The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1269 This Year (Thank you, the Eternal Emperor Yan!)

In 2002, not only in Hangzhou but also across the country, a real estate bubble did not form. However, there was one industry that emerged from the bubble, and that was the Internet.

Starting from 2000, it was easy to get money and burn money very quickly in the past few years. Every Internet company did not make a penny. The employee benefits and company gimmicks were exaggerated. The financial market and Investment banks, looking at this arrogant darling, feel very angry, but they have no choice. Who makes them the arrogant darling and the trend-setter of the times?

Especially those investment banks and venture capital institutions, where the money has been taken out, but the heart is actually empty, and everything is foggy. No one can see clearly what the future will be like, but they still have to pretend to be fat. , telling various stories to deceive more investors and invest more money on the Internet.

Where there are more stupid people and more money, there are more people who blow bubbles and help blow bubbles together. Finally, the bubble of the Internet is blown bigger and bigger, but the bubble wall is actually getting thinner and thinner. Finally, it is again Finally, in 2000, this bubble finally began to burst. There was a lot of turmoil at home and abroad, and one Internet company was shut down one after another.

Jiaozi in those days fell to the ground and realized that, no matter what company, no matter how big your story is, making money is the last word. Jiaozi who don't make money are basically liars, and in the end they can only pay the bottom. His pants were all taken off and he started running around naked.

"e" and ".com" used to be symbols of confidence and the future. This kind of company has never been short of money, but it depends on whose money they want. But by 2000, people again saw " Companies with "e" will only say "Hey" with disdain. Those who are cursed and called damn are all ".com".

The Nasdaq index has plummeted. Whether it is Microsoft, Cisco or Intel, these Internet-related stocks need to find those small advertisements on telephone poles. Silicon Valley is closing down one Internet company after another every day.

Those people I meet on the road holding cardboard boxes are not even interested in looking at each other. They may have had various attitudes in the past, but now they all have one word, that is, miserable. There is also a common worry, that is, they don’t know what to do next. Where should I go to get food when I get down?

In China, 8848 has disappeared, eguo has disappeared, eachnet can’t stand it, Yanhuang Online can’t stand it, FM365 and Yitang can’t stand it either.

Those with hard lives, like Teacher Ma, finally withstood the hardships. In 2002, Zheng Huihong happily told Zhang Chen that our company had finally realized the positive flow of funds.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's just making money."

Zhang Chen burst into laughter and cursed: "You Internet people, can you talk normally? You mean, you haven't made any money in the past few years? You can still survive without making money. It seems that the Internet is really messy. If A company like ours will collapse after losing money for just one year, I admire it."

"I admire you, don't you? Then support me and become a member of 'Integrity Pass'. We all have a mission." Zheng Huihong said, Zheng Huihong is no longer the girl who talks loudly and blushes.

"How much?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Two thousand and forty-one years." Zheng Huihong said.

"Okay, you go to Zhao Jingjing and ask for it." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, Zheng Huihong, you are not in sales, how can you have a task?"

"It was just launched this year and everyone has a responsibility," Zheng Huihong said.

"You must have been fooled by Teacher Ma again." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "How about we get a few more, one for the foreign trade company, one for Zhao Zhigang's factory, and one for the second-hand logistics base? Can we complete the task?"

"Okay, thank you, thank you Mr. Zhang!" Zheng Huihong smiled and ran next door to find Zhao Jingjing.

Along with Mr. Ma and others, QQ was also able to survive. QQ is a chat software launched by Tencent in 1999. It was originally called OICQ, which is an imitation of ICQ. ICQ means I seek you (I seek you), and OICQ imitates it. ICQ, which adds a letter O in front of ICQ, opening I seek you, means "open ICQ".

In 2000, AOL, the parent company of ICQ, sent a lawyer's letter to Tencent, pointing out that Tencent had infringed the company's rights and requested a name change. Ma Huateng had an idea and changed the name of OICQ to QQ. By 2002, the number of QQ users had exceeded 100,000. Three million, there is a strong tendency to surpass MSN.

At the CCTV Economic Leaders Award Ceremony, Ma Huateng personally promoted QQ to Haier's boss Zhang Ruimin, which attracted everyone's attention. At that time, Zhang Ruimin thought QQ was simply useless.

This year is the first year of China's WTO. On December 11 of the previous year, China joined the WTO.

This year, Sina, Sohu and NetEase, with SP, that is, wireless value-added services, realized for the first time the positive flow of funds that Zheng Huihong said.

This year is also the first year of blogging. Starting from this year, netizens have a new place to go besides forums and chat rooms, and that is blogging.

May 17th of this year is World Telecommunications Day. China Telecom launched GPRS, a mobile Internet service. This year is also the first year of MMS. Holding a mobile phone, you can not only send text messages, but also pictures and photos. .

This year, the most exciting thing for the majority of netizens is that the broadband service launched by China Telecom has realized the desire of more and more people to access the Internet at high speed, and they can finally say goodbye to the beeping sound. of the modem.

