The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1270 Be careful to verify (Thank you Eternal Emperor Yan for becoming the alliance leader!)

"Isn't it possible that I was blackmailed by a classmate?" Liu Ligan said, "I was blackmailed when I was a primary school student in Yongcheng District. Damn it, I only have to pay pocket money on Wednesdays, but I still go to Lao Liu every day. The old wine rewarders have all been blackmailed by those picky guys."

"That's because you are a coward and you are willing to give it." Zhang Chen said, "If it were me, I would fight with them. I was not gregarious when I was studying, but no one dared to mess with me."

"If I don't give it, what will I do if I don't give it? I'll block you in the toilet and won't let you leave even if the school bell rings." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, Zhang Xiangbei must have encountered such evil forces."

Xiao Zhao shook her head and said: "No, the culture of protecting children is very good. Such a thing will not happen. If there is such a thing, Xiang Nan will definitely know about it. Beibei and his teachers have told me that in No one in school dares to bully Beibei."

"What, he's big? He's not big either." Liu Ligan said.

Xiao Zhao glanced at Tan Shuzhen and said with a smile: "He is Nan Nan's younger brother. If anyone bullies him, Nan Nan will come after him."

Tan Shuzhen also laughed. When Xiang Nan was in the third grade, why did he slap Curly Hair in the face for Xiang Bei? Xiao Zhao told them all. Liu Ligan shouted: "Yes, Xiang Nan's residual power is still there. It’s like the Thirteenth Sister of Hongxing.”

"Fuck you." Tan Shuzhen scolded.

"Or, could it be that Boss Zhang's style is back?" Xiaofang asked.

"What is Boss Zhang?" Liu Ligan asked. Xiaofang told him the origin of Boss Zhang. Liu Ligan laughed and said:

"Not bad, not bad. He does have the demeanor of his father."

Xiao Zhao still shook her head and said: "He seems to be playing behind Xiang Nan and the other female classmates, who are all in a higher grade than him. I haven't heard of any classmates who are better than him, just like his father. You wouldn’t be stupid enough to invite someone who is irrelevant, right?”

Several others laughed.

They discussed and discussed, but they couldn't figure out what Zhang Xiangbei did, but they all agreed that this matter must be clarified today and they must have a good talk with Zhang Xiangbei.

Next, who is the right person to talk about becomes a question again. Zhang Chen said that if this kind of thing is not handled well, the worst situation will happen, that is, he will lie randomly because he wants to avoid this matter.

"I'd better go talk to him." Xiaofang said, "Xiangbei is not afraid of me. If I ask him, he will probably tell the truth. It may not be a big deal. My sister and brother-in-law talk to him. It's too serious. Or Let me understand it first and then see what to do next.”

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao nodded and agreed that Xiaofang would do the talking. At the same time, Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen asked Xiang Nan to find out about Zhang Xiangbei's recent situation at school.

At noon on Sundays, usually after practice, we return to Zhang Chen's office. If Zhang Chen and the others have something to do, Xiaofang will take them home. If nothing happens, Xiaofang will take the two of them. Went out to eat, sent him home after dinner, and had a small gathering in the afternoon to pick up the violin teacher at home.

Xiangnan and Xiangbei came back. Xiao Zhao asked them what they wanted to eat. Zhang Xiangbei called out: "Tuxiangyuan."

He always heard adults talk about Tuxiang Garden, but he had never been there once. He just called it this way. Whenever he called it, Xiang Nan kept nodding.

Sunday noon is the emptiest time in Tuxiang Garden in a week. On this day, there are no official banquets, and most private dinners are held in the evening. Zhang Chen called Huijuan and made a reservation. Come down and go to Tuxiangyuan Hotel for dinner.

Several adults immediately decided to go there in several cars. Xiao Zhao took Xiangnan and took Tan Shuzhen's car, so that Xiao Zhao could ask what he should ask in the car.

Xiaofang took Zhang Xiangbei and took Zhang Chen's Audi A8 driven by Liu Ligan. Zhang Chen understood what they meant. When they got to the car, Xiaofang asked, Liu Ligan drove the car to make jokes, it would be soon. Relax Zhang Xiangbei's vigilance and tell them the real situation.

Liu Ligan kept winking at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen understood and shouted, "Gangzhi, give me your Aston Martin and I'll show off."

When Zhang Xiangbei heard this, he immediately wanted to sit with Zhang Chen. Liu Ligan said, you drive your father's shabby car with your uncle. When you come back, your uncle will take you to my high-end car so that you can compare. The car is good, but your father has always refused to admit that his car is a junk car.

Zhang Xiangbei nodded repeatedly and agreed to follow Liu Ligan.

The three cars arrived at Xiasha and turned into the parking lot of Tuxiangyuan Hotel. Huijuan stood waiting at the gate. When she saw them arriving, she came over to greet them. Zhang Chen got out of the car and asked Huijuan, today at noon, Not many people, right?

Huijuan said it was okay, but there were only seven or eight private rooms available.

"That's very good." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen, Xiao Zhao and Xiang Nan got out of the car. Zhang Chen knew that the questioning had been completed. Looking at Liu Ligan and the others, they seemed to have no intention of getting out of the car. Zhang Chen said, let's go in first.

Several people walked inside and reached the hall. Tan Shuzhen took Xiangnan to the seafood pool to order seafood. Huijuan accompanied them there. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao sat down on the sofa in the hall. Zhang Chen asked, how was it?

