The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1118 The night connecting the centuries

My cousin's cooking was indeed very good. Everyone was very satisfied with the meal. Liu Ligan did not eat the frozen crab, but he did eat the spicy baked flower crab with salted egg yolk. He shouted that it was delicious. He also had fried water spinach with shrimp paste. , sighed, we can catch up with Binya Village.

As for water spinach, Liu Ligan has always believed that the food stall in Binya Village in Haicheng is the best in the world. To say that it can catch up with Binya Village is a high compliment.

Zhang Chen and Meng Ping, however, felt that their cousin's garlic cheese lobster was so unique that they could eat one by themselves.

Chen Qihang laughed at them and said, when you get here, you must eat boiled or sashimied seafood, so that you can enjoy the deliciousness of the seafood itself. Everything you eat is seasoned.

While they were eating, boatmen kept bringing seafood to them. Their cousin proudly told them that if the fishermen here catch anything good at sea, the first one will definitely send it to me. I won’t accept it anymore. , will be sent to other places.

Just as he was talking, a fisherman sent over three Hong Kong lobsters, each weighing more than two kilograms. My cousin quickly accepted them and told Zhang Chen and others that you are really lucky. You can’t get many such big Hong Kong lobsters in a year. Come on, three more came today. I'll make sashimi for you right away.

Everyone cheered.

A large group of people were eating and chatting there. By the end of the meal, everyone was begging for mercy, saying that they couldn't eat anymore. Their stomachs were about to burst. But when the food came, they couldn't help but move their chopsticks. They really couldn't. When the dishes were served again, my cousin gave up and stopped adding more dishes.

It was almost three o'clock when I said goodbye to my cousin and returned to the hotel, but no one felt sleepy at all. We were going back in the afternoon and we could sleep on the plane, so why not just stay up all night.

Lin Yiyan led Xiao Zhao, Tan Shuzhen, Qu Tianlin and Qian Fang to go to the SPA. Wei Wenfang and Xiao An took Xiao Fang and must go to the casino to continue. Lao Tan and Han Gaozu Liu Bang, as well as Li Yang, Xu Jiaqing and others, Erhuo and Wu Zhaohui got out of the car and went to the casino.

Old Tang and Lin Shuwan went upstairs to spend their short wedding night. Old Tang's classmates had also gone to the casino early. They had lost all the chips in their pockets last night. A few of them were silent today. If it doesn’t work, go to another casino. Anyway, there are many casinos in Macau.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping also wanted to go to the casino and felt itchy, but they had no chips in their pockets. Xiaofang wanted to give them her chips, but Chen Qihang refused. Qihang said that they had already lost all the others. No more can be given to them.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping were helpless.

Chen Qihang looked at the two of them and said, let's go to my office for tea. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan agreed, and the three of them, together with Zhang Chen, went to Chen Qihang's office.

When they arrived at Chen Qihang's office, Liu Ligan called out: "Qihang, can you bring up Xiaofang's picture here? Let me see how she wins."

Chen Qihang said yes.

Four people gathered in front of the row of monitors. Chen Qihang found the table where Xiaofang was sitting. They saw Xiaofang sitting there, holding her chin in her hands, pressing her lips tightly, her head lowered slightly, as if she was What were she thinking? That expression did not match her age. She was like an old monk in trance. She was sitting there, but her soul had already left the card table.

Wei Wenfang and Xiao An stood behind her, staring at her nervously.

Xiaofang did not bet on every hand. She stared at the table, like a sniper, waiting for the target to appear. But when she identified the target and made her bet, the bet she placed was not small. It was three every time. Ten thousand, no more, no less.

The four of them stood there, watching her make four bets, winning three times and losing once. But no matter whether she won or lost, her expression was the same, and she fell into trance immediately. Wei Wenfang and Xiao An behind her, their expressions Much richer than her, but no matter what they were saying, it didn't seem to affect her.

Chen Qihang smiled and said to Meng Ping and Liu Lizhan: "See, this is control. Gangzi, Lao Meng, when did you two have such control before you can enter the casino?"

Meng Ping shook his head and quickly waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, you can't learn it. This is a matter of character."

Chen Qihang smiled and said, "It's good to know."

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan were worried that Chen Qihang would bring up old matters again, but Qihang didn't say much and instead invited them to the sofa to drink tea.

"By the way, Qihang, how is Li Yong doing now?" Zhang Chen asked after sitting down.

"It should be pretty good. Being the mayor of that county-level city is also a transition. When I return to Qingdao, I should be the deputy mayor." Chen Qihang said with a smile, "Li Yong adapted very quickly, and the monkey's eldest brother is also very good." Value him.”

Meng Ping sighed and said: "This agency is indeed very tempering. It will quickly smooth your edges and corners."

"What do you want to say, Lao Meng?" Chen Qihang looked at Meng Ping and asked.

Meng Ping said: "To be honest, I prefer the ideal Mayor Li. Mayor Li is very rare and is an alternative in the agency. As for the current Mayor Li, I dare not make any comments, but I think he is as good as Mayor Li. Like most people I've met, he may be getting better every year, but I feel like he's just becoming more mediocre and worldly."

