The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1353 That mountain, that sea, and that mangrove forest

The next day, Xiao Ding came to pick them up at Shanhaitian Hotel. They all took a minibus and left Dadonghai. They drove straight along Sanya Bay and passed the three-way intersection to Phoenix Airport. , which is Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area.

When they arrived at the gate of Tianya Haijiao, Xiao Ding told them that they were almost there. This place was right between Tianya Haijiao and Nanshan Scenic Area. It could be said that tourists who came to Sanya would definitely pass by here.

The car continued to drive forward for five or six minutes. Xiao Ding asked the driver to turn onto a dirt road with no road signs on the left side of the road. They drove to the end of the road and reached the foot of a mountain. Xiao Ding said to stop, and the driver turned The car stopped.

Everyone got off the car and found that this was a bay surrounded by mountains on three sides. In front of them was a large mangrove and coconut forest, extending forward to the seaside in the distance. Xiao Ding pointed to this large area in the bay in front of him. Land, Zhang Chen and the others said, this is the more than 1,200 acres of land I mentioned, from here to the seaside.

Then he pointed to the mountains surrounding the back and told them that these mountains are all on this side, totaling more than 3,400 acres. This entire Hongtang Bay is the site for the botanical garden.

Zhang Chen and the others looked at it and thought it would be really good if it was turned into a tropical botanical garden and bird park. These mountains and the sea in front of it are natural barriers.

Mr. Han pointed to the mountain behind him and asked Xiao Ding: "Director Ding, is there a way up there? Can we see more clearly from above?"

Xiao Ding said yes, but the road is a bit difficult.

Mr. Han said, don’t be afraid, let’s go up the mountain.

Xiao Ding took them along a rugged mountain path to climb up the mountain. The mountain is not high, with an altitude of only more than 300 meters. But as Xiao Ding said, the road is a bit difficult to walk. On the mountains in tropical areas, the plants are It's crazy long. As long as there are fewer people walking on a road, it won't take long for it to be covered by shrubs and weeds. After walking for a while, they need to stop and look for a way to continue.

They climbed for more than an hour, covered with sweat, and finally reached the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, they immediately felt that the climb was worth it. The entire bay below was really beautiful from the top of the mountain.

The large area of ​​green plants surrounded by the dark-colored crater is lush and green, with a melancholy mist under the sun. It is connected to the azure sea in the distance. There is a thin line between the green woods and the blue sea. The long white beach is like a zipper, pulling green and blue together.

Zhang Chen liked this place after just one glance. The cool sea breeze quickly took away the sweat on his body. He thought that if he came to do this project, he would definitely build a house on the top of this mountain with a huge terrace and windows. , he would open the windows and let the wind fill the whole house.

If there was such a house, he thought, he would definitely bring Xiao Zhao and sit on the terrace like this in the wind. He would keep talking to Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao would definitely like it here.

"Isn't this a good place?" Xiao Ding asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen nodded.

Xiao Ding also nodded, and then said, it's a pity that money is needed to do it, otherwise I, the deputy director, will quit my job and take this place.

They came down from the mountain and returned to the city. It was almost twelve o'clock, but Zhang Chen still asked Xiaoding to take them to Renmin Road to see the thirty-two acres of commercial land.

The so-called commercial land is actually a four-story facade building. The original Sanya Supply and Marketing Cooperative building had a sales department on the first floor, offices on the second floor, and dormitories on the third and fourth floors. Zhang Chen saw that the entire corridor was Blackened by oil smoke, it looked like the corridor of their Yongcheng Wu Opera Troupe.

The four floors add up to more than 3,600 square meters. Behind the building, there is a courtyard and a bungalow of more than 200 square meters, which was the original warehouse of the supply and marketing cooperative.

The house was already very old. Xiao Ding opened the door and went in, pulled the light cord, and even the electricity was turned off. They walked around upstairs and downstairs in the dim light, covered in stinky sweat again. Xiao Ding and Zhang Chen said, this dilapidated building is worthless. If you take it, it will be demolished.

Liu Ligan muttered: "Why is it a supply and marketing cooperative again? We are in Wuhan, and the district government gave us the building of a supply and marketing cooperative."

Xiao Ding smiled and said: "It's normal. Supply and marketing cooperatives were the largest commercial system in the past. There are supply and marketing cooperatives in every township below. Now, they have almost been withdrawn. The assets of the supply and marketing cooperatives have also been disposed of. Nowadays, supply and marketing cooperatives are still preserved at the provincial level, but there are basically no such institutions down below, and this one has been vacant for several years.”

They went back to Banmutian Hotel. As soon as they got in the car, Cao Minfang called back to the hotel's catering department and asked if there were any private rooms now? The other party told them that a private room was already available, and Cao Minfang asked them to speed up the table, turn on the air conditioner, and ask Master Fu to help us arrange the dishes. There were eleven of us in total.

They went to the box and sat down. Xiao Ding asked Zhang Chen, what do you think, Mr. Zhang?

Zhang Chen looked at Mr. Han. He wanted to hear Mr. Han’s opinion. Mr. Han had not expressed his opinion all morning. Then Zhang Chen asked him. He looked at Xiao Ding. Liu Ligan immediately understood. Mr. Han’s He was afraid of the presence of a local official like Xiao Ding, so no wonder he kept silent. Liu Ligan quickly said:

"Mr. Han, Xiao Ding is one of our own, our brother, you can say anything."

