Zhang Chen walked to the balcony and looked down. After a while, he saw He Hongmei walking out of the door of the hotel below, walking through the garden dappled with sunlight and shade, and walking towards the white-flowered beach in front of the garden.

Zhang Chen took two bottles of water from the refrigerator and went downstairs. He saw Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, and Tan Shuzhen in the lobby bar, surrounding Mr. Han, listening to what Mr. Han was saying.

Zhang Chen did not walk over, but walked straight out of the hotel door. The heat wave was rolling outside, Zhang Chen walked out, and walked towards the beach in the sunshine and shade of trees on the ground.

The beach at this time was empty, with no one around. Zhang Chen saw He Hongmei lying on a wooden deck chair under a parasol not far away. Above, there was a row of tall betel nut trees, blocking half of the vicious Sunshine, half of the red and white parasols are in the shade of the trees, and the other half is shining in the sun.

Zhang Chen walked over in the sunshine and stood next to He Hongmei. He Hongmei closed her eyes and felt someone approaching. She opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen handed her the water. She said thank you and took it. He placed it on his belly and closed his eyes again.

Zhang Chen sat down on the recliner next to him and fell down. Although the recliner was not exposed to the sun, it was still hot. Zhang Chen was covered in sweat in an instant. He quickly sat up and turned to look at He Hongmei. Lying there quietly, Zhang Chen was surprised when he saw tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry!" Zhang Chen said.

He Hongmei opened her eyes, looked at him and asked, "What are you sorry for?"

"I, I shouldn't have said that." Zhang Chen murmured, "But I really don't mean to compare you with Xiao Zhao. I just want to tell you that I am no different today than before."

"I know, I know you have always been so domineering before, and Xiao Zhao wouldn't say anything, but do you know that when you make many decisions like this, Xiao Zhao has been secretly worried. Sometimes, she even She could only cry alone, and when she called me, she was crying too."

Zhang Chen was surprised. If He Hongmei hadn't told him, he would have never known that Xiao Zhao had been so worried. He remembered that when he was the only one working on the Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery, Xiao Zhao had reminded him that he was not doing his job properly. , but it didn't stop him.

Thinking about it this way, when he decided to buy the Yan'an Road specialty store and accept Qunying Garment Factory, when he made these decisions, they were actually beyond their capabilities at the time and he took a big risk. If Xiao Zhao wasn't worried , it’s really impossible.

He thought that Xiao Zhao had told him that he would have to start all over again if he could do it. Now that he thought about it, it was really his decision and Xiao Zhao's helplessness after passively accepting it.

Zhang Chen sighed and said, I don't know these things unless you tell me. Thinking about it this way, I am really a bit arbitrary many times.

"It's not arbitrary, it's just that there is no one in your heart at all." He Hongmei said.

"Impossible, how could I not have Xiao Zhao or you in my heart?" Zhang Chen quickly defended.

"Then tell me, if there is someone in your heart, why don't you tell me first?" He Hongmei asked, "I understand, are you so proud that you look down on others and feel there is no need to tell us? Anyway, we are If you don’t understand anything, it’s okay for you to make the decision?”

Zhang Chen was speechless. He felt that there was some meaning in it, but it wasn't true. He said he looked down on Xiao Zhao and he didn't want to admit it, but his behavior, in the eyes of others, was really what it was. However, But... Zhang Chen felt that he had been like this since he was a child. He decided everything by himself, and his parents couldn't do anything about what he decided.

Just like he decided not to take the exam for the Academy of Fine Arts, he would never make up for his cultural classes to get into the Academy of Fine Arts. Wasn't it just this that made Lao Zhang angry with him, including who later in the theater troupe Can you command him?

Including when he was with Jin Lili, the same was true. The two of them almost fell out over whether to go to Lao Tan Company or whether to take over the Wanghai Tower project.

Zhang Chen admitted that he was indeed proud and could easily look down on others, but he would never admit that he would look down on Xiao Zhao, including He Hongmei.

Zhang Chen said: "I am a little proud, and sometimes I look down on others."

"It's not a little bit, but I'm very proud and look down on others. Do you think all designers are trash?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen nodded, they are garbage.

"If someone says that your design is not good, your first reaction is, what is wrong with it, or what do you know?"

He Hongmei also sat up and crossed her legs on the chair. She looked at him and asked. Zhang Chen opened his mouth but made no sound.

"Tell the truth." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen said honestly: "What do you know?"

"Ha, isn't it? What I said is right."

"You are partly right. I may look down on others easily, but I definitely do not look down on you and Xiao Zhao." Zhang Chen argued.



