The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1356: Is it too close? (Thank you, Eternal Emperor Yan!)

The next few days were calm. On the first day of the new year, Xiao Ding took them to Nanshan, where they played in the big and small caves and watched Guanyin on the Sea.

When going to Nanshan, the car passed the end of the world. When passing the fork in the road, Zhang Chen did not tell He Hongmei, who was sitting next to him, that this is where the project was entered.

That is to say, starting from the afternoon of New Year's Eve, neither Zhang Chen nor He Hongmei mentioned this project again. It was not until the sixth day of the lunar month, when everyone started to discuss the return trip, that Zhang Chen said, I can't go back yet, I have to stay here and wait. They go to work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

When Zhang Chen saw it, He Hongmei sighed, but she said nothing more.

Zhang Chen didn't know if his intentional avoidance these days gave He Hongmei the illusion that he had given up on the project.

The air tickets for the return trip were all compiled by Tan Shuzhen and then handed over to the business center for booking. Earlier, He Hongmei and Tan Shuzhen said that she would go back to Hangzhou with them and then go to Beijing from Hangzhou. At this time, she told Tan Shuzhen that Shuzhen Sister Zhen, I’d better go directly to Beijing instead. Help me book the earliest ticket to Beijing tomorrow.

"Why? Is there something going on in Beijing?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Hmm, someone just called me and made an appointment." He Hongmei said.

Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen avoided her inquiring eyes and said to her, Brother Tan and I will stay here while you go back. By the way, Tan Shuzhen, in my company, the labor union was a little chaotic just after it started. Please help me. Take care of it.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

Everyone knew that Zhang Chen and Lao Tan stayed to sign an agreement for the botanical garden, but everyone seemed to have made an appointment and did not mention this matter in the past few days. Only when Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were alone together, Liu Li Rod asked, what's wrong with the Sichuan girl? Is she going to hit the brakes?

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "The arrow is on the string and I have to shoot it. Can I still step on it?"

"Think about it, Zhang Chen, think about it, is it worth it?" Liu Ligan said, "I'm not talking about land, I'm talking about people, think about it."

Liu Ligan didn't say this, and Zhang Chen wasn't angry yet. But as soon as he said this, Zhang Chen became angry. Why? I just want to do a project, and I'm not doing anything bad. Why should I care? ?

"There's nothing to think about. If I decide to do something, I will definitely do it." Zhang Chen said with a bit of a fierce tone.

Liu Ligan shook his head: "Okay, blame me for talking too much."

At night, He Hongmei was leaving the next day. The two of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room. He Hongmei lowered her head and said nothing. Zhang Chen said, after the things here are done, I will go to Beijing, okay?

He Hongmei does not ring.

"This project will be very promising in the future, I am sure." Zhang Chen said.

He Hongmei still didn't answer. After a while, she said, "Are you not going to make clothes? You have done such a big project in Sanya, do you still have something to worry about making clothes?"

Zhang Chen wanted to tell He Hongmei, "I'm a little scared. I saw reports from various places that sales have been declining. I'm a little scared. Really, I don't know if this clothing has run out."

If it were Xiao Zhao sitting here, Zhang Chen felt that he would hold her and tell her all his fears and worries. He would also tell her that things are no longer the past. We can no longer go back to the past, where we have nothing. At that time, I was not afraid of anything. I just felt that it would be a big deal if I had to start over again.

Xiao Zhao, why do people become timid when they have more, start to worry about gains and losses, and are afraid of losing? In the past, I never worried that I would wake up with nothing. As long as you are still there, it is enough. But now, I Even if I don’t have you anymore, why am I still more and more afraid of losing you?

Zhang Chen shuddered. He forgot whether it was Xiaofang or He Hongmei who had mentioned subconsciousness. He felt this subconsciousness now. It was not that he was comparing Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei subconsciously, but that he was subconsciously afraid to tell He Hongmei about his fear. , Zhang Chen couldn’t figure out what made him unable to speak.

He Hongmei sighed and said, "Do you have the feeling that we may be too close?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

He Hongmei smiled reluctantly and said:

"If you get too close, the demands will be more. To be honest, I don't even know. Isn't it just a project? What do I have to object to? It's not that I object to it, seems like I'm betting on it. , it’s really ridiculous, I turned it into a multiple-choice question between it and me, and gave it to you to choose, and in the end, you chose it.”

He Hongmei looked at Zhang Chen, her eyes were empty.

"Isn't it ridiculous?" He Hongmei asked Zhang Chen.

"Isn't it ridiculous? Tell me, isn't it ridiculous? I got into a fight with it. I actually got into a fight with it. You think it's not funny? Tell me, isn't it funny?"

He Hongmei kept asking, and finally started to cry.

Zhang Chen reached out and hugged her. He Hongmei was trembling in his arms, shaking her head and saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like this."

"I should say sorry!" Zhang Chen said.