"I see." Mr. Han laughed, "Then I'm not welcome."

Zhang Chen said yes, Mr. Han, you say it.

Mr. Han said: "Mr. Zhang, if you look at the problem in a different way, there will be no question of whether to do it or not."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and didn't understand what this new idea was. Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I really haven't figured it out yet. Please give me Mr. Han's advice."

"What do you think of building a resort hotel in that place?" Mr. Han asked.

"Not bad." Zhang Chen said, "I was thinking about this issue in the car earlier. If we build a hotel, we can make the best and most unique hotel in Sanya. It is different from the hotels in Yalong Bay and Dadonghai. Here The hotel can be placed on the mountain and turned into independent villas.”

Zhang Chen said, Mr. Han smiled slightly. After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he looked at him. Mr. Han said, we agree. I think so too. Since there are mountains, we must make good use of them. Mountains, seas and sky are all Things that can be used very well, why do hotels in Sanya only know how to use the sea?

"Mr. Zhang, if you have this idea, think about it again. If this botanical garden and bird park were just the landscape of your hotel, would you still think it is not worth building? Which hotel in Sanya would have such a large area?" Private gardens, with such rich plants and birds, how can they compare with you?" Mr. Han said, and Zhang Chen's eyes lit up.

"But, Mr. Han, there are strict regulations on the land used for hotels. It should not exceed one percent of the total area. One percent of the hotel and 99 percent of the landscape?" Liu Ligan said.

"Don't forget that this can be calculated based on net land use. Forty-six acres, which is more than 30,000 square meters. The floor area ratio is calculated as 0.5. The villas on the mountain are not easy to be too big or too high. If it is a hotel, it is like a garage. , kitchen, study room, nanny's room, etc. can be omitted. A clean two-bedroom apartment or three-bedroom apartment can be rented. In this way, a hundred square meters will not be used.

"In the entire area, almost two hundred large and small villas can be built according to the terrain. Do you still think this hotel will be small?" Mr. Han said.

"No, Mr. Han." Meng Ping said, "If so, what about the functional areas of the hotel?"

"What functional areas? Front desk, conference room, restaurant and gym, right?"

"Yes, these occupy quite a large area." Meng Ping said, "Generally they take up one-third of the hotel."

Mr. Han looked at Xiao Ding and said with a smile: "This is a tropical botanical garden. The botanical garden does not need administrative office rooms? The botanical garden does not have a reception hall, restaurants and conference rooms, and it cannot have a gym? These can all be administrative offices of the botanical garden. office."

Xiao Ding smiled and said nothing, and everyone else suddenly realized. Liu Ligan said: "Sly, now you think this is a botanical garden?"

"It's not two-in-one, no, three-in-one. The hotel, botanical garden and bird park will be established separately. The latter two will be established first, and the functional areas required by the hotel will be planned. When the hotel is built, you will build villas one by one. Just add it up slowly, and I guarantee that your land for 200 villas will not exceed 1%." Mr. Han said.

"I admire that you can still have this idea." Even Xiao Ding had to praise Mr. Han for this idea.

"So cunning that there is no leakage." Meng Ping said.

Mr. Han and Zhang Chen said, "Now that your botanical garden has been built, I suggest you make it all free from the beginning. Since you can't get much money from the tickets, you might as well not charge it. If you don't charge it, Xiao Ding and his local government will be in trouble." ”

"Why?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It's not your first day dealing with government departments. You confiscated the tickets and turned this place into a face-saving project for the local government. On the other hand, you can cry about being poor. Everyone knows that you have no income. It's reasonable for you to cry about being poor. , you are crying for poverty, Xiao Ding and the others are unlikely to say they will give you a subsidy, but they will find a way to submit a document and give you another 100%..."

Before Mr. Han finished speaking, Xiao Ding burst out laughing. He said, Mr. Han, Mr. Han, you still understand us. If you don’t say this, I was going to tell Mr. Zhang, but I didn’t say it to you. You are so elegant, what I want to tell Mr. Zhang is, occupy the latrine first and then shit.

Everyone laughed.

"Are there so many people living in hundreds of villas?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "In normal times, wouldn't they all be idle?"

"It won't be idle." Cao Minfang said, "We usually receive meetings. For each meeting, there are always a few leaders. They can stay there. Moreover, for high-level meetings, they may all choose to go there. In addition, ,I think……

"We can take many forms. The villas there can be rented daily, monthly or annually. For those who are rich, we rent the villas to them at rents ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 a year. They will definitely welcome it.”

"I don't know about the others, Lao Ni will definitely welcome them." Liu Ligan said, and everyone laughed.

Mr. Han smiled and said: "Did you see that we have even found a way out? Mr. Zhang, what do you have to hesitate about? Don't forget what I told you last night. From Sanya onwards, every inch of land will definitely be valuable. Director Ding is in front of you." That sentence, whether it’s crude or not, still gets to the point.”

Everyone understands that what Mr. Han said about Xiao Ding is to occupy the manhole first and then shit.

Thank you book friend 20181213081614886 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass, zpengyong1, and Xifeng. Why can’t I change my name? Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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