The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1016 Floor Price

Liu Ligan called Ms. Cai and told her about the situation here. Ms. Cai also encouraged him to take pictures and told him that if there are problems with funds, I can continue to provide you with entrusted loans, Kunpeng Construction can also pay dividends in advance. It would be a pity not to use too much funds in the account.

Indeed, after all the houses in the Mishihe project were sold, Kunpeng Construction now has more than 7 billion in cash on its books. This company was established specifically for the Mishihe project, and there will be no new projects in the future. Mishihe Even if the Shihe project is fully completed, the amount of project money that still needs to be paid will be less than one billion.

The reason why such a large amount of money has not been moved is because, even if they are divided, Ms. Cai and the others will not be able to get out this part of the funds. They tend to keep it and continue to entrust Mr. Qiao and others to do Liu Ligan Hangcheng. Center and "City in the Sky" mortgages.

Comparatively speaking, the loan interest rate in mainland China is too high, several times that in Taiwan. After the interest rate reduction, the annual interest rate of one-year loan in mainland China is still as high as 9%. This income is too attractive, which makes Ms. Cai They feel that direct lending is more cost-effective than investing. As long as the risk of the loan is controllable, all loan companies are working for the bank.

After talking to Ms. Cai, Liu Ligan felt confident. When he went to the auction house to raise the placard, he felt that he was very confident.

Liu Ligan then called Mr. Han. Mr. Han said, Mr. Liu, I will go to Hangzhou the day after tomorrow. I originally wanted to call you, but after thinking about it, I decided not to call. I would like to meet and chat. You will definitely be in Hangzhou anyway.

Liu Ligan asked curiously: "How are you sure that I will be in Hangzhou?"

"The auction is going to be held soon. How can I miss you? Even if you are on the moon, you will definitely come back, right?"

Liu Ligan laughed: "Yes, Mr. Han understands me."

"Liu Chengcheng probably asked you to attend the dinner party the day after tomorrow, right?" Mr. Han asked.

"Yes, how did Mr. Han know about this?" Liu Ligan thought for a moment and asked, "Mr. Han asked him to invite me, right?"

"How dare you, how dare you, how can I command the officials? It's very simple. For the first auction, Liu Chengcheng must have had no idea. He invited me as a consultant, and he will definitely invite representatives from the real estate company. He wants to hear more about each other. You have a good relationship with him and are representative. If he doesn’t invite you, who will you invite?" Mr. Han said.

Liu Ligan sighed: "Really, nothing can escape Mr. Han's eyes."

The people sent by Ying Ying came back one after another. Ying Ying and Tan Shuzhen walked into Liu Ligan's office together. They all knew the housing prices around these three plots. Near "Jinxiu Home", passing by After a wave of rise, it is now 3,600 to 3,080, and near Wushan, it is 4,01 to 4,050.

There are no houses around the Qianjiang New Town plot. The closest ones are a few hundred meters away. Tianfu Garden and Jinjiang Garden are just past Wangjiangmen. The main residents there are the demolished households of Qianjiang New Town. They are all multi-story buildings. , the location is also relatively remote, the house price is around 1,000, and there is our "Splendid Qiantang", but our location is closer to the city than them.

Liu Chengcheng's secretary Xiao Zhong called Liu Ligan and told him that the dinner the day after tomorrow was at six o'clock in the West Lake Hall of the Xinqiao Hotel. Liu Ligan said, I understand, thank you Secretary Zhong.

Two days later.

Mr. Han lives in Xinqiao Hotel. He arrived this afternoon. As soon as Liu Ligan arrived at the gate of Xinqiao Hotel, Mr. Han called him and asked him, Mr. Liu, where have you been?

Liu Ligan told him that I had just arrived downstairs.

"I'm in 1802. You go to my room first, and then we'll go there together." Mr. Han said.

Liu Ligan said yes.

He went to 1802 and rang the doorbell. It was Mr. Han who opened the door for him. When he walked into the room, he did not see Wenwen. Liu Ligan was a little strange and asked, Wenwen didn't come with Mr. Han?

Mr. Han told him that this time it was more formal, so he didn’t bring her. Officials from the mainland don’t like to bring their families with them when traveling. I still have to follow the local customs.

Liu Ligan understood. He knew that Mr. Han did not take Wenwen with him. It was not only a matter of doing as the Romans did, but also that the age difference between him and Wenwen was too big. When others saw it, it would be easy for them to associate it with each other, which would give people the impression of being immoral. I feel that this is why it is a more formal event and is not convenient to bring.

This time Mr. Han came and went, which was different from the past. It was not Liu Ligan who picked him up from the airport, but the city government's car. Wenwen had nothing to hide.

But to be honest, even Liu Ligan still doesn't know what the relationship between Mr. Han and Wenwen is. He has never been able to ask, and he doesn't have much interest in finding out.

Liu Ligan was sitting on the sofa in the room, while Mr. Han was doing things in the bathroom. By the time he had his hair neatly arranged and his tie neatly tied, and walked out of the bathroom, it was already five-fifty. , the two of them almost had no time to say anything before they were about to go to the restaurant.

In the elevator, Mr. Han and Liu Ligan said, if I talk about the floor price or the ground price later, please support the floor price.

Liu Ligan said yes.

Attending today's dinner, in addition to Liu Chengcheng and the director of the municipal government office, there were also the director of planning, the director of soil management, the director of construction, and the director of the land acquisition and storage center.

Liu Ligan knew these people, and they often interacted with them. He had never dealt with the Land Acquisition and Storage Center, but the director turned out to be a director of the Land Management Bureau, so he was an old acquaintance.

