The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1374 Sanya’s wine, come and go

Every morning, Huijuan would have breakfast with Lu Hong and Cao Minfang. The three of them would chat while eating. After breakfast, Huijuan and Lu Hong would go to Renmin Road together to train waiters there. Huijuan would also take Lu Hong there. The chef, tell her everything about the kitchen, especially what issues should be paid attention to.

In the afternoon, Huijuan returned to Banmutian Resort Hotel. She used her free time in the afternoon, when there were the fewest people in the kitchen and was the quietest, and together with Fatty Fu, she gathered around the piers and woks to create innovative dishes. Innovative dishes were not It's an easy task. Not only do the dishes need to be new, but the taste also needs to be new. They need to try it over and over again and change it over and over again.

When it's time for dinner, if Zhang Chen has a social event, he will ask Huijuan to join in. After Huijuan became the general manager of Tuxiangyuan, she dealt with different people every day, and she was no longer the same person who still had the traces between her eyebrows. A childish little girl who was a little shy in speaking, she is now very eloquent, has a soft-spoken tone, and speaks very appropriately.

At the wine table, as long as there are women around, especially beautiful women, the most favorite thing for men to do is to make half-vegetarian jokes. Huijuan will no longer blush when she hears these. , but will meet the conversation and block it back in a few words, with a good sense of proportion, making the other party embarrassed to continue, but not embarrassing.

With Huijuan here, she was the center of the wine table. Everyone was surrounding her and looking for her when toasting. Zhang Chen felt much more relaxed.

Huijuan has a good drinker, but she always pretends that she is not very good at drinking. She naturally blushes when she touches alcohol, which gives her a lot of advantages. Those who toast her always end up The other tablemates, who were sympathetic to her, persuaded her to give Huijuan two or three glasses of wine. In this way, everyone was already very happy before Huijuan drank too much.

Zhang Chen sat there, watching Huijuan stand up and sit up, and socialize with all kinds of people with ease. He felt that Huijuan at this time made him a little strange and a little surprised.

After such a long time, if you look carefully, there were actually only a handful of times when Zhang Chen and Huijuan drank and ate together. When Huijuan opened the "Huijuan Local Food Restaurant", every time Zhang Chen went there, Huijuan was busy. When you are so overwhelmed, you don't have time to sit down. Besides, Zhang Chen didn't go with a large group of people.

When Huijuan became the general manager of Tuxiangyuan Hotel, it was the same. When Zhang Chen went to eat, it was also her busiest time. Even if she said a few more words or stayed in their box for a while, she would be The waiter came to call her and told her that a guest in a certain box was looking for her, or there was something she needed to deal with.

Although Zhang Chen is the owner of Tuxiangyuan Hotel, in the subconscious mind of the waiter, he feels that he is not a guest, but one of his own. His own people are never as important as the guests. It is natural for him to call Huijuan away from Zhang Chen for the sake of the guests. thing.

When Zhang Chen saw Huijuan, it was always when she was serving others. Only now, here, she is the one being served.

What Zhang Chen still remembers is that they had a complete meal together at Huijuan's own restaurant in Sanbao, and later, the night before the opening of "Huijuan Local Food Restaurant" in Xiasha, Zhang Chen Many impressions of Huijuan remain at that time.

Before the opening of Tuxiangyuan Hotel, there was a period of time when Zhang Chen took Huijuan to eat in every hotel in Hangzhou every day. But that was not eating, but working. He was taking Huijuan to get to know and get familiar with other people's hotels. How does it work? Even then, there are other people around, and a few times, even Huijuan's father is present.

This time in Sanya, they ate together almost every day. After observing closely, Zhang Chen realized that Huijuan was no longer the same Huijuan then, she had fully matured.

If she was still a little girl at that time, she is completely a woman now, Zhang Chen thought, even Huijuan at that time would probably be shocked if she saw herself today.

When Zhang Chen was thinking like this, he started laughing. Huijuan noticed it. She turned her head and asked quietly, "Why are you laughing?" Are you laughing at me for being stupid?

"No, no." Zhang Chen said quickly, "You are fine."

Huijuan pursed her lips towards him and snorted naughtily.

After finishing the meal, the two of them sent the guests to the parking lot below, watching them walk away one by one. The moment when only the two of them were left, there was always a sense of loneliness, and relief suddenly came, and they could finally take off their masks and do it. Returning to themselves, the two stood there, looked at each other, and laughed knowingly.

As long as Zhang Chen is in Sanya, Zhang Chen must invite and do this drinking party. It doesn't matter when you are far away in the mainland. You have already arrived in Sanya and you didn't think of him. What do you mean?

Whether it is Zhang Chen and others who ask him to do something next, or those who have already helped them, Zhang Chen has to invite all kinds of people, so his wine bureaus will be one after another. Zhang Chen has been in Hainan, He knows this place very well. He knows how important it is to treat people to dinner in Hainan. This is a place that pays too much attention to face and friendship.

