The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1334 The snowflakes are fluttering, the New Year is coming

Liu Lizhan felt like he was a urinal. Now that he was done with it, he would be stuffed under the bed again.

On January 1, 2004, the first day of the new year, the "Hangcheng New Real Estate Deal", also known as the "Hangzhou Eight Measures", was implemented. Among the eight measures, the most severe one was about the resumption of 20% personal income tax on second-hand housing transactions. ”, also officially launched on this day.

The New Deal stipulates that individuals’ income from the sale of their own homes should be subject to a 20% personal income tax based on property transfer income items. Since then, since the release of the “State Council Document No. 18” last August, the good days of the real estate industry have come to an end. , that kind of shivering chill, Liu Ligan felt like he could reach out and touch it.

The so-called "Hangcheng New Real Estate Deal" was originally intended to squeeze bubbles, stabilize the market, encourage rigid demand, and curb investment speculative demand in real estate purchases and transfers.

However, because the entire real estate market in Hangzhou, including second-hand housing, was always unsaturated at that time, it was a typical seller's market. As a result of the New Deal, sellers invariably passed on the transaction costs of 20% personal income tax to buyers, and housing prices did not It did not decrease due to personal tax regulation, but instead jumped up.

This sudden surge in housing prices finally drove home buyers away. The transaction volume of the second-hand housing market in Hangzhou shrank sharply. It experienced an unprecedented deserted situation. Real estate agencies began to transfer their properties one after another, reaching the tragic point where one real estate agency closed down in four days.

The coldness of the second-hand housing market soon spread to the sales departments of various real estate companies. Those real estate speculators have not yet sold their houses, so how can they dare to buy new houses? Half of the demand for steel is due to The money in hand could no longer afford to buy a house, and the other half was frightened when they saw that the price of the property was too high.

Including the city government's promise to ensure "home ownership", the government will definitely not be able to stand such rising housing prices, and will definitely take action to stabilize housing prices. Everyone's expectations for the decline in housing prices in Hangzhou are unprecedentedly high. They all kept their pockets tight and refused to take action.

The real estate market in each city will be infected with each other. This is true for an iconic city like Hangzhou, and it is also true for other cities, especially Ningbo, which is also in Zhejiang Province.

Liu Ligan and his other sales offices across the country were crowded with people. It was as cold as the weather this winter. Liu Ligan felt that he was going to be like Xi'er in "The White-Haired Girl" who sang: "The north wind is blowing/ The snowflakes are fluttering/The snowflakes are fluttering/The new year is coming..."

He thought of Xi'er's father, Yang Bailao, and now he understood the meaning of his name. He felt that he was Liu Bailao, working in vain all year round, and the New Year was really coming.

What he didn't know was that the hard days waiting for him had just begun. The cold winter months had passed, and when spring came, there was still a late spring cold.

The new year is coming, when all kinds of expenses are paid together. Tan Shuzhen looks at the money in her company account, like an hourglass, constantly leaking down, and it can’t stop. The construction company and materials of each project Businessmen are all counting on their money to celebrate the New Year. If they don't pay, the boss of the construction company can still say it, but the contractor below can't hold it.

Some contractors are actually instigated by the boss of the construction company, but they are pretending to be innocent and pretending to understand Mr. Liu and Mr. Tan very well.

Those contractors will often go to the construction site to pull banners and make trouble in the offices of the company and branches. Below them, those workers who have not received their wages will go to the extreme to climb high scaffolding or tower cranes. Sitting there, threatening to jump if he ran out of money.

Tan Shuzhen would never dare to owe this money. She could only move here and there, pool the funds of each branch, and pay out the necessary items from top to bottom, one by one, starting with other places. Later Hangzhou.

But the sand in the hourglass is limited, and the money in the company's account is even more needed when it is needed. Why do you feel that this money is getting smaller and smaller, and it is becoming less and less useful?

The account is as empty as a window without glass, but in Hangzhou, here at the head office, there are still necessary funds that have not been paid. Moreover, everyone in the company has not been paid a penny. They also need to celebrate the New Year. .

Every day, people asking for money sat in a circle in Tan Shuzhen's office. Liu Ligan, a coward, even turned off his mobile phone and did not show up at the company for several days.

Old Tan was so angry that he cursed loudly and ran upstairs to the dynamic zone to look for Liu Lipole, but he couldn't find him. He went to Zhang Chen's office and told Zhang Chen that this pole had left a woman like Zhenzhen among a bunch of people asking for money. It doesn't matter what happened in the middle. I feel uncomfortable every day when I see Zhenzhen with her smiling face and dealing with those little foremans.

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard what Lao Tan said. He knew that Liu Ligan and the others were having a hard time, and that all real estate companies were having a hard time right now, but he didn't expect that Liu Ligan and the others would be in such a difficult situation.

He hadn't seen Liu Ligan for several days and couldn't call him. Zhang Chen hurried to Liu Ligan's company and walked to Tan Shuzhen's office. Sure enough, he saw four or five people sitting there with their hands folded. With her feet raised and flying in the clouds, Tan Shuzhen talked to them with a smile.

Zhang Chen called Tan Shuzhen to Yao Fen's office. Yao Fen saw them coming in and let them out. Zhang Chen closed the door and asked Tan Shuzhen: "What's going on?"

