The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1326 The best arrangement

Liu Ligan was in Xiamen, following Fan Jianguo, and hanging out with a few Taiwanese girls. The soft, Taiwanese Mandarin spoken by Lin Shuwan was very useful to Liu Ligan. He felt that his bones were going to be tender. What is gentle country? , Oh, hello, babbling on the pillow, ringing in his ears, all with such sleep-like sounds, Liu Ligan felt that this is called Wenwen Township.

After the project was launched, he originally wanted to stay in Xiamen for a few more days, but as soon as he heard about Lao Tan and Qu Tianlin, he rushed back.

As soon as Liu Ligan came back, he called for everyone to meet and discuss what to do about Lao Tan and Qu Tianlin's marriage. Lao Tan scolded, "What should we do? We are all so old, so we can just find a day with a few good friends." Just have a meal together.

Liu Ligan said, "What's the matter? Lao Tan, if you really find someone you like, it's not too late even if you're a hundred years old. You have to take it seriously. If you do whatever you want, that's disrespectful to Sister Tianlin. What do you think?" Sister Lin, isn’t it worth taking you seriously?

One sentence made Lao Tan speechless. He Hongmei smiled and said, this dog finally spit out ivory today. Everyone laughed. Liu Ligan cursed, "What ivory? I have a mouth full of gold teeth." They are all good words of wisdom.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, agreed with Liu Ligan's statement. He also told Lao Tan that this is something you will do for the rest of your life. You can't do it casually. Your life is still long.

Hearing what Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, said, Zhang Chen thought of himself. He and Xiao Zhao really wanted to stay together for a lifetime, but he didn't expect that Xiao Zhao's life would be so short. Zhang Chen felt a little sad at the moment.

Lin Shuwan saw it and said to Zhang Chen, Brother, although the time Xiao Zhao spent with you was short, you didn't waste a day. Many people spent decades together, so what?

Everyone said that Lin Shuwan said it well.

In her mind, Qu Tianlin was just like Lao Tan, thinking that just having a casual meal would be enough, but listening to them talking so nonchalantly, she also felt that this matter seemed to be getting bigger.

Liu Ligan said, Lao Tan, even if you want to be casual, you can't get up. Just friends like us, there are several tables, and you, Lao Tan, are getting married. Don't people from the company and the branches below come to attend? Otherwise, wherever you go, Lao Tan, you will be scolded by them. How many tables will there be like this? We also need to add the people in Sister Tianlin’s company and their customers.

"Even their customers are invited?" Lao Tan asked. He felt that this matter was getting bigger and bigger.

"Of course I want to invite you. You Communists don't need to announce that Tian Lin, the beautiful boss lady, has been occupied by you. Don't other people have any ideas?"

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said that everyone laughed.

Liu Ligan said, as well as Xiao Zheng and Xiao Ding, your comrades and former subordinates, you, Lao Tan, want to hide again this time, don't you tell them? If you don't let them come to see your sister-in-law, won't they scold you to death?

In this way, no one can be left behind. Lao Tan was in a dilemma. He said, how can such a big scene end? Forget it, let's just do it in a small way.

Lao Tan looked at Qu Tianlin and told her that we might as well not set a table at all and we would go on a trip.

Before Qu Tianlin expressed his opinion, everyone said no. Even Li Yong knew about this. He called Zhang Chen and said, if Lao Tan doesn't dislike it, I will be their witness.

Liu Ligan heard this, laughed, and said to Lao Tan, "Did you see, Lao Tan, you are so proud that even Mayor Li was alarmed? You have no way to retreat. As far as I'm concerned, just leave it alone." , set a time, leave the rest to Tan Shuzhen and Xiao An, and you will be waiting to be your groom and bride.

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao An both agreed.

Lao Tan and Qu Tianlin had no choice but to follow everyone's opinions, otherwise they would not be able to get through today.

They set the wedding date for September 20th, and left everything else to Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen and Xiao An to arrange it. Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, helped choose this day. He told Lao Tan that this day was Saturday is another auspicious day for getting married. It is the time when your communist army launches a general offensive.

He Hongmei stayed in Hangzhou for three days. Wenwen called her and asked her, do you want Zhang Yimou or Mr. Zhang?

"What's this mess?" He Hongmei asked.

"If you want Zhang Yimou, come back quickly. Director Zhang has a play and wants to talk to you about the costumes. If you want Mr. Zhang, then you can stay in Hangzhou. I will turn this place down."

Wenwen and He Hongmei said that of course He Hongmei would return to Beijing.

Zhang Chen sent He Hongmei to the airport. The two of them stood at the security checkpoint. He Hongmei stretched out her fingers and kept picking the buttons of Zhang Chen's shirt and told him, I will never come to Hangzhou again before September 19th. You Don’t go to Beijing either.

If I had a good deal with Director Zhang, I would not be able to come. He is stricter than the Japanese about all the details in the movie, and no flaws are allowed. I heard Miss Gong say that if I can cooperate with him, I definitely have to put my heart and soul into it.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Anyway, I will definitely come to Brother Tan and Sister Tianlin's wedding, don't you think?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Anyway, it's only more than a month from September 19th to now, don't you think?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

He Hongmei pressed her fingers on Zhang Chen's third button from the top, pressed harder, and cursed: "Oh, why did you say yes?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Then what else can I say, say no?"

