Xiaoding is no longer the mayor of Tiandu Town, but the deputy director of the Sanya Municipal Government Office, responsible for the business and tourism lines.

During dinner, Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, Meng Ping and Li Yang sat at the same table with Lao Tan, Xiao Zheng, Xiao Ding and several other comrades.

Xiao Ding and Zhang Chen said: "Mr. Zhang, there is a project. I wonder if you understand it. Can I tell you about it?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiao Ding told Zhang Chen that Sanya has a weak foundation. Although it has developed now, look at Dadonghai and Yalong Bay. They are already in full swing. Sanya Bay is also being developed, but these are commercial projects. , our headache is that there are too few public facilities in the city, which are increasingly incompatible with our developing city.

But Sanya's natural conditions are unique compared with other sister cities. We want to build a world tropical plant and bird park.

Our city government definitely does not have so much money to invest, so we want to introduce private funds. We will allocate 1,200 acres of land for free and 3,400 acres of mountainous land for this project. In this park, we will allow construction For a resort-style hotel, of course the hotel's land area will be strictly controlled and cannot exceed one percent of the total area.

At the same time, in order to support this project, we will allocate 32 acres of commercial land in the city center, on Renmin Road, as supporting land to this project free of charge.

"How much is the total investment of the project?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Let's calculate, it's probably about 100 million. After all, such a large area needs to be built into an independent space..."

"Birds are afraid of flying out. I understand why we need to build an independent space for this plant. Our botanical garden in Nanjing has no walls." Li Yang said.

"There is no one in Hangzhou. Although there is a gate and tickets are sold, they are meant to deceive outsiders. Locals enter from the side. There is a road and it passes through the botanical garden." Liu Ligan said.

"Those are all local plants. If it were a world tropical botanical garden, introducing a large number of overseas plants without independent space would cause an ecological disaster." Zhang Chen said, "The water hyacinth we see now was imported from South America as pig feed. Introduced, because there are no natural predators, it has overflowed in our country, and now the most damaging thing to water bodies in the south is water hyacinth."

"Look, Mr. Zhang still understands this. That's the truth." Xiao Ding said, "To tell you the truth, we have talked with a few people. The investment of 100 million did not scare them. They did the math. Go, but what I think is not cost-effective is the subsequent management. You also know that to manage and maintain such a large park, ticket revenue alone is definitely not enough.

"In addition, the hotels in Sanya are very seasonal and it is already good to be able to maintain a hotel without losing money. It is unrealistic to rely on this hotel to support this park..."

"Furthermore, Sanya's local population is too small and cannot reach the scale of a prefecture-level city in the mainland. The commercial land in the urban area is actually not of high commercial value," Meng Ping said.

Xiao Ding laughed and said, "It seems that you businessmen all have the same vision."

Xiao Ding turned to Zhang Chen and said to Zhang Chen: "But when I talked about this with Mr. Zhang, I think Mr. Zhang has advantages that others don't have."

While Xiao Ding was talking, he touched the tuft of hair on the mole on his right cheek. It was a habitual action for him, but the others looked a little uncomfortable and wanted to slap his hand away.

"Don't touch those hanging hairs of yours. We are all our own, Xiao Ding. If you have anything to say, just say it." Old Tan also got impatient and cursed, making everyone laugh.

Xiao Ding said: "Mr. Zhang's nursery is no longer enough. Xiao Cao has also approached me many times, but there is really no way to expand around this nursery. I thought, if the nursery is merged into this botanical garden, , your space will suddenly be larger, and your business can be expanded to the whole province. Who is willing to buy flowers and plants that can be purchased in Sanya outside the island?"

"Yes, this is an idea." Liu Ligan interrupted Xiaoding and shouted.

"And I think Mr. Zhang already has a hotel. With another hotel, staff can be deployed during the off-peak season. This will save a lot of hotel costs. Besides, Xiao Cao is already too busy with the conferences you receive every year. Come on, there is this hotel, which can also be used to divert traffic."

When Xiao Ding said this, everyone thought it made sense. It seemed that when Xiao Ding mentioned this matter today, it was not just a whim. He had already thought of Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will think about it. By the way, can you take us to see this place tomorrow?

Xiao Ding said okay, then I will come to pick you up at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

They had dinner in the half-acre field. Xiao Ding, Xiao Zheng and the others accompanied Lao Tan and his wife and the second-rate couple to the Yulin base to visit the old leaders. The children, women and old people went to play on the beach in front. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, Meng Ping and the others were sitting in the lobby of the hotel, smoking, and talking about what Xiao Ding had said before.

"This more than 4,000 acres of land sounds a bit tempting, as it is as big as my 'City in the Sky'." Liu Ligan said.