"Nannan didn't find anything unusual here. She just went to look for Xiangbei a few times at noon, but couldn't find her. Now after school in the afternoon, when their female classmates play together, Zhang Xiangbei no longer plays with them. Instead, two male classmates in his class said they were going to play ball." Xiao Zhao said.

"I'm already in fifth grade. It's normal that I no longer want to play with female classmates. It's also a good thing to be able to socialize more with classmates in my class." Zhang Chen said, "I dance with rubber bands every day, and I'm worried that he will turn into a sissy. .”

Xiao Zhao nodded.

Liu Ligan and Xiaofang came in with Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Chen and Zhang Xiangbei said, go to Aunt Shuzhen and Xiangnan in the seafood pool to see what seafood you want to eat.

When Zhang Xiangbei heard this, he ran away.

Liu Ligan and Xiaofang sat down, and Liu Ligan said, "All of them are done."

"What are you doing?" Xiao Zhao asked anxiously.

"In the Internet cafe, I was playing an online game called "Legend" with two classmates. I said it was very fun. I was fighting monsters and leveling up every day," Xiaofang said.

"Don't he have a game console? Why would he go to an Internet cafe?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He said that compared with online games, stand-alone games are weak." Xiaofang said.

"Did he lose his money just by playing games?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Yes, you need to buy point cards. Point cards cost thirty-five yuan each. After buying them, you can exchange them for game currency. The main thing is to buy equipment. If you have good equipment, you won't get beaten up." Xiaofang said.

"Playing every day? Why does he have time?" Zhang Chen asked.

"School is over at noon and in the afternoon." Xiaofang said. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao understood. This is why several times at noon, they went south to look north and couldn't find the reason. After school in the afternoon, he said he would go play ball with his classmates. In fact, Went to the Internet cafe.

He is already a sixth-grade or fifth-grade student, and he lives close to home. There is no one to pick him up and drop him off before and after school. Zhang Xiangbei came back late. Zhang Chen’s mother asked him, and he could easily cope with it by just saying "play ball". .

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I just went to play games and didn't buy cigarettes. When I was his age, after school in the afternoon, several classmates already pooled their money to buy eight cents a pack." Economy brand cigarettes, hide in public toilets and smoke them."

Liu Ligan laughed: "Is your elementary school doing this? The elementary schools in our district also do this, they are on the same level."

Xiaofang smiled and said, "No wonder I'm so addicted to cigarettes. I admire you, I admire you."

Xiao Zhao said: "What's okay? Holding the game console all day long gives me a headache. How can I study hard now when I'm playing "Legend"?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "In this way, you just pretend you don't know anything. I will first find out what kind of game this is, and then I can take advantage of the situation. This matter will be left to me, a troubled boy back then, to handle this matter." There is still a difference between boys and you little girls.”

Xiao Zhao thought for a while and said, okay.

Tan Shuzhen and Huijuan came over and told them that the food was ready, let's go. The four of them stood up and everyone went to the elevator. They saw Xiang Nan and Xiang North, and they were still looking at the fish and shrimp in front of the seafood pool. They followed the responsible person. The chef at the seafood pool asked questions from behind, and Tan Shuzhen shouted to them:

"Nannan, 203, come up on your own."

Xiangnan turned to look this way and said, "Okay, Mom."

A few people stood there waiting for the elevator. Xiao Zhao looked at the seafood pool and sighed. She said, "Oh, girls are more worry-free."

Tan Shuzhen and Huijuan both laughed. Tan Shuzhen asked, what's wrong?

Xiao Zhao told her about Zhang Xiangbei going to the Internet cafe every day. Tan Shuzhen understood that this was the case.

Liu Ligan said: "Tsk, don't worry. When girls reach high school and start to have boyfriends, you will have more to worry about. Boys won't have much to worry about."

"Nonsense, our Xiaofang has never been worried about." Tan Shuzhen said, "Xiao Zhao, have you and your parents ever worried about Xiaofang?"

Xiao Zhao looked at Xiao Fang, held her hand and said, "No, our whole family has been worried about Xiao Shu, including this exam. Not only our family, everyone is worried."

When Xiao Zhao was talking, Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan, what did he mean? Liu Ligan shouted: "We at Zhejiang University are of course different. Girls who can get into Zhejiang University are special cases. There are so many."

After eating, Liu Ligan took Zhang Xiangbei away, Xiangnan and Xiaofang got into Tan Shuzhen's car, and Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao walked together.

When they arrived at the downstairs of the dynamic zone, everyone got out of the car. Xiao Zhao and Xiao Fang walked south and north to Xiao Zhao's car. Xiao Zhao wanted to take them back. Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen walked upstairs. Zhang Chen asked Liu Pole:

"With such a great opportunity, is Zhang Xiangbei asking you for money again?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

"How much did you give this time?" Zhang Chen asked.

Liu Ligan said: "It's still five hundred."

"If he gets stuck in the game and can't get out, it's your fault." Tan Shuzhen scolded.

"What? Zhang Chen asked us to pretend we didn't know anything." Liu Ligan argued, "When Zhang Xiangbei asked me for money when I didn't know anything, how could I not give it to him?"

Thank you to the evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Evergreen Yan Dadi and Yuan Xi for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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