The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 113 Deliberately looking for trouble

Today is Saturday, and Jin Lili is not here. The three people from his company have all gone to Beijing to celebrate the Chinese New Year. They will come here to pay New Year greetings to all the relatives who should come to visit, and then they will fly back to Beijing and need to report to the investors. Because there would be some financial issues involved, Mr. Xia asked Jin Lili to go with him.

Jin Lili said that this report is very important. After Hainan's economic downturn, the company's performance declined sharply. Everyone has a headache and is very pessimistic. They don't know what else can be done in Hainan. If the report is not satisfactory, the investors will most likely ask to withdraw their investment, or simply dissolve Hainan Bada Industrial Co., Ltd.

"Zhang Chen, then I will be unemployed." Jin Lili almost cried when she talked to Zhang Chen on the phone.

Zhang Chen quickly comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of now. I can live and eat here, and I can support you."

Jin Lili burst into tears and smiled: "Okay, I like hearing this, then I will rely on you."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "You have relied on me for several years, haven't you?"

"Get out!" Jin Lili giggled and hung up the phone while cursing.

Li Yong and Chen Qihang are back. Years ago, Zhang Chen didn't let Liu Ligan tell them that he was going to Wanghai Tower because he hadn't officially started work yet. Today, Chen Qihang called Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan said I told Chen Qihang about this, and when he heard it, Qihang shouted, "It's great, we must celebrate it." They made an appointment to have hot pot at ten o'clock tonight.

Liu Ligan hasn't gone to wash the building in the past few days. The New Year has just passed and everyone's minds are not yet focused on work. If you go there, it will only make people feel bored.

Liu Ligan held a shoebox of business cards every day and called people one by one to wish them a happy New Year. Unexpectedly, he got an unexpected harvest. Some people were eager to recruit workers after the New Year. Liu Ligan called and just received this business.

Liu Ligan was either at his newspaper office or at Zhang Chen's place all day long, holding a phone in his arms. Anyway, it only took ten minutes to ride from Longbipo to Zhang Chen's place.

Before the fifteenth day, Zhang Chen's place had started work ahead of schedule. The people from the muddy water team and the handyman team were recruited first, and other people were found in time while they were working.

Zhang Chen looked at the space that was separated in front of the door and wondered how such a large open space could be used. In just a few days, it was filled with all kinds of building materials. From the river From sand to gravel, from steel to red bricks, as well as construction formwork and wheelbarrows, piles were piled here and there, quickly filling up the site.

Zhang Chen stood at the door of the office and looked at everything in front of him, like a general, looking at the well-constructed fortifications, and he felt a sense of pride. He looked to the right, near the Agricultural Bank of China, and saw two work sheds. Look to the left, the gate leading to Wuzhishan Road, where cars are coming in and out, and it is very busy.

Looking at it, Zhang Chen opened his eyes wide. He saw two people appearing at the gate. One was Lin Zhao, and the other was Gu Shufang. Although it was still winter, even the sun at noon was not bright. It was hot, but Lin Zhao still held an umbrella for Gu Shufang. From such a distance, Zhang Chen could see Xiao Lin's grimace.

Zhang Chen understood that Gu Shufang wanted to protect her unreal white skin. She also held a handkerchief in her hand and wiped it on her face from time to time.

Zhang Chen felt strange that Gu Shufang could actually leave her humble house and go to this messy construction site. What was she doing here?

As soon as these two people with strange behavior appeared at the construction site, they quickly attracted people's attention. Everyone turned to look at them. Zhang Chen saw many employees of Wanghai Tower passing by them also looking at them. It could be seen from their expressions that they didn't know who this strange woman was.

Gu Shufang had obviously made careful preparations to come here. On her feet, she wore a pair of Jiefang shoes that had been washed white and no one was wearing them anymore. She didn't know where she found them.

These shoes didn't match her fashionable clothes or her whole person at all. They looked so artificial and abrupt.

She walked carefully on tiptoe in the venue as if dancing. She first walked to a pile of rebar and asked Xiaolin to lift off the plastic sheet covering it. She squatted down, looked at it carefully, and used He counted with his fingers one by one, then took out a piece of paper and a calculator from the bag he was carrying, and started counting.

