The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 137 Adjusting Reports

When Lin Yiyan arrived, Jin Lili had already prepared all the basic information about Bada Company. Lin Yiyan said that we had the full set of information about Bayview Hotel, so there was no need.

She picked up Bada Company's report and asked Jin Lili, was this report true?

Jin Lili said of course, we don’t need to show it to others, of course it is true.

"Well, it seems that your company is still good, much better than the loan companies I have. However, for a loan of 10 million, this statement is not enough and needs to be adjusted." Lin Yiyan said.

"Ten million?" Jin Lili was startled, "Not eight million?"

"What, you think it's too much? If it's too much, I'll tell the president." Lin Yiyan rolled her eyes at Jin Lili, "You repay the loan with a loan. After you repaid the eight million, do you still owe interest? Only eight million If so, it won’t be able to cover the previous eight million.”

Jin Lili understands, damn, he is really considerate of us.

Lin Yiyan looked outside, leaned close to Jin Lili and said, "Also, the late payment fee is negotiable. Do you understand?"

"What do you mean, exempt?"

Lin Yiyan nodded: "Let Mr. Xia go and ask President Shi, don't say it was me who said it."

"I know, honey." Jin Lili said happily.

Jin Lili picked up her report and asked Lin Yiyan, how to adjust this?

"Magnify it ten times." Lin Yiyan said.

Jin Lili was shocked again and magnified it ten times. Wasn't that just making a false report? From the first day Jin Lili went to work in the bearing factory, her mother nagged her every day, telling her that there are absolutely no things you should do in finance, just that you should not make false accounts.

Jin Lili hesitated, Lin Yiyan looked at her and smiled: "Why, you can't do it?"

"This, this is a false accounting." Jin Lili said, "Is it okay?"

Lin Yiyan chuckled and said: "Okay, dear, I didn't expect that a person who came to the island with a fake border defense certificate would be stumped by the adjustment report. It's really an old revolution encountering new problems."

"Go to hell with your rhetoric and statement adjustments, it's just false accounting." Jin Lili scolded.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Lin Yiyan said carelessly, "If you can't do it, go and tell Mr. Xia. I guarantee that he will call Lao Bao back to do it in a minute. Don't be stupid, dear, this is a statement for our bank. , not a tax report.”

"Is there any difference?" Jin Lili asked puzzled.

"Of course, in your statement, there is no problem in applying for a loan of one million, but if you ask for ten million, it is not enough. If you submit the report and get a reply within two seconds, there is nothing anyone can do, not to mention President Wu, even President Zheng's words are useless. They will also scold you, deliberately to embarrass them.

"Let me tell you, dear, I also found out after my master gave me a hint after I applied twice but was rejected. He told me that the statements of companies that get loans from banks are very good-looking. If these If a company performs as well as its financial statements, then our bank will have no bad debts.

"Oh, I know why the president asked me to take charge of this business."

"Why?" Jin Lili asked.

"She probably saw that you are just an ignorant person. Anyone else would not tell you so nakedly, but everyone does this." Lin Yiyan looked at Jin Lili and smiled: " You, just because you have been in that township enterprise so badly, you are almost turning into a village girl."

"Go away, this is a big group, okay?" Jin Lili was annoyed, she hit Lin Yiyan, and Lin Yiyan laughed.

Sitting down again, Jin Lili had already listened to Lin Yiyan's words. Indeed, if you can't even do superficial things, how can they lend you a loan? It's you who uses the money, and you will naturally be responsible for the debt. Do it well. If the accounts you submit to the bank do not meet the requirements, then they are lending illegally, and everyone from top to bottom will be responsible for the loan.

Jin Lili thought to herself that even if Lin Yiyan didn't let her do this, Mr. Xia would definitely let her do it when he got up later. Lao Bao must have done this often in the past. These old turtles must all know it. What kind of statements does the bank need?

Lin Yiyan wrote down a few numbers and asked Jin Lili to modify the report based on these numbers. She sat in Lao Bao's seat and began to fill in the credit report based on these numbers.

Jin Lili looked at Lin Yiyan and laughed. Lin Yiyan asked curiously: "Why are you laughing?"

Jin Lili said: "I feel like we are really like a criminal group."

Lin Yiyan said yes, it was Zhang Chen and the others at first, and now it is our turn. Let me tell you, dear, this life is forced by society. The day you leave school, all innocence should be thrown away. I think the last lesson in all universities should be to teach students how to give up their illusory innocence and fantasy.

