The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1400 Goodbye, Half an Acre of Field

In the evening, Liu Ligan came back from get off work early. He walked into Zhang Chen's office, sat down on the sofa, and stared at Zhang Chen.

"Not bad." Liu Ligan said.

"What's good?" Zhang Chen asked, puzzled.

"I went to Beijing for a few days and my face looked much better when I came back. This man still needs a woman to nourish him. This is called gathering yin and replenishing yang, you know." Liu Ligan said with a smile.

"Get out of here!" Zhang Chen scolded, and suddenly thought of Wenwen, he asked:

"By the way, Zhuangzi, why don't you and that Wenwen become a couple? If you become a couple, you will be a gangster who combines two villains."

"What are you doing, is this idiot teasing you?" Liu Ligan asked.

"That's not true." Zhang Chen said, "I just think of you when I see her, and I think of her when I see you. You two are truly androgynous. It's a pity not to be together. If you were together, there would be another one. Boy, that must be a wonder for the ages.”

As Zhang Chen spoke, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. Liu Ligan said, "I've become pure and pure now, okay? I won't eat meat for how many days."

"Have you learned enough?"

"It's boring. Didn't I tell you that I look so charming, but in fact, I'm just a coward."

"Don't be embarrassed. Are you still coveting Tan Shuzhen?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Liu Ligan sighed and slapped his right hand on the sofa, "Ouch!" Liu Ligan shouted, startling Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was sitting behind the desk and could not see out the door. Liu Ligan was sitting on the sofa and could just see out the door. He stood up and said to Zhang Chen, "The big shot is here."

As soon as Liu Ligan finished speaking, Li Yong walked in from the door. Zhang Chen was also surprised and asked: "Today is not the weekend, Li Yong, why are you here?"

"Why, you're not welcome?" Li Yong said, "I have nothing to do tonight, so I just came to have a drink and tell you something else."

When Li Yong came, they would not go out to eat as usual, but would eat in Zhang Chen's office. Liu Ligan said, there is nothing delicious in the canteen down below, so we should cook on the stove while I buy some seafood.

Zhang Chen said yes, and Li Yong stopped Liu Ligan and told him that he would go back later and I would talk about the matter first, and you should also listen to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said to Xiaoli and others to help buy it, but you should not go.

Liu Ligan said okay, I will make arrangements.

Liu Ligan went out and came back, closed the door, and the three of them sat down on the sofa. Li Yong and Zhang Chen said:

"I just had an office meeting this afternoon. Let me tell you something. Don't tell the outside world. Zhang Chen, your Yan'an Road store may not be able to survive. The Yan'an Road area needs to be renovated. This is a collective decision. I also There is no way."

Zhang Chen was startled. What he immediately thought was, so, all three of his stores will be wiped out?

"It's not so soon. It should be next spring, but it's already confirmed. I'll say hello to you first and let you prepare early." Li Yong said to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded.

"A land king was auctioned nearby. When Kerry Construction won the original Zhejiang Medical University land, it should have thought that it would be a matter of time. Is the collection and storage center addicted to selling?" Liu Ligan said, "It's okay. , I can just go and take pictures when the time comes.”

Li Yong shook his head: "You can talk to the collection and storage center about the specific demolition. I won't interfere or ask. However, this is a directional auction. You can't take the poles even if you want to. They came from the province to attract investment. Li Ka-shing’s Cheung Kong Holdings.”

"Damn it, this duck-egg head is going to come to Hangzhou to have a look." Liu Ligan scolded, "You're so rude, at least the conditions are the same as the house in Shanghai."

"Don't tell me this."

Li Yong waved his hand and Zhang Chen said okay, we will handle it ourselves. He just feels that those of us who are in the industry are really stepmothers. Let alone a century-old store, it is impossible to maintain a ten-year-old store now. how so?

"Actually, we have internal debates about this." Li Yong said, "Especially the comrades in charge of industry have pointed out that excessive real estate development will cause the hollowing out of industry. If that time comes, for a city, , is also dangerous, which means the city’s roots are gone.”

Zhang Chen nodded, glanced at Liu Ligan and said, "It will become a carnival for these profiteers. They want to see this day the most."

Li Yong laughed and asked Liu Ligan: "Do you want to refute the profiteer?"

"Of course." Liu Ligan said, "In fact, we least want to see that situation. If that is the case, who will sell our houses to? People in the city are all real estate developers. Should we build our own houses and sell them to ourselves? ?The industry is gone, and so is the purchasing power.

"Detroit in the United States is the best example. With the relocation of the automobile industry, not only did the city decline, but the houses there were as cheap as cabbage. Let's look at where the most expensive housing prices are in our country. Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Beijing, why are the housing prices in these places so expensive, the economy is so good, and there are so many capitalists like him."

Liu Ligan said and pointed at Zhang Chen. Li Yong smiled and said: "Yes, this is still a conscious profiteer. How to balance various industries is indeed a university question."

