Zhang Chen arrived at the logistics base in Songjiang and solved the problem of tenants making trouble here. The so-called solution meant that everyone would be exempted from rent for three months just like the M-Zone.

The people here are more fierce, and some people have proposed that they should directly reduce their salary for half a year.

Zhang Chen looked at him and said, if you insist on reducing the price for half a year, then I have no choice but to clear out the entire business and invite investment again.

The other party smiled and said, if you are recruiting investment again at this time, will the devil come?

Zhang Chen said, I will do this regardless of whether I come or not. Even if I have to fight for a while, you are going too far. I would rather leave the entire base empty and clear the place.

"Why did we go too far?" the other party argued.

"You go back and read the contract carefully. This epidemic is a force majeure. In other words, we, Party A, have no obligation to reduce or reduce rent. The current reduction or exemption is a matter of affection, not an obligation. It's as simple as that.

"Including during the current epidemic, even if you have goods from one or two families, we are also responsible for helping you deliver the goods. The delivery fee is less than the gas price. We are also losing money every day. Why don't you say it? As a human being, you still have to think about yourself in the first half of the night , think about others in the rest of the night.”

The other party was left speechless by Zhang Chen and could only sign an agreement for a three-month reduction or exemption.

On Zhang Chen’s way back to Hangzhou from Songjiang, Xiao Zhao called him and told him that Parkson Shopping Center had just informed us that our entry would be postponed.

Zhang Chen said yes, then come back as soon as possible. In troubled times, it is best for the family to be together.

Xiao Zhao responded humbly, and she said, I asked Xiao Li to have a holiday first, so everyone should stay at home and not go out.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Then I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Xiao Zhao said, and Zhang Chen agreed.

The next afternoon, Zhang Chen went to the airport to pick up Xiao Zhao. When they were leaving the station, the staff found them and asked them, do you have the conditions for self-isolation? If so, it’s best to self-isolate first.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I came from Beijing. The epidemic in Beijing is quite serious. Just in case, I will self-isolate for three or four days first," the other party told them.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao left the airport and thought of going to Peach Blossom Spring. When they arrived at Peach Blossom Spring, they saw that the two land reclamation warriors had filled the refrigerator. They could stay here for a week, let alone three or four days.

Zhang Chen called his father and asked them not to come to Peach Blossom Spring these days.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao have settled down and settled down.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Xiao Zhao's phone rang. It was an unfamiliar landline number. The person introduced himself and said that he was from the Hangzhou City Epidemic Prevention and Control Center. She asked where Xiao Zhao was, and Xiao Zhao told her.

"Is there anyone else with you?" the other party asked.

"No, only my husband picked me up at the airport."

"Did you have any contact with anyone else during this period?"

"No, just the two of us."

"Great!" the other party shouted, "Then you stay there and don't go anywhere."

Xiao Zhao said yes, but was confused and asked: "Excuse me, what happened?"

The other party didn't answer, but hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

More than half an hour later, the alarm bell suddenly blared outside. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao opened the door to take a look. They saw ambulances, epidemic prevention vehicles and police cars coming from a distance. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt a little nervous and walked out quickly. go.

A policeman in protective clothing got out of the police car and shouted at them: "Go back, go back, don't come out!"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned to the house, and people in protective suits came in. While checking the house, they asked: "Is there anyone else here?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao quickly shook their heads. Zhang Chen asked, what happened?

The other party did not answer Zhang Chen's words, but repeated the previous questions on the phone. When they confirmed that they had not been in contact with other people, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor who was traveling with him told Xiao Zhao that the person sitting next to you on the flight from Beijing to Hangzhou has now been diagnosed and you have to come with us.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt their heads buzzing.

They didn't know how they got into the ambulance. Through the window, they saw that the police had circled their house and set up a cordon. Epidemic prevention personnel were going in and out carrying sterilizers on their backs.

The ambulance started immediately and they were taken to the No. 1 City Hospital, where they were quickly admitted to different isolation wards.

Li Yong was exhausted. At about 11 o'clock in the evening, he was at the train station. After checking the epidemic prevention work here, he could not go home yet. He had to go to the No. 1 City Hospital. It is said that two confirmed patients were admitted there today. , No. 004, and No. 005, Li Yong wants to go over and take a look.

When Li Yong arrived at the No. 1 City Hospital, the director told him that No. 004 and No. 005 happened to be seated next to each other because they were on the same plane from Beijing to Hangzhou.

"Who is the pathogen?" Li Yong asked.

"No. 004." The dean said and shook his head, "This person is so selfish. It could have been completely avoided."

"How do you say it?" Li Yong asked.

"No. 004 was a business trip from Hangzhou to Beijing. In fact, he already had symptoms in Beijing, but he was afraid that he would be quarantined in Beijing, so he took antipyretic medicine and got on the plane. When he got home, he found something was wrong. So he called us, but unfortunately, No. 005, who was seated with him, was still infected."

"On the plane, didn't you wear a mask?"

"I wore it, but unfortunately I took off the mask while drinking water and eating. Who would have thought that I would be so unlucky that the patient next door happened to be a confirmed patient."

"Are there many people who need to be quarantined now?" Li Yong asked.

"No. 004, the entire building where he lives has been quarantined. No. 005, has a good sense of self-prevention. The two of them followed the warnings of the airport epidemic prevention personnel and did not go anywhere. They just stayed in the villa in Taohuayuan."

"Peach Blossom Spring Villa? You mean Peach Blossom Spring Villa?" Li Yong was shocked and quickly shouted: "Are you sure?"

"Confirm." said the dean.

"Show me the information on No. 005 quickly." Li Yong shouted urgently.

The dean gave the patient's information to Li Yong. Li Yong took one look and felt dizzy.

Li Yong walked to the door of the No. 1 City Hospital, squatted down, and called Liu Ligan. The call went through, and the sound of singing and dancing came from the phone. Li Yong asked: "Gangzhi, where are you now?"

"It's a great place, with beautiful scenery and delicious food all around. Why, Commander Li, who is busy with everything, would you like to come and relax?" Liu Ligan asked.

Li Yong suddenly became angry and cursed: "I don't care where you are, pole, get out of here right away! I'm in the No. 1 Hospital now, something happened to Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao."

"What, what did you say?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao won the bid!" Li Yong squatted there and cried.

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