Last year, everyone didn’t get together during the Chinese New Year. This year, everyone couldn’t hold it in any longer and started communicating very early. Qian Fang and Tan Shuzhen said, never mind, they would be unhappy all day long anyway, so it’s time to have some fun. It’s time to eat, and we don’t think about it so much. Fortunately, our life is still going well.

"Is your villa not moving at all now?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I also find it strange that other projects are not moving. The most expensive project by Mochou Lake has a pretty good sales. This land was acquired ruthlessly. It was very expensive. A villa costs a thousand dollars. At that time, Lao Meng said, let us follow the path of your Peach Blossom Land. We tried to build two model houses, but the supply was still in short supply, so we are working hard to build them now."

Qian Fang said, and Tan Shuzhen kept nodding. It seemed that Liu Ligan's statement was correct. In every city, there are really a group of people who are not short of money.

Qian Fang and Tan Shuzhen suggested that everyone come to Nanjing to celebrate the New Year this year.

Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan, but both of them objected. They said, what's the difference between going to Nanjing and staying in Hangzhou? It's so cold.

"Nanjing is not as good as Hangzhou. In Hangzhou, you can go to Tuxiangyuan to eat tofu stew. When you get to Nanjing, Lao Meng will treat you to the duck from Zhuangyuan Building every day until you vomit." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen laughed. Zhang Chen thought about it. There is indeed nothing delicious or interesting in Nanjing. The most important thing is that it is cold. After going out for a while, everyone has to dress like a penguin.

After much discussion, we finally decided that it would be better to go to Sanya, so we decided to go to Sanya.

As soon as he heard that he was going to Sanya during the Spring Festival this year, Lao Zhang was overjoyed. He took Xiao Zhao's father and was about to leave. Zhang Chen asked, "Why are you going now? There are still more than half a month before the Spring Festival."

"Let's help plant flowers." Lao Zhang said.

Zhang Chen's mother also said: "Let them go. Here we go to the Peach Blossom Spring every day. It's such a cold day and my nose is freezing every day. It's really a crime."

Zhang Chen called Cao Minfang and asked her if it would be inconvenient. Cao Minfang said, "What's the inconvenience? Someone asked for leave during the Spring Festival and I was short of manpower here. Two uncles came and helped me. Zhang Chen Don't worry, sir, I will take good care of them.

Zhang Chen bought tickets for his father and Xiao Zhao's father for the next day. Lao Zhang ran to the Peach Blossom Spring and handed over the land to the master chef in the kitchen to help take care of it. He and Xiao Zhao's father were so happy Then I went to Sanya.

Everyone went to Sanya together. The biggest headache for Tan Shuzhen was what to do with her parents and Lao Liu. Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen said, just go together, just keep an eye on them and don't put them at the same table to eat. Teacher Tan You haven’t done anything wrong, and you’re still planning to prevent them from ever meeting each other again in this life? It's okay, let's go together.

Tan Shuzhen thought about it, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Before the holiday, Liu Ligan asked the bosses of each of their branches to return to Hangzhou in advance. They held an afternoon meeting in the large box of Tuxiangyuan Hotel, and then had a dinner together in the evening. Such a dinner, Han The great ancestor Liu Bang told them that in Taiwan, this is something that every company must do at the end of the year, called Wei Ya.

Liu Ligan said with a smile: "We used to call it remembering the bitterness and thinking about the sweetness, and we had to eat the meal to remember the bitterness. Now it's called the year-end summary and year-end dinner. The word "weiya" is better. At the end of the year, everyone moves their teeth."

Tan Shuzhen asked how the situation was in each place. Everyone said that this year has been very dangerous. Now, there are only a few projects in normal operation in every place. We are the only one who is still operating normally.

Liu Ligan asked Xu Wenhui, have those demolished households moved into new houses?

Xu Wenhui said that after moving in, just as we promised them, let them move to a new house for the New Year.

Liu Ligan nodded. He told everyone that life next year would still be difficult. I met a loan shark that day. He told me that 80% of their customers were real estate developers. Everyone wanted to Think about it, what is this situation? If it is like this everywhere, then about half of us in the real estate industry are working for loan sharks.

When Liu Ligan mentioned loan sharks, Song Chunming lowered his head. He almost guessed that the person Liu Ligan met must be Zhonghui. He probably had either a baby face or a mahjong face. Liu Ligan didn't say that on purpose. Which company is taking care of him.

"However, he had a very good saying. He said that for us in the real estate business, money comes and goes quickly. Any money in our hands is just small money and cannot be spent easily." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, what he said is indeed right." Tan Shuzhen interjected, "This also reminds us to be prepared for danger in times of peace. I hope that each of your companies will set a financial goal for themselves, that is, to find ways to reduce expenditures. , I will definitely not spend money that shouldn’t be spent.”

"Only thin water can flow. If flood irrigation is carried out, no matter how much money you spend, it will be useless." Lao Tan said.

Tan Shuzhen looked at everyone and said:

"Let me say hello to you first. Starting next year, every two months, I will lead people to conduct a financial inspection of each company. It's not that I don't trust you, but that many times, bystanders know that you need someone to check it for you. A wake-up call. Also, if you find that you are really lavish and spending money on things you shouldn’t spend, I will hold you accountable, do you understand?”