"Just, just..." He Hongmei was a little anxious, "You can't hug me."

Zhang Chen hugged her.

He Hongmei rubbed her head on Zhang Chen's chest and said to him, "I feel a little sad."

"What are you sad about?"

"I remembered what Brother Tan said that day. He said that living people should be cherished. I was wondering if we were torturing ourselves too much, but I also felt that I was right. I can't be too attached to you. , otherwise you will lose yourself, oh, I just didn’t think well.”

He Hongmei nodded her head and gently tapped Zhang Chen's chest. Zhang Chen smiled and said, "It's okay for me to be attached to you."

"You can't do it 100%. If you can do it, I will look down on you." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen stopped talking, and at the end, He Hongmei said, I don’t want to anymore, there are still a few minutes, I don’t want to anymore, let me hug you.

After saying that, she really stopped talking and put her hands around Zhang Chen's waist. The two hugged like this for more than ten minutes. He Hongmei suddenly let go of Zhang Chen and shouted, "Okay, let's go!"

Turn around and walk towards the security checkpoint.

Zhang Chen watched her check her ID and pass the infrared inspection. He Hongmei never looked back at Zhang Chen. When she was about to turn the corner and disappear, she raised her right hand high and waved, but still did not look back, but Zhang Chen looked at her from behind. From her back view, she could see tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Zhang Chen stood there for a while, feeling a little disappointed. He sighed, turned around and walked outside.

Just when he turned to leave, He Hongmei came back and stood there, watching him blankly.

He Hongmei left, and Zhang Chen returned home in the evening. His mother and Xiao Zhao's mother called him aside very seriously. His mother asked seriously, Chenchen, how are you and Hongmei?

Zhang Chen didn't want to talk about this issue, but looking at the two mothers, he said, if I get married again, the bride will definitely be Hongmei, and if Hongmei gets married, she will definitely marry me.

The two old people didn't have the time to guess Zhang Chen's word game. They felt that this was the result they wanted. They both became excited. Xiao Zhao's mother said, if you want it, if Xiao Zhao knows, Will be very happy.

Zhang Chen encouraged Lao Tang to put his T-shirts on, and encouraged Ayong to put his leather goods on Ayong acquired the Hangcheng Leather Goods Factory the year before last and now has leather goods. The business has become very big.

Zhang Chen also encouraged He Hongmei’s classmates to put their scarves and hats on the Taobao website. He even took advantage of a meeting of the Hangzhou Women’s Clothing Chamber of Commerce to introduce the Taobao website to everyone, inciting everyone to put their clothes on the website. Put them all online and sell them.

It's a pity that those people looked at him indifferently, thinking that he was taking some benefits from and was pimping them. Selling clothes online? It sounds like a sacred book to them. Once they hear it, they forget about it.

What others are thinking is, since clothes are so easy to sell online, you still tell us that you hope we can all sell them online? I'm just afraid that it's too late for us to find out. Who are we trying to fool?

They didn't know that Zhang Chen started from his own personal experience. He felt that business is really not afraid of competition. In many cases, even the more competitive it is, the bigger the noise is, the more attractive it will be. Only when it attracts people will it attract more people. to purchase power.

Just like the clothing market they first opened, it was not popular and you couldn't do anything. At that time, Zhang Chen relied on the good location of the stall and the attractive decoration of the door. Almost everyone who entered the market would be ignored. What's the use of attracting people to his stall? You can count a few customers on your fingers every day.

But later, after everyone worked hard and became popular, the customers who came every day, you didn’t know where they came from, they just showed up, and there were surprises every day, and the business became easy to do.

Zhang Chen feels that the same is true on the Internet. The more people are attracted to it, the more people watch it, and the base is larger. Only the kind of idiots he mentioned will be more common, and business will be likely to improve.

Zhang Chen looked at these people sitting there, squinting at him with disdain on their faces. Zhang Chen really wanted to kick them and tell them, you short-sighted fools, you will definitely be eliminated in the end.

Fortunately, Zheng Huihong's website promotion was very successful and professional. Zhang Chen saw that the number of clothing brands on was increasing every day. The first and second ones were his "Half Acre Field" and He Hongmei. "Red Plum Blossoms Bloom", followed by more than 30 brands now.

Zhang Chen looked at this and felt an upward force.

He remembered the day when he and He Hongmei went to Zheng Huihong's company. The whole company was still bustling in the middle of the night. The people in the company seemed to have taken stimulants, and everyone's eyes were bright. Given time, he felt, This company will probably impress people.

Thank you Lao Chentang, Zeng Qishan, and RiRi Fanshu for the rewards! Thank you for your monthly votes for the old Taoist who has heard of and nagged you, Book Friends 20191216212944508, Starting Point Activities, Book Friends 20180620224028804, ﹉Love Purple Only﹉, Book Friends 20170225141942997, Kundera, Hu Hu, and pcm600812! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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