After everyone sat down, Liu Chengcheng made it clear that tonight we are not speaking in the name of our respective positions, but in the name of old colleagues and old friends. We can talk casually.

He said to the director of the Land Collection and Storage Center, especially you, Director Chu, the auction is about to take place. If you are not sure yet, just ask Mr. Han more, he has experience in this area.

Director Chu is not called Director Chu because he is the director of the Land Acquisition and Storage Center, but because his surname is Chu. Liu Ligan met him before and once said to him, Director Chu, you are really indebted to your ancestors. .

Director Chu looked at him puzzled, and Liu Ligan said, "You have a good surname. Do you dare to say that when the leaders were discussing the candidate for the director of the Land Acquisition and Storage Center, your surname was not the first one that came to mind?"

Director Chu smiled and said, "Don't tell me, it's really possible. Mr. Liu, you reminded me that I will pay my respects to the grave during the Qingming Festival this year."

The Land Acquisition and Storage Center is a deputy bureau-level unit, and Director Chu was promoted from director to director.

Mr. Han asked Director Chu: "Is there a reserve price for this auction?"

"There is a floor price, but there is no maximum price limit." Director Chu said.

"In this auction, is it calculated based on the floor price or the ground price?" Mr. Han asked.

Director Chu was stunned for a moment. He obviously had not thought about the floor price and ground price. Hangzhou was the first city to implement the land collection and storage system. There is no experience from other cities to learn from. Everything is being explored, from land collection and storage As for the determination of prices, including the determination of auction procedures, the country has no specific regulations, and they have no precedents to follow.

Director Chu said: "It's the same as before, calculated based on the total price."

Liu Chengcheng asked: "Mr. Han, what is the difference between the two prices you mentioned for a city's property market?"

Mr. Han said: "The land price is the total price mentioned by Director Chu. The floor land price is the total land price divided by the planned building area. The factor of floor area ratio is added to it, that is, the building area per square meter. Included in land price.

"Floor land price auctions are simpler and more intuitive. The construction and installation costs and taxes per square meter are basically fixed. Developers only need to add these two costs together and estimate the total price per square meter. The profit in the middle will come out.

"Calculation based on floor price has two advantages. First, because the calculation method is simple and intuitive, people will be more enthusiastic about raising placards at the auction site, and most importantly, it will have a positive impact on the property price in a city. The stimulating effect will stimulate the housing market."

"Why, Mr. Han?" the construction director asked.

"The results of every auction will be reported through the media, right?"

Mr. Han asked, the construction director nodded, and Mr. Han continued:

"You reported how much this piece of land was sold for, but the public has no idea. Who knows how big your land is, what its floor area ratio is, and how many houses you can build. But when you talk about the floor price, everyone understands. It's a simple calculation. After a while, you will know how much your house should be worth. Generally speaking, every land auction will drive up the surrounding housing prices.

"Also, when the land adjacent to you is auctioned again, everyone will regard the floor price of the land that has already been auctioned as the floor price. His place is already one thousand five hundred and fifty, and I will take the price of one thousand sixty. Regardless of the risk, developers will have this mentality of boiling frogs in warm water. Time and time again, the land price will go up. When the land price goes up, of course the house prices will also go up."

As Mr. Han spoke, everyone nodded, thinking that what Mr. Han said made sense. Liu Chengcheng asked Liu Ligan: "Mr. Liu, what about from your developer's perspective?"

Liu Ligan said: "Of course I support the land price. I actually told Mr. Han that we will understand immediately whether this project can be done and whether it will be profitable. Moreover, from the perspective of human psychology and nature, What Mr. Han said is not wrong. This is more stimulating to people at the auction site, which will prompt people to impulsively raise their placards and drive up the land price."

"Why?" Liu Chengcheng became interested.

"In a total price auction, the price you raise each time should be at least 500,000 once. If you shout twice, it will go up to 1 million. Then you won't dare to shout anymore. If it is an auction based on the floor price, once Twenty, everyone thought it was a small amount of money, so they all raised the price. After the auction was over, it was actually a loss. Multiplying the land price of the floor and the construction area, the total price of the land has gone up to several million."

Liu Ligan said, and everyone laughed.

Liu Chengcheng looked at everyone and said, I think Mr. Han and Mr. Liu are right. Some things really need outsiders to break them down. What do you think?

Several directors present here nodded.

"How about we just change it this time?" Liu Chengcheng asked. Everyone except Director Chu nodded.

Liu Chengcheng looked at Director Chu and asked, "Director Chu, is it difficult to change now?"

Director Chu hesitated and said, "It's not difficult at all. It's just that our auction announcement has been released a long time ago."

"What are you afraid of when we release it? Aren't we all trying to improve it? You can just send a temporary notice on site. Mr. Liu, you are the developer. Will you have any objections to temporary changes?" asked the director of soil management.

Liu Ligan said: "For us, it doesn't matter how we change it. Anyway, the land is not in my hands yet. What we changed is just the pricing method. In fact, there is no actual change. And it treats everyone equally, rather than targeting a specific person." Of course I have no objection to the company.”

"Yes, Mr. Liu is right." The director said, "Old Chu, this is what you do."

His immediate superiors had spoken, so of course Director Chu had no choice but to agree, and he said yes.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Cup Guy Api, Book Friends 20190720234155629, ﹉Love Purple Only﹉, Snowy Sun and Moonlight, Sample Bad, Book Friends 20190412154836208 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Sunday everyone!

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