Everyone made it clear. Fan Jianguo joked: "This food tastes terrible. Why does it feel like the knife is on my neck."

"I also want to ensure that everyone has enough food for a long time, and don't become the second Guangtong. The boss of Guangtong probably doesn't enjoy anything now. Do you want to be like him?" Tan Shuzhen looked at everyone and said seriously .

One day after Liu Ligan and the others, Zhang Chen also held a dinner party in Tuxiangyuan, and even Xiaoli, Xiaomi, Erhuo and Cao Minfang were invited over.

Xiaoli was a little embarrassed when she saw Zhang Chen. She told Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang, new shopping malls have been developed, and four of them have been developed, but the effect has not met expectations. The sales of all shopping malls this year are not as good as last year.

Zhang Chen comforted her in turn and said: "Isn't there an epidemic in the first half of this year? It's not just you in Beijing, it's the same across the country."

"No." Xiaoli said, "The newly developed ones were developed after the epidemic, including the original several counters. Our ranking in the mall has not declined, but the turnover has declined. I mean in the second half of the year, I am scared to death. ”

Xiaomi also said on the side: "We are in the same situation in Shanghai. Our ranking is better than last year, but sales have dropped, and so have our specialty stores."

Xiaojuan sat there without making a sound, but her store in Hangzhou had also seen a decline in sales this year. Zhang Chen and Zhao Jingjing had known about this situation for a long time. They also knew how their brand ranked in major shopping malls across the country. , so to speak, the entire clothing industry, the overall sales are declining.

"Customers have been diverted." Ge Ling said, "Now that there are so many specialty stores, some customers have gone to those places, and some customers are no longer satisfied with buying clothes in China. They have all gone to Hong Kong, and we have private orders. Many of our customers go to Hong Kong once a month, and these are all major customers of major shopping malls in China.”

Zhang Chen felt that what Ge Ling said made sense, and indeed it was true. Their fastest growing customers this year were private custom customers, but as the overall sales increased, their company's products' share of them actually decreased, with more Buyers go overseas to help purchase the world's top brands.

Fortunately, the business of Xu Qiaoxin and his foreign trade company has been growing, so Zhao Zhigang is still very busy here.

"Then can we also do private customization?" Xiaoli asked.

Ge Ling shook her head and said it was a bit difficult.

"Why?" Xiaoli asked.

"The vast majority of private customization customers come because of Master's reputation. Their first set of plans was basically made by Master for them. That's why they think it's worth it. What should you do with your customers? Master, will you give half of it to you?" Ge Ling said.

"He Hongmei, don't I have your senior sister there?"

Xiaoli said, Ge Ling's eyes lit up, she thought this was okay, Zhang Chen quickly stopped her, Zhang Chen said, Hongmei has her own things to do, and she often has to follow the crew to the location, Xiaoli, your client is here. what to do? Call her back from the location?

When Ge Ling and Xiao Li heard this, they were immediately discouraged.

"Yes, let's raise the bar." Ge Ling said, "When encountering particularly high-end customers, Master can go and check them out first, and then I'll take care of them."

After Ge Ling said this, Zhang Chen and Xiao Li also thought it was feasible. Xiao Li said that I can cooperate with Wenwen. The celebrities she knows can become high-end customers, and I will develop them.

"Then I did the same thing in Shanghai. There are a lot of rich people in Shanghai." Xiaomi said to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen agreed.

Xiaomi also brought some bad news. She said that our store on Huaihai Road may be demolished next year.

"No way, so unlucky?!" Xiaoli shouted.

Zhang Chen also looked at Xiaomi, and Xiaomi said: "This is just a rumor, Mr. Zhang, so I didn't tell you. No one has informed us yet. It's just that I heard from the store next door that a building is going to be built there. , I don’t know if it only affects them and not us.”

Zhang Chen relaxed a little when he heard that it was a rumor. The stores in Shanghai are different from those in Beijing. Shanghai is his own house. If it really needs to be demolished, the first one he needs to look for is of course him. There is no way he doesn't know it yet. The news outside is flying all over the sky.

But he still told Xiaomi to call me immediately if there was any news.

Xiaomi nodded and said, Got it, Mr. Zhang.

The second guy picked up the cup and touched it with Zhang Chen. The second guy said, "Instructor, come on, let's go one by one."

Zhang Chen clinked glasses with the second guy. The second guy drank the wine in one gulp, but Zhang Chen put the cup down. The second guy saw Zhang Chen's thoughtful look, so he let it go and didn't rush him.

Zhang Chen was still thinking about what Xiaomi said just now. He said to himself, it can't be so unlucky. The store in Beijing just closed this year and the store in Shanghai will close next year. However, he thought of what Liu Ligan said, Liu Ligan said that when real estate is not doing well, it is the time when the land acquisition and storage center attacks everywhere.

Real estate is in a slump right now.

Zhao Zhigang came to toast Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw that the wine glass in front of him was still full, and then he remembered that the second-rate guy in front of him had touched him and he hadn't drank yet. Zhang Chen quickly raised the glass to the second-rate guy and took a sip. When you're done, fill up the cup and touch it with Zhao Zhigang.

Thank you Ming Chengzi for the reward! Thank you West Wind, Daqiang 666, and Qingbo for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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