The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1082 Flying South

Meng Ping and Xiao Ning arrived at the office and locked the door. Meng Ping took the oil paper bag out of his satchel and placed it on his desk.

Meng Ping turned on the desk lamp on his desk, then untied the knot of the brown rope, and wiped off the brown rope one by one, leaving only the oil paper bag. Meng Ping and Xiao Ning said, come and open it.

Xiao Ning smiled and understood Meng Ping's intention. She stretched out her hand and opened the oil paper layer by layer. The two of them held their breath and did not dare to let out any air.

The last layer of oil paper was opened, and inside was a scroll that looked very old at first glance. The back of the scroll was a little dark, and the upper and lower sides were a little worn. On the edge of the scroll, there was a copper seal, which looked old. Meng Ping He picked up the seal and looked at it. It was written in seal script. Neither Meng Ping nor Xiao Ning recognized it. They could only vaguely recognize the word "Zhu".

Xiao Ning carefully opened the scroll. Inside was a blue and yellow silk scroll with the four words "Feng Tian Jia Ming" embroidered on the right hand side and "Fifty Seven Years of Jianwen" embroidered on the left hand side.

It seems that the life span of Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunwen was not short among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

The edict begins with the words "Blessed by heaven, the emperor's edict". The content is written in regular script, with neat and regular fonts, concise and smooth writing. The end is stamped with the square seal of the royal "Edict Treasure". The edict was issued in May of the 57th year of Jianwen's reign. Twenty-one days.

Meng Ping turned around and opened the safe, and took out the photo of the edict from it. The two of them compared it and confirmed that it was correct. Yes, this is what they were looking for. The existence of this edict and this seal proves that France What the old overseas Chinese said to our ambassador to France is correct.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Meng Ping hugged Xiao Ning and the two kissed. Meng Ping wanted to continue, but Xiao Ning broke away and said, "It stinks all over."

After a while, Xiao Ning blushed and said to Meng Ping, if you want it, just put it away quickly and we will go back.

Meng Ping quickly put everything into the safe. Over there, Xiao Ning was already calling Lao Cha to tell him that everything had been received and confirmed.

Xiao Ning came over and put the phone to Meng Ping's ear. Meng Ping said it was me. Lao Cha and Meng Ping said:

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Meng, then you have to hurry up and go to the Swiss Consulate General in Shanghai to apply for a visa tomorrow. Once it is done, you can meet me in Shenzhen."

Meng Ping said yes.

After Meng Ping's visa is approved, he will go to Shenzhen soon to meet Lao Cha.

The two of them were really going to be separated for a long time this time. Meng Ping and Xiao Ning were very reluctant to part with each other.

Xiao Ning asked Meng Ping, if you think about it this way, you may not have come back from the land auction yet. Do you want that piece of land or not?

Meng Ping said yes. On that day, you go to the auction site to help me take the auction. I will contact you then. No matter how much it costs, you can get this piece of land for me. You have gone through the procedures for me. How much is the transfer fee? After the auction is over, I will have someone pay the money directly to the account of the Land Collection and Storage Center.

Xiao Ning said yes.

Meng Ping remembered that to carry out these procedures, a letter of authorization was required. The transfer of signing rights within the company also required a letter of authorization. Otherwise, during his business trip, all necessary expenses in the company would not be able to go out, and no one would even need to reimburse him. Reimbursed.

Meng Ping took out a pen and paper and wrote an authorization letter, authorizing Xiao Ning to be responsible for all matters of the company during his business trip. He told Xiao Ning that you can show this to the auction center when the time comes and you can go through the formalities.

Xiao Ning put the authorization letter away and sat there glumly. Meng Ping asked her what was wrong. Xiao Ning said, Lao Meng, before you and Lao Cha come back, we are afraid of causing trouble. We will continue to stay here to stabilize Li Gancong, but , when you come back, this entire mission will be over.

"Yeah, so what?" Meng Ping asked.

"Oh, idiot, the mission is over, I'm going back." Xiao Ning said.

"No longer in Nanjing?"

"Of course we are still in Nanjing, but when we go back, it will not be so easy for us to meet again." Xiao Ning said, her eyes turning red.

Meng Ping also understood.

The two of them seemed to be very familiar together, so familiar that Meng Ping could tell if it was her by listening to her footsteps, but in fact, they were still two strangers.

Meng Ping has never asked Xiao Ning. He knows that her identity is sensitive, and there are some things that he would not say to her if he asks her. But he can't even ask some questions, such as whether she has a home or children. He Never asked.

And she had never asked him these questions.

Both of them seemed to be avoiding it very carefully, as if as long as they avoided it, this problem would not exist, it would not become a problem between them, and they could be together forever.

But they know vaguely in their hearts that they are destined not to go far. At least, as long as these problems still exist, they will not go far. The day they break up is destined to come. When this day comes, all this seems unnecessary. asked.

Meng Ping was unwilling. He told Xiao Ning, "Don't be afraid. As long as you are still in Nanjing, nothing can stop us from meeting. Even if you are not in Nanjing, I will find a way to find you. When I come back, we will discuss it again." thing, okay?

Xiao Ning said "Yeah" and lowered his head.

Meng Ping arrived in Shenzhen. On the phone, Lao Cha told him, "Sorry, sorry, Lao Meng, I just have something to do and can't leave. I can't pick you up. Can you take a taxi yourself?"

