The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 114 It’s really a battle of wits and courage

Xiao Lin came back with a rag. He wiped the table and chairs with the rag. The rag had just been washed with water. After wiping, the table and chairs were wet, and it was impossible to sit on them. Gu Shufang kept looking at Xiao Lin, and she didn't know. Reminding him that Xiao Lin knew that he was wrong as soon as he finished wiping, so he still dared to look at her, Gu Shufang cursed impatiently:

"You can't do anything well if you go out, it's true!"

Xiao Lin quickly slipped out. Zhang Chen stood up and said to Gu Shufang, "Accountant Gu, you can either sit here with me."

Gu Shufang ignored him. She had just lost face, but she was still unwilling to accept it. She asked: "Then have your sand and bricks been accepted?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Of course I checked and accepted it when I entered the venue."

"right here?"

"right here."

"How do you check for acceptance here?" Gu Shufang asked. She felt that Zhang Chen must be lying. There are so many sand and bricks, and there is no weighing scale here. How do you check for acceptance?

"It's very simple. The sand is originally bought by the cubic meter. When it comes here, of course it is measured and accepted." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"How to measure?" Gu Shufang was reluctant. Zhang Chen felt that Gu Shufang at this time was very similar to the chef who asked himself whether to use light soy sauce or dark soy sauce to steam fish during his interview.

Zhang Chen was secretly amused, but he explained patiently. He could see that Gu Shufang was a little angry. To an angry person, you have a big quarrel with him, which is exactly what he wants, and he can just scream. Yelling to cover up one's own grievances.

On the other hand, if you hold the attitude of "Let him be strong when he is strong, the breeze will blow on the mountains; let him be horizontal when he is horizontal, the bright moon will shine on the river. He will be cruel to himself, and he will be evil, and I will be full of energy." Showing himself in front of his own stupidity would choke him to death.

"This is not complicated. Accountant Gu is such a smart person. I think as long as I explain it, you will understand it right away."

Zhang Chen deliberately slowed down his speech and continued: "After a batch of sand comes in, we will find a flat place. It just so happens that the original Daying Road is very flat. We will pile the sand into a neat trapezoid. This, In our jargon, it's called 'making a square'. After 'making a square', use a measuring tape to measure its length, width and height. It's easy to get the cubic number, right?"

Gu Shufang's face turned from red to white, and she felt uncomfortable all over. Zhang Chen looked at her with interest.

In the daytime, her skin looked really good, and there was no trace of the skin of a woman in her forties. If she were to paint it herself, Zhang Chen thought, she would add some vermilion to the white, and a little more. Bright yellow is not enough, nor is it white enough. You need to add a little bit of ultramarine to show the coolness of white.

Gu Shufang bit her lip, and when she spoke again, it was close to being arrogant. She said, "Why do they have to be piled up in a trapezoid shape, not a rectangle?"

Zhang Chen burst into laughter and said, "Sister, I also want to pile the sand into a rectangle, but how can I pile the sand into a rectangle without it collapsing? Please teach me."

Gu Shufang probably felt that her statement was too ridiculous. When she saw Zhang Chen smiling, she couldn't help but smile, but the smile was fleeting.

"What about the red bricks? How do you count the red bricks?" When Gu Shufang asked again, her tone softened and she seemed to be asking for advice: "Do you count them piece by piece?"

Zhang Chen stopped his smile and said to her: "No, this is called quantitative palletizing in our terminology. It is usually a group of four bricks, stacked horizontally and vertically, to create a stack of four hundred bricks, and then follow the same pattern one by one. Just pile up piles of the same size. When they are all piled up, multiply the number of piles by four hundred and you will get the total."

"That's really smart." Gu Shufang said.

"I did not invent this, it is the experience summed up by the working people in practice." Zhang Chen said.

"I didn't praise you for being smart either." Gu Shufang said and smiled again.

Zhang Chen didn't know if this was what Liu Ligan said about letting down his guard, but he felt that Gu Shufang seemed to soften a lot and was no longer so aggressive. She asked some more questions about other materials, and then walked to the door. He called out: "Xiao Lin."

Xiao Lin ran over quickly, and Gu Shufang said, "Send me back."

Xiao Lin quickly opened the umbrella, and Zhang Chen shouted: "Accountant Gu, go slowly."

