce.

Liu Yun is also quite famous in this industry. Many other financial institutions and investment banks on Wall Street will also come to Liu Yun when they want to enter China. Gradually, their company in Shanghai has become the same as the company on Wall Street. , two independent and parallel companies, the original business of the parent company only accounted for a small part of the Shanghai company.

Although the Shanghai company still has the same name as the Wall Street company, most of its business is undertaken by itself. Even their competitors on Wall Street have become partners in Shanghai.

Liu Yun became the director and general manager of this company. She had changed from an employee of the old lady to a shareholder and partner.

Liu Yun packed up the past and sealed it away, but the past did not disappear. Especially when Liu Yun had established a firm foothold in Shanghai and her career was booming, she and the past were no longer so indiscriminate and hostile.

Especially after the development of the Internet, when the connection between people and the past and the outside world no longer requires phone calls or publicity in advance, and can be done quietly, Liu Yun's past is coming back bit by bit.

Liu Yun entered those familiar names into the computer one by one. On the Internet, she found traces of Zhang Chen, found traces of Liu Ligan, and found traces of Li Yong.

Sometimes in the dead of night, Liu Yun sits alone in front of the computer, searching for these names. When looking at the photos of these individuals, Liu Yun will suddenly burst into tears. She will look at Li Yong's photos and scold him, "Damn Fatty, you are finally here" I have become thinner and older, and I have become the deputy mayor of Hangzhou. Come on, call me sister.

Looking at Zhang Chen's photo, she would ask, Zhang Chen, how are you now?

Only when Liu Ligan's photo appeared on the screen, she would swipe it in a hurry, but even if she swiped it in a hurry, she also knew that he was now a real estate developer and seemed to be doing well. The house she now lived in in Pudong turned out to be the same. Developed by his company.

Liu Yun sighed, she felt that the world was really small.

Thank you for reading the book every day, ranking third from top to bottom, and for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Gou Zhu, Zhenwu Longyi, Muren, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, Daosheng123, lmBeat, Li Ruijin, Standby Time, Yuanxi, Xuemu, Book Friends 20180616122552946, Xixi Zi, Brokeback Mountain, Doll Tin Soldier, Everyday Turning Books, Ranked third from top to bottom, monthly pass at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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