The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1333 Life is easy

Zhang Chen sent He Hongmei to the airport. After completing the check-in formalities, the two of them stood together. Although they had been together for more than a week, at the moment when they broke up, they still couldn't let go. Zhang Chen wanted to say He didn't say anything, just looked at He Hongmei.

He Hongmei also looked at him, saw Zhang Chen looking at her, and said angrily, "What are you looking at? If you have the ability, come with me to Beijing."

"Okay." Zhang Chen turned around and left. He Hongmei was stunned, looking at him, actually wanting to see what Zhang Chen would do.

After standing for a while, He Hongmei walked towards the direction where Zhang Chen left, but saw that Zhang Chen had come back, shaking the ticket in his hand and saying to He Hongmei:

"Let's go check in."

He Hongmei was surprised. She didn't expect that Zhang Chen would actually buy the ticket. She said "No, no, no", but she felt a little sweet in her heart.

"Why not? I'll take you home and come back."

Zhang Chen continued to walk towards the check-in counter as he spoke. He Hongmei hugged Zhang Chen from behind and was led by him, her face pressed against his back and she laughed.

There were only three people in the first class cabin, but their seats were not next to each other. Zhang Chen greeted the flight attendant and they sat together. On the plane, the two of them looked at each other and just kept laughing.

When they arrived in Beijing, Wenwen picked them up at the airport and got in the car. He Hongmei and Wenwen said, "Send Mr. Zhang to the hotel first."

"What hotel are we going to? We are an old couple, why should we stay in a hotel? If you have money, don't you? If you have money, just treat me and Qianqian to dinner." Wenwen said.

Zhang Chen laughed, and He Hongmei reached out to hit Wenwen. Wenwen patted the steering wheel with both hands and shouted: "Drive, drive, didn't you see me driving?"

He Hongmei's face turned crimson, but she could only give up.

As expected, Wenwen did not drive to the city, but drove directly back to their villa. Wenwen followed them upstairs and said to Zhang Chen:

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, there are sewing machines down there, clicking, clicking, clicking, no matter how noisy you are, you can't disturb them."

He Hongmei turned around to hit her, Wenwen shouted to Mr. Zhang to save me, turned around and ran away.

Zhang Chen did not say, "I'll take you home and come back" as he said at Hangcheng Airport. Instead, he stayed in Beijing for two more days before returning to Hangzhou.

Since the launch of guaranteed transactions on, and Zhang Chen and the others took the lead, more and more people are selling clothes, and the transaction volume has also increased. They can sell five or six pieces every day, and the most one day is two pieces. A dozen pieces of clothing.

Although this kind of transaction volume is a drop in the bucket for a company as big as theirs, Zhang Chen thought that this is enough to be a very small specialty store. The most important thing is that it is directly operated by himself. Profits have doubled several times, while costs, except for the wages of two salesmen, are basically zero.

Calculated this way, it's still a good deal.

Zhang Chen separated those two people from the design center, used the room where Tan Shuzhen lived as an office, and established a company's e-commerce department.

Zhang Chen designed Christmas supplies for Jessica and the others, and Jessica also confirmed twelve models at once. In addition to paying the design fee, the big order Xu Qiaoxin was waiting for also came soon, and she wanted it urgently. There were six models. Shentu Hongyan could make it, and Xu Qiaoxin immediately gave it to her. There were also other products. Shentu Hongyan introduced her friend's factory to pick them up.

If there is anything else that Yiwu cannot do, just place an order for a space shuttle and Yiwu people can make it for you. Xu Qiaoxin and Zhang Chen said.

These must be sent out by speedboat before the end of October.

The better news is that Director Zhang also approved He Hongmei's costume design for Director Zhang's film and praised it greatly. When He Hongmei called Zhang Chen, she couldn't stop crying while holding the phone. As for him, he couldn't see it anyway.

He Hongmei herself didn't know why she was crying. She was happy, missing, and a little bit aggrieved. As she said, are we torturing ourselves too much? Why do people who obviously want to be together every day have to endure the pain of separation?

He Hongmei couldn't explain clearly, and felt that she was getting more and more confused.

2003 was about to pass. Zhang Chen stood on the roof of Xiasha Factory and thought about it. He felt that this year seemed to be very long and very dramatic. The first half of the year was quite the opposite.

But Zhang Chen knew that what he had lost this year had been lost forever. Time really could not be turned back. If he were asked to give up everything he had now and go back to him and Xiao Zhao, sitting face to face in the Red Flag Hotel On the bed in the corridor, the moment Xiao Zhao used her body to warm his cold feet, he said yes without hesitation.

If he could really go back to that moment and start over, Zhang Chen would rather find a job, ride a bicycle to work every day, lie on the table, and work hard on his design work, yes, even if he just goes to that guy named Zhang Chen's It's not bad to work in a company. They have to work hard to save money and then try to buy the cheapest house in Liu Ligan's company.

