The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1117 New Year’s Eve Countdown

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and his group of more than a dozen people went shopping and ate together. Not only did they eat the delicacies that Chen Qihang mentioned, but they also bought pig's trotters, ginger and coconut milk cakes.

A man was holding a bowl of pig's trotters and ginger in his hand, eating while walking. When he came to the door of a porridge shop, he saw that the water crab porridge inside was very tempting, and felt that it was a bit tired after eating so much pork, so everyone walked in. One person ate a bowl of water crab porridge. The Laohuo porridge cooked with water crab was fresh and sweet. The fresh and sweet crab meat and plump crab roe made people have endless aftertaste.

After finishing the bowl of porridge, everyone said no, their stomachs were full, but after walking for a while, they saw Shuangpi Nai. They first asked for it from Nan and Xiangbei. Xiao Zhao and Tan Shuzhen were afraid that they would eat too much, so they asked for it. I brought it over and gave them some to eat. Unexpectedly, they said it was delicious as soon as they tasted it. Everyone ate the double skin milk again.

The streets in Macau are very narrow, and the stores along the streets are very small. This group of people, wherever they go, will be crowded with other people's shops. Although these shops are small, they are very clean, just like a person's daily life. The place where life should be lived is a different flavor from the splendor of the casino and hotel.

Zhang Chen likes this kind of place and this kind of street very much. He feels that even if he walks around every day, he will never get tired of it.

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan, two people who had been to Macau, were also surprised when they saw it. Meng Ping said that he didn't expect Macau to have such a lively atmosphere.

Qian Fang asked, did you hide in the casino last time you came here?

Meng Ping chuckled, and Liu Ligan said, "How can we not know about frozen crabs? How can we eat such delicious seafood without leaving the hotel?"

"That was Lin Yiyan and Chen Qihang who took you there, right?" Xiao Zhao said.

By the time they played and ate all the way and arrived at the square in front of the Senado, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening and the square was full of people.

Chen Qihang is right. Although this place is called a square, it is not big. If you cut off Chang'an Street in Beijing and put it here, it would be a little wider than this square. Its size is not even as big as that of Yongcheng. cultural Square.

In the middle of the square in front of the Senado, there is a small fountain, surrounded by Portuguese-style buildings, including the ground of the entire square, which is also paved with black and white Portuguese gravel, forming a wavy pattern.

The ground was very clean, and many people were sitting on the ground. Zhang Chen and the others also found a place and sat in a circle. They tried to form a big circle as much as possible. They were occupying space. They didn't know if anyone else had arrived. We must first occupy the position of this large group of people.

The square is brightly lit, and a large screen has been erected in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau. This large screen is as big as the one in People's Square in Shanghai. The large screen in People's Square has replaced People's Square in Shanghai and become Puxi The new landmark of Shanghai, many Shanghainese people will agree to "see you under the big screen in People's Square" when they meet.

On this big screen, live broadcasts of Times Square in New York are being broadcast. From time to time, the colorful crystal ball "Big Apple" appears on the screen, as well as the dark mass of heads in the square. It is said that there are more than two million people this year. We crowded into Times Square in New York to welcome the new millennium.

Lao Tan and Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, were fine just sitting there, so they simply took out the chess set and started fighting on the ground. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping stood up and walked around the square without seeing anyone else.

After a while, Wang Minsheng, Erhuo, Cao Xiaohe, and Yuanyuan came. After a while, Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui came over, and then Xu Jiaqing, Ye Yilan, and Li Yang arrived, carrying a lot of food in their hands. Yes, the people sitting here immediately started eating again. Finally, seven or eight people including Old Tang and Lin Shuwan came.

At about eleven o'clock, there were more and more people in the square. It was no longer possible to sit down. They all had to stand up. Chen Qihang's family of three squeezed through the crowd and told them that there was no one on the street now. , everyone crowded here or at Golden Lotus Square to wait for the New Year.

Chen Qihang asked everyone what they had eaten, and everyone reported it to him. Chen Qihang smiled and said, you are still the best. Even I have never eaten some things. There are so many delicious things in Macau.

"Fortunately you are not in Times Square, New York." Chen Qihang said, pointing to Times Square in New York on the big screen.

"Why?" Qian Fang asked.

Chen Qihang smiled and said: "Because in Times Square, when the big apple slowly falls, you can hug and kiss the person next to you, whether you recognize it or not."

"Really?" Everyone became curious.

Chen Qihang nodded and said it was true.

"I'll go, isn't that a pervert's paradise?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"In this case, if the square is not very busy when the countdown starts, will there be many people waiting next to the beautiful woman, trying to kiss her and start fighting?" Wu Zhaohui asked.

"No, there are men who like you just like you. If you are there, you might get kissed by a bearded old beauty." Liu Ligan said, and everyone laughed.