Jin Lili was silent. She had never gone to college and didn’t know what it was like in college, but she entered society a few years earlier than Lin Yiyan. She felt that what she said was right. If you want to keep your true colors, please get out. Go back to Yongcheng, go back to that Gaofang. Even if you go back to Yongcheng, it is not a simple world. Compared with Haicheng, it is just the difference between a small witch and a big witch.

It was past twelve o'clock and the two of them were almost done. Lin Yiyan said, "I'm hungry. My dear, do you have any noodles or biscuits to treat me?"

Jin Lili shook her head and said, "No."

Lin Yiyan opened her eyes wide and cursed: "No way, even Zhou Papi is not as cruel as you. My belly is touching my back."

"Bear it." Jin Lili said, "When Mr. Xia gets up, he must treat us to a big dinner. You can eat whatever you want. Damn it, I only slept for three hours and I got up to work overtime. No Is there any natural reason to reward us?"

"I don't think so." Lin Yiyan said.

After a while, Mr. Xia got up. He heard Jin Lili and his colleagues chattering in the office. He walked over and saw that it was Lin Yiyan. He was also stunned for a moment, although he had thought that President Shi would probably send Lin Yiyan. came to do this business, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

When Jin Lili and Lin Yiyan saw Mr. Xia, they both laughed. Lin Yiyan said that they finally had their meal tickets and they had hope.

Jin Lili shouted to Mr. Xia: "Humph, capitalist, you didn't wake up until now. We have been working all morning!"

Mr. Xia walked in with a smile. He looked at the credit report that Lin Yiyan was writing and nodded. He said, "There are no weak soldiers under a strong general. You, President Shi, are really resolute."

Jin Lili took the report to Mr. Xia for signature. Mr. Xia signed it without even looking at it. He asked Lin Yiyan, had the adjustments been in place?

Lin Yiyan said, okay, 10 million is no problem.

When Mr. Xia heard 10 million, he was stunned for a moment, but he quickly understood that President Wu and President Shi were very satisfied with last night.

Mr. Xia and Lin Yiyan nodded, and he said yes.

Jin Lili knocked on the table with her hand: "Hey, don't just stare at other beauties, capitalists, we two long-term workers are starving."

Mr. Xia smiled and said quickly, "Okay, you choose where to go."

Jin Lily asked Lin Yiyan to choose, and Lin Yiyan chose the Earth Dragon King. Earth Dragon King mainly eats game. Lin Yiyan said she wanted to eat stir-fried civet. Jin Lily was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered, Lin Yiyan Yan is Cantonese, and they have terrifying appetites.

During the meal, Jin Lili and Mr. Xia talked about the late fee, and specifically pointed out that this was something Lin Yiyan told herself that could be waived. Mr. Xia looked at Lin Yiyan, and Lin Yiyan nodded, talking to Xia The president said, yes, Mr. Xia can just call President Shi directly.

Mr. Xia said yes. He thought for a while and said to Lin Yiyan, your bank supports us so much, should we repay your bank? Well, let's accept this loan on a one-to-one basis.

"Really?" Lin Yiyan opened her eyes wide.

Mr. Xia nodded.

"That's great!" Lin Yiyan said excitedly.

Jin Lili didn't know what they were talking about, and why Lin Yiyan was so happy. She asked, "Hey, hey, what are you talking about? What's one versus one?"

Mr. Xia asked: "You don't know how to issue an acceptance bill?"

"I know about acceptance bills, but I have never been exposed to this business." Jin Lili said honestly. When she saw Lin Yiyan looking at her and smiling, she knew that she wanted to say that you were so bad at that township enterprise that your brain was gone. She is almost turning into a village girl.

Jin Lili pointed at Lin Yiyan with her finger. Lin Yiyan stopped laughing. She told Jin Lili that Mr. Xia meant that when this loan came out, he would use it as a deposit to issue an acceptance of 10 million from our bank. draft.

"What's the difference? There's not more money?" Jin Lili asked confused.

Both Mr. Xia and Lin Yiyan laughed. Lin Yiyan said, yes, there is no extra money, but for our bank, it is equivalent to extending a loan of 10 million and raising a deposit of 10 million. What about me? , the deposit tasks for half a year have been completed, thank you, Mr. Xia!

Only then did Jin Lili understand why Lin Yiyan was so happy.

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