Zhang Xiangbei already had one. Before that, on the night of the second day after they returned to Hangzhou, on the coal pile in the boiler room of the Red Flag Hotel, Zhang Xiangbei had already had one. Now, they will still be a family of three. .

If that were the case, they would not be able to make clothing, open a specialty store in Beijing, have any fashion show, Parkson Shopping Center would not give them a side hall, and Xiao Zhao would not go to Beijing. Xiao Zhao now, He is definitely still alive, he still goes to and from work every day, buys groceries and cooks, calls him “honey” before going to bed, and asks him to draw a morning watch when he wakes up.

When Zhang Chen thought of Beijing, he thought of He Hongmei. If so, he would not have known He Hongmei. Even if the two of them walked face to face, they would have passed each other in the end. When thinking about this, Zhang Chen felt faintly in his heart. It's a bit distressing, that's a different kind of pain.

Zhang Chen looked at Road No. 1 in front of him, at Tuxiangyuan Hotel, and then looked in another direction. Although he couldn't see it, Qu Tianlin and his Sancai Printing Company were definitely there. Zhang Chen fell into a trance. He thought that people left more and more things in this world and became heavier and heavier, but when people left this world, they were so light and fast.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Zhang."

Someone shouted softly. Zhang Chen turned around and saw Huijuan standing behind him. Huijuan said, "Director Zhao told me that you should be on the top of the building, so I came up."

Zhang Chen nodded and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Well, I want to talk to you about things in the hotel." Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen said okay, let's go down.

As the two of them walked down, Huijuan asked tentatively: "Brother Zhang, are you worried?"

Zhang Chen didn't say yes or no, he just shook his head slightly.

After a while, Huijuan sighed.

Zhang Chen turned to look at her and asked, "Why are you sighing?"

Huijuan said: "I was thinking, this person seems to understand very well when he thinks about other people's things, but sometimes he is not so clear when he thinks about his own things."

Zhang Chen laughed and asked, "Why do you have such emotion?"

"I've had it for a long time." Huijuan said, "Every time I see you, you seem to be worried, and I feel very sad, but I don't know how to tell you. I know it must be related to Sister Xiaozhao."

After a pause, Huijuan said again: "I am the one you brought back from the edge of death. Really, Brother Zhang, if you didn't come to me that night and say those words to me, I would definitely have They tried their best. Those words you said to me were so well said. I don’t know if I can tell you these words. I am stupid and I definitely can’t understand them."

Zhang Chen was silent and said: "No need to say, I understand, thank you Huijuan."

The two people returned to Zhang Chen's office. After sitting down, Zhang Chen and Huijuan said, "Okay, tell me what you want."

Huijuan talked to Zhang Chen. She said that the layout of their hotel was a bit special. They were all private rooms and there was no lobby. Although this was designed for the characteristics of Xiasha, there were still a lot of inconveniences in actual use. .

"What ones are there?" Zhang Chen asked.

"These companies and schools in Xiasha often have small internal gatherings, with two, three or three tables. When they encounter such gatherings, they especially don't want to be in the box, but want to be in the private room. Together, in the box, it is difficult to arrange who shares the box with whom, and it will not be lively." Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen thought about the wedding between Lao Tan and Qu Tianlin. He nodded and felt that Huijuan was right. His considerations at the time were indeed a bit too idealistic.

"I was just thinking, Brother Zhang, if we can add a hall. It doesn't need to be very big. It can accommodate five or six tables of guests." Huijuan said, "When we are busy now, the private rooms are also full. The added hall , can also come in handy.”

Zhang Chen said: "Your idea is very good, but where should we add this hall?"

"I can't think about this well either."

Huijuan said, opened her bag, took out a square piece of paper, and handed it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen saw that it was the floor plan of the entire Tuxiangyuan Hotel. This was Huijuan's Although he didn't draw this floor plan and Zhang Chen knew where it was, he still admired Huijuan's meticulousness in doing things.

Zhang Chen stared at the floor plan. He thought of the conference room that was later added to his Banmutian Resort Hotel in Sanya. Zhang Chen pointed to a flower bed on the left side of the hotel and asked Huijuan:

"How about tearing down this flower bed and building a glass hall here? The space in a hall with five or six tables will definitely not be large. If it is a closed space, it will be very depressing. If it is all glass, it will give people the feeling of being very spacious. .”

Huijuan said yes.

However, this place is next to their kitchen. You cannot open a door directly from the kitchen to go out. It will be noisy and dirty. Zhang Chen and Huijuan said:

"The only way is to enter and exit through the hotel lobby door. Considering rainy days and hygiene, we will stick to here and make a glass corridor to pass through."

Huijuan nodded.

Thank you Ba Liang for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Pandelong, Book Friends 20190118025224314, Quiet Room, xiezhiwww, Hu Hu, Book Friends 20190909075929245, winsonliu, Ba Liang, Book Friends 20201109111351923, Nagging Old Dao, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, Book Friends 20200623234510452, Book Friends 2019 Monthly ticket for 0621133102536! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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