The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1310 Still continuing

Liu Ligan has not been to the company for several days. No one knows where he is. Zhang Chen has been staring at the factory during this period. He even slept on the sofa in the factory office. There is a saying, Much ado about nothing. With so many thousands of workers locked up in factories and not much work to do, it is easy for problems to arise.

When there was work to do, everyone was tied to their posts. They were exhausted from working every day. After work, they took the time to sleep. There was no time or mood to even quarrel with each other.

There was no work to do and no one could go out. Everyone was locked in the dormitory, and all kinds of conflicts arose. Zhang Chen had to keep an eye on him at all times. He, the boss, was still dignified to the workers. Many times, The effect of his intervention will be better than that of Zhao Zhi, and he can calm him down.

Because of this, Zhang Chen didn't even go upstairs to the dynamic zone for several days. Where would he encounter Liu Ligan? Anyway, Liu Ligan was still singing and dancing at this time. He was either with this woman or that one every day. Zhang Chen didn't bother to care.

Tan Shuzhen called Liu Ligan. The phone rang for a long time before he was picked up. Liu Ligan said lazily, "What are you doing?"

"When are you going to come to the company?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"I'm not going." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, you don't come." Tan Shuzhen got angry and cursed: "If you don't come today, you won't come in the future, and your company will be gone and bankrupt!"

After Tan Shuzhen finished scolding, she hung up the phone. Liu Ligan held the phone and was stunned for a long time. Then he realized that something was serious and rushed to the company.

It was only when I arrived at the company that I discovered that Tan Shuzhen was not an alarmist. Due to the epidemic, the sales of all their sales departments are now zero, and they do not earn a penny a day.

Since last year, because they took too much land, their capital chain has been very tight. Almost all the funds on the books have been turned into land. But fortunately, the overall real estate market is good, and their daily The funds recovered from sales can still be used to maintain the company's daily expenses and pay project fees.

Now the sales have suddenly become zero, which is equivalent to the source of running water being gone. But so many people have to eat and pay wages. Moreover, when the time comes, the project fees that should be paid must also be paid. In this way, their accounts Funds were immediately stretched.

"Discount, discount sales." Liu Ligan said without thinking.

"Are you stupid?" Tan Shuzhen said, "There is no one now, and every sales office is crowded. It's not a matter of price at all. Even if you give a discount, someone must come first."

"Moreover, we have a discount now. Will people who have already bought the same property come to make trouble? They all want to check out and so on. What should I do?" Lao Tan asked.

"That just adds fuel to the fire." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Can I get a new loan?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Don't even think about it." Tan Shuzhen said, "I have already called President Wang. The bank, hum, as soon as there is any trouble, the first thing to be strictly controlled is the real estate industry. Since this year, everyone has been clamoring about the real estate bubble in Hangzhou. Banks are already very nervous, and at this time, they are even more nervous.

"Not only ICBC, but every bank is the same. It is a risk warning issued by the People's Bank of China. Ms. Cai also called to inquire. She is very concerned about the mainland's real estate industry. To put it bluntly, she is not just concerned about their money."

"Moreover, our company is not in this situation. I asked around and found that all real estate companies are in this situation. Life is very difficult. We just want to cash in and sell some land. There are no other companies to take over." Tan Shuzhen said .

Liu Ligan smiled bitterly and said, "That means he was forced to a dead end?"

"Absolutely." Tan Shuzhen said, "Since there is no other way to increase open source, let's see if there is any way to reduce expenditures."

The result of the discussion between the three people is that it is almost impossible to reduce expenditures. Now the government requires various companies not to send workers home on vacation. There are dozens of sales offices across the country, including sales gentlemen and sales ladies. There are nearly a thousand people, plus the staff of various branches. It is impossible for them to say that they will not respond to the government's call, send them all home on vacation, or simply fire them.

Although at this time, laying off a large number of employees is the most reasonable thing to do, it will make them the target of criticism and make their company's credibility plummet.

The epidemic is not a reason to stop work at a construction site, and at every construction site, as long as it continues and reaches the amount of work stipulated in the contract, you must pay the amount that should be paid.

If this is the case, their current financial situation will not last more than two months.

For them, the most terrifying thing is that they don’t know when the epidemic will end. Judging from the current situation, there seems to be no possibility of ending in a short period of time. If so, the completed projects will bring them It's not wealth, but more houses that no one cares about.

There is no way to reduce expenditures, so we can only look back and continue to think about whether there is a way to increase revenue.

Tan Shuzhen stared at the newspaper in front of her, which contained daily epidemic reports and large-scale reports on medical staff. She said that she still had to find a way to make sales happen. If sales failed, the rest would be empty talk.