As Internet speeds get faster and faster, the company that benefits most is Chen Tianqiao's Shanda and his online game "Legend". In February 2002, the number of people online exceeded 120,000, and in August, the number of people online exceeded 500,000. People, by the end of 2002, the total number of registered users of "Legend" exceeded 40 million. According to statistics, the number of Internet users in China that year was only 48.5 million.

In November 2002, "Legend" version 1.6 "Hot-Blooded Condor" was launched, and it was officially announced that the highest number of online players in "Legend" exceeded 650,000. In that era, online games were equal to "Legend", which was not the case at all. It is an exaggeration to say that "Legend" occupies 68% of the domestic online game market.

The popularity of "Legend", a game introduced from South Korea to China, directly created the Shanda Game Dynasty and Chen Tianqiao's wealth myth.

On Sunday, as usual, Zhang Chen sent Xiang Nan Xiangbei to the arena to play. Zhang Chen sent them to the arena and returned to his office. As soon as he sat down, he saw Zhang Xiangbei coming in. Zhang Chen asked, What's wrong?

"Dad, can you give me some money?" Zhang Xiangbei asked.

"Okay." Zhang Chen took out ten dollars from his wallet and handed it to Zhang Xiangbei. Zhang Xiangbei shook his head and said it was not enough.

Zhang Chen looked at him, then looked at his wallet, took out a fifty note and gave it to him. Then Zhang Xiangbei said "Thank you, Dad" and walked out.

Looking at Zhang Xiangbei's back as he walked out, Zhang Chen felt a little strange, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Xiangbei should have a lot of money himself. The New Year's money he receives every year is tens of thousands. So many uncles, aunts, and grandparents will give it to him, including when he goes back to Yongcheng with his grandparents to pay New Year's greetings. , he keeps the New Year’s money given by others for himself.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao felt that this was his own money, so they let him keep it by himself, which was also a kind of training for him. He had his own bank card, and all the lucky money would be stored in this card. Zhang Xiangbei In the past, he rarely asked himself for money, and all he used was his own New Year's money.

At around ten o'clock, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Fang came. As soon as Xiao Zhao came in, he asked Zhang Chen, did Beibei ask you for money?

Zhang Chen said yes, and I gave him fifty. What's wrong?

"This guy has been asking for money everywhere in the past two days. My grandparents want it, Xiaofang and Xiaoshu want it here, and I want it too. What is he doing?" Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen was a little confused before, but now he was even more surprised after hearing Xiao Zhao's words. He asked: "Isn't he rich? Why is he asking for money everywhere?"

Xiao Zhao glanced at Zhang Chen and said, "You really don't understand your son. Xiang Nan manages all his money."

"If Xiang Nan is left alone, Xiang Bei will bring a large group of classmates to treat guests every day, buying this and that. He became famous for buying the small shop in front of the school in the first grade, and his classmates call him Boss Zhang." Xiaofang said. , "Xiang Nan just accepted his bank card and gave him one yuan as pocket money every day."

"You instilled this in your mind, right? How can a poor family become rich? A man can have no money, but he cannot be stingy." Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and asked.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He said, "I'm just teaching him how to be a man, but I'm not..."

Xiao Zhao waved his hand and said: "No need to teach him, he knows it naturally. Fortunately, he has a wife to take care of him. Even if he has a wife to take care of him, Lao Meng, Gangzi and the others would usually give him money, but he would hide it everywhere as private money. It's even hidden under the flower pot outside, and it's not stored in that card."

Zhang Chen and Xiaofang both laughed.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen walked in. Liu Ligan asked, "What are you doing? Holding a family meeting?"

Xiao Zhao asked: "Did Beibei ask you for money?"

Tan Shuzhen shook her head. Liu Li didn't make a sound, but Zhang Chen knew that he must take it.

"I know, he must be doing something that Xiangnan doesn't know about." Xiaofang said, "So he didn't ask Xiangnan for it, and he didn't ask Sister Shuzhen for it. He knew that if he asked Sister Shuzhen for it, , Xiangnan will probably know."

"What's going on?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Xiao Zhao told them the matter. When the two of them heard it, they felt that the matter was serious. They also agreed with Xiao Fang's judgment that Zhang Xiangbei must have gone to do it with the money. Xiang Nan didn't know, nor did he. Otherwise, he could just and confidently ask Xiang Nan for money.

"How much do you want?" Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan scratched his head and said, "It happened last Sunday. I gave him five hundred."

Liu Ligan saw several people staring at him and quickly explained: "He said he wanted to buy something, so I gave it to him."

Tan Shuzhen sneered: "He didn't even tell you how much he wanted, so you just paid him five hundred yourself, right?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

Zhang Chen was secretly surprised. What surprised him was that in just one week, Zhang Xiangbei took five hundred from Liu Ligan and took money from other people. He had already spent all the money. Only today would he ask himself Yes, where did he spend it?

Thank you to the Evergreen Emperor Yan, the Doll Tin Soldier, and the Daily Page for the rewards! Thank you Li Zhicheng, It’s so hard to name without repeating, Li Ruijin, elberkirg, Running with a Smile Y, Lu’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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