The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 138 This girl wants to deal with you

After Lin Yiyan left, Jin Lili asked Mr. Xia why he did this and opened an acceptance. Don't we have to pay others for discounts?

"That's just a few points. Besides, we don't need to discount that much. For example, we can give them the acceptance bill for the 1.2 million we still need to give to Manager Pan, as well as other payables. This part of the discount is just We don’t have to pay,” Mr. Xia said.

"I understand." Jin Lili said, "You mainly want to help Lin Yiyan, right?"

"Yes, she has done so many things for us. It stands to reason that we should give her some money directly, but I think doing this to young people will teach them to learn bad things. We help her complete the task of collecting savings. She can get bonuses from her own industry, and she feels at ease when she picks up the bonuses."

As Mr. Xia spoke, Jin Lili kept nodding her head. She felt that Mr. Xia's consideration was right and considerate.

Their loan was disbursed on Thursday morning. Lin Yiyan helped them fight for it. The interest rate for this loan was calculated based on the base interest rate of 9.36 and would not rise. In this way, it would be the same as Chen Ming's original base interest rate. 10.08, which is a ten percent increase, you can save a lot of money in monthly interest.

Mr. Xia and CEO Shi reached an agreement. In addition to helping repay the principal of Chen Ming's loan, they only had to pay the interest for six months, and the late payment fees were waived. From then on, Chen Ming and Hai issued this loan. It doesn't matter.

Mr. Xia called Chen Ming, wanting to tell him the news, but the person who answered the phone was not Chen Ming, but another stranger. The stranger told Mr. Xia that Chen Ming had sold him the Big Brother phone.

Mr. Xia's heart skipped a beat, and he asked Lao Bao to go check out where Chen Ming lived. After Lao Bao went there, he called back and said that Chen Ming had moved away and where he went, and even the landlord didn't know.

Lao Bao also told Mr. Xia that Manager Cai has already entered the site, and he has also asked the municipal government's investment promotion office about the land. There is no need for Luo Hall to say hello. They have said that as long as your construction site resumes work, we will Give you changes.

It seems that the current situation in Sanya is dire enough that the local government is worried.

Jin Lili witnessed and participated in the whole process. She felt that it was more exciting and more exciting than the movie. After going around, Mr. Xia took the Bayview Hotel to himself without spending a penny. All the money in his hands was the bank's money, and the bank seemed very happy.

It turns out that this is how to make money. Jin Lili sighed. She felt that Zhang Chen, who was so stubborn, could never learn this skill.

Mr. Xia and Jin Lili said, Okay, now we can notify investors to come and inspect the project.

This afternoon, Zhang Chen was in the office, adjusting the layout of the food court upstairs in the mall.

According to his original design, each store was run independently. He was inspired by the Dongyang Hot Pot Restaurant. It had such a big scene and such a good business, but it only sold two or three dishes. Other dishes and drinks were just that. By handing it over to others to sell, it can be said that everyone collaborated to support the prosperous business of the yard.

Zhang Chen wondered if it could be the same as that courtyard. The middle of the food court is full of tables and chairs, and all around are the shops. When you get here, you can choose the same one from this store and the same one from that store. Food from all over the country, even food from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, are gathered on the table in front of you.

Hainan originally had a lot of people who traveled to Southeast Asia, and these foods can bring back their memories.

The biggest advantage of doing this is that single stores outside cannot compete. As a customer, when you come here, you can have Roujiamo and Pian'erchuan. If you don't have enough, you can have another bowl of Chongqing Chao Shou. After you finish eating, you can have one. Mango sausage.

Zhang Chen told Mr. Fu about his idea, and Mr. Fu was very interested. He said that in this way, eating dinner would be like having morning tea.

"Yes, it's a bit like it." Mr. Fu's words reminded Zhang Chen, and he said, "In our store, we can also have pushcarts pushing various side dishes."

