The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1375 Beach (Thank you, Eternal Emperor Yan!)

Zhang Chen said: "It's nothing, I just feel that you have changed a lot."

"No longer innocent?" Huijuan asked.

"No, you are capable." Zhang Chen said, "Compared with that little girl who only thinks about fighting with others when encountering problems, you have made great progress now. You know how to change any situation or person you encounter. ”

Huijuan was silent. After a while, she sighed and said: "Thinking about that time, it was a bit silly. However, I still liked who I was at that time. It was not as complicated as it is now."

"Yes, very cute." Zhang Chen smiled.

"You don't want it, cute?" Huijuan blurted out.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer this sentence, but Huijuan quickly changed the topic. She said:

"I also learned from it. I saw Sister Shuzhen, Sister Xiaozhao, Sister Tianlin, Sister Hongmei, Sister Shuwan and Sister Wei Wenfang. They are all so capable. They are also women. Why can they do this? Well, I can’t do it? I’m still a little unconvinced.

"In addition, Sister Shuzhen and Sister Xiao Zhao have been encouraging me, and I feel that I have to live up to my expectations. I don't want to let them down, and there is no other way. I can only work hard and learn. Sister Xiao Zhao and the others, It’s been really good to me.”

Zhang Chen and Huijuan walked to the beach. The waves kept ringing in the sea, but as soon as they touched the beach, they almost disappeared. They came up quietly and almost reached their feet before retreating. They did not move forward, but stood there, looking at the waves in front of them, as if they were folding the sea layer by layer, forming white waves.

Huijuan let go of Zhang Chen's hand and moved two steps. She stood in front of Zhang Chen and said to him:

"Brother Zhang, do you know that I have always liked you, but then I saw Sister Xiao Zhao, and I told myself, no matter you like me or not, as long as Sister Xiao Zhao is here, there will be nothing between us. Nothing will happen, I can't be sorry to Sister Xiaozhao."

Zhang Chen looked at her and nodded. He saw two flames dancing in her eyes. It didn't look like a bonfire not far behind him. When it was reflected in Huijuan's eyes, it looked like Cong Hui's eyes. The depths of Juan's eyes flickered with light.

Zhang Chen stood with his back to the bonfire. He couldn't see anyone around the bonfire, but he heard men and women singing "Ten Years" by Eason Chan.

The two stood for a while and walked along the coast towards the end away from the bonfire. When they walked again, Huijuan did not hold Zhang Chen's arm, but stretched out her hand and took his hand. Her hands were as hot as her face.

Zhang Chen hesitated for a moment, but did not pull his hand back.

The sea breeze blew slowly, and the night became darker and darker. After the singing gradually faded away, the sound of the waves became clearer.

Although several times, Zhang Chen felt that the waves had licked his shoes and the soles of his feet were soft, the sound of the waves was still some distance away from them. When the waves rolled onto the beach, the sound was already muted. He turned into foam and was buried silently in the sand and night.

They walked further and further away, and when they looked back, they saw that the bonfire had shrunk to as small as a match flame. The "Ten Years" that those people sang happily had become intermittent and faint when it came here.

The two of them didn't speak for a long time and remained silent. When they got a little tired, Huijuan pulled Zhang Chen's hand down. Zhang Chen knew that he wanted to take a rest, so the two of them sat down on the beach.

After sitting down, there was still silence. After a long time, Huijuan said, "I just don't want to give in."

"What did you say?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I said, I just don't want to give in." Huijuan repeated.

"Why are you unwilling?" Zhang Chen continued to ask.

Huijuan didn't answer. After a while, she said: "Brother Zhang, as you know, my parents only have two children: me and my sister. They don't have a very good relationship with my sister. They know that even if they get old, They can’t count on her, so they, especially my mother, hope that I will find a boyfriend, get married as soon as possible, and have a family.”

"This is normal. All the elderly think so." Zhang Chen said.

"But it's very difficult, I can't find it." Huijuan said.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Chen said, "Your conditions are not bad, how can you not find a boyfriend?"

Huijuan said: "I was wrong. They are not worthy. I feel that these men are not worthy of me. They are far behind the people I like."

Zhang Chen originally wanted to ask, "What is the person you like like?" He didn't ask, but Huijuan immediately told him:

"Brother Zhang, do you know that in this world, I only like you. They are all far behind you."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "What's good about me? I'm a very ordinary person with a bit of a weird temper. Don't be fooled by superficial things. Do you know that we have already talked about my first girlfriend?" It's been many years. That year, three of us, her and me, came to Hainan together, but she ran away with someone and I was dumped."

"That's because she has no vision."