Zhang Chen suddenly realized, what the hell, this is a knock on the door. She took the inventory list made by the material manager and came to make a surprise inspection of the inventory.

This inventory list is what Zhang Chen brings back every day when he goes back to do her accounting.

They then walked to the neatly stacked round rods, and Gu Shufang started counting again.

Then, they stood in front of the sand and red bricks. These things could not be counted or counted. Gu Shufang seemed to be very distressed. She kept looking at the inventory list in her hand and then at the things in front of her, thinking for a long time. , there was nothing we could do in the end.

Gu Shufang asked Lin Zhao something. Lin Zhao pointed to the shed where cement and other things were piled. The two people walked towards that side. They saw Zhang Chen. Gu Shufang showed no expression. Lin Zhao stood behind her. , shook his head helplessly towards Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked at them coldly, not even bothering to say hello.

When he saw them entering the work shed, he turned back to the office.

About half an hour later, Gu Shufang walked into the office, and Xiao Lin followed her.

Zhang Chen sat there, looking at her indifferently, saying nothing.

Gu Shufang walked to the desk opposite Zhang Chen. She looked at the table. The ashtray on the table was almost full of cigarette butts. There were white cigarette ashes everywhere on the dark red table. Gu Shufang frowned. Brows, she looked at the chair and frowned again, not even daring to stretch out her fingers to wipe them.

Xiao Lin walked around the room, mumbling, looking for a rag, when Zhang Chen called out: "Behind the door."

Xiao Lin took the rag from behind the door and wiped it on the table. Unexpectedly, the table became even dirtier and the cigarette ashes flew up.

Gu Shufang quickly took two steps back, fanning her face with her hands. Xiao Lin was at a loss for words. He was stunned for a moment before he thought that he should go to the faucet first and wet the rag. He quickly walked out.

Gu Shufang and Zhang Chen were the only two people left in the office. Gu Shufang stood there angrily and stared at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen felt angry and funny in his heart. He said: "Accountant Gu, this office is not as civilized as Dong, people from all walks of life are here, so I won’t invite you to sit down. If you want anything, you can tell me.”

Gu Shufang shook the inventory list in her hand and said to Zhang Chen: "I am free today, so I came over to check the inventory. I think you should know that it is also my responsibility to take inventory."

Zhang Chen nodded. He said yes. Have you finished the inspection?

"Took a preliminary look."

"What is the problem?"

"Problem? Huh, there are problems everywhere. You really don't know until you see them." Gu Shufang said dissatisfied.

Zhang Chen said "Oh" and asked, "Tell me, what are the problems?"

"Let's talk about steel first. I asked the material manager and he admitted that these materials were not weighed when they came in." Gu Shufang said.

"It's true, we don't have that condition." Zhang Chen said, "But did he tell you that every time he came in, he had carefully counted them and marked them with red paint on the steel he counted?"

"Of course I have counted. What's the use? Steel is measured by weight. Can we count the weight?" Gu Shufang said.

"Where did Accountant Gu work as an accountant before?" Zhang Chen asked.


Zhang Chen laughed: "No wonder, does Accountant Gu know that all the steel rolling mills in our country produce according to the theoretical weight unified by the country?"

"What's the meaning?"

"This means that for example, the theoretical weight of 16-inch rebar is 1.58 kilograms per meter stipulated by the state. A rebar with a fixed length of 12 meters is 18.96 kilograms per rod, and 106 rods per bundle. The theoretical weight of such a bundle is 2010 Kilogram, the nominal weight is two tons, which is the pricing weight sold to us.

"The material manager only needs to count how many bundles are pulled each time, and he will know how much rebar is delivered. As for the wire rods you see, if you look carefully, each bundle has a material nameplate, which is clearly recorded It contains the manufacturer, production date and weight, and it was also weighed when it was pulled out from the metal warehouse, and there will be a weighing sheet. Can you understand what I say?"

Zhang Chen finished speaking in one breath. Gu Shufang pursed her lips and blushed on her fair face. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief.

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