Tan Shuzhen said that nothing happened, it was just that there was no money in the account.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that we ran out of money?" Zhang Chen scolded.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "I just didn't want to say it earlier, but I have already thought about it. I know the pole can't open the door, but I will definitely talk to you, otherwise, I won't be able to get through this year."

"How many are needed?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen thought for a moment and said, "Please prepare 80 million for me."

Zhang Chen said yes, when will he want it?

"No rush, it's not time yet." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What date is this? It's holiday soon, so there's no rush." ​​Zhang Chen scolded, "I'll have Zhao Jingjing call you right away."

"No, no, Zhang Chen, I really don't. There's no rush now. We'll talk about it in two days, no, three days." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What the hell are you doing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"As for these people in my office, have you seen that in fact, we have paid them half of the money that should be paid, but these people took the money and did not give it to the people below at all. Now, what they want, can It’s not the other half that we should pay, but I hope that we can pay them part of the money that will be paid in the future in advance.”

"Why?" Zhang Chen was confused.

"In this way, after paying the workers below, they still have money in their pockets, so they can continue to make money. Who knows where they spent the money. I know two of them, and they have several little wives, these bastards! "Tan Shuzhen cursed fiercely, "I will give them the money that should be given to them. If they want more, there is no way."

"What does this have to do with whether I can make money or not?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Who doesn't have a few friends in banks?" Tan Shuzhen said. "If they knew we had money in our account, they would resort to any means, including rolling on the ground and wailing."

Tan Shuzhen saw that Zhang Chen still didn't understand, so she said to him:

"I also cried with them about poverty, saying that we had no money. I was dragging them down, asking them to lower their expectations, and also asking the workers below them to continue to push them. When that day came, they also understood that this year It is impossible to get any other money.

"In this way, when they get the money, they will definitely not dare to use it arbitrarily. They will immediately give it to the workers and let them go home. Otherwise, they will still hold on to expectations and feel that there is still time to continue asking for money, so they will use the money arbitrarily, and then continue after using it. Then I’ll ask for workers’ wages.”

Zhang Chen finally understood a little bit and said, "I didn't expect that your business is so complicated."

"Of course, this is a battle of wits, understand?" Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen laughed and scolded: "Still fighting wits, do you think you are Mrs. A Qing?"

Tan Shuzhen also laughed and said: "Don't tell me, I really feel a bit like Sister-in-law Aqing. However, Sister-in-law Aqing doesn't have rich friends. It's great to have a rich friend like you. This is who I am." I have the mood and the confidence to dare to fight with them."

"Don't draw cakes for me. Then tell me when you want the money." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, if I don't tell you, I have nowhere to talk. I don't know anyone else who can give out 80 million without blinking an eye.

"Where did the pole go?" Zhang Chen asked, "I haven't seen him for several days, and I can't get through on the phone. Is there anything wrong with this guy?"

"He's fine. He's probably enjoying himself somewhere now," Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen saw that Tan Shuzhen looked very calm when talking about Liu Ligan, unlike Lao Tan. Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at the closed office door, lowered her voice and said to Zhang Chen, "I asked him to stay away."

"Where does this song come from?"

"If he were here and they were blocking him, would he still be able to walk? Besides, you don't know about this guy Zhi. If others say a few nice words and set him up, he will write checks randomly if his pockets are empty." Tan Shuzhen said, "If he is here, I have no way out. Only when he is gone, I have a way out."

Zhang Chen asked: "What retreat?"

"I told them that the pole had gone out to borrow money. I didn't know whether I could borrow it or not. If I asked them to wait, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it, right? After all, the pole is the boss of this company, and I'm just a part-time worker. , the pole is not there, they can't do anything to me." Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen nodded and understood. He asked, "Even Lao Tan doesn't know about this?"

"I don't know." Tan Shuzhen said, "Heaven knows and earth knows, you know and I know, and the pole only knows half of it. I want to ask you to borrow money, but he doesn't know."

"Why did you even hide it from Lao Tan?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Is Lao Tan anxious?" Tan Shuzhen said with a smile, "It's okay to be anxious, that's what it looks like. Look at our company. Now everyone is like an ant on a hot pot. I am the only one who is not impatient or impatient."

Zhang Chen shook his head with a smile and cursed: "After all, I am an actor, and I am still flawless when it comes to acting. Okay, just keep acting."

Tan Shuzhen said okay, just go home when you go out and don't let me cheat on you.

Zhang Chen came out of Qiushi Academy feeling relieved. He drove back to the company. Thinking about Tan Shuzhen's words on the way, he couldn't help but laugh again.

Tan Shuzhen, Tan Shuzhen, this Tan Shuzhen, Zhang Chen suddenly thought that if Tan Shuzhen had not been stuck at home by her parents that morning, but went to Hainan with them, he didn't know if there would not be so many poles in the future. thing.

However, in this world, there is no if or and possibility anymore.

Zhang Chen drove his car on the streets of Hangzhou, and Liu Ligan drove his Aston Martin on Binhai Avenue in Xiamen. Sitting in the passenger seat was a Taiwanese girl with long flowing hair.

"Look, look, that's the Golden Gate!" The Taiwanese girl pointed to the sea and shouted.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night even though I didn't know who asked! Thank you for your monthly votes of No Future, Only Remember the Original Intention, pom600812, Huaxin Yongshao, Book Friends 20191217033238847, Sinful Orchid Finger, and Book Friends 20201109111351923! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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