"No, it's because you are short-sighted. You haven't even tried to look for her. How do you know that no man in this world is worthy of you? If you really look for her, you will find that there are still many outstanding men."

"I will look for it." Huijuan nodded in the darkness and said, "But there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

"You want to know?"

Huijuan turned her head and looked at Zhang Chenwen. Even in the dark, her eyes were bright.

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "I think so."



"Well, I'll tell you." Huijuan said, "The condition is that after I give myself to you."

Zhang Chen was surprised and didn't understand what Huijuan meant. Huijuan continued:

"Brother Zhang, I have actually thought about it a long time ago. I must give myself to you. If I give myself to you, I will no longer be so proud. Only these people are worthy of me. Fall in love with me."

Zhang Chen was stunned for a while, then smiled and said: "What logic."

"I'm serious." Huijuan said seriously, "Don't worry, Brother Zhang, I won't pester you. I just want to give myself to you. No, no, not to you. I just want to be with you." You...I think that way, I won’t feel wronged and will be happy, otherwise, I will feel very sorry for the rest of my life.”

Zhang Chen sat there, feeling speechless. He remembered that when Huijuan said similar words, it was when he helped her open Huijuan's local food restaurant. At that time, Zhang Chen felt that Huijuan said such words. Having watched too many old dramas, she had deep-rooted ideas in her mind about repaying a favor, even if it was a promise of her own body. I didn’t expect that she would still say such things today.

Moreover, at that time, she was really still a child in Zhang Chen's eyes. Even if Zhang Chen liked her, he would not do such a thing. He felt that he couldn't bear it. How could he treat a child like this? If he How is that different from the people in Sanbao Village? Besides, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao have a family.

Now, Huijuan has matured and exudes the charm of a mature woman. It would be too hypocritical to say that Zhang Chen and she hold hands and sit side by side like this, but their hearts are still stagnant. But...

Huijuan looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Brother Zhang, I..."

Huijuan looked at Zhang Chen in the darkness, looking at the person she had seen in her dreams countless times. She stretched out her hand and held Zhang Chen's hand. He looked at her blankly. Huijuan put her hand on her. Putting her hands on her face, she felt that her face was hot, but Zhang Chen's hands were cool, which made her feel very comfortable.

Huijuan moved her body towards Zhang Chen, let go of Zhang Chen's hand, she reached out to touch Zhang Chen's face, Zhang Chen's hand stayed on her face, but Huijuan's hand moved away from Zhang Chen's face. Her face slid to his back and she hugged him. Huijuan's body was close to his. She felt that his whole body was very cool. She cried and murmured and wanted to melt into him.

Zhang Chen heard a low, heart-piercing scream, and he felt his whole body shake.

They walked back to the hotel. They didn't know how long they walked along the way. They stopped and stopped, hugging and kissing from time to time.

Zhang Chen's mind was in chaos. When he kissed Huijuan, including the two people hugging each other, he would think of He Hongmei. He seemed to hear a voice in his heart that kept saying, sorry! sorry!

He didn't know who the voice was talking to, He Hongmei or Huijuan?

This voice made it impossible for him to relax, but his body couldn't help but be entangled with Huijuan's body.

This was an experience I had never had when I was with He Hongmei, or even with Xiao Zhao. If everything about Xiao Zhao was gentle and delicate, everything about Huijuan was passionate and stormy. , which is irresistible.

But the strange thing is that Zhang Chen felt that every part and inch of her body seemed to be soft. Her softness was everywhere, like an octopus, wrapping him up completely, and she seemed so soft. It would turn into water at any time, and disappear together with the foam in the sound of the waves, making Zhang Chen have no choice but to catch her from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that they cannot be separated even for a moment, and everything may be fleeting. This feeling attracts Zhang Chen, making him sink deeper and deeper, and makes him have to soften, feel distressed, and even feel distressed. Want to cry.

The sea breeze blew the sea sand in front of and behind him, making a subtle rustling sound. Huijuan's voice lingered in Zhang Chen's ears, filling the whole world.

The world outside this world has temporarily retreated.

They continued to walk back, and when they almost reached the hotel lobby, Huijuan let go of Zhang Chen's hand, and did not even walk side by side with him, but walked into the lobby one after the other.

The two of them went upstairs and arrived at the door of Zhang Chen's room. As soon as Zhang Chen opened the door, Huijuan smiled softly and pushed him behind. The two of them hugged each other after entering the room.

Thank you to the evergreen Emperor Yan for your tip! Thank you, the evergreen Emperor Yan, the wind in my ears, the boat sank in the sky, book friend 20200318232956519, the wind is strong? , book friend 140719121308709, monthly ticket for cloth line! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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