"No, you are not wrong, it is me who is wrong. I knew that these messy things would happen. I knew that we should not get too close. If we get too close, I have no way not to ask you. There is no way. But, if we don’t get closer, I can’t help it. I just want to be with you, and I just want to miss you beyond expectations. What do you think I can do?”

He Hongmei cried and Zhang Chen hugged her tightly. He Hongmei raised her head and searched for Zhang Chen's mouth with her mouth. The two kissed each other and were unwilling to separate for a long time. Tears kept flowing from He Hongmei's eyes. .

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said: "Either, I won't do this project, and I will go to Beijing with you."

"No." He Hongmei still shook her head, "It's not about the project. Without this project, I would have had trouble with it on other things. Damn it, I shouldn't have gotten too close to you, and I just shouldn't have asked. You, you, are so proud, how can I tame you?"

"I can do it. For you, I can do nothing." Zhang Chen said.

"Don't say it, don't say such things against your will. If that happens, you will feel aggrieved and suppress yourself. It won't last long, and it will explode in the end. By that time, you will hate me. This kind of anger will make you angry." We are both ruined," He Hongmei said.

The two of them hugged each other, and He Hongmei kept talking and crying. Finally, she shook her head and said, I don't want to think about it anymore. I can't think about it anymore. I'm going to leave tomorrow. I want you. Hug me over.

Zhang Chen picked her up, and He Hongmei pointed her finger in the direction of the bedroom, laughing. Zhang Chen hugged her and walked there. He Hongmei lay in Zhang Chen's arms, her body soft.

Zhang Chen did it carefully, as if he were holding a piece of porcelain in his arms, and it would break if he was not careful.

The two of them lay there, He Hongmei kept saying, hug me, hug me, Zhang Chen hugged her tightly, He Hongmei tried hard to shrink her body, trying to shrink completely into Zhang Chen's arms.

"Just keep holding me like this, okay?" He Hongmei murmured.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"For one night, don't let go, just hold me like this, okay?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen really hugged He Hongmei like this all night. When the sky outside washed the curtains little by little, He Hongmei woke up.

The two got up and went downstairs to have breakfast. He Hongmei asked Tan Shuzhen to book the earliest flight for her. When they sat face to face for breakfast, He Hongmei asked Zhang Chen, are my eyes swollen?

Zhang Chen nodded.

"Did I cry when I fell asleep?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen nodded again.

He Hongmei giggled: "I just knew that I would cry all night, so I asked Sister Shuzhen to book the earliest flight for me so that they wouldn't see it. Smart, right?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said he was smart.

Zhang Chen drove Cao Minfang's car to take He Hongmei to Phoenix Airport. After completing the check-in formalities, the two of them stood at the security checkpoint. He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said, Master, can we make an agreement?

"What agreement?" Zhang Chen asked.

"From now on, we will meet at most once a month, do you agree?"

"Is that necessary?"

He Hongmei nodded and said yes, "I'm scared. As I told you, I'm scared of getting too close. It might be best to keep a little distance. Promise me, okay?"

Zhang Chen stood there, looking at her without speaking.

He Hongmei said softly, almost pleadingly: "I don't want to lose you. I don't want us to look at each other angrily one day. Promise me, okay?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

He Hongmei stood up on her tiptoes, kissed Zhang Chen, turned around and waved her hand and said, "Let's go, you can go back too."

She walked a few steps forward, turned around, and saw Zhang Chen following behind. She put her hand on Zhang Chen's chest and told him, just stand here and don't move.

Zhang Chen stopped.

He Hongmei took a few steps forward, turned around, and said to Zhang Chen, Master, I wish you good luck.

As she spoke, she made a writing motion with her right hand. Zhang Chen knew that she was referring to signing a contract.

At about twelve o'clock, Zhang Chen picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. There was no text message on it. Zhang Chen calculated the time. No, He Hongmei's flight should have arrived in Beijing. In the past, no matter where he went, He Hongmei had arrived. , when you turn on your phone in the cabin, the first person you will send a text message to Zhang Chen is: "Dear, I'm here."

Will the flight be delayed on a day like this? Zhang Chen was surprised and shook his head.

After more than ten minutes, Zhang Chen took out his phone and looked at it. There was still no text message. He couldn't help but dial it, but the call was connected. After the phone rang a few times, it was picked up and He Hongmei's voice came: "Hello……"

"Are you here?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Well, here we are, already on the way back to the car." He Hongmei said weakly.

"Why didn't you send a text message?"

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little tired, I forgot."

After He Hongmei finished speaking, she hung up the phone. Zhang Chen held the phone in his hand and was in a daze. He thought about the problem again. He felt that something was quietly changing between them.

Thank you Eternal Evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Everlasting Emperor Yan, Tianying 1978, Xu Ming’s Ray, Why Can’t I Change My Name, and No Future, Only the Original Intention! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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