"Why do you get up? Shall we buy it ourselves?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Discount." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Ligan and Lao Tan were both surprised. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Didn't you just veto the discount sale?"

"This discount is different from a sale." Tan Shuzhen said, "I'm talking about a specific discount sale."

As Tan Shuzhen spoke, she thought of the limited-time discount sales she had done at the Banmutian store.

"What's the difference?" Lao Tan asked.

"Let's hold an event. In order to pay tribute to the medical staff who are fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention, all of our company's properties will be sold at a 15% discount to the front-line medical staff, as long as they can provide their identity documents. "

As Tan Shuzhen spoke, Liu Ligan and Lao Tan's eyes lit up. Lao Tan said, "Yes, that's right. In this case, those who have already bought it will be too embarrassed to make trouble. Are you embarrassed to compete with these medical staff? We are here." This is a special operation, and it is indeed not an ordinary discount.”

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Very good, I thought I was a profiteer, but I didn't expect there was someone more evil than me."

"Fuck you!" Tan Shuzhen cursed.

Their entire company immediately took action, placing advertisements in local newspapers and hanging banners at the sales office.

Their advertisements attracted many interviews from media reporters, who all called them conscientious developers. In this way, they also attracted other people who were staying at home but wanted to buy a house. Their sales department bucked the trend and became a It has to become popular, and by the time other real estate developers wake up and start to follow suit, they have already taken the lead.

Now that there is no danger of bankruptcy, Liu Ligan returns to his old ways and begins his days of miraculous success.

It's almost May. Every year, May is the best-selling month for summer clothes. But in May of this year, Zhang Chen knew from reading the newspaper that the epidemic will never end, and the inventory in the factory is getting more and more. Many, the distribution center and Zhang Chen said, there are already more than 40 million.

Zhang Chen felt miserable, but even so, the general agents kept calling Zhang Chen, telling him that some even begged him to increase the exchange rate. Zhang Chen could only Refusing flatly and raising the price a little higher would mean that their inventory would increase, and based on past experience, after May, summer clothing sales will begin to decline.

This was not the only thing that troubled Zhang Chen. Hagen called him and told him that the merchants in the market had also begun to make trouble. The reason was that since late March, there had been fewer and fewer customers in the market. , and now even more so, except for business owners, there is not a single customer that I see every day.

Merchants also know that the epidemic will not get better in the short term, and their business this year has already been devastated, so they are demanding rent reductions and exemptions.

There were too many merchants involved in the trouble, and Hagen had no choice. He told Zhang Chen that not only their market, but all the markets in Hangzhou were making trouble, and Sijiqing's place had already started making trouble.

After hearing this, Zhang Chen could only smile bitterly. His own clothing business was already like this, let alone those merchants in Sijiqing, especially those who promised 100% exchange.

Zhang Chen went to the M-Zone and negotiated with representatives of the merchants. The result was that the rent would be waived for three months. That is, when the lease expired, it would be extended for another three months without compensation. In these three months, Zhang Chen lost money. nearly 40 million in rent.

This is not the end yet. Zhang Chen knows that if the epidemic is prolonged, merchants will definitely make similar requests again. By then, he will be in a difficult position and will have to agree to their requests again.

When they have losses, they know to look for themselves. Who can they turn to for their own losses?

Zhang Chen felt like crying without tears.

The matter in the M-Zone had just been settled when Xiaojun called and told Zhang Chen that the second guy was about to start a fight with them. Those who rented the warehouse blocked the second guy in the office and refused to let him out, saying that he would not agree to the request. , and won’t let him go.

Zhang Chen knew without asking that the so-called request must also be to reduce the rent. Most of the goods rented in their logistics warehouse are sent to major supermarkets in Shanghai. The supermarkets are also empty now and there is no business. They went to the supermarkets to argue. The supermarket is very simple, it lets you exit, and once you exit, it is impossible to go back in.

If you can't find any bargains in supermarkets, it's easy to find them in warehouses.

Zhang Chen hurriedly said to Xiaojun: "Go over right away and tell the second-rate guy that no matter what, don't do anything. Do you understand? You should also make it clear to the tenants. I will come over right away and I will solve this problem."

"Okay, instructor, I'll go talk to them right away." Xiaojun followed the second guy and called Zhang Chen, not Mr. Zhang, but also the instructor.

Zhang Chen got into his car and drove to Songjiang immediately.

At this time, Zhang Chen understood a word very well, that is, riddled with holes. An epidemic had already made him riddled with holes.

Thank you Hu Hu for your monthly vote! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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