Gu Shufang ignored him, and Zhang Chen said, "Welcome to come often."

Gu Shufang suddenly turned around, her eyes like a knife across Zhang Chen's face, she sneered: "Really? Do you want me to come here often?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Of course, if you have any questions, come and see for yourself, so I don't have to go back and explain to you."

Gu Shufang said nothing, turned and left.

Zhang Chen looked at their backs and suddenly sympathized with Xiao Lin. He thought that the return rate of this trip was high enough. If he walked a few more times, Xiao Lin would become a celebrity on Boai South Road.

The BB phone in Zhang Chen's waist rang. Zhang Chen looked at it and saw: "Miss Ning wants you to pick up Xiao Zhao at the airport at 9:30 p.m."

The operator at the information desk couldn't figure out "Zhao" and "Zhao". It seemed that Xiao Ning arrived in Haikou before Xiao Zhao. Maybe it was Xiao Xu or Mr. Fu who picked her up.

When Xiao Zhao arrived, Zhang Chen felt his heartbeat speed up, and he quickly scolded himself again.

In the evening, Liu Ligan arrived. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan went to eat pig's feet rice together. After the meal, Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan whether he should go to Wenming East or Wanghai Tower. Liu Ligan said, go to Wanghai Tower, that old witch , I get angry just looking at it.

Zhang Chen laughed loudly and said that he didn't expect that you, Liu Ligan, would be afraid of anyone.

"Am I afraid of her?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"If you're not afraid, why don't you dare to go?"

"I think it's bad luck, you know."

"Okay, no explanation, let's listen to the explanation next time." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"If she breaks down, she'll break down. Next time, I'll cut her into pieces." Liu Ligan cursed.

When the two people were talking, they had already walked back. They returned to the Wanghailou office and sat and chatted. Zhang Chen also felt that it was more comfortable to stay here, at least he could smoke freely.

The two of them had just finished smoking a cigarette when Jianqiang appeared at the door. Zhang Chen shouted, Jianqiang is rare, long time no see.

In fact, it only took a week for Zhang Chen to move from Yilin's house. However, Zhang Chen felt that this week was really too long. There were changes every day and things happened every day.

Jianqiang chuckled and said, I have been here twice and you were not here, but we finally met today.

Zhang Chen understood that it was night when Jianqiang and the others came to Wanghai Tower. He came to see him at this time, and of course he was not there.

Jianqiang sat for more than half an hour, and the BB machine in his waist rang. Jianqiang and Zhang Chen said, Brother Zhang Chen, can I call you back? Zhang Chen pointed to the phone on the table and said, "Make a call by the way."

Jianqiang went back and saw that the call was from a regular customer. Jianqiang asked Zhang Chen if he had paper and pen. Zhang Chen took paper and pen from the drawer to him. Jianqiang answered the phone while writing crookedly on the paper.

After hanging up the phone, Jianqiang immediately called Jiajia. Jiajia didn't call back after ten minutes. Jianqiang told them that she was busy now. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both found it funny but were embarrassed to laugh. They all understand what Jiajia is busy with now.

This singer is on stage right now, singing loudly.

After another five or six minutes, Jiajia called back. Jianqiang looked at the piece of paper and said to Jiajia, "I'm at Brother Zhang Chen's place. You can go directly to Guoshang 603."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked at each other and said in their hearts, what the hell, this is an assembly line operation.

Seeing that it was past nine o'clock, Zhang Chen decided to pick up Xiao Zhao. He told Liu Ligan, you and Jianqiang are here, I have something to do. By the way, you can go directly to Daying Road to meet Chen Qihang later. They meet and I might be late.

Liu Ligan thought to himself that if Zhang Chen had something to do at this time, he must go to Mr. Fu upstairs, so he told him, go ahead. I will close the door when we leave later.

Zhang Chen went to the parking lot of Wanghai Building in front and rode his motorcycle to the airport. It only took a few minutes. When he arrived at the exit, the small place was already crowded with people picking up passengers.

Next to the exit, there was a board hanging with paper that was changed from time to time. The message Xiao Ning sent him did not mention the flight. Zhang Chen squeezed into the crowd and saw a plane from Chengdu, which was around eight o'clock. , there is another trip at ten o'clock, and at nine-thirty, there is only one trip from that direction from Chongqing.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that Xiao Zhao must have come on this plane.

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