The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1347 The intercourse in the fire (Thank you, the evergreen Emperor Yan!)

Liu Ligan's "Golden Autumn Promotional Month" has come to an end, and the Autumn Real Estate Fair in Hangzhou will take place in October.

This round of preferential rewards allowed Liu Ligan and the others to gain face and money, creating a total of nearly 6 billion in sales and regaining their lost ground for most of the year. Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said:

"Zhang Chen, I want to laugh when I look at the account now."

Zhang Chen smiled: "How long can you continue to laugh? A wave of land auctions will make your cash disappear again, right?"

"It's true." Tan Shuzhen said, "Each branch has done well. It makes no sense not to increase the land reserve for them. If there is no land in hand, the general manager of the branch knows it. This general manager probably does It’s over.”

The real estate industry is like this, with high input and high output. No matter how much money you have in your account, it seems that it can't satisfy the desire to expand. It is really greedy. If you pick a real estate company at random, if you give it unlimited money, it will probably Within three months, the entire planet will be purchased, and even Antarctica will want to build summer houses.

But, having said that, which industry and which entrepreneur is not like this? If you give it a little sunshine, it will shine, and if you give it a little halo, it will swell? It's just that this time, it's not their turn. Who was involved in the Internet a few years ago, who didn't scold Fang Qiu and point out the country?

The Real Estate Fair is coming soon. Of course Liu Ligan and the others also signed up to participate in this Fair. As usual, they won the largest booth.

When the real estate fair was approaching, Liu Ligan became quiet. At night, he walked alone to the center of Hangzhou where the civil construction had been completed and the exterior walls were still being built. The security guard on duty knew Liu Ligan. Rod took the key to the top floor fire door from him and walked into the elevator.

Before it was put into use, the fire safety door on their top floor was locked, for no other reason than for those who couldn't think of it. They regarded their building as a target and wanted to jump from the top of the building, just like Shanghai back then. One hundred became the target, and they had to install iron bars on all the windows facing Nanjing Road.

The security guards in the center of Hangzhou always stop several such people a year, causing them great annoyance and having to be careful.

Liu Ligan arrived at the roof of the building in the center of Hangzhou and sat down on the ground. On an October night, it was still very hot below, but the autumn wind was bleak on the rooftop, which already had a chill. Liu Ligan looked at the dim lights in the distance. The West Lake, and the rooftops of the buildings that dropped one by one in front of him.

Looking at a city from a high place, this city is always ugly. It is either piled with all kinds of debris or covered with black anti-seepage asphalt. People spend too much money and energy on every building. On the facade and facade of the building, no one thought that the roof of the building was also their face and they also needed to be dressed up. How many people would look down from a high place.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that when the rooftops of this city can be seen either as sky gardens, rooftop swimming pools or helipads, this city will probably be considered truly wealthy.

Liu Ligan sat there, smoking cigarettes one after another. He was thinking about the next housing fair, and there was a faint fear in his heart. He was worried that this housing fair would be the same as the first half of the year, with bleak transactions. Then It will directly bring the housing prices and property market in Hangzhou that have just improved back to their original shape, and they are worried that this housing fair will be too popular.

If that happens, it will directly trigger the Provincial Bureau of Statistics' early warning, and the real estate bubble in Hangzhou will burst. He is also worried that, as Mr. Han said, the rising housing prices will force the central government to take heavy measures. This is the worst result.

Liu Ligan walked into Tan Shuzhen's office and told her that we need to change our strategy for this housing fair.

"How to change?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"We sell houses directly and do not accept reservations. We put out all the projects that can be launched and those that have already been launched, and we require that we directly sign a house purchase agreement and pay the house payment instead of signing a house agreement."

"In that case, maybe our booth will become the most deserted booth in the entire housing fair." Tan Shuzhen reminded.

"Yes, if we want to make money, we should make real money, not popularity. There are too many bookings, and in the end there are very few people who actually buy houses. At that time, we will become very passive. We can't adjust even if we want to, just like 'City in the Sky' 'That way." Liu Ligan said.

Tan Shuzhen thought for a while and agreed to Liu Ligan's suggestion. There were many times when she had to admire this guy. At many critical moments, he would make suggestions that seemed intuitive and careless, but if you think about it deeply, , his ideas are actually logically related, and his judgment will be very accurate.

"Well, anyway, we don't lack the deposit right now." Tan Shuzhen said.

At this exhibition, like the last one, two-thirds of them displayed local projects in Hangzhou and one-third displayed projects from all over the country. Only the "Dragon Family" project was not displayed to the outside world. Liu Ligan said that the timing If she doesn't arrive, let her continue to stay in the boudoir.

On the opening day of the housing fair, Zhang Chen accompanied Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan. When they arrived at the entrance of the World Trade Center, seeing the bustling crowd, Zhang Chen shouted:

"With so many people, it must be very popular today."

He looked at Liu Ligan, Lao Tan, and Tan Shuzhen. Their faces were all calm. Zhang Chen asked curiously, "Why, aren't you happy that there are so many people?"

Lao Tan smiled bitterly and said: "It was the same in the first half of the year."

The three of them had the same idea, and they were all worried that this would be another flash in the pan like the first half of the year.

