Liu Yun has made up her mind to pack up her past and seal it away.

From the day she left Haicheng, Liu Yun made a clean break with the past. Over the years, apart from maintaining basic contact with her parents, she completely cut off contact with her past.

Even when talking to her parents on the phone, Liu Yun would not say too much. She would just tell them that she was fine and that she was very busy at work and did not even dare to say that she was very good. Her mother, a retired junior high school Chinese teacher, He has his own way of talking about words.

At the beginning, she would send five hundred yuan to her family every month, then it reached one thousand yuan, and now it is two thousand yuan every month. She never dared to send too much, nor too little, or too little. Her mother Immediately be alert, for a graduate of Peking University, this is not okay. The same is true for sending too many, which is more than okay.

After Liu Yun calculated it, he found that from five hundred to two thousand, both are very appropriate figures. It also shows that with the development of material culture in the whole society, his income is also increasing every year, so you don't have to worry.

Liu Yun knows that the small amount of family income she can subsidize, plus their own retirement salary, can allow her parents to live a good life in Chongqing. This is enough.

She didn't dare to tell her parents about her true situation. If they knew, regardless of whether she agreed or not, her mother would definitely come to Shanghai on her own initiative, live in her home, and dominate everything. For Liu Yun, that was The beginning of a nightmare.

Liu Yun maintains the frequency of going home to celebrate the New Year once every two years. The reason is that she is very busy with work. But in fact, every year from late December to the one or two months after the 15th day of the first lunar month of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Liu Yun will go home. If she didn't go to New York, Liu Yun would basically have nothing to do if she stayed in Shanghai.

Starting from late December, Americans will be celebrating the New Year. Everyone in the parent company and her investors have left. When foreigners are on vacation, it is private time, and they even call them. Less than.

By the time they started to resume contact one by one, the Spring Festival holiday was about to begin here in China. Few people in domestic units were still working seriously, and they were all waiting for the holidays. Liu Yun sometimes took advantage of this window period in China. , go to the United States, visit those investors, and communicate with them about important investment projects in the coming year.

Every time Liu Yun called home and told her mother that she would not be home for the Spring Festival this year, her mother would get furious and yell into the phone, threatening her life and death on the phone. Liu Yun would put the phone aside and go fuck herself. When she picked up the phone twenty minutes later, her mother's voice was already hoarse.

Liu Yun said, okay, I have nothing to do. If I want to avoid being fired, I have to be on duty at the unit.

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Liu Yun knew that her mother was still angry when she put down the phone, but she would never think of putting down her comfortable life in Chongqing to catch the crowded and dirty Spring Festival travel train and come to Shanghai to see what was going on.

But if Liu Yun makes such calls twice in a row, it will exceed her mother's limit, and her rage will be prolonged. In her rage, she will beat things while asking her father to go to the train station to buy train tickets, even on the black market. ticket.

Her rage would last until she got on the train and couldn't even squeeze through to the toilet. Then she would start to regret it. She would curse Liu Yun and her father endlessly and yell at him, Are you willing to buy such an expensive train ticket? Why don't you pass it?

If you buy such an expensive train ticket to see that heartless person, you might as well throw your money into the water!

Fortunately, Liu Yun never gave her this chance. Liu Yun knew how to control everything. She was not afraid of irritating her, but she would never irritate her enough to go to Shanghai to investigate.

There were also several times when Liu Yun's father whispered to Liu Yun that they wanted to come to Shanghai to see her. Liu Yun immediately became alert. She knew that her mother must be by the phone. Even this phone call was actually her mother calling her dad. call taxi.

Liu Yun couldn't say no. If she said no, her mother would definitely get excited and think about it. What appeared in her mind was not a hundred thousand whys, but a hundred thousand whats. She had to come.

Liu Yun said lightly, "Okay, after so many years, it's time for you to come to Shanghai and see it. Shanghai has changed a lot now. By the way, you can come anytime. I'm not in Shanghai and I'm on a business trip, so you can stay here." In my dormitory, I will make an agreement with my roommates and they will take care of you.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then her father asked: "Are you still living in the dormitory?"

"Yes, there is a house for us three girls. This is a very good condition in Shanghai. When you come, you can stay in my room and I will sleep with my roommate." Liu Yun said.

There was silence on the phone again. After a while, her father said, okay, your mother and I are discussing.

Putting down the phone, Liu Yun almost laughed. She knew there was nothing to discuss. As long as she thought about living in a dormitory and sharing a bathroom with strangers, rest assured, her mother would never come to Shanghai.

Liu Yun did not dare to tell her parents about the company she was currently working for. She did not dare to tell them that their company was in Jin Mao Tower, and she did not dare to tell them that although her position was general manager, this general manager actually had a partner. In terms of nature, her income in one year is worth the two of them in a lifetime.