"What's so tempting?" Meng Ping said, "This is a park. Although the land is in your name, its nature cannot be changed. In fifty years, it will still be park land. The larger the park area, Xiaoding said Yes, the cost of maintenance is higher. Not only do plants need maintenance, but there are so many birds. How much food do you need to feed them every day?”

Liu Ligan listened to Meng Ping's words and thought it made sense. These birds are all raised in captivity. You can't expect them to forage for food on their own. They must be artificially fed. Not only does it cost money to feed the birds, but you also need to pay for the labor to feed the birds. Paying wages, let alone introducing these plants and birds, costs money, and not a small amount of money.

"I'm looking for an expert." Liu Ligan said and picked up the phone. He saw Zhang Chen and Meng Ping looking at him and said to them: "Mr. Han."

Liu Ligan dialed Mr. Han's phone number. As soon as Mr. Han heard that they were in Sanya, he blamed him and said, "Why didn't you notify me when you arrived in Sanya? I will come too."

Liu Ligan laughed and said, I was just about to invite you, but I didn't expect you to come uninvited. Okay, please bring Wenwen with you. We will have New Year's Eve dinner here tomorrow. We still have something to ask you.

Liu Ligan told Mr. Han what Xiao Ding said. Mr. Han said, let's set off now. I will go with you tomorrow morning and see the place before talking.

Liu Ligan said yes, we will wait for you for midnight snack.

After putting down the phone, Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen and Meng Ping the news that Mr. Han was about to come out. Both of them were very happy to hear it. Meng Ping said, just in time, I still have a lot to ask Mr. Han.

Zhang Chen went to the front desk and asked the front desk to help him call the front desk of Shanhaitian Hotel and request a suite.

Almost three hours later, Mr. Han and Wenwen arrived. After settling down, they all went to the beach stall for a late-night snack. After sitting down, Mr. Han asked Liu Ligan, Meng Ping and Qian Fang how they were doing. , are you having a good time this year?

Liu Ligan said, fortunately, I called Mr. Han at that time, and you reminded me that macro-control has not passed yet, and more severe measures will come. We made preparations early this year, and it was not that bad.

Meng Ping said, "I don't have any projects anyway. I just look at this real estate and feel increasingly confused."

Qian Fang talked to Mr. Han about their villa. It was strange that no one wanted the cheap villa, but everyone grabbed it for the expensive one.

Mr. Han smiled and said, "It's not surprising. You have to ask for everything first, then for the best. The same goes for houses. When everyone is in a housing shortage, you can give them a multi-story building of fifty or sixty square meters, with independent kitchens and gas bathrooms." He is very satisfied, but after meeting the basic living needs, before buying a second home, he has to consider it carefully, rather than own it.

For rich people, even more so, the real estate market will definitely become an increasingly segmented market in the future. Moreover, you must understand the truth that any macro-control will cause a bad economic situation. Generally speaking, but there are some exceptions. For wealthy people, the worse the economic situation is, the smaller the impact on them and the more opportunities they have.

Why? The money in his hands is valuable. If others want to invest but are unable to invest, he can invest. Things that used to cost one million can now be done with 900,000. Let’s not talk about other things. Let’s not talk about spending money. If you use it for private lending, you can even negotiate with banks on interest rates. This alone can increase your income a lot.

As Mr. Han spoke, he turned to Qian Fang and said to her: "You must position yourself accurately. Don't think about doing all kinds of villas, including high schools, high schools, and low-level villas. That is impossible, and it will also have a negative impact on your subsequent property management." Troubled, if you want to build a high-end product, you should focus on the high-end market, refine it, and replace other projects in your hands.

"Don't do the business of one in a thousand people. If you want to do it, do the business of one in ten thousand people."

Qian Fang nodded.

Liu Ligan and Mr. Han talked about their "Dragon Family" project. Mr. Han nodded and said, "Gangzi, your idea is right. In fact, you are familiar with this. I don't need to say more, your paradise." With West Lake Throne, it’s not about doing well. You have been focusing on building the best quality house. This is the right way.

Liu Ligan asked again about the project Xiao Ding mentioned. Mr. Han waved his hand and said, "We will go see the specific project tomorrow. I will only tell you about the city of Sanya. There will definitely be a lot of potential here in the future. Every inch of land will be valuable.

"Why, the reason is very simple. In such a big country, the temperature difference between the north and the south is so big. It is suitable for vacation to escape the cold. Taiwan is not convenient to go to. There is only one Hainan Island.

"In Hainan, Sanya's geographical advantage is even better than that of Haicheng. Think about it, is it difficult to think about this place well? If the mainland is good, Hainan will be better. As the mainland develops, the value of Sanya will increase. Be unearthed.”

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Gu Chan, Zhongkai 727, Wuming, Daosheng 123, user 267124206, Xifeng, wxd121, and book friend 20190621133102536 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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