Meng Ping said yes, what a big deal.

He looked for it according to the business card that Lao Cha left for him, and actually found the company. He took the elevator up and entered Lao Cha's company. The company looked normal and everyone was busy.

Meng Ping entered Lao Cha's office. When Lao Cha saw him, he stood up, came over, shook hands with him, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lao Meng."

Meng Ping smiled and said, "It's not hard work, as long as there are results."

That's right, that's right. Lao Cha said.

Lao Cha and Meng Ping said, Lao Meng, you may have arrived early and need to wait in Shenzhen for three days.

"What's wrong?" Meng Ping asked.

"There is one from Beijing, Xiao Shen. He is going with us this time and is also a translator. The little guy is not sensible. He thought that his visa is the same as before and he can get it when he goes there. He forgets that he is applying for an ordinary visa this time. To wait for.

"When he called me earlier, you were already in the sky. I thought forget it. You don't have to fly back and forth. You are just in Shenzhen. Have a good rest for three days. When he arrives, we will leave from Hong Kong. Hong Kong has Direct flights to Zurich.”

Lao Cha said, Meng Ping nodded and said, just wait, I have nothing to do anyway.

But in my heart, I was cursing that unscrupulous Xiao Shen whom I had never met before. Damn it. If I had known this, I could have stayed in Nanjing for three more days. I could have stayed with Xiao Ning for seventy more years. It's been two hours.

Meng Ping really wanted to get up from here and go straight to the airport to return to Nanjing, but he knew in his heart that such a move was too strange. As smart as Lao Cha, he might be able to guess right away his relationship with Xiao Ning and why he was so Eager to go back.

Lao Cha pressed the speakerphone button, dialed three more numbers, and said to the person inside, "Come here."

After a while, a very beautiful girl walked in. Lao Cha told her, take Lao Meng to the hotel and, by the way, arrange your life for the next few days.

The girl said yes, Mr. Cha.

Lao Cha and Meng Ping said, Lao Meng, you go to the hotel to rest first, and we will have dinner together in the evening.

Meng Ping said yes.

Meng Ping followed the girl downstairs, and the girl drove her car and took him to the Shangri-La Hotel.

Meng Ping was arranged to stay, and the girl also stayed in the room opposite. The girl asked, Mr. Meng, what do you need these days?

Meng Ping said there was no need and he could just sleep in the room every day.

The girl giggled and said, if Mr. Meng sleeps in the room every day, then I will be fired by Mr. Cha and go home to sleep.

Meng Ping smiled and said, "Then do I have to do something to prevent you from being expelled?"

The girl put her hands behind her back, looked at him, and said seriously: "Yes."

Meng Ping said: "I really don't know what to do."

The girl said, maybe we drive and go to Hong Kong?

Meng Ping said yes, guests can do whatever they want, and I will say yes to whatever you say.

The girl giggled, Mr. Meng, you are so easy to deal with.

Meng Ping also smiled.

In the evening, Lao Cha came, and the three of them had dinner together. While the girl was going to the bathroom, Meng Ping said, Lao Cha, what are you doing? What happened to this girl?

"Why, you don't like her, you think she's not pretty enough?" Lao Cha said with a smile, "I want you to be treated like this, but if it's not enough, this person is sent to protect you from above, why don't you try her skills? And you Tell me, Lao Meng, you carry such an important thing with you, do you think you can act alone?"

Meng Ping was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what was going on. In Nanjing, Xiao Ning was always beside him until he was sent through the security check and arrived here... Meng Ping said:

"No, Lao Cha, I came here from the airport alone."

Lao Zha smiled slightly, took a sip of wine, reported a taxi number, and said to Meng Ping: "You are taking this taxi. The driver is a middle-aged man in his forties, slightly fat, with a Henan accent. Is it right?"

Meng Ping was shocked and shouted: "Why, is that one of yours too?"

"Of course, I didn't pick you up because I didn't want to attract attention, but we have someone to pick you up."

As Lao Cha said, Meng Ping broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he did not rush back to Nanjing on impulse, otherwise he would have harmed Xiao Ning as well.

After the three of them finished eating, Lao Cha left. Meng Ping took the initiative to tell the girl, "We won't go to Hong Kong tomorrow. Since we all know each other's identity, why go to Hong Kong?" Isn't this just looking for trouble? Meng Ping thought.

"Then why are you just staying here?" the girl asked. Meng Ping nodded and said yes, he stopped running around.

"Okay then." The girl smiled, "Then I'll find something for you to do."

The two of them went to the KTV. The girl asked her mother to bring the little girl in. She must let Meng Ping pick one, so Meng Ping picked one. The little girl told Meng Ping that her name was Yanyan.

After the three of them finished singing, the girl said to Yanyan, "Come with us," and Yanyan said yes.

The girl took them out for a late-night snack. When she came back, she walked to the door of the room. Meng Ping opened the door. The girl told Yanyan that you should sleep in that room at night. Yanyan agreed and followed Meng Ping into the room. Ping was too lazy to refuse. He didn't even know if this Yanyan was also sent.

Meng Ping took his cell phone and entered the bathroom. He wanted to call Xiao Ning, but when he thought that his phone was probably being monitored, he gave up his plan to contact Xiao Ning or even Qian Fang.

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