The four of them were silent. After a while, Chen Qihang also sighed and said:

"Actually, I also miss Li Yong, who called me in the middle of the night and talked endlessly about his hometown, the difficulties here and the difficulties there. He seems to be doing well now and has no difficulties, but I feel that between us, He is also stranger than before.

"If Li Yong was like Don Quixote in the past, doing what he wanted to do every day, maybe now he only does what he thinks he should do, what seems more correct.

"But it's no wonder that none of us have changed. Have each of us ever thought that we would become what we are today? So sometimes I wonder if I am too harsh on Li Yong. Why did he I can’t do what I should do, but I can, and I hope he does what he wants to do. Is that ideal his ideal or mine? I’m not sure.”

"Yes, Qihang, you are right. We all have the tendency to hope that others will become martyrs to achieve our dreams." Meng Ping said, "That Mayor Li was something I couldn't do even when I was in the government. So I admire him."

"I'm not as complicated as you think. I just hope that he will serve as an official for one term and not become a corrupt official, and then he can do his best to do good things." Zhang Chen said.

"It's unlikely that a corrupt official will be found guilty, but it's hard to tell a corrupt official."

Chen Qihang said: "Li Yong told me, Zhang Chen, he said that every time he talks to you on the phone, you will tell him, Li Yong, if you need to spend money on anything, how much it is, just ask, I will never do it." I won’t ask you what you use it for, and will call you right away. You can use it for anything, but you should never touch any money you shouldn’t take. Zhang Chen, you said this, right?”

Zhang Chen nodded.

Chen Qihang smiled and said: "Li Yong told me that this is more effective than any other education. As long as someone gives him money, he will think, I want your money, it is better to ask for Zhang Chen's money."

Zhang Chen also smiled and said: "I hope he thinks so."

"This is to give him an added layer of insurance, so I say that he probably won't be corrupt, but it will be difficult not to be corrupt," Chen Qihang said.

"Then he will become a different person again." Meng Ping said, "Not being dirty means being different from others. A person who is different from others will put pressure on the people around him and can easily become a thorn in the side of everyone."

Chen Qihang and Zhang Chen both nodded.

Liu Ligan thought of Sun Hou's eldest brother and Huang Jianren's second brother. Thinking of what they did, it was hard to say that they were bad people, especially from his perspective. They didn't seem to be greedy. Liu Ligan gave them money, and they They didn't accept it, but they handed it over to others, so it's hard to say it's not dirty.

Liu Ligan didn't know whether Li Yong would be like Sun Hou's eldest brother if he looked back in a few years. He was still a good person, even a very loyal person, but just because of his loyalty, he would always be a good person. Walking in the gray area.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Ligan admired Liu Chengcheng even more. Being able to take care of both a good person and a good official is a skill that is difficult to master.

"Come on, let's go see how Xiaofang's results are."

Meng Ping shouted, and the four people stood up and walked to the monitor. They saw that Xiaofang was still sitting in her original seat and looking the same, but in front of her, there was a pile of chips. She won a lot again. Standing behind her were not only Xiao An and Wei Wenfang, but also several other people. They all looked at Xiao Fang curiously and enviously.

"Awesome!" Liu Ligan shouted, and Chen Qihang nodded. He said, "It is indeed rare."

When the first dawn of the new century was about to rise in the east, Chen Qihang, Zhang Chen, Meng Ping, and Liu Ligan went to the seaside opposite the hotel. At this time, it was low tide. Outside the stone railing, a large reef The rock is exposed from the sea.

The four people climbed over the stone railing and sat on the reef, quietly waiting for the sun to rise from the sea level.

After a while, they heard chattering behind them, and looked back. It turned out that it was Lin Yiyan, Xiao Zhao, Tan Shuzhen, and Qu Tianlin who had finished their spa treatments and came in refreshed. The two groups looked at each other. laughing out loud.

In the afternoon, it was Chen Qihang and his hotel's bus that took them to Zhuhai Airport. This time, it was Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan who took them to the airport together. When they parted, everyone hugged each other reluctantly. Several women, His eyes were red.

Everyone checked in together and went through the security check together, but when they got inside, they had to take the flight in batches, and this time they were divided into two batches. He Hongmei was not going back to Beijing. She wanted to go back to Hangzhou with Zhang Chen, Xiaozhao and the others. The costumes for a TV series have been decided. She is going to Keqiao to purchase fabrics, and also to Zhang Chen's fabric warehouse to select fabrics for the male and female protagonists.

Meng Ping did not return to Nanjing with Qian Fang and others, but followed Liu Ligan to Hangzhou.

On the surface, he said that he had something to discuss with Liu Ligan. That old Qiao started planning again this year to promote mainland real estate companies to go public in Hong Kong and Singapore. The above policies are said to be relaxed soon. They want to Discuss this matter carefully.

But in fact, this was just a pretext. The real reason was that Lao Ni called them and said that 1999 had passed and the three of them needed to meet to set down the principles for the coming year.

Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin had been trading for several months and had made two banker operations. They had more than 40 million in their books. Lao Ni also felt that they needed to be motivated at this time.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan both felt it was right.

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