Mr. Fu thought of a question and said: "Is this good? The format is very novel. Xiao Zhang, you are right. In this way, those single stores will not be able to compete with us. However, there is a problem. You Think about it, if he has a meal and orders from five or six stores, would it be troublesome to have to queue and pay at five or six stores? "

"I've thought about this too, and do it the same way as drinking morning tea." Zhang Chen said.

"How to do it, you tell me." Mr. Fu urged.

"When he goes in, he can go to the cashier to pay a deposit, get a blank menu, and go to each store to buy something. He just needs to show the menu to the store, and the store will write on it. In this way, picking up the meal and waiting for the meal are all done. The speed will also be accelerated, and there will be no need to wait in a long line. After eating, he will go to the exit and hand the menu to the cashier, and the cashier will settle the bill according to what is written on it, and he will make up for any excess."

"Okay, this is a good idea. It is to unify the cash register. We and each store will settle the accounts separately according to the menu."

"Right, that is it."

"Not bad, not bad." Mr. Fu said cheerfully, "Xiao Zhang, I can't tell, but you are very business-savvy. After this project is completed, you can either come to my Wanghai Tower and become the deputy general manager."

Zhang Chen is now revising this good plan.

A person appeared at the door of the office. Zhang Chen looked up and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Standing at the door was Jin Lili, smiling at him.

Zhang Chen was the only one in the office. Jin Lili put her feet together and jumped in step by step. Zhang Chen stood up early. As soon as Jin Lili approached, he pulled her over.

After they separated, Zhang Chen still asked: "Why are you here? Today is only Thursday."

Jin Lili and Zhang Chen said that their company's loan has been approved, and the Bayview Hotel in Sanya now belongs to their company. They will go to Sanya tomorrow to prepare for the inspection of investors from Beijing, so Mr. Xia I'll give her a day off today, and she can return to the company at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Zhang Chen held Jin Lili's hand and said to her, "Let's go to the front desk to get a room. We will stay in Wanghai Tower for the night."

"Are you crazy? It's so expensive?" Jin Lili shouted.

Zhang Chen looked sad and said, "What should we do? Or we should go back to Wenmingdong, and let the old witch listen if she wants to?"

"No, no, no, no," Jin Lili beat her head with her hands and shouted, "I have a headache. I get a headache when I think of that old witch."

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said: "Let's go then, I will take you to the room where you will stay for ninety-one nights."

Jin Lili pursed her lips: "Okay, that's better than seeing that old witch, but Zhang Chen, are there cockroaches in that kind of hotel?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I don't know either. You'll know if you go and see it."

The two held hands. Zhang Chen took Jin Lili through Wanghai Shopping Mall and arrived at the lobby of Wanghai International Hotel. Zhang Chen walked to the front desk. Jin Lili held him and asked quietly: "Aren't you going to the Ninety-Ninety Hotel?" A hotel for one night?”

"Yes, it's ninety-one nights here." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "You forgot where I was decorating, how could there be no discount?"

Jin Lili suddenly realized that she understood, and she whispered excitedly: "I understand, Zhang Chen, it's so cheap, why did you go to Mr. Fu?"

"No, if I go to Mr. Fu, the bill will be waived. I went to Assistant Xu. I think it's not good to go to Mr. Fu. It seems stingy." Zhang Chen said.

Of course Zhang Chen would not tell Jin Lili that he had actually booked a room here last Saturday, let alone tell her that he had such a lustful dream. Jin Lili would laugh at him.

"That's right, ninety, I've already earned it." Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen booked a room at the front desk, and Jin Lili made sure to go upstairs to have a look. They went up to the twelfth floor and entered the room. Just as Zhang Chen expected, Jin Lili took off her shoes and jumped on the bed. Jumping up and down, Zhang Chen quickly reminded her to be careful not to touch the chandelier.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said, "Well, you are here, I'm going back to the office."

Jin Lili jumped from the bed onto Zhang Chen's back. Zhang Chen quickly supported her with his hands. Jin Lili pulled Zhang Chen's head with her hands and shouted: "Where are you going, monster! Go back, Go back, how could I let you go?"

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