"Aren't all serious girls afraid to go there?" Lao Tan asked.

"You can still go, you can wear a helmet." He Hongmei said, and everyone laughed again.

Old Tang said suspiciously: "Let's set sail. Macau won't be like this, right?"

Chen Qihang smiled and said: "No, no, don't worry, Old Tang, your bride is safe."

After everyone finished laughing, Chen Qihang told us not to leave until the meeting was over. We would wait until everyone was gone and then go directly to have a midnight snack.

"Where are the frozen crabs?" Liu Ligan asked.

"No, I'll take you to a food stall. This food stall is only open until twelve o'clock. I asked them to wait." Chen Qihang said.

"Are there any frozen crabs?" Liu Ligan only cares about this. Chen Qihang said there are, so you can have a good time.

While they were talking, many balloons rose in the sky above the square. People in the square cheered. The colorful balloons set a colorful border around the square. At this time, the time had come. At 11:59 on December 31, 1999, everyone was staring at the big screen. Everything inside and outside the screen suddenly became quiet.

Everyone held their breath and the entire square was silent.

A countdown started on the screen. The countdown started from 20. Someone followed and counted, breaking the silence in the square. When 10 was reached, the entire square was filled with people like a tsunami, and they all started to shout loudly:

"...9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2!..."

The last "1" was drowned in the noise.

There were several loud "bang bang" noises. You didn't know where the sound came from. Many things happened almost at the same time. On the big screen, the entire screen was filled with colorful shredded paper falling from the sky. In this colorful mist, you can vaguely see the big apple descending, and there are really many people kissing it.

Here, the surrounding balloons are flying into the sky, and the background is bright fireworks. It seems that many colorful ribbons are spraying out from the surrounding roofs. Many people are kissing in the square.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao, Lao Tang and Lin Shuwan, Li Yang and Xu Jiaqing, Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan all couldn't help hugging and kissing each other. Others laughed and clapped.

Tan Shuzhen, who was standing next to Liu Ligan, couldn't help but hold Liu Ligan's hand. Liu Ligan's heart trembled, and when he wanted to hold Tan Shuzhen's hand, Tan Shuzhen came to her senses, smacked his hand with her backhand. The hand swatted away.

Liu Ligan turned to look at Tan Shuzhen. It seemed that nothing had happened. Tan Shuzhen hugged Xiang Nan and looked up at the fireworks above her head with everyone else.

After the crowd in the square dispersed, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan led everyone to Xinma Road outside the square. After waiting for a while, three minibuses arrived. They all got on the bus. Chen Qihang went to each bus. I checked in the car to make sure everyone was there before letting the minibus start.

The minibus took them to a dock on the seaside. Chen Qihang, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that this place is also called the aquatic products dock, but it is a real aquatic products dock, unlike the one in Haicheng. The dock is gone and the aquatic products are also gone. Gone, only a name remains.

Everyone got off the car and saw that there were indeed a lot of people on the pier, unloading fish from the boat. Next to the pier was a fish market, where both buyers and sellers were active.

Chen Qihang led them through the fish market and arrived at a row of houses at the end. In front of the house was a shed supported by woven cloth. There were five or six food stalls here. Chen Qihang told them that only locals would come here to eat. , the seafood here is the freshest, and seafood from other places in Macau has to be wholesaled from here.

The business in every food stall is pretty good, except for the "Wenji Food Stall" at the top. There are five or six tables in the shed, but there is no one there. It's not that there is no business here, but that the business is too good. The boss He was too lazy and would only work from five o'clock in the evening to twelve o'clock every day. If I hadn't said hello, he would have gone home and slept.

Chen Qihang and Zhang Chen said.

When they arrived at the shed, Chen Qihang yelled, and a person ran out from the house. He was the owner of "Wenji Pavilion". When Zhang Chen saw it, he felt that this person looked so familiar. Before he spoke, Xiao Zhao Then he shouted to Lin Yiyan:

"This, this, this is not that..."

Lin Yiyan smiled and said: "Yes, he is Qihang's cousin."

Only then did Zhang Chen remember that this was Chen Qihang's cousin from Guangzhou Railway Station. When they first went to Guangzhou to purchase goods, his cousin went to the "Cultural Guesthouse" on Beijing Road and gave them train tickets.

My cousin came to Macau from Guangzhou and opened a food stall here. He started with two tables of food stalls and slowly started the business. He relied on his own cooking and his good skills. Finally, he opened the most popular business in this area. A good gear, and the most awesome gear.

The cousin also recognized Zhang Chen and quickly shook hands with him. Liu Ligan shouted from the side:

"We also want to shake hands. I also went to Guangzhou Railway Station to look for you, but couldn't find you. Your former colleague said that you came to Macau. I didn't expect that we could meet here today."

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you Wan Xiaohei and Laughing and Running Y for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

Alas, a chapter will be missing for some reason.

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