She didn't dare to tell them that she didn't live in a dormitory, but in a high-end community in Pudong. She had a top floor of more than 280 square meters, a duplex, and a sky garden.

As long as she tells them, her mother will definitely come to Shanghai. Once she arrives in Shanghai, it will be impossible for Liu Yun to send her back to Chongqing. She is the mother and she is the boss. Once she arrives in Shanghai, she will In Liu Yun's house, she must be the one to decide everything. Otherwise, she and Liu Yun would fall to the ground while arguing.

She fell to the ground and wailed, counting every detail of Liu Yun's life from childhood to adulthood. Every bit of it was the sacrifice she had made for Liu Yun. She also used many adjectives to expand this sacrifice several times. In the final analysis, The bottom line is that Liu Yun is a heartless person who should be despised by thousands of people and should feel ashamed of herself.

If Liu Yun didn't apologize, or if her mother felt tired, she would never get up from the ground.

When she wails, she will bring out her mother, Liu Yun's grandmother who has been dead for many years, and stand firmly on her side to accuse Liu Yun. Of course, her grandmother's accusations are made through her mother's mouth.

Although when grandma was alive, her daughter never gave her a good look. Even when she saw grandma and Liu Yun getting a little closer, or when they spoke in a lower voice, she would feel that they were whispering. , she would get jealous, take advantage of excuses, and criticize others.

Every time, before Liu Yun's mother fell to the ground, Liu Yun's father would always take out the trash and leave in time. This dumping lasted for an hour or two, and the war at home became two women. war without even a mediator.

Mother's jurisdiction over Liu Yun will not be limited to the home. When Liu Yun goes out to work, she will quietly sneak to the gate of the community, hail a taxi, and wait there. When Liu Yun's car drives out, she will I will follow him all the way to Jin Mao Tower.

When Liu Yun entered the elevator, she would look at which floors the elevator stopped, remember them one by one, and then search layer by layer. She was not afraid that Liu Yun would know that she was looking for her, but she would never ask Liu Yun directly. He just believes that everything he discovers is real only if he follows quietly behind him like this.

Without the elevator card, she couldn't get on the elevator, but don't worry, she must have 10,000 ways to get up and finally find Liu Yun.

After finding Liu Yun, she would not go directly to Liu Yun's office. Instead, she would ask questions at the front desk and everyone who came out of the office area. In the end, she even found out how many glasses of water Liu Yun drank a day in the office. She Only then will he leave with satisfaction.

Everyone in the company will know that Mr. Liu's mother is here, but no one dares to tell Liu Yun, because as long as she knows that Liu Yun is the general manager of this company, she has the final say here, and she grabs everyone and understands After knowing what she wants to know, she will directly threaten you. If you dare to tell Liu Yun, you will no longer be in this company.

The tone and expression of her words make people believe that this is true.

Her search is not over yet. She will continue to follow her. She will fight with the security guards in the parking lot while waiting for Liu Yun to appear. She will take her ID card, retirement certificate, previous work permit, and even the certificate she has obtained. The award certificates of outstanding teachers were all shown to the security guards to prove that they were good people.

She would also recite legal provisions one after another to prove to the security guard and security manager that her standing here waiting for her daughter was a reasonable and legal act. They had no reason not to let her stay here, even though those legal provisions It has nothing to do with this matter, but she can always make them related. How could those security guards know this?

They can't do anything to such an old lady, you can't even touch her. As long as you touch her, she will lie on the ground and need to be sent to the emergency room. After sending the emergency room, she will still appear here the next day. She must be the one who wins in the end.

The security guards were helpless. When they finally saw her walking around, they could only pretend that she was just air and they didn't see her.

Victory always belongs to the perseverant old lady.

The old lady would continue to follow Liu Yun. If she found out that she had lunch or drank coffee with a man, she would follow that man next.

Liu Yun was sure that all this would happen, but she never let it happen, just because she could master the degree that would not anger her mother, the degree that she could go from being angry in Chongqing to Shanghai, or be suspicious from Chongqing. That degree to Shanghai.

Shanghai is Liu Yun's country, and Liu Yun carefully protects her territory from her mother's invasion.

After decades of battles of wits and courage, Liu Yun has gained rich experience in struggle. When two powers fight, it is not the brave who wins, but the one with the higher IQ who often wins. In this regard, Liu Yun is confident in himself and always has an advantage.

Thank you, Yuan Lai, for the reward of two fishes! Thank you Xuemu, Zhenwu Longyi, Book Friends 20171012184736962, Salted Fish Sewer, Rainman, dthby, Eight Liang, Brother Harmony, Wooden Man, Wooden Elm, Hurricane 0669, Wind in the Lie? , Cup Guy Api, Tianying 1978, Hu Hu, Young Little Abin, Qingdao Laosun, Vast Sky, Book Friends 20190118025224314, Book Friends 140719121308709, Zhongkai 727, Book Friends 161205095230029 monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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