As long as Zhang Chen misses something or is not invited, he will feel that he is being neglected and looked down upon by Zhang Chen, and he will be in trouble. Next time you ask him for help, he will give it to you openly or covertly. It makes you miserable.

Or if your matter obviously has nothing to do with him, he will try his best to make it relevant again, or he will trick you in secret or overtly. In a place where favors are greater than rules, he invites people to dinner and makes them happy. That's a big deal.

Cao Minfang will make a list for Zhang Chen's daily drinking party. She is familiar with the local population and various intricate interpersonal relationships. She knows who can be invited with whom. One plus one will be greater than two. Here, I saw it. Both people will be very happy, but whoever is with whom, even if they are in the same department, they can never be together.

Not only can't we be together, but you can't even mention the other person's name when eating. When things are done, it's obviously not the one who was invited to decide. The other person also helped, but you It should also be said that it was his help and contribution alone.

Before every wine game, Cao Minfang would list a few things to note and help them review them. This made Zhang Chen and Huijuan feel that every wine game was like rushing for an exam. They were completing tasks that must be completed one by one. , so when they stood in the parking lot and sent off all the guests, they all felt that it was finally over.

And every time, because of Huijuan's presence, the guests came and returned happily. This made them feel that they had completed the task and also had a sense of accomplishment, much like when they were studying and got good grades in the exam. That sense of accomplishment.

"Do you want to report to Teacher Cao?"

Zhang Chen asked, the two of them always call Cao Minfang Teacher Cao at this time. Didn't she assign the homework? After finishing it, don't they need to report to Teacher Cao?


Huijuan said with a smile, but even though they said they wanted to, in reality, none of them would actually call Cao Minfang. It was more like a transition for themselves tonight, a relaxed opening.

Taking advantage of their excitement and bloated stomachs, neither of them wanted to go upstairs to the room right away. They would naturally walk along the garden, stepping on the stars on the ground, towards the beach outside.

At this time, Huijuan would naturally take Zhang Chen's arm, and Zhang Chen wouldn't feel rude. Didn't they just complete the task together? Zhang Chen would really have the feeling that they are one at this moment.

Moreover, we are in another place. The words "out there" have a natural coldness and loneliness, which makes people unable to help but look for other support and warmth.

The two walked forward hand in hand. No matter how hot the weather was, there were always guests having bonfires on the beach. When the lights in the garden dimmed behind them, the bonfires far and near still brought a sense of excitement to the beach at night. With a little light, the bonfire will be reflected on their faces and eyes.

Huijuan's head rested on Zhang Chen's shoulder. She seemed tired and needed a nap. Through her shirt, Zhang Chen could feel that her face was hot. Zhang Chen asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Huijuan shook her head.

"You drank a lot today." Zhang Chen said.

Huijuan said "hmm".

Zhang Chen sighed: "Fortunately you are here. If you were not here, I don't know how I could survive these drinking games. I don't know how many times I would have been drunk."

Huijuan said softly: "I do."

Huijuan held Zhang Chen's hand tightly.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Hainan people are like this. It has not changed since we first arrived in Hainan. Hainan people will never discuss things with you in the office, either during morning tea or Drink and talk over dinner, and if you can’t drink, you probably won’t get anything done.”

Huijuan said: "As hotel owners, don't we want everyone to be like this?"

Zhang Chen smiled: "That's true, but there are still differences between this place and the people in this place. Compared with the people in Hangzhou, the Hainan people are more loyal and simple. In Hangzhou, you invite people Help or thank others, in the wine shop, everyone does not talk about things, they just drink and don’t talk about things, but the things are still there, let’s talk about them on other occasions.”

"Where are the people from Hainan?" Huijuan asked.

"Hainanese people stop talking when friendship is reached. There is no need to talk about principles or rules. If they consider you a friend, they can even pluck off their own heads and give them to you, let alone doing things."

"But most of the people we invited were not Hainan natives, but came from the mainland." Huijuan asked, confused.

"Folk customs will be infected with each other. When mainlanders come here, they will also be infected with the rough atmosphere here, and they will also become more loyal. Apart from other things, have you noticed that the people here wear belts? It has to be loose, and the belt end is below the belly button. It looks like the pants are not worn properly and will fall off at any time. Is this the case in mainland China?"

Huijuan thought for a moment, laughed, and said, "Don't say it, it's really, oh, how did you notice these things?"

"I am a painter. I will definitely observe people's clothing, appearance and details very carefully. I am not bragging. As long as I meet a person once, in ten or twenty years, I will definitely still recognize him at a glance. Him." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, I believe it." Huijuan said, "By the way, now you can tell me, why were you laughing when we were eating?"

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night even though I didn't know who asked! Thank you for your monthly votes from Zi Zhi, Book Friends 20190621133102536, Daosheng 123, May, no matter who asks, I don’t know, Book Friends 20201222103227342, Zhenwu Longyi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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