They went directly inside. Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen walked around the entire exhibition hall. It was obvious that the atmosphere in the entire exhibition hall was a bit depressing. All the exhibitors were as blindly optimistic as in the first half of the year. This time there was widespread worry.

There were two others who were indifferent and showed obvious hostility when they saw Liu Lizhan and the others. Liu Lizhan knew that this was his 50% discount and offended them.

Liu Ligan smiled and didn't take it seriously.

When the door opened and people poured in, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen immediately felt relaxed. They heard many people in the crowd speaking Wenzhou dialect and Taizhou dialect. There were many of these people. Heading towards their booth, not only did their booth not have the fewest customers as Tan Shuzhen feared, but there was also a long queue immediately.

Their sales staff repeatedly explained to the people waiting in line that at this housing fair, they only sell houses but do not reserve houses. If you want to reserve a house, please do not wait in line here.

What surprised Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen was that the people in the queue continued to queue as if they didn't hear what their salesperson was saying clearly.

Going back to the front of the team to take a look, they saw that these people were holding a map of Hangzhou in their hands. They were asking each building where the building was. The salesperson told him, and he opened the map and found the exact location. Draw a circle, then point to the sand table and say, how much does he want for this building, how much does he want for that building, okay, take me to see the next building.

Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Zhang Chen were all dumbfounded by such a fast and accurate method of buying a house. What is going on?

Liu Ligan thought for a while and figured it out. It seemed that the previous wave of discount sales and advertisements had worked. The media called their counter-trend operation and that conscientious house selling had worked. Those who came to buy houses thought that Buying a house from their company is a great value for money.

Sales Director Xiao Lu ran over and asked: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Tan, can we sell houses in Shanghai and Nanjing?"

This time, the projects of their other branches were only on display, without arranging sales staff to come over. From within their company, there was no set of transaction records in the first half of the year, so they had no hope this time, but they did not expect that these were only The projects on display still aroused the interest of many home buyers in Wenzhou and Taizhou.

"Yes, as long as it's already open for sale, you can sell it." Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Lu said, "If you have any questions, you can call the branch manager directly."

Xiao Lu said yes and ran back.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen walked out and walked around again. They saw that every booth was full of unprecedented grandeur. Compared with the previous one, this housing fair was like ice and fire.

Starting from the next day, the old drama reappeared, and everyone began to adjust the price. Xiao Lu asked Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan said no. This time we will not adjust the price.

Other companies began to adjust their prices significantly, but Liu Ligan and others did not. These real estate speculators from Wenzhou and Taizhou were in communication with each other, and more home buyers gathered at Liu Ligan's booth. .

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Don't you make such easy money?"

"No," Liu Ligan said, "I'm tired of making money, now I want to earn a good reputation, okay?"

Zhang Chen said yes, yes, yes, Liu Dashan is a good person.

All of Liu Ligan's houses were sold out within two days. Xiao Lu kept calling Liu Ligan and asking Liu Ligan if it was possible to book other projects of ours? Many guests requested reservations.

"No, this time we are only selling houses but not booking them." Liu Ligan said.

Xiao Lu muttered: "Then we have nothing to do here."

"You can introduce our projects to the guests and leave the guests' contact information." Tan Shuzhen took Liu Ligan's phone and said to Xiao Lu.

I have to admire the keen market sense of Wenzhou and Taizhou people. As long as there is the slightest disturbance, they can immediately sense it and take fierce action.

This real estate fair has set another record, that is, the record of non-local home buyers buying houses in Hangzhou. According to statistics, for many properties in this real estate fair, the proportion of non-local home buyers accounted for more than 50%, and the highest reached 80%. These foreign home buyers mainly come from Wenzhou and Taizhou.

This housing fair started in a lively manner and ended in a lively manner. In official language, this was a successful and victorious housing fair. At the same time, the real estate industry in Hangzhou and even the whole country entered a collective carnival.

But Liu Ligan felt deeply worried. He thought of a word, "The Last Supper". If he thought of another word, it would be the name of a movie: "The Last Madness".

Mr. Han's words came true. Just over a week after the Hangzhou Real Estate Fair, the central bank took action again. On October 29, 2004, the People's Bank of China decided to raise the benchmark interest rate for deposits and loans of financial institutions by 0.27%. , and relaxed the floating range of RMB loan interest rates and allowed RMB deposit interest rates to fall. This is China's first interest rate increase in nine years.

The keen Hong Kong and Macao media immediately sensed the meaning of this interest rate hike. "Hong Kong Commercial Daily" analyzed the two major purposes of this interest rate hike: first, to send a warning signal to the market; second, to formally activate the market-oriented reform of interest rates.

A commentary article in Macau Daily said: The interest rate increase ten years ago coincided with the end of macroeconomic control. The first interest rate increase after ten years is the beginning of another wave of macroeconomic control, reflecting the phased nature of interest rate increases. significance.

Liu Ligan sighed, what was supposed to come would come, and this time it came, it was really caused by the continued rise in housing prices, which led to an increase in the prices of all production factors.

Come on, you "urinals," prepare to die.

Thank you Eternal Evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward! Thank you to the evergreen Emperor Yan, why can’t you change your name? Zhenwu Yilong for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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