Someone knocked on the door, Zhang Chen said come in, Xiaoli and Xu Qiaoxin came in carrying vest bags, Liu Ligan looked at them and cursed, are you stupid, just bring it in and let us eat like this? Go and wash it before bringing it in, stupid!

Xu Qiaoxin said: "I don't know how to kill this crab. Its big pincers can even bite people."

"You are really spoiled and don't know how to farm. If you don't kill to ask Ge Ling, then the child from a poor family will definitely know." Liu Ligan continued to scold.

Xu Qiaoxin said: "Then children from poor families shouldn't even be able to eat crabs?"

Zhang Chen and Li Yong laughed, Liu Ligan glared at Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli, the two laughed, Xu Qiaoxin said, okay, let's ask Ge Ling.

After a while, Ge Ling came in and asked Zhang Chen: "Master, how to kill crabs and squid?"

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Zhang Chen, what kind of gold do you have here?"

Xu Qiaoxin and Xiaoli stood behind Ge Ling and laughed wildly. Zhang Chen said, take it to the canteen below, or ask Zhao Jingjing.

The three of them went out, and when they finally came back in, the seafood had been washed. The squid and swimming crab were chopped into pieces, the shrimps had their tails and threads removed, and the two bomb fish and clams were also cleaned.

Zhang Chen asked, who did it?

Xiaoli said: "Zhao Jingjing."

"Let's see, it's the old comrades who can be relied upon at the critical moment. You guys who have no hair in your mouth are still not good enough." Liu Ligan shouted.

"Who said that? I also picked three shrimp threads." Xu Qiaoxin said unconvinced.

"That's amazing. Have you signed the shrimp? It would be a pity not to sign for such an important achievement." Liu Ligan said sarcastically.

Xiaoli said: "That's not right, Zhao Jingjing has no hair on her mouth either."

The two people put down their things, closed the door and went out. Here, three people began to take out the cassette stove and seasonings and sauces from the cabinet. After a while, a pot of water boiled.

Zhang Chen took out two bottles of Wuliangye and told Li Yong, "Anyway, you are fine today. This is the basic route for today."

Li Yong said, am I still afraid of you?

The three of them drank until about eleven o'clock. Li Yong no longer lives in Xinxin Hotel, but in a community in Baijingfang not far from here. Zhang Chen wanted to send him back, but he said no, no. , I can just walk back a few steps to digest it.

Liu Ligan said, I will walk with you there, and then I will digest it when you walk back.

Li Yong still said no.

Zhang Chen said, "He needs to consume hormones, otherwise, I don't know which shampoo room he will get into."

Li Yong laughed and said, "Okay, pole, then you go with me, and I will teach you and educate you, be sincere and good at tempting you."

Liu Ligan said okay, just treat me like a lost lamb at midnight.

The three people chatted and went downstairs. When they got downstairs, Zhang Chen walked to the parking lot. Liu Ligan led Li Yong into the dynamic area where the rolling shutters were open and merchants were coming in and out to load goods.

The security guards here did not know Li Yong, but they all knew Liu Ligan. The two of them passed through the dynamic zone unimpeded and reached the stadium road in front.

Crossing Stadium Road and following the alley that Liu Ligan often walked to eat noodles in the morning, we arrived at Jesus Hall Lane. Beyond Jesus Hall Lane is Baijingfang.

When Zhang Chen was driving and alone, he felt an inexplicable sadness. He didn't expect that the store on Yan'an Road would be demolished so soon.

Zhang Chen did not go back directly. He drove along North Huancheng Road to Wulin Square Road, which is in front of Hangzhou Center, turned left, turned right at Stadium Road, and drove to the three-way intersection of Stadium Road and Yan'an Road. When he exited, he did not continue to drive forward, but turned left onto Yan'an Road. He purposely passed by the entrance of Banmutian Women's Life Flagship Store and looked at it through the car window.

By this time next year, this place will no longer exist. Just like the original sales department of Yiming Food Factory, it will be quickly forgotten when it disappears. By this time next year, no one will probably even mention Half an Acre of Field. Although this specialty store caused a sensation in the city when it opened, its fate was the same as that of the Yiming Food Factory sales department.

Maybe I am the only one who will remember it until I disappear from this world. Zhang Chen thought to himself.

Zhang Chen returned to "Splendid Home". When he went upstairs, he felt so tired that he couldn't lift his feet.

Zhang Chen went upstairs, opened the door, and walked into his room. He sat there and stared blankly at Xiao Zhao's urn for a while before he began to murmur:

"Xiao Zhao, I'm back from Beijing. Hongmei asked me to say hello to you for her. Xiao Zhao, Li Yong is here today. Guess what he said? He said, our store on Yan'an Road with half an acre of land will be opened next year. It will be demolished in the spring as well.

"Xiao Zhao, half an acre of land is almost gone. Without half an acre, there won't even be a single acre of land left..."

Thank you to Harmony Brother, Daqiang 666, and Galaxy for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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