The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1083: Line up and go downstairs

Meng Ping and the others stayed in Shangri-La for four nights. Every day, the person named Yanyan came to accompany Meng Ping. Meng Ping had a knot in his heart. He didn't know what he said and whether the other person would know it in the blink of an eye. So he almost always I haven't said anything to Yanyan, and I haven't called anyone.

Yanyan looked at Meng Ping and thought he was weird. Even if he didn't like her, he wouldn't change her.

Every morning, when Meng Ping wakes up, Yanyan is gone.

At noon on the fourth day, the little girl across the street knocked on Meng Ping's door and said to him, "Mr. Meng, let's go."

"Where to go?" Meng Ping asked.

"Let's go to the company." The girl giggled, "Why, Mr. Meng is reluctant to leave?"

After getting in the car and driving to the company, Meng Ping sat in the passenger seat and looked at the little girl driving. Then he remembered that although they had been together for four days, he didn't even know her last name. Meng Ping wanted to ask After thinking about it, he thought that if he asked now, he would probably get a fake name.

Meng Ping arrived at Lao Cha's company and entered Lao Cha's office. He saw a young man sitting there. When Meng Ping came in, he stood up. Lao Cha introduced them to them and told Meng Ping that this is Xiao Shen. Xiao Shen just came from Beijing in the morning.

Lao Cha said to Xiao Shen again, this is Mr. Meng I introduced to you earlier.

Xiao Shen shook hands with Meng Ping warmly and said to him, "I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, because of me, you were delayed in Shenzhen for several days."

Meng Ping said it was okay, and Lao Cha was right. He just needed a few days of rest. To be honest, I felt a lot of pressure some time ago.

Lao Cha and Xiao Shen both laughed.

Lao Cha asked Meng Ping, had he brought all his luggage?

Meng Ping said he had brought it.

"Okay, let's go to Hong Kong in the afternoon and take a flight to Zurich tomorrow morning." Lao Cha said.

Meng Ping said yes.

The three people were talking when the door was knocked open with a bang. It was the little girl. When Lao Zha was about to curse, the little girl shouted urgently, Mr. Cha! Mr. Cha!

Lao Cha looked behind her and his face turned pale instantly. Meng Ping saw from the open door that the police from the brigade were walking in, and the leader shouted:

"We are from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the XX Branch of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau. Everyone, stand up and stay still."

Then a policeman came in and asked, "Who is Meng Ping?"

Meng Ping raised his hand and said, I am.

"Your ID please."

Meng Ping handed his ID card to the police. The police looked at it and said, "Stay aside and come with us later to assist us in the investigation."

Meng Ping said okay.

Lao Cha and Xiao Shen were immediately handcuffed and taken out. The other people in the company were also lined up and taken out. To Meng Ping's surprise, he saw the police coming out of one of the closed doors. Li Gancong and Zhao Jinhua were escorted out of his office.

Meng Ping followed the police downstairs. He saw Lao Cha and the others being escorted into two police buses. He was asked by the police to get into a small car.

When he arrived at the XX Public Security Bureau, Meng Ping told the police exactly what happened, and also handed over the edict and the copper seal to the police. Meng Ping asked, what on earth is going on?

The police and Meng Ping said that they were playing a big game. The Li Gancong you mentioned is actually seventy-two years old. He is the son of Li Liejun here, the son of Huang Xing elsewhere, and Sun Yat-sen elsewhere. Son, Sun Ke's younger brother.

"Just this thing." The policeman pointed to the edict and copper seal on the table and said, "They made a batch and buried it in more than a dozen places across the country. Their method of committing crimes is similar to what you said. They first go through your acquaintances. An acquaintance of yours will introduce you to your acquaintance, and then your acquaintance will introduce it to you, and this acquaintance must be convincing to you, so that you will not doubt it."

Another policeman told Meng Ping: "We have noticed this fraud group for a long time. We have been waiting for more evidence and then closed the network. Today the Nanjing police took action and notified us, so we took action immediately."

Meng Ping's heart trembled, and he asked: "Are you saying that those people in Nanjing are all part of their group?"

Meng Ping lamented in his heart, so Xiao Ning is the same... Meng Ping asked: "Even the patient who lives in Gulou Hospital and has liver cancer?"

The policeman laughed: "Have you seen this man?"

Meng Ping was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had always thought this person existed, but he had never seen him before. The closest he got was when he was outside the operating room and he was in the operating room.

The police and Meng Ping said that no one was operating in the operating room at that time.

Meng Ping was still puzzled. He asked the police: "If they are a fraud group, what are they trying to do? It seems that they didn't defraud a penny from me, and they also put five million into my account. Such a fraud, they are not loss."

"That's how cunning they are and why their scams are so successful. They're using small amounts of money to make big money."

"However, even though all my big money has been transferred, it's impossible for them to get it. By the way, they were the ones who reminded me and asked me to transfer the money," Meng Ping said.

The two policemen looked at each other, laughed, and one of them said:

"We can only tell you that the Nanjing police are investigating the matter in Nanjing. The evidence is conclusive and he has been arrested. Comrade Meng, if it is convenient for you, can you stay in Shenzhen for another two days so that we can have further information? , need to verify with you."

Meng Ping said okay, just call me.

Meng Ping left the public security bureau, feeling weak all over. What the hell was going on? This face was so fucking embarrassing.