"Okay, let's talk about today's matter. Tell me, you called Tan Shuzhen, Qian Fang, and Cao Minfang this morning. Why didn't you call me?" He Hongmei asked.

"That's because we are going to see the project today. Tan Shuzhen and Qian Fang are both in this industry. Of course I have to ask them to go and help with reference. Cao Minfang is in charge of matters in Sanya, so of course she will go." Zhang Chen said.

"Do you think that since I'm not in real estate and don't understand anything, you don't need to listen to my opinions at all, right?"

"No, no, I didn't think of this at all."

"Ha, I was right again, I said there is no one in your heart at all."

Zhang Chen was so anxious that he was sweating. He didn't know whether it was because of the heat or because he was forced by He Hongmei's words. Why did he always fall into what she said when he went around and around?

Zhang Chen said: "I think you are different from others. You don't need to call at all. If you want to go, you can go by yourself. If you don't go, I thought you didn't want to go, so I didn't force you. "

"So many people were having breakfast together, and you stood up and said, Tan Shuzhen, Qian Fang, and Cao Minfang, come with us to the scene after dinner. You said it so seriously and you didn't even call me. How could I have the nerve to go?" He Hongmei asked.

"No, no, it shouldn't be understood this way. Then I didn't call Ganzi, Meng Ping, and Lao Tan. Didn't they go there too?" Zhang Chen said, "I didn't call you because I really felt that you were different from others. You feel like you are a family member and the master, do you still need to ask? When we are eating at a table, would you ask the guests to eat more vegetables, or would you ask your own family to eat more vegetables?"

He Hongmei stared at Zhang Chen for a while, then she laughed and said, okay, your last words are reasonable, I forgive you, come here.

Zhang Chen leaned over.

"Kiss me." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen kissed her, He Hongmei hugged him, and he fell down. The two of them were dripping with sweat, but they still lay on a chair hugging and kissing.

There was a "click" and the chair broke. Before the two people could react, it had rolled to the side under the sun. The sand was hot. The two people jumped up and laughed.

They returned to the room. The two of them took a shower in the bathroom and couldn't wait to get on the bed wet. After finishing wet, He Hongmei shouted, "No, no, no."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I will often quarrel with you in the future." He Hongmei said, "Don't you think the feeling after the quarrel is particularly good and intimate? You, you make me feel particularly gentle."

Zhang Chen laughed, but he also felt that it was really a very intimate feeling.

The two hugged each other, and even though their hair was still wet, they fell asleep unconsciously. It wasn't until Xiaoshu and Yao Fen knocked on the door, urging them to leave, that the two of them got up in a hurry.

The New Year's Eve dinner was still being served in the conference room. When Zhang Chen and the others arrived, he saw Cao Minfang waiting for them here. Zhang Chen then thought that he had not yet finished the sketches he said he had gone back to the room to draw. Zhang Chen asked Cao Minfang, would you take Master Fu there? seen it already?

"I've been there," Cao Minfang said.

"How is it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Master Fu also said that this place can win." Cao Minfang said.

Zhang Chen said yes, so to speak, we have the same idea.

Cao Minfang nodded.

At midnight, He Hongmei had fallen asleep. Zhang Chen lay there but was not sleepy. As soon as he closed his eyes, what appeared in his mind was either the shadow of the Renmin Road Hotel or the future plan of the Botanical Garden. Zhang Chen couldn't bear it. He looked at it. Looking at He Hongmei beside him, he quietly removed her arm on his chest and got out of bed.

He walked to the living room next door, took out his sketchbook and pen, sat down, and wanted to draw what was in his mind. For some reason, he felt that if He Hongmei saw that he was not sleeping with her, he would not be able to draw these things here. Great.

He thought for a while, stood up, turned off the lights in the living room, opened the door and walked out.

Zhang Chen took the elevator to the first floor, walked to the sofa in the lobby, sat down, spread out his sketchbook and started drawing.

He drew seven or eight pictures in one breath for more than an hour. He felt that his brain was exhausted, and then he stood up.

He returned to the room, which was still dark. He put away his pen and sketchbook, tiptoed back to the bedroom, climbed onto the bed, and lay down. He Hongmei was still sleeping soundly. With the faint light of the night light, Zhang Chen quietly Looking at He Hongmei, I felt distressed in my heart.

He felt that this was still his lover, but something seemed to be quietly changing between them.

Zhang Chen sighed softly. Almost at the same time, he heard He Hongmei sighing softly in her dream.

Zhang Chen saw her brows frowning slightly and stretched out his hands to gently smooth them out. He Hongmei moved and stretched out her hand to hug Zhang Chen.

Thank you Xifeng and Huangpu for your 20th monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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