Meng Ping sat down on the steps in front of the Public Security Bureau. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Qian Fang's number. As soon as the call came through, Qian Fang cursed angrily:

"Pig, don't call me. I don't care whether you live or die! Just die in Shenzhen or Switzerland!"

After Qian Fang finished cursing, she hung up the phone.

Meng Ping shook his head and sighed.

Meng Ping called Lao Zhu's office, but no one answered the phone.

Meng Ping thought about it and called Li Yang, and then he understood the whole story.

It turned out that that night at Doulaofang, Li Yang heard Meng Ping say that his company was planning to recruit people, and what he said, he felt strange. There was no leader, and he needed to borrow the shell of a company to do something. , borrowing a shell and asking you to step back while he arranges for someone to come by himself.

If he really wants to do something shameful, you should be in front to help him while he hides in the back.

Li Yang felt that there were too many unreasonable things here, so he decided to find out.

He followed Meng Ping and Xiao Ning. After Xiao Ning left Meng Ping's company or broke up with Meng Ping, he followed Xiao Ning and found that she was living in a hotel in Xiaguan, where they had a large group of people.

After Meng Ping's company hired people, Li Yang discovered that these people were the same people who stayed in the same hotel as Xiao Ning.

Li Yang immediately understood that things were complicated. He called his little brothers and asked them to track everyone. It turned out that these people were picked up by a van from that hotel every morning. Finally, they were sent to a place a block away from Meng Ping's building, and everyone got off the car and walked separately.

Every evening, they were picked up from there and taken back to the hotel together. They seemed to be an organization, working together to divide the work. There was also an old man and an old woman among them.

Li Yang went to the hotel to ask, and the front desk told him that these people seemed to be from Shenzhen and had been staying for a long time.

Li Yang and the others discovered that Xiao Ning also drove an Audi with a military license plate. Li Yang found out through friends in the army that the license plate was fake. The real license plate number belonged to a Beijing Jeep. This made it even more certain. They are planning something evil.

On the day Meng Ping and others went to Jiangxi, Li Yang followed Meng Ping outside the city and did not follow them again. He felt that no matter what they wanted to do, it would definitely happen in Nanjing and not elsewhere. Li Yang knew that Meng Ping had no money in his account. .

Li Yang realized something was wrong, so he told Qian Fang and the others. They were shocked and immediately wanted to find Meng Ping.

Li Yang stopped them quickly and told them that they still don't know what they want to do, and there is no evidence if they are caught. Don't worry, my people are watching them, and we will know what they do.

Qian Fang and the others also thought it made sense. Qian Fang and Ye Yilan said, if Lao Meng asks you to pay, you won't pay a cent.

Ye Yilan agreed, and Xu Jiaqing asked: "Then do you want to say hello to Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan?"

Cao Xiaohe was right, Xiaoye wouldn't fight here, Lao Meng would ask them to fight.

Qian Fang thought for a moment and said: "No, let's save some face for Lao Meng. If he wants money, he will definitely call Xiaoye first. If Xiaoye doesn't transfer, he will call Mr. Zhang and Zhangzi. Would Meng, a man like him, ask others to borrow money if he doesn’t need it?”

The other people nodded, feeling that what Qian Fang said made sense.

Qian Fang and Ye Yilan said, if Lao Meng calls you, don't refuse immediately, but tell him that you go and hold him down immediately, and then we call Mr. Zhang and Zhuangzi.

Ye Yilan said yes.

But such a thing has never happened. Meng Ping has never asked Ye Yilan to call. Moreover, his company has been running, as if there is really other money coming in.

Ye Yilan checked with an acquaintance in the bank. It was true that on the day Meng Ping transferred all the money, five million was transferred from a company in Shenzhen. Meng Ping's company indeed still had money.

As a result, even Li Yang and Qian Fang were confused. They didn't know what was going on. Could it be that the people currently in Meng Ping's company were really arranged by the leaders as Meng Ping said?

And the reason why people need to be transferred from Shenzhen is because no one in Nanjing knows them, so it is more convenient?

Otherwise, what are these people trying to do with their money and support?

Meng Ping and the others went to Jiangxi. Li Yang followed him outside the city but did not continue. When he came back, he was scolded by Xu Jiaqing. Xu Jiaqing said, "Are you a pig?" They deceived Lao Meng out of the city and must have kidnapped him. Why didn't you follow them?

Li Yang and Qian Fang were shocked when they heard this, and thought it made sense. Now everyone was really frightened.

Fortunately, Li Yang remembered the license plates of the three cars and checked them through his friends. They were from a car rental agency. He found his friend at the car rental agency overnight and found that the people who came to rent the cars had registered at the hotel in Xiaguan. Everyone felt relieved. .

No kidnapper would be so stupid as to rent a car using his real name and not even cover the license plate.

Li Yang told his friends at the car rental agency that when they come to return the car, don't tell them that we came to check the car.

My friend said yes, what a big deal.

Several people were anxious all night, but did not receive a call for ransom. At noon the next day, Li Yang's little brother called Li Yang and said that they were back, and everyone was relieved.

When Meng Ping returned to Nanjing, Li Yang, Qian Fang and the others were even more confused, and they didn't know what these people were going to do.

"Keep staring." Qian Fang and Li Yang said.

Li Yang said yes.

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